Structural Transformation, Biased Technological Change, and Labor Demand in Vietnam Philip Abbott* Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, Krannert Bldg, 403 W State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2056, U.S.A. Ce Wu Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, Krannert Bldg, 403 W State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2056, U.S.A. and Finn Tarp Department of Economics, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark and Director of the UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER), Helsinki, Finland March 2011 ________________________ * Corresponding author. Thanks are due to participants at a CIEM seminar in July, 2010 in Hanoi, who commented on this research while it was in progress. Responsibility for the content of this paper remains with the authors. Structural Transformation, Biased Technological Change, and Labor Demand in Vietnam Abstract Labor demand in Vietnam has grown much more slowly than GDP over the last two decades. Structural transformation has moved labor from lower productivity traditional sectors, especially agriculture, to higher productivity modern sectors including manufacturing and services. The Vietnamese labor ministry (MOLISA and ILSSA, 2009) believes this restructuring is not moving rapidly, has involved too little innovation, and exhibits an overly capital intensive development strategy. Slow labor demand growth has been seen elsewhere in Asia, and some believe the “Asian miracle” has been the result of high savings rates and capital accumulation with relatively little technical progress. We use data for 18 aggregate sectors and the overall Vietnamese economy to examine the roles played by structural transformation, technical change and institutional bias toward capital intensive development to explain the difference observed between labor demand and GDP growth. Decomposition of the factors behind labor demand growth attributes only 30% of this difference to shifts from low productivity sectors to higher productivity sectors, while the remaining 70% comes from declining labor use per unit output that is also found in agriculture. We estimate technical progress using several production function specifications following both accounting and econometric approaches. Somewhat low TFP growth emerges using standard choices, consistent with past literature. But estimation using a Leontief production function is consistent with significant labor augmenting technical progress and better explains historical economic performance in Vietnam. For the overall economy labor efficiency is found to grow at 5.8 % per year, while capital efficiency grows at 2.0% per year. This confirms suspicion that there may have been technical progress behind the Asian miracle, but one must address a labor augmenting bias in technical change to find it. Rapidly rising minimum wages were found to contribute to a limited extent to more capital intensive development because market wage trends have followed well behind the minimum wage and because low elasticities of substitution mean that somewhat higher wage rental ratios contribute little to declining labor use per unit output. But investment by state owned enterprises appears to be much more capital intensive, due to both sectoral and technical choices, and factor use has changed less rapidly than in the private sector. Restructuring and rapid private sector growth in 1 key sectors mean this factor plays a small role in explaining labor demand evolution. Structural transformation only partially explains slow labor demand growth in Vietnam. While some of the difference from GDP growth may be attributed to capital intensive investment by the state, the majority of the difference is found to be due to technical change when low elasticities of substitution and labor augmenting bias in technical change are taken into account. Keywords – labor demand, structural transformation, biased technological change, minimum wage, state investment, Vietnam JEL classification: J08, J21, J23, O33, O47, O53 2 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 4 2. Background ................................................................................................................................. 7 2.1. GDP and employment .......................................................................................................... 7 2.2. Structural transformation...................................................................................................... 9 2.3. Technological change ......................................................................................................... 11 2.4. Institutional biases .............................................................................................................. 12 2.4.1. Minimum wage policy ................................................................................................. 12 2.4.2. State investment ........................................................................................................... 13 3. Labor demand growth decomposition ...................................................................................... 14 4. Technological change and labor demand .................................................................................. 18 4.1. Cobb-Douglas and translogarithmic production function .................................................. 20 4.2. CES production function .................................................................................................... 25 4.3. Leontief production function .............................................................................................. 29 4.4. Model selection on production functions ........................................................................... 32 4.5. Derived conditional labor demand ..................................................................................... 34 4.5.1. Derived conditional labor demand from Cobb-Douglas production function ............. 34 4.5.2. Derived conditional labor demand from CES production function ............................. 36 4.5.3. Derived conditional labor demand from Leontief production function ...................... 37 4.5.4. Model selection for derived conditional labor demand ............................................... 39 5. Roles of policies in labor demand ............................................................................................. 40 5.1. Minimum wage policy ....................................................................................................... 40 5.2. Role of state investment ..................................................................................................... 45 6. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................... 51 3 1. Introduction For the past two decades Vietnam has experienced rapid GDP growth, reaching over 8% every year during 2005-2007. Employment growth has been more sluggish, averaging 2.8% from 2005-2007 (GSO, 2010). The large gap between labor demand and economic growth already existed before the Asian financial crisis. From 1991 to 1995, for example, the average difference between real GDP growth and employment growth in Vietnam reached 5.6%, which is comparable to that in the 2000s (MOLISA and ILSSA, 2009). Vietnam, like many other developing countries, is undergoing structural transformation, a process which moves labor out of the agricultural sector into industry. Yet the expansion in industry can hardly generate enough capacity and appropriate positions to absorb all the labor squeezed out of agriculture due to increasing productivity. Underemployment and unemployment are still concerns despite dramatic output growth in Vietnam and elsewhere. The labor study by MOLISA and ILSSA (2009) tackled the issue of stagnant labor demand in Vietnam, and attributed slow labor demand growth largely to structural transformation. They raised the concern that development in Vietnam may have been excessively capital intensive, which is particularly pronounced in investments made by state-owned enterprises and foreign-invested firms. Moreover, the minimum wage may have fostered capital intensive growth, in that minimum wages may have been high enough to induce firms to substitute labor with capital. Investment accounted for 30-40% of GDP in 2000-2008, but investment efficiency is relatively low, suggested by the high incremental capital-output ratios. The labor study by MOLISA and ILSSA suggested that the investment structure should be adjusted so that high value-added industries, and particularly private firms, should gain more attention in order to create more jobs. According to this view, economic growth in Vietnam is now due to capital accumulation much more than technological innovation. In 2007, for example, total factor productivity growth only accounted for 26% of GDP growth, whereas capital accumulation contributed to more than 60% of GDP growth. In addition to capital intensive development lowering labor demand, slow restructuring of the economy from rural to urban areas, from agriculture to manufacturing, and from public to private firms, resulted in slower labor migration out of sectors where productivity and performance are low. 4 Unlike the unanimity regarding the role of structural transformation in at least partially explaining sluggish labor demand, the role of technological progress during the course of Vietnam development is debated in previous studies. Most of the previous studies on Vietnam, to our knowledge, found low TFP growth rates. For example, MOLISA and ILSSA (2009) concluded that the contribution of total factor productivity to economic growth is very limited, and that GDP growth is mainly a result of factor accumulation. Labor demand is also very insensitive to total factor productivity growth. According to ILSSA (2008), 1% TFP growth leads to less than a 0.5% decrease in labor use for most economic sectors. In a more general set of studies on East Asian development, the role of technological progress during the course of economic growth is much more widely discussed, but those studies can hardly reach an agreement. Some economists (e.g., Collins and Bosworth, 1996; Kim and Lau, 1994; Krugman, 1994; Young, 1995) maintain that the East Asian miracle is mainly due to capital accumulation and that technological progress is still unimportant. Others (e.g., Freeman, 1995; Kruger et al., 2000; Nelson and Pack, 1999; Pack and Page, 1994; Rodrik, 1997; World Bank, 1993: 56) argue that technological progress, particularly labor-saving1 technological change, fuelled the extraordinary economic growth that has constituted the “Asian miracle”. Rodrik (1997) explicitly pointed out that the low TFP growth rates found in most studies are problematic, because they failed to incorporate biased technological progress in their calculations. If technological progress saves labor, then labor demand should grow more slowly than output. Policy interventions undertaken in the developing countries may further accelerate the process of structural transformation and promote labor-augmenting technological change, leading to larger gap between GDP growth and labor demand growth. Institutional biases are another source that may slow down labor demand. Minimum wages in Vietnam have been actively adjusted over time. If increasing minimum wages drives up market wages and distorts the wage-rental ratio, then we would expect lower labor demand growth. However, if the minimum wage has an unimportant effect on market wage determination, then the impact of increasing the minimum wage on labor demand would be muted. State investment is also a potential factor responsible for slow labor demand in Vietnam. If state investment in Vietnam is We will use the terminology “labor-augmenting technical change”, corresponding with the notion that efficiency of the labor input is increasing. “Labor-saving” is ambiguous, since an improvement in capital efficiency could reduce labor demand, but only if the elasticity of substitution exceeds one. 1 5 overly capital intensive, as many argued, then the state-owned enterprises have the tendency to substitute