WRU EXTERNAL FUNDING GUIDE Aggregates Levy Fund for Wales Administered by Welsh Government, this is a fund for communities affected by an operating quarry (rock, sand or gravel) within their vicinity. You must be able to establish a clear relationship between your project and aggregate extraction and be able to demonstrate the impact of the extraction upon local people and their community, the environment or the economy and how your project will reduce these impacts. Closing dates: 2nd December 2011, 6th April 2012 and 3rd August 2012. More details at: http://wales.gov.uk/topics/housingandcommunity/grants/voluntary/aggregateslevy/?lang=en Russell Dobbins (02920 823261) Planning Policy Branch planning.division@wales.gsi.gov.uk The Big Lottery: Awards for All This is a small grants scheme run by the Big Lottery Fund. Between £500 and £5,000 is available to community groups, town/community councils and schools “to help improve local communities and the lives of people most in need”. The main criteria of interest to is “extend access and participation – by encouraging more people to become actively involved in local groups and projects and supporting activities that aim to be open and accessible to everyone who wishes to take part” Awards for All WILL NOT fund projects where the main purpose of the project is to promote or develop the arts, heritage or sport. The project therefore needs to be community based. More details at: http://www.awardsforall.org.uk/wales/index.html The Big Lottery: People and Places People and Places will fund capital and revenue projects between £5001 and £1 million that encourage coordinated action by people who want to make their communities better places to live. They support local and regional projects throughout Wales that focus on revitalising communities, improving community relationships or enhancing local environments, community services and buildings. This programme is open until Spring 2012. More details at: http://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/prog_people_places Cash-4-Clubs Sport in the community is about local people, local facilities, local groups and organisations working together to provide opportunities to enjoy sport. Betfair and SportsAid recognise the importance of community sport, so Cash 4 Clubs has been set up to facilitate fundraising for community sports clubs throughout the country. Cash 4 Clubs offers all sports clubs in the UK the chance to win grants ranging from £250 to £1000 to improve facilities, purchase new equipment, gain coaching qualifications and generally invest in the sustainability of the club. More details at: http://www.cash-4-clubs.com/ Coalfields Regeneration Trust (CRT) The CRT is a registered charity giving grants to help restore healthy and prosperous coalfield communities. The Trust supports the improvement of community facilities including upgrade of recreational facilities. Via the ‘Bridging the Gap’ programme £500 to £10,000 is available to voluntary and community group projects that can be complete within 12 months. The funding theme that would most likely apply is “Health & Wellbeing”. This theme aims to improve the health & lifestyle of people living in coalfield communities through community based approaches. It includes projects that improve a community facility, encourage healthier lifestyles & improve quality of life, develop opportunities for people to participate in active leisure pursuits, the development of extracurricular activities for children and young people and activities that promote volunteering and get new people involved as volunteers. Applications can therefore be for buildings, equipment, buying land, facilities hire, wages, publicity, training, kit for new teams, non-recoverable VAT, etc. (see Bridging the Gap Information Booklet). Via the ‘Main Grants’ programme £10,000 to £100,000 is available to voluntary and community organizations over 3 years with similar criteria to the above scheme but is much harder to access. (This award to current closed.) More details at: http://www.coalfields-regen.org.uk/bridgingthegap/default.asp Eligibility: http://www.coalfields-regen.org.uk/contactingus/wales/eligibility/default.asp http://www.coalfields-regen.org.uk/docs/238.pdf Email: info@coalfields-regen.org.uk Comic Relief Comic Relief accepts applications from voluntary & community groups, charities, social enterprises and CICs for a variety of programmes including Sport for Change and Local Communities. Grants may be awarded for Revenue and Capital costs. Buildings are a low priority. Sport for Change: The aim of the Sport for Change programme is to use sport to bring about positive change within communities. Funding of between £10 000 and £100 000 is available for projects that deliver the following outcomes: An increased sense of inclusion and wellbeing for marginalized and disadvantaged people. Greater community involvement. An increased understanding of how sport can help bring positive changes in the lives of individuals and communities. Greater knowledge across the community and sports sectors about effective work which uses sport as a tool for social change. They do not fund programmes which aim only to increase