Models of Caribbean Society

Models of Caribbean Society
Plantation - Best, Levitt, Beckford
Plural - M.G Smith
Creole - K. Braithwaite, E. Goveia
Class Stratified - Carl Stone
The Most Developed Models
Plantation Society
Plural Society
Creole Society
Plantation Society Model
A particular class of society with distinguishing
characteristics of social structure and political organization,
and laws of motion governing social change (Barrow and
Reddock, 2001).
Demographic, political and socio-economic structures are
almost identical to those found within the individual
plantation community.
Plantation Society Model
Backdrop: - Analytical significance & pervasive influence of
the plantation in the New World
Two Variants - Weak (Horowitz, Patterson, Wagley)
Plantation communities characterized by unstable family units,
hierarchical class relations, low levels of community
integration, mobile populations often recruited for seasonal
- Strong : draws on analysis of structural dependency in the
Caribbean (Best & Levitt, Beckford, Witter)
Plantation Models Characterizing
Caribbean Economies
Best and Levitt argued that:
 Pure Plantation Economy of Slavery
Plantation Economy modified after Emancipation
Plantation Economy further modified after 1940 with
‘Industrialization by Invitation’
They ignored the social forces that contributed to change
in the region
George Beckford’s Outline of
Plantation Society
Distinguished between plantation as social system and plantation
as economic system
Modern Plantation Society has roots in Slave Plantation system mercantile capitalism
Societies produced commodities for sale in international
Capitalist markets
Surpluses generated from exploitation of slave labour fueled
process of accumulation that gave rise to development of
Industrial Capitalism in Europe
Slave Plantation society was an integral part of International
Capitalist System
Beckford cont’d.
Future of Plantation Societies bound up with future of
International Capitalism
That future will be determined by interaction of 2
opposing forces
 1. Continuing imperialist expansion of Capitalism in
new shapes & forms
 2. The strengthening of popular forces worldwide for
national liberation
Beckford cont’d.
Hierarchical chain of command formed with White
Europeans as owners of the MOP
That occupational structure instituted race in the process
of production & set up a particular class society
Economic spin-off of the Plantation Society is the
production of commodities for export
Beckford cont’d.
Trade marked by “unequal exchange” & keeps Plantation
Society backward relative to Industrial Capitalist societies. This
arises from existence of a reserve army of labour in Plantation
Post Emancipation - nonagricultural activities (tourism, mining,
light manufacturing) began. These diversified mix of
commodity production & complicated class structure
Institutionalization of race & class remained with mode of
Beckford cont’d.
Plantation Society is one in a state of constant crisis
Capital - labour antagonism is central to all Capitalist
economies, but is heightened in Plantation Society due to
element of race
Plantation Society is a plural society - different racial &
cultural groups brought together only in realm of
economic activity
Beckford cont’d.
Plantation Society is dependent on Metropolitan economy
Fortunes of all groups in Plantation Society bound up with
relations between Plantation Economy and Metropolitan
Plantation Society will always exhibit underlying social
tension & internal crisis will be a recurrent feature
Crises likely to involve racial divisions
Features of Plantation Society
Culturally plural with races brought together mainly by
economic activity - rigid patterns of stratification
Political power exercised on behalf of planter class, in spite
of, for example, black political parties.
Development of local gov’t. inhibited & highly centralized
state due to legacy of ‘loose & weak’ local communities
Features of Plantation Society
Brittle social order maintained through expansion of educational
opportunities for lowest strata, nationalism against the metropole
& energies of races themselves
Examples : Privy Council abolition; Reparations debate,
Nationalism, etc.
Dependent industrialization (subservient partnership with
foreign capital)
Plantation Agriculture of diminished importance
Some Visible Elements of
Plantation Society
1. Skin Bleaching / Preference for lighter complexion
2. Dependency Syndrome - negotiation for preferential trading
3. Culturally Plural society - ‘mixing but not combining’;
class/colour stratification (rigid in parts)
4. Inequality & discrimination of poor, especially black
population (inner-cities)
5. Price - taking / weak manufacturing; primary production
6. Ill effects of globalization (economies threatened, as well as
Has Anything Changed?
Tourism, Sports and Arts and Entertainment have been
able to move the Caribbean from being solely price-taking
to price-setting
Manufacturing and Service driven sectors have grown
over the period
Weakened rigidity of social order / social system through
increased opportunities for upward social mobility
Has Anything Changed?
Kamau Brathwaite noted the rise and fall in the fortunes of
particular social groups and classes, and of their political,
cultural, economic and ideological practices and expressions
Diminished significance of Agriculture, particularly the
Plantation Agriculture Sector
 Kumper noted, however, that capitalism has been reshaped
and morphed, evident now in partnerships that have some
subservient relationship by locals with foreign capital
Plural Society
Alex de Tocqueville – the older and better known usage links
pluralism with situations in which competing views and
program are canvassed freely on issues and subjects or public
interest eg. religious, political or educational processes and
Presupposes the universalistic incorporation of all citizens.
Plural Society
Furnivall- “…involves the differential incorporation of those who
participate freely in the juridical, civic and political institutions
…and others who do not.”
“Each is in the strictest sense a medley, for they mix but do not
combine. Each holds by its own culture and language, its own
ideas and ways…There is a plural society, with different sections
of the community living side by side, but separately, within the
same political unit. Even in the economic sphere, there is a
division of labour along racial lines”
Plural Society
M.G. Smith the most noted exponent
 Societies seen as culturally & socially homogeneous –
common system of basic institutions shared
 Heterogeneous societies – differing ‘alternative’ and
‘exclusive’ institutions are practised
 Plural societies – basic institutions not shared by the cultural
sections that comprise them
Because of institutional and value differentiation, such
societies are inherently unstable and monopoly of power
by one cultural section is important to the status quo
Some Criticisms of Plural Society
Lloyd Braithwaite argued that every society is to some
extent ‘pluralistic’
Failure to consider acts of inter-culturation, according to
Kamau Brathwaite (Creole Society)
Static and failing to consider alliances between and
among groups
Stone argued that it is not institutional but material
differences that define social groups
Creole Society
The single most important factor in the development of the
Caribbean was not the imported influence of the Mother
Country but a cultural action. (K. Brathwaite in Barrow and
Reddock, 2001).
This cultural action (creolization) was based on the
“stimulus/response of individuals within the society to their
environment and to each other.
This action was a physical, psychological and spiritual one.
Creole Society
For the Europeans, their was an obscure force working on
an entire section of society which made them conform to a
certain concept of themselves.
This force made them perform certain roles which they had
come to believe in.
A similar kind of pressure towards conformity operated on
the generality of slaves; creolization began with
Creole Society
Creole society produced imitation of the whites. This
imitation naturally occurred among ex/slaves in close
contact with Europeans.
This mimicry was produced and cultivated widely by the
middle class in West Indian societies after emancipation.
In the white household, the negro influence was pervasive.