labor with capital, limiting employment growth in state-invested firms. Sectoral reallocation of the state investment is also critical for labor demand. Sectors receiving more state investment may not require high labor intensity for production, and hence the benefit to employment due to expanding production in those expanding sectors may not be strong enough to compensate the negative employment effect occurred in shrinking sectors. In this study, we propose three hypotheses to explain slow labor demand in Vietnam: structural transformation, technological progress, and excessively capital intensive development. Two institutional biases that facilitate capital intensive development in Vietnam are studied: minimum wage policy that may distort the wage-rental ratio and state and foreign investment that may be overly capital intensive. As a major result, we find that structural transformation can at most explain 30% of the difference between slow labor demand growth and rapid GDP growth. The remaining 70% rests on factors that have been less researched in previous studies on labor demand in Vietnam, as well as in other parts of the world. We identified strong evidence of biased (labor-augmenting) technological change, and strong evidence supporting the use of a Leontief production function in describing production activities in Vietnam. Under a Leontief production function, for the economy as a whole, the capital efficiency growth rate is 2% on average, and the labor efficiency growth rate is 5.8% on average during the period 2000-2008. Under this assumption, the entire economy exhibits labor-augmenting technological progress. We also find downward pressure on labor demand due to overly capital-intensive state investment, but the effect is weaker than the labor demand effect caused by the restructuring in non-state firms. Statistical results show that inflation, rather than the minimum wage, is the major driving force determining market wages for most sectors. The minimum wage policy seems to have larger impact on wages in state enterprises. The correlation between the state wage and the minimum wage is stronger than that between the overall market wage and the minimum wage. Our investigation proceeds as follows: Section 2 describes the current labor demand situation in Vietnam, and offers preliminary evidence on the three groups of potential sources of stagnant labor demand, namely, structural transformation, biased technological change, and policy interventions, such as the minimum wage policy and state investment policy. Section 3 6 reports labor demand growth decomposition results based on data from 2000 to 2008. This analysis quantitatively identifies the contributions of structural transformation, state investment bias, biased technological change, and institutional wage bias to the gap between labor demand growth and economic growth in Vietnam. Section 4 and Section 5 study the impacts of biased technological change and institutional biases on labor demand in depth. In Section 4, we calculate productivity growth rates under a Hicks-neutral technical change assumption and under biased technical change assumption. We explore four production functional specifications: Cobb-Douglas, translog, CES, and Leontief. We also derive conditional labor demand functions, and then choose the determine labor demand function of best fit. Section 5 examines linkages between the market wage, the minimum wage, and inflation. We then study the role of the minimum wage bias in lowering labor-output coefficients and hence in lowering labor demand. We also evaluate the impact of state investment on labor demand through effects on production intensity and sectoral output shares. Section 6 concludes. 2. Background 2.1. GDP and employment During the past two decades, Vietnam has witnessed dramatic GDP growth. From 2000 to 2008, for example, the average annual GDP growth rate was 7.6%, which is 5% higher than the average growth rate of the world (MOLISA and ILSSA, 2009). Rapid GDP growth has not been achieved through uniformly high rates of input accumulation, however. For the two conventional factors of production, capital and labor, the growth rates are lower, with capital growing at 6.2% per year and labor growing at 2.2% annually during the same time period (GSO, 2009). The gap between output growth and labor demand growth is much more pronounced than the gap between output growth and capital growth. Both the large volume of capital inflows from foreign countries and increasing domestic investment supported by a high saving rate explain the high rate of capital accumulation. The share of investment in GDP has averaged 30-40% of GDP during 2000-2008 (MOLISA and ILSSA, 2009). However, labor demand has been steadily falling behind. Even for the recent booming years prior to the recent financial crisis, despite over 7 8% GDP growth every year during 2005-2007, the corresponding labor demand only grew at 2.8% annually on average, only around one-third of the GDP growth rate (GSO, 2010). [Insert Figure 1 about here] Figure 1 exhibits the evolution of real GDP growth, employment growth, and labor force growth by sector from 1986 to 2009 (World Bank, 2011). GDP has been growing more than 4.5% faster than total employment in most time periods from 1986 to 2009, with exceptions in 1998, 1999, 2001 and 2008. Those years correspond with recession in the world markets. The phenomenon of stagnant labor demand is more pronounced in the agriculture sector relative to industry and service sectors. Particularly in the 1990s before the Asian financial crisis in 1997, GDP grew 6% higher than the employment growth in the agricultural sector on average. The difference between GDP growth and sectoral employment growth for the agricultural sector has been about 2-3% higher than that for the manufacturing and service sectors. The large difference between real GDP growth and employment growth in Vietnam actually is not a new phenomenon in Asia. Table 1 reports the gap between real GDP growth and employment growth as well as the elasticity of employment with respect to real GDP in other Asian countries. The difference in Vietnam is comparable with that found in South Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia when GDP per capita was also low, and this difference is much lower than that in China. Among those countries, only the Philippines has maintained relatively low gaps, hence more rapid labor demand growth. The elasticities of labor demand with respect to real GDP calculated based on the World Development Indicators (World Bank, 2011) also show that Vietnam is not very different from other East Asian countries. The elasticity of labor demand with respect to real GDP had been between 0.27 and 0.32 since 1991for Vietnam, which is comparable to the elasticities of labor demand in other Asian countries2. The difference between real GDP growth and employment growth reflects real gains in labor productivity, implying that Vietnam along with many other Asian countries has accomplished output expansion through improved labor productivity, raising income per capita. 2 The World Bank (1999) and MOLISA and ILSSA (2009) also calculated the elasticity of labor demand with respect to real GDP. Their elasticities for other Asian countries are too high, not consistent with the statistics from World Development Indicators (World Bank, 2010). 8 [Insert Table 1 about here] 2.2. Structural transformation Structural transformation is a process resulting in increasing proportions of employment and output of the economy in sectors other than traditional sectors such as agriculture. The economy becomes less agriculturally oriented in a relative sense, although agriculture may continue to generate important growth linkages to the rest of the economy (Johnston and Mellor, 1961). Based on Lewis (1954) “Dual Sector Model”, the traditional agricultural sector generates surplus workers due to nearly zero marginal productivity of labor in the sector. So, output in the traditional sector would not be affected as labor moves out of the traditional sector into modern sectors. Yet, the addition of labor into the modern sectors would result in higher production levels per capita. Overall, the entire economy would see an expanding modern sector and a shrinking traditional sector. This pattern appears in Vietnam. Figure 2 exhibits the evolution of employment structure in this recent decade. There has been a steady decrease in the share of agricultural employment, with an almost constant employment share for the fishing industry. Service and industry sectors have accounted for increasing proportions in total employment, even though agriculture and fishing sectors use the most labor in the economy (GSO, 2010). [Insert Figure 2 about here] The traditional sector usually features a relatively low productivity level, whereas modern sectors are characterized by much higher productivity levels. Figure 3 presents the huge productivity differences observed across sectors in Vietnam. Industry has the highest productivity level, followed by services. The agricultural sector has a much lower productivity level, which is on average 13% of productivity in industry, and 20% of productivity in the service sector over the period 1996-2008. For the economy as a whole, the productivity level has been consistently staying between the productivity level in the agricultural sector and the productivity level in the service sector. As the economy transforms, due to different productivity levels by sector, a one unit decrease in the output produced in the traditional sector releases more labor than required for a one unit output increase in the modern sectors. Table 2 describes changes in labor productivity by firm type and by disaggregated sectors based on data from 9 Vietnam from 2000 to 2007 (GSO, 2009). It shows that state-invested and private firms have outperformed foreign-invested firms in improving labor productivity. The manufacturing sector has consistently increased labor productivity over the years. However, the trend in labor productivity is very mixed in the service sectors, with large labor productivity enhancement in the infrastructure service sector3, and rapid decline in labor productivity in several other service sectors. [Insert Figure 3 about here] Often accompanying structural transformation are redundant labor and underemployment in the traditional sector. Table 3 presents unemployment and underemployment rates in Vietnam in 2009 (GSO, 2010). Even though the unemployment rate is not very high, staying at 2.9% on average for the entire economy, the underemployment rate is much higher, reaching 5.6% in the same year. The underemployment issue is more severe in the rural area, where traditional sectors are largely located. The underemployment rate averaged 6.5% in the rural area in 2009, which is almost three times the unemployment rate in the rural area. Unemployment is more severe in the urban areas relative to rural areas. But even the urban unemployment rate was not high, only averaging at 4.6% in 2009, a year still under the impact of worldwide economic recession. [Insert Table 3 about here] MOLISA and ILSSA (2009) largely attribute stagnant labor demand to structural transformation. Due to various barriers and improved labor productivity in the modern sectors, the expanding sectors cannot create enough appropriate positions for labor moving out of the traditional sector. The structural transformation is an important factor contributing to sluggish labor demand, but it is not the sole factor responsible for the large gap between output and labor demand growth. We will try to estimate through labor demand growth decomposition the contribution of structural transformation and other factors to slow labor demand growth. 