participation, develop sporting excellence, individual teams or one-off sporting events. Comic Relief is particularly keen to fund work that supports people from Black and Minority Ethnic Communities, older people and women and girls. Deadlines: Cycle 8 opens 10th April 2012 until 8th June. More details at: www.comicrelief.com/apply_for_a_grant/uk/sport http://www.comicrelief.com/sites/all/assets/documents/resources/UK-Sport-for-Change-AdditionalInformation.pdf email: ukgrants@comicrelief.com Local Communities: Application for less than £10 000 that enable groups to create strong, thriving communities should be made through the Community Foundation Network (or Awards for All). More details below and at: http://www.communityfoundations.org.uk/community_foundations/looking_for_funding/comic_relief/ http://www.cfiw.org.uk/helpingyoureceive.html Community Foundation in Wales (CFW) The Community Foundation in Wales is an independent charity, established to strengthen local communities by providing a permanent source of funding to community based projects the length and breadth of Wales. They manage donor funds and make grants to charities and community groups. They welcome applications from local charities, community groups and voluntary organisations that are engaged in tackling social need and economic disadvantage at a grass-roots level including sports as a vehicle for social inclusion. More details at: http://www.cfiw.org.uk/ Community Foundation in Wales manages many funds including but not limited to: The Dulverton Trust Fund South Wales Comic Relief Red Nose Day Community Cash North Wales Comic Relief Red Nose Day Community Cash The Cardiff Community Endowment Fund The Powys Community Endowment Fund Resolven, Clyne and Melincourt Community Project Fund Background The Newport Fund Wales and West Utilities Sport Relief Community Cash The Gwent High Sheriffs' Community Fund Comic Relief Local Communities Grant Programme Community Facilities and Activities Programme (CFAP) (Note that this fund is currently closed and under review). This is an all Wales capital only grants scheme open to community and voluntary organisations and provides funding for the provision of facilities within communities and for activities engaging local people who will help promote the regeneration of communities. It is intended as a fund for organizations to draw upon to fill remaining gaps in finances after all other sources of support have been explored. The grant award is up to £300,000 over no more than 3 years. Note that “capital” means all physical works, related professional fees to the physical works and purchase of equipment. More details at: http://wales.gov.uk/topics/housingandcommunity/grants/cfap/?lang=en Contacts; Kelly Davies (North Wales) 03000 628312 (Anglesey, Conwy, Gwynedd, Powys, Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham) Eryl Loring (West Wales) 03000 628317 (Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Neath Port Talbot, Pembrokeshire, Swansea, Bridgend and Merthyr Tydfil) Roger Plater (South East Wales) 03000 628321 (Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Cardiff, Monmouthshire, Newport, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Torfaen and Vale of Glamorgan) Communities First Outcomes Fund Run by Welsh Government, grants are awarded to develop and deliver new activities, services and projects for the benefit of Communities First Communities. The application must be linked to the local Communities First action plan. A maximum of £300,000 is available, but only funded at 50% of the total project cost. The minimum value of an application is £5000. More details at: http://www.gavowales.org.uk/Communities_First/Downloads/Outcomes%20Fund%20Guidance.pdf Communities First Trust Fund (Note that this fund is currently closed.) This is run by the WCVA. A maximum of £5000 can be applied for by groups within Communities First areas to build on existing activities or initiate new ones and can be funded at 100%. Projects will aim to encourage more community involvement and the restoration of community spirit. Funding may be for equipment for community groups, start up costs for a new group, minor repairs and improvements to buildings, training courses, volunteer expenses, small scale community events. The application must be signed off by the local Communities First lead. More details at: West Wales Team: 01267 225352 North Wales Team: 01286 662331 South Wales Team: 01685 72 9280/9288/9291 http://www.wcva.org.uk Co-operative Community Fund This is a grants programme for community and voluntary groups for between £100 and £2,000. To be successful a group must carry out positive work in the community, address a community issue, provide a long term benefit to the community, support co-operative values and principles and be innovative in its approach. Applications can be for anything from equipment to event costs, help towards running costs including rent, light & heat, sport or computer equipment. More details by calling 0844 262 4001 and at: http://www.co-operative.coop/corporate/ethicsinaction/communities/fundsandfoundations/communityfund/ Gwirvol GwirVol, launched in April 2009, is a partnership between the third, private