3 The infrastructure service sector includes wholesale and retail trade, hotel and restaurant, and transport, storage and communications. The detailed aggregations for all the sectors can be found in Appendix I. 10 2.3. Technological change The role of technological change in Vietnam has been debated in previous studies. According to MOLISA and ILSSA (2009), total factor productivity growth only accounted for 26% of GDP growth, whereas capital accumulation contributed to more than 60% of GDP growth. The same issue persists in broader literature on East Asian economic development. While some economists (e.g., Collins and Bosworth, 1996; Kim and Lau, 1994; Krugman, 1994; Young, 1995) maintain that the East Asian miracle is mainly due to capital accumulation and that technological progress is limited, others (e.g., Freeman, 1995; Krauger et al., 2000; Nelson and Pack, 1999; Pack and Page, 1994; Rodrik, 1997; World Bank, 1993: 56) argue that technological progress, particularly labor-saving technological change, fuelled the extraordinary economic growth that has constituted the “Asian miracle”. Rodrik (1997) explicitly pointed out that the low TFP growth rates found in most studies are problematic, because they failed to incorporate biased technological progress in their calculations. As shown in Figure 4, in the past decade, real rent to capital by sector increased almost at the same rate as the real wage, with the market interest rate, as a proxy for the opportunity cost of capital, changing more irregularly in Vietnam4. As input prices change altogether, the wagerental ratio has stayed almost constant until 2006, as shown in Figure 5. The wage-rental ratio increased by about 10% from 2000 to 2008, yet the labor-capital ratio decreased more than two times faster, by about 35% during the same time period. As shown in Figure 5, both labor and capital productivities improved, indicating the presence of technological progress during the time period. Moreover, labor productivity grew at a higher rate, suggesting the possibility of laboraugmenting technological change. [Insert Figure 4 and Figure 5 about here] Figure 6 to Figure 8 exhibit changes in input prices and input intensities for the agriculture, manufacturing, and service sectors. For both the agriculture and manufacturing sectors, wages climbed faster than the return to capital, partially due to higher marginal labor 4 The real rent to capital is calculated as the ratio between real value added to capital and the amount of calculated capital stocks (GSO, 2009). The real wage is calculated as the ratio between real value added to labor (GSO, 2009) and employment (GSO, 2010). The formulae for the real rent to capital and the real wage are given in Section 4.2. Market interest rates are from IMF (2010). 11 productivity. Both labor and capital per unit of output decline, suggesting the existence of technological progress in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors. Furthermore, production became more capital-intensive during the course of development, consistent with laboraugmenting technological change or institutional bias. Only for the service sector, returns to capital grew faster than wages, and factor intensity did not alter significantly during the period from 2000-2008. Different from the agriculture and manufacturing sectors, the service sector started with a much higher level of capital intensity in its production, and the transformation in input intensity is less dramatic. [Insert Figure 6 to Figure 8 about here] 2.4. Institutional biases 2.4.1. Minimum wage policy The minimum wage is the fastest growing wage rate in Vietnam. The nominal minimum wage increased by about 300% from 2000 to 20085, compared with a 60% increase in real state wages (GSO, 2010) and about a 50% increase in overall real market wage6, as shown in Figure 4. The minimum wage followed inflation, but grew much faster than the inflation rate, demonstrated in Figure 9. Minimum wages grew nearly as fast as nominal GDP. In Figure 4, the positive correlation between the minimum wage and the market wage can be seen, yet whether the minimum wage or inflation drives the market wage is not clear. If the minimum wage drives market wage and indirectly distorts the wage-rental ratio, then labor demand may be lower as a consequence. [Insert Figure 9 here] A considerable gap exists between wages for firms with different forms of ownership. Table 4 presents the nominal average monthly salary and nominal wage growth rates by firm 5 The minimum wage data are summarized on a Wikipedia webpage: %25E1%25BB%2583u_t%25E1%25BA%25A1i_Vi%25E1%25BB%2587t_Nam&sl=vi&tl=en 6 The overall market wage is computed as the ratio between value added to labor and total employment. 12 type (GSO, 1998-2006). For all the years listed, foreign-invested firms paid workers the most, averaging at about 1,300,000 VND7 per month in 2006. State enterprises follow, averaging at about 1,100,000 VND per month in 2006. The foreign-invested and state enterprises also showed the largest salary increases during the period from 1998 to 2006, more than an 8.5% annual growth rate on average. Household enterprises paid workers the least. The average monthly salary in 2006 was only about 660,000 VND, half of the salary paid by the foreign invested firms. The annual growth rate of salary was also the lowest, only 2.3% from 1998 to 2006 and much lower than the average inflation rate during the same time period. We can infer that wages paid by household enterprises on average cannot keep up with minimum wages. [Insert Table 4 about here] To sum up, even though the Vietnamese government has been actively increasing minimum wages, those wages influence state-owned enterprises and foreign invested firms more so than private and especially informal firms. Workers in the household firms and some private firms are not as well paid as those in state-owned enterprises and foreign invested firms. The bias in wage-rental ratios would therefore affect state-owned enterprises and foreign-invested firms more so than private firms. Sectoral wage data are consistent with this expectation. 2.4.2. State investment State investments tend to favor capital-intensive sectors. For example, very capitalintensive natural resource sectors, such as electricity, gas and water supply, and mining and quarrying, are usually heavily state invested. 77% of total investments received in the electricity, gas and water supply sector during 2000-2008 are from the state, and 69% of total investments received in the mining and quarrying sector are from the state. Investments in those two natural resource sectors account for an average of 26% of total state investment (GSO, 2009). In comparison, the manufacturing sector does not heavily rely on state investment as the natural resource sectors. 70% of the investments received in the manufacturing sector are from non-state 7 VND stands for Vietnamese dong. 13 sources. The manufacturing sector is a very large sector, so state investment in the manufacturing sector accounts for 13% of total state investment over the period 2000-2008. Overly capital intensive state investment would bring less labor demand than otherwise. State investments tend to be concentrated in some special sectors. Those sectors are important to growth of GDP, but are much less important to employment. The overly capital intensive state investment does not necessarily translate into similar rates of increase in jobs. In state invested firms, labor accumulation tends to be slower than capital accumulation, which widens the gap between labor demand growth and output growth. Relative to private firms, state-invested firms tend to be more capital intensive and to exacerbate the growth of capital intensity in the production. The technology employed in production requires higher capital intensity, which limits the benefit to employment from expanding output. 3. Labor demand growth decomposition Table 6 presents average growth rates of labor and value added by sector during 20002008 (GSO, 2009). The economy as a whole grew at 7.6% annually, yet it only increases employment by about 2.2% annually. The traditional agricultural sector even had a 0.4% decrease in labor demand, while output grew by 3.9% on average every year. The impressive 12% output growth in manufacturing sector was achieved through only a 7% increase in labor use. The infrastructure service sector (including trade, hotel and restaurant, and transport, storage and communication sectors), and the education and health sectors also accomplished large increases in output without fuelling rapid expansion in labor usage. Slow labor demand increases accompanying rapid output growth are a norm for the majority of the economic sectors and for the economy as a whole. [Insert Table 5 about here] This section provides to a quantitative analysis of the contributions of biased technological change, structural transformation, and policies to the sluggish labor demand for each sector and overall. As mentioned earlier, the possible sources related to stagnant labor 14 demand include structural transformation, biased technological change, institutional wage bias, and state investment bias. This decomposition starts with a straightforward relationship that links labor demand, labor efficiency, sectoral output shares, and economic output, shown in Equation (1): πΏπ‘ = ∑π πΏππ‘ = ∑π ππΏππ‘ πππ‘ ππ‘ (1) where πΏπ‘ is total labor demand in time t, which is the sum of sectoral employment πΏππ‘ across the i sectors. ππΏππ‘ denotes unit labor efficiency coefficient for sector i in time t, which is the ratio between labor used in sector i and output in sector i. πππ‘ is the proportion of output in sector i in total output in time t, and ππ‘ is the output of the entire economy in time t. Differentiating Equation (1) with respect to time gives: (2) ππΏπ‘⁄ πππΏππ‘⁄ ππππ‘⁄ πππ‘⁄ ππ‘ = ∑π πππ‘ ππ‘ ( ππ‘) + ∑π ππΏππ‘ ππ‘ ( ππ‘) + ∑π ππΏππ‘ πππ‘ ( ππ‘) Defining the growth rate of variable X as ππ = (ππ⁄ππ‘) β (1⁄π), we can turn Equation (2) into growth rates as follows: ππΏπ‘ 1 ππΏππ‘ πππ‘ ππ‘ β πΏ = ∑π πππΏππ‘ + ∑π ππΏππ‘ πππ‘ ππ‘ ππππ‘ + ∑π ππΏππ‘ πππ‘ π ππ‘ (3) ππΏπ‘ = where ππΏπ‘ = πΏπ‘ ⁄π = ∑π ππΏππ‘ πππ‘ , the overall labor-output ratio for the economy. π‘ ππ‘ ππΏπ‘ ππ‘ π‘ ππΏπ‘ ππ‘ πΏπ‘ ππ‘ πππ‘ Equation (3) can be further simplified into Equation (4): ππΏπ‘ = ∑π (4) ππΏππ‘ πππ‘ ππΏπ‘ πππΏππ‘ + ∑π ππΏππ‘ πππ‘ ππΏπ‘ ππππ‘ + πππ‘ A discrete approximation to the continuous Equation (4) is: (5) πΏ ππ ( π‘⁄πΏ π‘−1 ) = ∑π ππΏππ‘ πππ‘ ππΏπ‘ ππ( π πππ‘ ππΏππ‘ π π ⁄ππΏππ‘−1 ) + ∑π πΏππ‘ ππ ( ππ‘⁄π ) + ππ ( π‘⁄π ) ππΏπ‘ π‘−1 ππ‘−1 Equations (4) and (5) incorporate all of the sources that contribute to slow labor demand identified earlier. As mentioned in Section 2, biased technical change affects labor demand by altering input efficiency. Minimum wage policy may distort input-output ratios by altering 15 relative input prices, so relative factor intensities, as well. Thus, these two effects are both incorporated in the changes in the labor-output coefficient ππΏππ‘ . The first term on the right hand side of Equation (5) therefore measures the contribution of biased technological change and institutional wage bias to sectoral labor demand. Structural transformation fundamentally influences sectoral output shares, with traditional sectors shrinking and modern sectors expanding. State investment policies direct resources to flow into specific sectors, and hence change sectoral output shares, πππ‘ , as well. Thus, the labor demand effects of both structural transformation and state investment policies are summarized in the changes in sectoral output shares, ππππ‘ . Therefore, the second term in Equation (5) measures the contribution of structural transformation and state investment bias to sectoral labor demand. In addition, the third term in Equation (5) measures the contribution of economic output to labor demand. If labor-out coefficients, ππΏππ‘ , and output shares, πππ‘ , remain constant, then we will observe the same growth rates for output and employment. The first two terms in Equation (5) are weighted by relative sectoral labor efficiency and sectoral output. Technological progress, structural transformation and relevant policies associated with sectors that feature low labor efficiency (i.e., high laboroutput coefficients) and large output shares would generate relatively larger impacts on total labor demand trends. We assembled annual data over the years 2000-2008 for Vietnam. Both labor demand data (πΏππ‘ ) and sectoral output data are from the GSO Statistical Yearbook (2010). The proportion terms, πππ‘ , and labor-output coefficients, ππΏππ‘, were then computed based on sectoral employment and output data. They were originally disaggregated at an 18-sector level, and the sector activities can be found in Appendix I. Since structural transformation mainly focuses on shifts between aggregate sectors, such as agriculture, manufacturing and services, we aggregated eighteen economic sectors into nine sectors according to the concordance provided in Appendix I, mainly eliminating some details in the service sectors. Among the nine economic sectors, there is an aggregate traditional sector, a manufacturing sector, an energy and natural resources sector, and six service sectors. We also added a sector titled “GDP” as the tenth sector, representing the entire economy. The sum of contributions from each of the nine sectors will be the tenth row. [Insert Table 6 about here] 16 The results of labor demand growth decomposition analysis are presented in Table 68. The entire economy has an average of 2.2% annual labor demand growth over the time period from 2000 to 2008, as shown in the first column for Sector 9, 5.4% lower than GDP growth. Biased technical change and institutional wage bias slow down labor demand by 3.5%, as shown in the fifth column for Sector 10, while structural transformation plus state investment bias slow down labor demand by another 1.5%, as shown in the seventh column for Sector 10. Therefore, for the entire economy, biased technological change and institutional wage bias are responsible for 70% of the difference between economic output growth and labor demand growth, and structural transformation and state investment bias are responsible for the other 30% of the difference. This result suggests that there are other factors beyond structural transformation important in explaining stagnant labor demand. The traditional agricultural sector is significantly impacted in the course of development. The traditional sector experienced a 3.5% decline in output shares per year. The economy became less reliant on agriculture, forestry and fishing, and more dependent on manufacturing and service sectors. Even though the traditional sector is usually characterized by low labor productivity, the agricultural sector in Vietnam witnessed a 4.3% increase in labor productivity during 2000-2008. The labor efficiency improvement further reduced labor use in this traditional sector. The energy and natural resource sector is another shrinking sector in the economy, contributing only slightly to the overall negative impact due to structural transformation and state investment bias. It is worth noting that the energy and natural resource sector is a heavily state invested sector. Different from many other sectors, the energy and natural resource sector had a decrease in labor productivity over the years, but very low employment per unit of output. The manufacturing sector along with most service sectors became more important in the economy, suggested by increases in labor and output shares. Even though larger output shares generate a positive impact of structural transformation and state investment bias on labor demand in those sectors, biased (labor-augmenting) technical change and the institutional wage bias slow down labor demand in the manufacturing and the majority of the service sectors. 8 Due to lack of data, we cannot perform the labor demand growth decomposition analysis by firm type. Thus, the results do not reflect differences across sectors by ownership. We will explore the role state owned enterprises using very strong assumption in section 5, however. 17 In general, Vietnam experiences labor efficiency improvement and transformation in its economic structure. As the economy shrinks the shares of its traditional sectors characterized by low productivity fall, and it expands the modern sectors characterized by high productivity. However, structural transformation and state investment bias are only responsible for 30% of the observed sluggish labor demand. Technological change and wage biases explain the remaining 70% of the gap. We now focus on another source of slow labor demand, biased technological change. The purpose of performing the analyses related to technological change is to identify the specific importance of technological progress in production and in determining labor demand. The results will then be used to sort between the contribution of technological progress and the contribution of institutional wage bias to stagnant labor demand. 4. Technological change and labor demand Technological change can be classified into two categories: One is Hicks-neutral and the other is factor-augmenting. Technological change is Hicks-neutral if the mix of inputs in the production function is not affected, and the production function only differs by scaling of output. If all the economic activities follow Hicks-neutral technological change, then we would expect equal productivity growth rates between inputs at fixed prices. In comparison, factor-augmenting technological change is featured by unequal productivity growth rates between inputs when there is technological change. The technological change can be labor augmenting if the productivity of labor grows faster than the productivity of capital, and it can be capital augmenting if the productivity of capital grows faster than the productivity of labor. If technological progress is believed to be Hicks neutral, total factor productivity growth rates (TFPG) would be an appropriate measure of productivity improvement. If biased technological progress prevails, then input-specific productivity growth rates are needed. In the following analyses, we experimented with different forms of production functions in measuring technical progress, namely, Cobb-Douglas (Section 4.1), translog (Section 4.1), CES (Section 4.2), and Leontief (Section 4.3). These production functions assume various levels of elasticity of substitution between the two inputs and different ways to incorporate technological progress. The purpose of experimenting with multiple functional forms is to 18 explore different possibilities of production behavior in Vietnam. Functional forms such as CES and Leontief are also necessary to capture biased technical change. For Cobb-Douglas, translog, and CES production functions, we first assumed Hicksneutral technological change and estimated TFPG. TFPG measures the growth rate of total factor productivity, which is the portion of economic growth that cannot be explained by capital and labor accumulation and hence is attributed to technological progress. TFPG is thus a measure of the rate of technological progress, often expressed as an annual percentage growth rate. To obtain TFPG under a Cobb-Douglas production function, we employed both accounting and econometric approaches. The accounting approach directly uses observed data on inputs and output and computes TFPG as the difference between output growth and the portion of output growth explained by share-weighted input accumulation. The accounting approach is widely used in previous studies. A less commonly adopted method of finding TFPG is the econometric approach. Instead of using actual data on input cost shares, the coefficients of a production function are econometrically estimated. TFPG is the constant in the estimable equation. If CobbDouglas is the right production function, then we would expect that accounting and econometric approaches should generate similar results. Large differences in the results between the two methods invite suspicions as to the robustness of this production function specification. However, past literature rarely compares the results from these two methods. Most of them only adopt the accounting approach without further evaluating the validity of the results. Often the results from an accounting approach appear to be sensible, but may hide potential weaknesses associated with the assumptions of the Cobb-Douglas production function. As mentioned earlier, previous studies often assume Hicks-neutral technological change and only compute TFPG. However, critics of those studies point out that lack of consideration of biased technological change may lead to underestimation of TFP growth (e.g., Rodrik, 1997). Therefore, after examining TFPG under Hicks-neutral technological change, we then invoked a more realistic assumption that technological progress may be factor augmenting. Productivity growth rates of the two inputs, capital and labor, were estimated for CES and Leontief models. We did not impose the assumption of biased technological progress on Cobb-Douglas production function, because biased technological change cannot be identified using this functional form (Diamond and McFadden, 1965). For the Leontief production function, we did not calculate 19 TFPG under Hicks-neutral technological progress assumption. Instead, statistical tests on whether the technological progress is Hicks neutral can be performed for this functional form once we obtain the estimated factor-specific productivity growth rates. The model selection results (Section 4.4) will supply us with some statistical evidence to assist in the decision on which model can best represent production activities in Vietnam. Since labor demand is the overriding theme for this study, we derived conditional labor demand equations based on various production functions, estimated those functions, and applied model selection statistics to compare the labor demand model (Section 4.5). All the analyses contain sectoral details. 4.1. Cobb-Douglas and translogarithmic production functions Due to unitary elasticity of substitution, productivity growth rates assuming biased technological change are not identifiable in a Cobb-Douglas production function9. Relative productivity coefficients of the production function are reflected by cost shares, and are fixed over time. In this case, the only measure of productivity growth is TFPG assuming Hicks-neutral technological progress. Large TFPG corresponds with rapid productivity enhancement. For the Cobb-Douglas production function, both accounting and econometric approaches were employed when estimating TFPG. The procedures to derive sectoral TFPG are described below. The mathematical form of Cobb-Douglas production function with two inputs (i.e. capital and labor) can be expressed as: (6) πΌ πΌ πππ‘ = π΄ππ‘ πΎππ‘ ππΎ πΏππ‘ππΏ where πππ‘ denotes total output in sector i in time t, π΄ππ‘ denotes total factor productivity for sector i in time t, πΎππ‘ denotes capital stock in sector i in time t, and πΏππ‘ denotes labor use in sector i in time t. If assuming perfect competition and constant returns to scale, then πΌππΎ equals the cost 9 The inability to identify biased technological progress in Cobb-Douglas is explained in detail in Diamond and McFadden (1965) and Sato (1970). 20 share of capital for sector i, and πΌππΏ is the cost share of labor. Since there are only two inputs into production and constant returns to scale are assumed in Cobb-Douglas, the input cost shares add to 1. Thus, πΌππΎ + πΌππΏ = 1 (7) The logarithmic form of this production function is as follows: πππππ‘ = πππ΄ππ‘ + πΌππΎ πππΎππ‘ + πΌππΏ πππΏππ‘ (8) Therefore, the total factor productivity (TFP) is: ππΉπππ‘ = πππ΄ππ‘ = πππππ‘ − πΌππΎ πππΎππ‘ − πΌππΏ πππΏππ‘ (9) The growth rates of TFP can then be derived through the following equivalent formula: (10) π΄ππ‘ ⁄π΄ ) ππ‘−1 π πΎ πΏ = ππ ( ππ‘⁄π ) − πΌππΎ ππ ( ππ‘⁄πΎ ) − πΌππΏ ππ ( ππ‘⁄πΏ ) ππ‘−1 ππ‘−1 ππ‘−1 ππΉππΊπ,π‘−1,π‘ = ππ ( For the econometric approach, we can first assume that the productivity growth follows π΄ππ‘ = π΄π0 π πππ‘π‘ , where πππ‘ is the growth rate of TFP. Then Equation (8) can be rewritten as: πππππ‘ = πππ΄π0 + πππ‘ π‘ + πΌππΎ πππΎππ‘ + πΌππΏ πππΏππ‘ (11) Thus, the growth rate of TFP πππ‘ can be estimated as the constant from the following equation: (12) π ππ ( ππ‘⁄π ππ‘−1 πΎππ‘ πΏ ⁄πΎ ) + πΌππΏ ππ ( ππ‘⁄πΏ ) ππ‘−1 ππ‘−1 ) = πππ‘ + πΌππΎ ππ ( As mentioned earlier, for the accounting approach, the average cost shares based on actual data were used to compute TFPG by sector and by year. Equation (10) is the formula to compute TFPG. For the econometric approach, the cost share parameters are estimated from the regression equation based on Equation (12). The constant in the regression equation is TFPG. Data for annual employment are the same as those used in Section 3 (GSO, 2010). Physical output levels are used for πππ‘ . They are derived by dividing sectoral nominal gross output by a sectoral producer price index. Both nominal gross outputs and producer price indices are from GSO (2009). 