and public sectors and led by the views of young people. The initiative’s core aims underpin everything that the partnership does and stands for. GwirVol’s core aims are to: Increase the number and the diversity of young people volunteering in Wales. Increase the number and accessibility of quality volunteering opportunities for young people in Wales to ensure they get the most from their volunteering experience. GwirVol seeks to be the leading group on issues that effects youth volunteering and be the “go to” for such issues, campaigns and research. http://www.gwirvol.org Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) This is for communities within a 10 mile radius of an operating landfill site. Grants of £5,000 to £50,000 are available depending on the type of project, its location, total project cost, amount of match funding and the local operator (Biffa, WREN etc). Projects may include the restoration of contaminated land or, more relevant, is the provision, maintenance or improvement of a public park or other public amenity. This may include facilities for sports clubs if they benefit the general public. More details and local eligibility criteria at: http://www.entrust.org.uk/home/lcf http://www.entrust.org.uk/home/lcf/funders-directory http://www.biffaward.org/ http://www.veoliatrust.org/ http://www.cemexcf.org.uk/index.php http://www.mondegreen.org.uk/ http://www.sitatrust.org.uk/apply-for-funding http://www.wren.org.uk/ Lloyds TSB Foundation Lloyds TSB Foundation provides funding for core costs to registered charities who help disadvantaged people to play a fuller role in communities throughout England and Wales. They fund small and medium local, regional and national charities working at the heart of communities to tackle disadvantage and help empower people on the margins of our society. More detail at: http://www.lloydstsbfoundations.org.uk/Pages/Welcome.aspx The Lord’s Taverners The Lord’s Taverners are one of the UK’s leading youth sports and disability charities and the official charity of recreational cricket. Their mission is to give a “sporting chance” to those in need. Two of the key areas covered are youth cricket in disadvantaged areas and sports and recreational equipment for young people with special needs. More details at: http://www.lordstaverners.org/ Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust (MSCT) MSCT, through its funding, aims to improve the quality of life of people who live and work in Wales. Grants of up to £2,500 for local groups, £7,500 for regional groups and £12,500 for National groups, are made in four categories: Sport, Arts, Community & Environment. Voluntary, charitable and not-for-profit organizations can apply. The Trust strives to make a difference to sporting organisations throughout Wales and appreciates that sport relies heavily on volunteers. The Trust is keen to support volunteer-based projects, particularly from ethnic minorities and people with disabilities. In addition, the Trust recognises the difference that coaching can make to the development of a sport and is keen to fund equipment and coaching costs if the need has been clearly identified by the applicant. Applications for local projects must be received by Monday 19th December 2011. Regional and National dates will be set in the New Year. More details at: http://www.millenniumstadiumtrust.co.uk/index.asp Npower Community Benefit Fund This is a grant scheme for community groups, CASCs and charities located near to RWE npower wind turbine developments/power stations. The funding mechanisms are set up locally to distribute pots of money to benefit local community projects up to £20 000. More details at: http://www.rwe.com/web/cms/en/285872/rwe-npower/about-us/community-investment/charitabledonations/apply-for-funding/ People’s Postcode Trust The People’s Postcode Trust is the grant giving independent charitable trust of People’s Postcode Lottery. They distribute funds to small organisations, community groups and registered charities. Funding is available for 3month projects ranging from £500 to £5000. Funding will be awarded to projects with a variety of aims including: To promote, maintain, improve and advance heath To advance citizenship or community development To advance public participation in sport Application dates for 2012 are: Monday 9th January - Friday 24th February (decisions made March 2012) Monday 9th April - Friday 25th May (decisions made June 2012) Monday 9th July - Friday 24th August (decisions made Sept 2012) Monday 8th October Friday - 19th November (decisions made Dec 2012) More information and an application at: http://www.postcodetrust.org.uk/ Guidance notes at: http://www.postcodetrust.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Guidance-Notes.pdf Regeneration Funding Rhyl Flats: In association with the Rhyl Flats Offshore Wind Farm, a community fund has been set up to assist local community projects in wards neighbouring the Wind Farm. To maximise the benefit for local communities, RWE npower renewables has worked in partnership with the Welsh Assembly Government to develop an administration arrangement for this fund that presents local communities with easier access to wider funding options through one simple application form. Depending on where community groups are based, they could be eligible to access funds from both the Rhyl Flats Offshore Wind Farm Community Benefits Package, and the North Wales Coast Regeneration Area (RA) Community Cohesion Fund, funded by the Welsh Assembly Government, in some cases though the same application form. More detail at: http://www.rwe.com/web/cms/en/478728/rwe-innogy/sites/windoffshore/in-operation/rhyl-flats/local-community/ Sported Sported. Is the only sporting legacy charity of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. We are a FREE membership organisation which provides support to community and grassroots organisations that deliver 'Sport for Development'. Our Members are amazing groups and individuals who operate across any number of sports but what makes them different from traditional clubs is that they put on sport in an effort to bring about social change within their communities. We support these organisations by providing business resources and financial assistance, so that they can concentrate on doing what they do best - improving the lives of disadvantaged young people through sport. In addition to helping individual organisations, we also try to provide a voice for the sector as a whole. We've embarked on a two year research programme to look at the financial benefits of sport for development and once complete, we will use the information to lobby for more investment for this important community work. http://www.sported.org.uk Sport Relief UnLtd is a charity which supports social entrepreneurs - people with vision, drive, commitment and passion who want to change the world for the better. They do this by providing a complete package of funding and support, to help these individuals make their ideas a reality. UnLtd currently offers two levels of award, Level 1 between £500 - £5000 aimed at helping individuals and groups to get ideas up and running and Level 2 up to £15 000 to support those ideas that are already developed. More details at: www.unltd.org.uk/sportreliefawards Sport Wales Sport Wales offer funding and support to individuals, clubs, teams and local authorities to create a more active Wales. Whether you're an elite athlete looking for overseas support, or a local sports club wanting to attract new members or purchase equipment, they can help. The awards available are: Community Chest Up to £1,500 per year available for community sport and physical recreation that encourages more people to become more active, more often or raises the standards of existing activities. Development Grant Up to £25,000 is available to develop activity in your community such as if you are looking to establish a new team, develop new training facilities or purchase much needed equipment to improve a project, coach education, floodlighting or purchase of land to develop activity areas. Further details of all Sport Wales grants at: http://www.sportwales.org.uk/funding--support.aspx Tesco Charity Trust Community Award The Tesco Charity Trust aims to support local communities in the vicinity of Tesco stores. They run two funding schemes, the Community Awards and the larger Grants. The Community Awards Scheme provides one-off donations of £500 - £4000 to local projects that support children and their educational and welfare, elderly people and adults and children with disabilities. Grants of £4000 - £25,000 are also available to support local, National and International projects. Previously supported projects include playground equipment, after school and holiday clubs, funding towards the purchase of a mini bus and youth clubs. More details and application deadlines at: http://www.tescoplc.com/tescocharitytrust Welsh Church Act Fund The Welsh Church Act Fund grant scheme is available to Voluntary and Community organisations in each of the 22 unitary authorities. The range of projects supported can vary greatly but may include community buildings, small items of equipment, work to comply with the DDA, other purposes beneficial to the community, social and recreation facilities and project related professional fees. Projects can be funded up to 50% of the total project cost. Local funding amounts do vary between local authorities but can be up to £10,000. More details at: http://www.gweini.org.uk/en/briefing-papers/welsh-church-acts-funds WRU Lottery By selling WRU lottery tickets to members and supporters (£1 per ticket/£6 per book), Clubs can raise between 35% and 45% of the income depending on number of tickets sold, generating up to £10,000 per year. Draws take place monthly with cash prizes from £100. For more details contact Julie Thomas jthomas@wru.co.uk 02920 822408 Other Funding Opportunities Below are links to other organisations which may also be of use: The Dickie Bird Foundation (for children under 18 – individual applications) http://www.thedickiebirdfoundation.co.uk/ Institute of Fundraising www.institute-of-fundraising.org.uk/ National Lottery http://www.lotteryfunding.org.uk/uk/lottery-funders-uk/lottery-funders-listing.htm Welsh Government http://new.wales.gov.uk/funding/fundgrantareas/?lang=en Welsh Sports Association www.welshsports.org.uk/funding.asp