21 In order to obtain capital stocks by sector, we first assume that the incremental capitaloutput ratio (ICOR) in the first year (i.e., year 2000) is equal to the initial capital-output ratio. Thus, in the first year, multiplying ICOR with output yields capital stocks in that year. In the following years, capital stocks equal last year’s capital stock net of depreciation plus investment. The calculation of ICOR is through the following formula: (13) π−1−π‘ ∑π−1 π‘0 πΌπ,π‘ (1−ππ£πππππ ππππ’ππ πππππππππ‘πππ πππ‘ππ ) πΌπΆππ π = ππππ ππππ π ππ’π‘ππ’π‘ π,π −ππππ ππππ π ππ’π‘ππ’π‘π,π‘0 (1−ππ£πππππ ππππ’ππ πππππππππ‘πππ πππ‘ππ )π−π‘0 where π‘0 denotes initial time period, and π denotes final time period. πΌπ,π‘ is real investment in sector i in time t (Abbott, Wu and Tarp, 2010). Capital stocks in the first year and in the following years can thus be derived by following Equation (14) and Equation (15), respectively: (14) (15) πΎπ0 = πΌπΆππ π β ππππ ππππ π ππ’π‘ππ’π‘π0 πΎππ‘ = πΎππ‘−1 (1 − ππ£πππππ ππππ’ππ πππππππππ‘πππ πππ‘ππ ) + πΌπ,π‘ Investment and real gross output data used to calculate capital stocks are from GSO (2009). The shares of capital and labor in total factor payments are calculated by using GSO (2009) data on value added to capital and value added to labor, respectively. Since employment data are at 18-sector aggregation level, we re-aggregated all of the other GSO data originally at 112-sector aggregation level into 18 sectors by following the concordance in Appendix II. The time period for data on capital stocks and cost shares are the same for output and employment data, which is from 2000 to 2008. [Insert Table 7 about here] The results from both the accounting approach and econometric approach are summarized in Table 7. The average annual TFPG’s by sector are reported. As can be seen, the observed cost shares are very different from the estimated cost share parameters found using the econometric approach. As a result, the TFPG’s derived from these two approaches vary greatly. Also, when using the econometric approach, for nine sectors, the cost share estimates do not lie between zero and one. For 6 out of 19 sectors, one of the cost shares is negative in the estimation results. The estimated parameters are not consistent with the definition of cost shares. Even though the results from the accounting approach appear to be sensible, the results from 22 econometric approach provide evidence to reject Cobb-Douglas as the appropriate production function. In the area of growth economics, the Cobb-Douglas production function has been widely assumed in TFPG calculations due to its computational simplicity. The majority of the previous studies on TFPG only adopted the accounting approach without reporting results based on an econometric approach. The seemingly reasonable accounting results may hide the invalidity of the assumption of a Cobb-Douglas production function, just as our results indicate. According to Young (1995), the translogarithmic value added production function is more flexible than the Cobb-Douglas production function in that translog production function allows cost shares to change over time and the elasticity of substitution may deviate from unity. We next assume a translog production function, following Young’s formula to perform TFPG computations. The translog production function is written in the following form: (16) 1 πππ‘ = exp[πΌππ + πΌππΎ πππΎππ‘ + πΌππΏ πππΏππ‘ + πΌππ‘ πππ‘ + 2 π΅ππΎπΎ (πππΎππ‘ )2 + π΅ππΎπΏ (πππΎππ‘ )(πππΏππ‘ ) 1 1 +π΅ππΎπ‘ (πππΎππ‘ ) β π‘ + 2 π΅ππΏπΏ (πππΏππ‘ )2 + π΅ππΏπ‘ (πππΏππ‘ ) β π‘ + 2 π΅ππ‘π‘ π‘ 2 where K, L, and t denote capital input, labor input, and time. Time is included to permit technical change in this specification. The parameters of this functional form are subject to the following constraints assuming constant returns to scale: (17) πΌππΎ + πΌππΏ = 1, π΅ππΎπΎ + π΅ππΎπΏ = π΅ππΏπΏ + π΅ππΎπΏ = π΅ππΎπ‘ + π΅ππΏπ‘ = 0 Young (1995) gives the following formula to measure TFPG, assuming this translog production function, without offering specific derivations in his paper10: (18) π πΎ πΏ ππΉππΊπ,π‘−1,π‘ = ππ ( ππ‘⁄π ) − Μ Μ Μ Μ ππ πΌππΎ ( ππ‘⁄πΎ ) − Μ Μ Μ Μ πΌππΏ ππ ( ππ‘⁄πΏ ) ππ‘−1 ππ‘−1 ππ‘−1 Equation (18) differs from the estimable Equation (12) in the cost share parameters, Μ Μ Μ Μ πΌππΎ and Μ Μ Μ Μ . πΌππΏ Using a non-econometric method, shares of each input in total factor payments are allowed to vary across years according to observed data, whereas those parameters are fixed over time in the Cobb-Douglas production function. The shares can be computed as below: 10 Young only footnoted two references for this equation. We are unable to locate the references or to find the derivations from any other sources. 23 (19) πΌππΎ = (πΌππΎπ‘−1 + πΌππΎπ‘ )/2 Μ Μ Μ Μ (20) πΌππΏ = (πΌππΏπ‘−1 + πΌππΏπ‘ )/2 Μ Μ Μ Μ where πΌππΎπ‘ and πΌππΏπ‘ represent observed shares of capital and labor in total factor payments in sector i in time period t. Μ Μ Μ Μ πΌππΎ and Μ Μ Μ Μ πΌππΏ denote “average” capital and labor cost shares for each year, which are averages over the current year and the prior year. Only the accounting approach using actual cost share data is applied in calculating TFPG, because the translog production function cannot be econometrically estimated due to too few observations and hence lack of degrees of freedom. Table 8 presents the results for this approach. If the economic activities obey a translog production function and the technological progress is Hicks neutral, then the entire economy would have an average 4% annual productivity growth for the period from 2000 to 2008. Only four sectors, namely mining and quarrying (#3), electricity, gas and water supply (#5), real estate (#12), and activities of Party (#17), experience decreases in total factor productivity on average over this time period. The rates of decline exceed 1% for the latter two sectors. Service sectors tend to have relatively high productivity growth rates, and several of the service sectors show more than 6% productivity growth. The productivity in the manufacturing sector grows at 3% annually on average, 2% lower than the agriculture and forestry sector. As shown in the second column of Table 8, TFP growth rates derived from a translog production function are almost identical to those based on a Cobb-Douglas production function using the accounting approach, indicating that translog production does not offer a significant improvement over Cobb-Douglas production function in estimating TFPG. The input cost shares in Vietnam do not vary greatly over time for most economic sectors. These results calls into question the adequacy of a translog production function, if it is parameterized as in Young’s method. [Insert Table 8 about here] 24 4.2. CES production function The CES production function has been a challenge for researchers studying growth accounting. Diamond and McFadden (1965) proposed the “Impossibility Theorem”, stating that there is no way of identifying the elasticity of substitution if technological progress is biased. For the following years, the CES function has been consistently avoided in most work on growth accounting, with some exceptions of attempts to challenge the impossibility. Sato (1970) and recently Cantore et al. (2009) touched on this issue. Even though neither Sato nor Cantore et al. fundamentally solved the problem, these two studies along with David and van de Klundert (1965) are illuminating and lead us to an approach that may finally make the impossibility possible. The following section reports a method of estimating a CES production function with biased technological change, followed by an application of this method to the Vietnam market. David and van de Klundert (1965) proposed the following form of the CES production function that incorporates biased technological change: πππ‘ = [(πΈπΎππ‘ πΎππ‘ (21) )(ππ −1)/ππ + (πΈπΏππ‘ πΏππ‘ )(ππ −1)/ππ ] ππ ⁄(π −1) π where ππ is the elasticity of substitution for sector i. Following the previous notation convention, πππ‘ , πΎππ‘ , πΏππ‘ denote output, capital stock and labor for sector i in time t, respectively. πΈπΎππ‘ and πΈπΏππ‘ represent the levels of efficiency of the conventional inputs of labor and capital for sector i in time t, respectively. We adopted the commonly used functional forms for factor-specific technological progress, e.g., πΈπΎππ‘ = πΈπΎπ0 π πππ‘ and πΈπΏππ‘ = πΈπΏπ0 π ππΏπ‘ where ππ and ππΏ represent the growth rate in technological progress associated with capital and labor, respectively; π‘ denotes time; and πΈπΎπ0 and πΈπΏπ0 are the base value for factor efficiency coefficients. The CES production function nests Cobb-Douglas when ππ = 1; and the Leontief production function when ππ = 0. For CES production function, we estimate the relevant equation under both Hicks-neutral and biased technical change assumptions. To circumvent potential problems associated with non-linear estimation, an estimable equation in a linear format can be derived. First differentiating Equation (21) partially with respect L yields: 25 ππΏππ‘ (22) (π −1)⁄ ππ π ππ = ππ‘⁄ππΏ = πΈπΏππ‘ ππ‘ πππ‘ 1⁄ ππ (πΏ ) ππ‘ If perfect competition in all the markets is assumed, then dividing the marginal product by real relative wage π€ππ‘ = πππππππ π€πππππ‘ ⁄π yields: ππ‘ ππΏππ‘ ⁄π€ππ‘ = 1 = (23) where πΌπΏππ‘ = (ππ −1)⁄ ππ πΈπΏππ‘ πππ‘ 1⁄ ππ (πΏ ) (ππ −1)⁄ (1−ππ) ⁄ −1⁄ ππ ⁄π ππ π€ π = πΈ πΌ πΏππ‘ ππ‘ π€ππ‘ πΏππ‘ ππ‘ π€ππ‘ πΏππ‘ ⁄π , which is the share of labor in total factor payments. Rearranging ππ‘ Equation (23) gives: π −1 1−ππ πΌπΏππ‘ = πΈπΏππ‘π π€ππ‘ (24) 1−ππ = (πΈπΏπ0 π πππΏπ‘ )ππ −1 π€ππ‘ Similarly, the cost share equation for capital can be written as below: π −1 1−ππ π πΌπΎππ‘ = πΈπΎππ‘ πππ‘ (25) where πππ‘ = 1−ππ = (πΈπΎπ0 π πππΎ π‘ )ππ −1 πππ‘ πππππππ πππ‘π ππ πππ‘π’ππ π‘π πππππ‘ππππ‘ ⁄π denotes real rate of return to capital for ππ‘ sector i in time t, and πΌπΎππ‘ = πππ‘ πΎππ‘ ⁄π . Dividing Equation (25) by Equation (24) leads to the ππ‘ expression for the capital-labor ratio, ππ −1 πΎππ‘ πΈ π ⁄πΏ = ( πΎπ0⁄πΈ ) ( ππ‘⁄π€ππ‘ )−ππ π (ππ −1)(πππΎ −πππΏ)π‘ ππ‘ πΏπ0 (26) An estimable equation is obtained by taking the logarithmic form of Equation (26), (27) ln ( πΎππ‘ πΈ π ⁄πΏ ) =(ππ − 1)ππ ( πΎπ0⁄πΈ ) − ππ ln( ππ‘⁄π€ππ‘ ) + (ππ − 1)(ππΎ − ππΏ )π‘ ππ‘ πΏπ0 π In this equation, the two independent variables are relative input price ( ππ‘⁄π€ππ‘ ), and time π‘. The coefficient on the time trend term contains the information on the biases of technological progress. It is worth noting that if the elasticity of substitution ππ is equal to one, as in the CobbDouglas case, then the time term associated with biased technological progress drops out, and biased technical change is not identifiable in this case. If the technological progress is assumed to 26 be Hicks neutral, then the estimation equation is reduced to the following form, and again the time trend term drops out: ln ( (28) πΎππ‘ πΈ π ⁄πΏ ) =(ππ − 1)ππ ( πΎπ0⁄πΈ ) − ππ ln( ππ‘⁄π€ππ‘ ) ππ‘ πΏπ0 Technological change is labor augmenting if ππΎ − ππΏ > 0, and is capital augmenting if ππΎ − ππΏ < 0. When estimating Equation 18 and 18a, we will directly obtain the estimate for ππ . With the estimates for (ππ − 1)(ππΎ − ππΏ ) available in Equation 18, we will then be able to calculate the relative input efficiency coefficient (ππΎ − ππΏ ). Testing whether or not the coefficient on the time trend term is significantly different from zero gives us further information on whether or not the technical progress is biased. Furthermore, with the elasticity of substitution available, the individual input efficiency coefficients can be calculated by adopting Equations 9 and 10 derived in Sato (1970). Specifically, the efficiency coefficient for capital ππΎ is: πΜ π¦Μ (ππ πππ‘ − π¦ππ‘) ππ‘ ππ‘ ⁄ ππΎ = (ππ − 1) (29) where π¦ππ‘ = πππ‘ ⁄πΎ . ππ‘ In a similar fashion, we can write the efficiency coefficient for labor ππΏ as: π€Μ π§Μ (ππ π€ππ‘ − π§ππ‘) ππ‘ ππ‘ ⁄ ππΏ = (ππ − 1) (30) where π§ππ‘ = πππ‘ ⁄πΏ . ππ‘ In estimating the derived capital-labor equation, we explored three variants. We firstly directly estimated Equation (27) and calculated the efficiency coefficients, and estimated Equation (28) assuming Hicks-neutral technological change. Then, we regressed capital-labor ratios on lagged relative input price, instead of contemporaneous relative input price, to reflect the possibility of making investment and employment decisions before contemporaneous inputs prices are known and assuming a naïve form of expectations. In order to solve the potential endogeneity problem related to the relative input price, we applied an instrument variable estimation approach with population, state wage and market interest rate as instruments for the 27 relative input price term. In addition, we tried various other combinations of instruments. However, none of the modified models give qualitatively and quantitatively different results than a direct estimation of the derived equation. Therefore, we only report the estimation results based on the direct estimation. Both Hicks-neutral [Equation (28)] and biased technological change [Equation (27)] were considered. Data for capital stocks, labor, and output are the same as described in the previous sections. The input price data are calculated based on the GSO data. The formulae for real rate of return to capital and real relative wage are shown in Equations (31) and (32) below: (31) (32) π£πππ’π πππππ π‘π πππππ‘πππ,π‘ ⁄(πΎ β π ) ππ‘ ππ‘ π£πππ’π πππππ π‘π πππππππ‘ π€ππ‘ = ⁄(πΏ β π ) ππ‘ ππ‘ πππ‘ = where πππ‘ denotes price index for sector i in time t. Data on valued added to inputs and sectoral price indices are from GSO (2009). The time period for all the data is from 2000 to 2008. [Insert Table 9 about here] Table 9 reports the estimation results based on a direct estimation of Equation (27) and Equation (28), and subsequent calculations of input efficiency coefficients using Equations (29) and (30). The results indicate that in the absence of biased technological change, input efficiency (i.e., TFP) increases by 4.5% annually for the entire economy from 2000 to 2008. The elasticity of substitution is 1.54, higher than unity. If biased technological progress is allowed, then efficiency would increase by 4.9% annually for capital, and increase by 10.4% annually for labor. The elasticity of substitution is 0.36 for aggregated results on the entire economy in this scenario. The economy features labor-augmenting technological change according to the estimation results, evidenced by a significant difference between labor efficiency growth and capital efficiency growth. The sectoral details demonstrate that when Hicks-neutral technological progress is assumed, several sectors have dramatic decreases in efficiency use. When biased technological progress is allowed, many sectors have more than a 10% increase in the rates of input productivity growth, and three of them have huge reductions in the efficiency of input use. 28 In addition, four sectors have insignificant coefficient on the relative price term, suggesting that the elasticity of substitution is very close to zero. Five of the sectors have significant coefficient on the time trend term, but the elasticity of substitution is less than 0.5. Those sectors with insignificant or small elasticities of substitution may favor a Leontief function as their production specification. The overly high input productivity growth rates and large efficiency reductions invite suspicion. Moreover, the alternative models with lagged input prices and with instruments on relative input price generate somewhat different regression results. These estimation results are consistent with the changes in output and input prices exhibited in Figure 5 to Figure 8. Wagerental ratios change much more slowly than labor-capital ratios, hinting at relatively low elasticities of substitution. The unsatisfactory results based on CES production function motivated us to continue investigating alternative functional forms. 4.3. Leontief production function The Leontief production function can be considered as a special case of CES with an elasticity of substitution equal to zero, which implies that the factors of production are used in fixed proportions (Leontief, 1941). In this study, since we use actual employment and capital stock data, factors of production in the model are assumed to be fully used. The mathematical form of the Leontief production function used in this study is presented below: (33) πππ‘ = πΎππ‘⁄ πΏππ‘ πππ‘ = ⁄πππ‘ where πππ‘ and πππ‘ are input-output coefficients for capital and labor, respectively. These measure how many units of capital and labor are needed to produce πππ‘ units of output using the technique in time t. We also assume that there may be technological progress over time in sectoral production. The changes in input-output coefficients follow these two functions: (34) πππ‘ = ππ0 π ππΎπ‘ and πππ‘ = ππ0 π ππΏπ‘ where ππ0 and ππ0 are the base values for capital-output coefficient and labor-output coefficient. ππΎ and ππΏ denote rates of increases in the capital-output coefficient and labor-output coefficient, 29 respectively. Thus, negatives of those two coefficients are the growth rates of capital efficiency and of labor efficiency, which are equivalent to the estimates of ππΎ and ππΏ in the CES case. If we are able to obtain estimates of ππΎ and ππΏ , then we can use statistical tests to examine if there is labor-augmenting technological change. In order to estimate ππΎ and ππΏ , we will first compute πππ‘ and πππ‘ by rearranging the terms in Equation (33) into the following form: πππ‘ = (35) πΎππ‘ πΏ ⁄π and πππ‘ = ππ‘⁄π ππ‘ ππ‘ Taking the logarithmic form of Equation (35) immediately leads to estimation equations for the efficiency parameters ππΎ and ππΏ : (36) πππππ‘ = ππππ0 + ππΎ π‘ (37) πππππ‘ = ππππ0 + ππΏ π‘ The hypotheses for biased technological change are: π»0 : −ππΎ ≥ −ππΏ πππππ‘ππ π ππ£πππ π‘ππβπππππ πβππππ π»π : −ππΎ < −ππΏ πππππ π ππ£πππ π‘ππβπππππ πβππππ The hypotheses state that if the efficiency of capital grows faster than the efficiency of labor, then the new technology is capital augmenting. If the reversed relationship is true, then the new technology saves labor. A t test is built according to the following equation: π‘= (38) (ππΎ − ππΏ ) ⁄ √ 2 ππΎ ππΎ ππΏ2 +π −1 πΏ −1 Since the time period for the data is from 2000 to 2008, the number of observation is 9, i.e. ππΎ = ππΏ = 9. ππΎ and ππΏ stand for the standard errors of the estimated efficiency parameters ππΎ and ππΏ , respectively. Data needed for this estimation include capital stocks, employment, and physical output by sector and by year. All the data are the same as those used in the previous analyses. [Insert Table 10 about here] 30 Table 10 presents the estimation results for the efficiency parameters under a Leontief production function, and the testing results regarding which factor is saved by the new technology. The entire economy, i.e. sector 19, uses 5 units of capital and 7 units of labor to produce 1 unit of output on average. The economy overall experiences 2.0% capital efficiency growth and 5.8% labor efficiency growth annually. Both capital and labor efficiency parameters are significantly different from zero at a 1% level, indicating that there is technological progress in the economy. Also, the null hypothesis of capital-saving technological change is rejected for the entire economy, and technological change in the whole economy favors labor. The agriculture and forestry sector (#1) has relatively high capital efficiency growth at 4.1% annually, yet the labor efficiency grows even faster at 5.7%. The differences in growth between capital efficiency and labor efficiency are more pronounced for the fishing (#2) and manufacturing (#4) sectors. Their capital efficiency growth rates are 1.5% for the fishing sector and 1.6% for the manufacturing sector, less than 1/3 of their corresponding labor efficiency growth. The mining and quarrying sector (#3) does not have significant input efficiency improvement, and neither does the electricity, gas and water supply (#5) sector, both of which are typically heavily stateinvested sectors. Those sectors may have limited adoption levels of new techniques targeting enhancing production efficiency. The service sectors overall tend to have larger input efficiency improvements than traditional and industrial sectors. Factor efficiency in all the service sectors significantly grows over this time period, except for the capital efficiency in the real estate sector (#12), the labor efficiency in the financial intermediation sector (#10) and in the activities of Party (#17). Most service sectors exhibits labor-augmenting technological progress, with the exceptions of construction (#6), financial intermediation (#10), real estate (#12), public administration and defense (#13) sectors, and activities of Party (#17). Among the five sectors with capital-saving technological progress, two of them do not have statistically significant improvement in labor efficiency. Compared to the estimates from CES production function, sectoral estimations based on the Leontief production function are much more reasonable, with most annual input efficiency growth rates locating within the range between 0.4% and 10%. The economy-wide input efficiency growth rates are also comparable to findings from other studies [see Leon-Ledesma et al. (2009) for a summary]. The Leontief production function seems to be the most reasonable among all the production functions we have studied so far. 31 4.4. Model selection on production functions After applying all the production function specifications to the production data in Vietnam, we now select the best model among Cobb-Douglas, CES and Leontief production functions. Even though we estimated total factor productivity growth rates and biases based on the translog production function, as mentioned before, the number of parameters to be estimated in the translog production function is more than the number of observations. Thus, the estimation of a translog production function is not feasible. Therefore, we exclude the translog production function at this stage of model selection. In addition, since the results from translog production function are also very similar to those from Cobb-Douglas production function using the accounting approach, we can infer that the selection results should be very similar to CobbDouglas under the accounting approach. The three production functional forms examined in this section represent different levels of elasticities of substitution, featuring constant unitary elasticity of substitution in Cobb-Douglas, perfect complements with zero elasticity of substitution between factors in Leontief, and an indeterminate constant as the elasticity of substitution in the CES production function. We adopted the root mean squared error (RMSE) method for model selection. For CobbDouglas production function, we reported the RMSE from the accounting approach as well as the econometric approach. For the accounting approach, we used the actual average cost shares to estimate output, and then compute the RMSE through Equation 32 below. For the econometric approach, we directly obtained estimated output in logarithmic form from Equation (8) constrained by Equation (7). We then removed the logarithm by exponentiating the estimates and computed the RMSE through Equation (39). (39) 2 Μ Μ π πππΈ[π ππ‘ ] = √πΈ[(πππ‘ − πππ‘ ) ] Μ where π ππ‘ denotes estimated output in sector i in time t, and πππ‘ denotes actual output in sector i in time t. Hence, we ask how well each functional form and estimation method fit observed output data. 32 For CES and Leontief production functions, we obtained the RMSE indirectly. For CES production function, we first inserted the estimated parameters derived in Section 4.2 into the production function to get estimated output by sector, and then computed the RMSE through Equation (39) above. For the Leontief production function, we inserted the estimated efficiency coefficients derived in Subsection 4.3.2 into the Leontief production function to obtain estimated output by sector over time, and then computed the RMSE through Equation (39) listed above. It is worth noting that we assumed fully employment for both capital and labor, and hence different RMSE results were derived based capital and labor usages for the Leontief production function. We further divided the RMSE by actual average output to show the relative estimation errors. [Insert Table 11 about here] Table 11 presents the model selection results. For all the sectors, including sector 19 representing the entire economy, results favor the Leontief production function as the best description of the production activities. For the economy as a whole, the root mean squared error is 1% of actual output, compared with 11% for the econometric approach and 43% for the accounting approach using a Cobb-Douglas production function, and with 7% for the CES production function. These patterns are present for the other sectors as well. CES nests Leontief, but the estimable equation for a CES production function is not a relaxed form of the Leontief production function. This is because the estimable equations for CES production function are derived. We can directly estimate Leontief production function, but cannot directly estimate a CES production function. Instead, in order to make the CES production function estimable, we need to impose some assumptions to derive simpler forms that are estimable. The predictability for output for CES production function may be weakened as we take these additional steps to derive those estimable equations. Leontief is better than the CES, and is also obviously superior to the Cobb-Douglas production function in explaining output. For the Cobb-Douglas production function, the econometric approach is better than the accounting approach for the reason that the econometric approach can find the production function parameters that fit the data better than actual cost shares. However, as noticed in Section 4.1.1, many of the cost share parameters from the econometric estimations do not lie between zero and one, which is not sensible for share terms under assumption of Cobb-Douglas. For the Leontief production function, the levels of estimation accuracy between capital and labor equations are very close. 33 From these analyses, we find that there is biased technological change, specifically laboraugmenting technological change in the economy, which may in turn contribute to slow labor demand. Among all the production functions, the Leontief production function strongly outperforms the others, which implies low substitutability between factors of production in Vietnam. Since labor demand is the overriding theme of this study, in the next section, we will shift our focus from production to labor demand. We will examine the estimation results from derived conditional labor demand equations, and then integrate the model selection results for the production function with the model selection results from labor demand equations to draw the final conclusions on which model we will use to examine institutional biases. 4.5. Derived conditional labor demand 4.5.1. Derived conditional labor demand from Cobb-Douglas production function The conditional labor demand function sets up a relationship between labor demand, output and input prices. Conditional labor demand functions can be derived based on the production function. Below, we present the derivations of the conditional labor demand equation from the Cobb-Douglas production function. To start with, the Cobb-Douglas production function incorporating the constraint on cost share terms is rewritten below: πΌ 1−πΌππΎ πππ‘ = π΄ππ‘ πΎππ‘ ππΎ πΏππ‘ (40) First differentiating Equation (40) partially with respect to each input factors leads to: (41) (42) ππΎππ‘ = ππΏππ‘ = ππππ‘ πΌ −1 1−πΌ ⁄ππΎ = π΄ππ‘ β πΌππΎ β πΎππ‘ ππΎ πΏππ‘ ππΎ ππ‘ ππππ‘ πΌ −πΌ ⁄ππΏ = π΄ππ‘ β (1 − πΌππΎ ) β πΎππ‘ ππΎ πΏππ‘ ππΎ ππ‘ The optimality condition for production states that the marginal rate of technological substitution between two inputs equals the relative input price. Therefore, 34 ππΎππ‘ πΌ πΏ π ⁄ππΏππ‘ = ππΎ⁄(1 − πΌ ) β ππ‘⁄πΎ = ππ‘⁄π€ππ‘ ππ‘ ππΎ (43) Combining Equations (43) and (40) yields πππ‘ = π΄ππ‘ β [ (44) πΌππΎ πΌππΎ π€ ⁄(1 − πΌ ) β ππ‘⁄πππ‘ ] β πΏππ‘ ππΎ Thus, the conditional labor demand is as follows: −πΌππΎ π πΌ π€ πΏππ‘ = ( ππ‘⁄π΄ ) [ ππΎ⁄(1 − πΌ ) β ππ‘⁄πππ‘ ] ππ‘ ππΎ (45) Taking the logarithmic form of Equation (45) gives: (1 − πΌππΎ )⁄ π πππΏππ‘ = πππππ‘ − πππ΄ππ‘ + πΌππΎ ln( ππ‘⁄π€ππ‘ ) + πΌππΎ ln [ πΌππΎ ] (46) (1 − πΌππΎ )⁄ π = πππππ‘ − πππ΄π0 − ππ π‘ + πΌππΎ ln( ππ‘⁄π€ππ‘ ) + πΌππΎ ln [ πΌππΎ ] Equation (46) is the equation for conditional labor demand. The independent variables are output π πππππ‘ , time trend π‘, and relative price ratio ππ( ππ‘⁄π€ππ‘ ). The total factor productivity term 1 − πΌππΎ⁄ πΌππΎ )] becomes the constant. The coefficient on output is constrained [−πππ΄ππ‘ +πΌππΎ ln ( to be one. Thus, the only parameters to be estimated are (−ππ ) and πΌππΎ . The data sources for the variables are the same as those used in production function estimations. [Insert Table 12 about here] Table 12 reports the estimation of the conditional factor demand function based on CobbDouglas production function. As can be seen, most sectors, including sector19 representing the entire economy, do not have a significant coefficient on the relative input price term. Even for those three sectors with significant coefficients on relative input prices, the sign is not correct for one of them, the real estate sector (#12). The coefficient on time trend is significant and correctly signed for most sectors. This suggests that there is improving labor productivity over time for most sectors, generated by technological progress. The regression results also indicate that the time trend is a more important factor than relative input prices in determining labor use per unit of output. 35 4.5.2. Derived conditional labor demand from CES production function The conditional labor demand function can also be derived from the CES production function. As derived earlier in Equation (24), the following relationship holds: (24) π −1 1−ππ πΌπΏππ‘ = πΈπΏππ‘π π€ππ‘ where πΌπΏππ‘ is the share of labor in total factor payments. πΈπΏππ‘ is the level of efficiency of labor. Therefore, Equation 24 can be rewritten as: (47) π€ππ‘ πΏππ‘ π −1 1−π ⁄π = πΈπΏππ‘π π€ππ‘ π ππ‘ Thus, the labor demand can be written as: (48) π −1 −π πΏππ‘ = πΈπΏππ‘π π€ππ‘ π πππ‘ Since πΈπΏππ‘ = πΈπΏπ0 π ππΏπ π‘ , Equation (48) can be rewritten as follows: (49) π −1 −π π πΏππ‘ = πΈπΏπ0 π ππΏπ π‘(ππ −1) π€ππ‘ π πππ‘ Taking logarithmic form of Equation (49) gives: (50) πππΏππ‘ = πππππ‘ − ππ πππ€ππ‘ − (1 − ππ )ππΏ π‘ − (1 − ππ )πππΈπΏπ0 Equation (50) is the estimable conditional labor demand function from the CES production function. This equation says that labor is dependent on output and real relative wage. The last term associated with the base value of the efficiency coefficient of labor [−(1 − ππ )πππΈπΏπ0 ] becomes the constant. The coefficient on time trend [−(1 − ππ )ππΏ ] shows the impact of labor efficiency improvement on labor demand. This is a constrained estimation, since the coefficient on output πππππ‘ is set to be one. The parameters to be estimated are the coefficient on real relative wage πππ€ππ‘ , which should be equal to the opposite of the elasticity of substitution (−ππ ), and the coefficient on time trend. The data for all the variables in this econometric estimation have the same source as that used when estimating the CES production function. [Insert Table 13 about here] 36 Table 13 presents the estimations of the parameter on real relative wage. Except for the manufacturing sector (#4), and recreational, cultural and sporting activities (#16), labor demand in all the other sectors shows significant negative correlation with the real relative wage. For the economy as a whole, represented by sector 19, labor demand is also significantly correlated with the real relative wage, with a price elasticity of 0.75. Labor uses in the traditional sector, natural resource and energy sectors, and most service sectors are very sensitive to the change in real relative wages and have price elasticity of labor demand greater than one. There is also a slow decreasing trend in the labor use per unit of output for eight sectors and the economy as a whole, indicated by negative and significant coefficients on the time term. The values of the estimated elasticities of substitution estimated from the conditional labor demand equation based on the CES production function in Table 13 are very different from the estimated elasticities of substitution based on CES production function (see Table 9), which challenges the robustness of the CES production function to describe production activities in Vietnam. 4.5.3. Derived conditional labor demand from Leontief production function The conditional labor demand from Leontief production function can be directly obtained by rearranging the terms in the production function. Since it assumes fixed proportions for factors of production, the labor demand is not a function of input prices in this case. The derivations of conditional labor demand equations based on the Leontief production function can be obtained through the following equations. The labor usage portion of the Leontief production function is rewritten below: (33) πππ‘ = πΏππ‘ ⁄π ππ‘ Equation (34) presents the growth of labor efficiency coefficient: (34) πππ‘ = ππ0 π ππΏπ‘ Combining Equations (34) and (33) leads to (51) πΏππ‘ = πππ‘ πππ‘ = ππ0 π ππΏπ‘ πππ‘ 37 The logarithmic form of Equation (51) is πππΏππ‘ = ππππ0 + ππΏ π‘ + πππππ‘ (52) Equation (52) is the estimable conditional labor demand equation based on the Leontief production function. As can be seen, the derived conditional labor demand equation based on Leontief production function is very similar to the derived conditional labor demand equation from CES, since Leontief can be seen as a special case of CES when ππ = 1. As the elasticity of substitution equals unity in CES derived conditional labor demand equation [Equation (50)], the coefficient on time trend is reduced to the opposite of the efficiency growth rate (−ππΏ ). It is worth noting that by definition ππΏ is positive and increasing with labor productivity, and ππΏ is negative and decreasing with labor productivity. Therefore, ππΏ is directly comparable with (−ππΏ ). Similar to the conditional labor demand equations introduced before, the coefficient on output πππππ‘ is constrained to be one. The coefficient on time trend ππΏ is just the rate of change in the laboroutput coefficient. The base value for the labor efficiency coefficient ππππ0 is the constant term in this estimation equation. Data used for this estimation have the same source as that used in estimating production functions. The estimation results of the conditional labor demand function using Leontief production function are virtually identical to the estimation results of the Leontief production function. For the entire economy (sector 19), labor demand is significantly correlated with the trend term at 5% level, with a coefficient equal to -0.06. Except for the natural resources and energy sectors (#3 and #5), and activities of Party and of membership organizations (#17), all the other sectors show a significant decline in the share of labor in total output, i.e., labor productivities improve over time. These results are the same as described earlier for the Leontief production function. From the estimation results of the conditional labor demand functions, we find that real relative wage and the time trend are important determinants of labor demand. We will next apply the RMSE to choose which derived conditional labor demand model best fit the data. 38 4.5.4. Model selection using derived conditional labor demand The RMSE method is adopted for model selection among these three classes of conditional labor demand functions based on different production functions. The formula to compute the statistic for RMSE is Equation (39), with replacements of predicted and actual output with predicted and actual labor demand for this analysis. RMSE’s for each type of conditional labor demand functions are summarized in Table 14. As can be seen, the conditional labor demand function from Cobb-Douglas production function has the worst fit among the three. The conditional labor demand function based on Leontief production is the best for the manufacturing sector, where RMSE of Leontief is only smaller than RMSE of CES by 0.0001, whereas the conditional labor demand function based on CES is the best for all the other seventeen sectors. For the economy as a whole, CES is the best fit. [Insert Table 14 about here] However, these model selection results should be used with caution. The Leontief function can be seen as a special case of a CES function by constraining the elasticity of substitution to be zero. Thus, in the derived conditional labor demand function based on Leontief, the real relative wage term disappears from the equation. Illustrated in Figure 4 to Figure 8, the real relative wage has a time trend, and so does the labor demand, suggesting a correlation between labor demand and the real relative wage term. Therefore, as real relative wage, an independent variable that is somewhat correlated with labor demand, is removed from the regression model, the constraining Leontief conditional labor demand model fits worse than the full CES conditional labor demand model. As the relative wage term is removed from the model, due to multi-collinearity between the relative wage variable and the time trend variable, at least part of the information contained in the real relative wage term is picked up by the trend term in the derived conditional labor demand function based on the Leontief production function. Thus, the goodness of fit does not differ significantly between these two types of conditional labor demand functions for several sectors. Even though conditional labor demand function based on CES production function fits the data better, we cannot ignore the lack of robustness of the model, evidenced by very different estimated elasticities of substitution between conditional labor demand estimation and the CES production function estimation. 39 The derived labor demand equations allow us to quantitatively evaluate existing or potential policies that affect market wages and outputs. In the following section, we will investigate if minimum wage policy affects the market wage. If so, then we can gauge the effect of minimum wage policy on labor demand through the derived labor demand equations. We will use the CES conditional labor demand function, but must be cautious in interpreting results. 5. Roles of policies in labor demand In Vietnam, there are two policies under focus that may be biased toward capital intensive development. They are the minimum wage policy and state investment policy. In this section, we will investigate if these two policies induce capital intensive production, and how they affect labor demand in various key economic sectors. 5.1. Minimum wage policy The Vietnamese government has been actively influencing the market wage by adjusting the minimum wage. The nominal minimum wage increased by 300% from 2000 to 2008. However, the role of minimum wage policy in determining the market wage and thus labor demand is still a controversial issue in Vietnam. The institutional wage setting mechanism in Vietnam gives rise to various levels of association between the minimum wage and the market wage across different firm types. Since state-owned enterprises are legally bound by the minimum wage policy, their wages tend to follow the minimum wage more closely. However, in informal sectors, the minimum wage policy is less respected. Since the informal and private formal sectors account for a considerable portion of the entire Vietnamese economy, the overall importance of the minimum wage in determining market wage is weakened. Vietnam applies different levels of minimum wages to different types of firms. Foreign-invested firms have higher minimum wages. Therefore, without details on ownership, we can only examine mixed pass-through results. Also, since the number of employees required in the state-owned enterprises is usually pre-determined and cannot exceed a certain limit, labor movement between different types of firms is not entirely free. Wages can hardly be equalized across different firms. Thus, higher state wages may not imply a similar level of wages paid in other types of firms. All 40 of those factors present in institutional wage setting are responsible for the mixed levels of linkages between minimum wages and market wages. If minimum wage drives the market wage, then the affected market wage would translate into changes in labor demand. On the other side, however, if minimum wage policy is not an important determinant of the market wage, then the role of the minimum wage policy in labor demand is trivial. In the following section, we attempt to explore if the minimum wage is an important factor in setting market wages. If minimum wage is an important driver of the market wage, then we will evaluate to what degree the minimum wage would affect the labor-output coefficient and the labor demand using the previously estimated conditional labor demand function based on CES. The first regression model we employed only has the real minimum wage and the CPI as independent variables to explain the variation in the nominal market wage. The goal of this estimation is to determine whether the real minimum wage or inflation is a more important determinant of nominal market wages in Vietnam. The model is written as follows: (53) ln(πππππππ ππππππ‘ π€πππ)it = αi ln(ππππ ππππππ’π π€πππ)t + βi ln(πΆππΌ) + γi The coefficient on the real minimum wage πΌπ measures the level of correlation between nominal market wage and real minimum wage, and the coefficient on CPI π½π measures the level of correlation between nominal market wage and inflation. In addition, we also constrained the coefficient on CPI to be one, assuming inflation pass-through is neutral, and directly regressed the real market wage on the real minimum wage. The mathematical expression of this model is as follows: (54) ln(ππππ ππππππ‘ π€πππ)it = δi ln(ππππ ππππππ’π π€πππ)t + θi Figure 4 in Section 2 implies that state wages are more sensitive in response to minimum wage. Hence, we regressed the real state wage on real minimum wage to examine if different levels of 41 responsiveness to changes in the minimum wage exist between state enterprises and enterprises of other ownerships11. The regression model is written as: (55) ln(ππππ π π‘ππ‘π π€πππ)it = ηi ln(ππππ ππππππ’π π€πππ)t + ζi Nominal market wages are imputed by removing the price index from the formula used in computing real relative wages [Equation (31)]. (56) (πππππππ ππππππ‘ π€πππ)ππ‘ = π£πππ’π πππππ π‘π πππππππ‘ ⁄πΏ ππ‘ Data sources for value added to labor and employment are the same as those introduced in Section 4.2. Data on the minimum wage are based on the Labor Law by the National Assembly of Vietnam, which are accessible online12. Data on state wage are from GSO Statistical Yearbook (2010). CPI values are from IMF (2010) and GSO (2010). Deflating the nominal wages by price indices yields real relative wages. [Insert Table 15 about here] The estimation results are summarized in Table 15. The results indicate that for most sectors, inflation is a more important factor than the minimum wage in driving the market wage, indicated by positive and relatively large correlation between the nominal market wage and inflation for most sectors. For five out of eighteen sectors, namely sectors of fishing (#2), manufacturing (#4), transport, storage and communications (#9), education and training (#14), and recreational, cultural and sporting activities (#16), the minimum wage plays a significant role in driving the market wage, still with less influence than inflation on nominal market wages. These five sectors have positive and significant coefficients on the real minimum wage. Yet, all of the elasticities with respect to real minimum wage are small and less than unity. For the economy as a whole, both the real minimum wage and inflation are significant variables determining nominal wages, but the correlation between the nominal wage and inflation is much 11 Due to lack of wage data for other types of firms, we did not run this regression model for private and foreigninvested firms. 12 The minimum wage data are summarized on a Wikipedia webpage: %25E1%25BB%2583u_t%25E1%25BA%25A1i_Vi%25E1%25BB%2587t_Nam&sl=vi&tl=en 42 stronger, with a coefficient of 1.15 on inflation versus a coefficient of 0.32 on the real minimum wage. In the case of inflation constrained to one, i.e., neutral inflation pass-through for all the sectors, similar patterns appear. Only five sectors have a significant but low correlation between the real market wage and the real minimum wage. For the economy as a whole, the real minimum wage is a significant variable in explaining the real market wage, but the elasticity is only 0.35, similar to the unconstrained result above. As mentioned earlier, wage setting mechanisms vary greatly across firm types. Thus, various levels of correlation between minimum wages and market wages across firm types are found. Since the overall economy is a mix of all firm types, the estimation results of Equations (53) and (54) based on data of the overall sector are also only a reflection of the averaged sector. Consistent with Figure 4, the real state wage is more closely correlated with the real minimum wage relative to wages in enterprises of other types of ownership, which is consistent with the fact that state-owned enterprises are more tightly bound by the minimum wage policy. The minimum wage is important for most sectors, and the coefficients are largely above 0.5. For the economy as a whole, we would expect that a 1% increase in the real minimum wage would lead to 0.5% increase in the real state wage. Minimum wages may affect labor demand by influencing market wages. The more sensitive the market wage is in response to the minimum wage, the larger the impact on labor demand would be. To quantitatively evaluate the impact of the changes in the minimum wage on labor demand, we first used the estimates from Equation (54), a direct regression of real minimum wage on real market wage, to obtain predicted changes in the real market wage. Then, we adopted the estimates from the derived conditional labor demand equation based on the CES production function to assess the changes in labor-output coefficients. From the magnitude of the changes in the labor-output coefficient, we can assess the contribution of institutional wage bias to labor demand based on the labor demand growth decomposition analysis. It is worth noting that we only performed this analysis for three major sectors, namely, agriculture, manufacturing and infrastructure services. These sectors account for the vast majority of changes in labor demand partially attributable to institutional wage bias in the labor demand growth decomposition. Also, since the estimated coefficients on real wage from Equation (54) tend to be 43 bigger than the estimates from Equation (53), the minimum wage effect we assess here would be an upward bound. Table 16 reports the percentage changes in the labor-output coefficients due to institutional wage bias in the agriculture, manufacturing and infrastructure service sectors, compared with total percentage changes in labor-output coefficients in those sectors. As can be seen, the changes in labor-output coefficients due to institutional wage bias are not large for any of the three sectors. In the agriculture sector, institutional wage bias leads to an 1.05% decrease in labor use per unit of output, which is about a quarter of the total decrease in labor-output coefficient in the agriculture sector. The institutional wage bias is even less significant in the manufacturing sector. The labor-output coefficient only decreases by 0.11% due to the institutional wage bias, which is responsible for only 3% of the total decline in the labor-output coefficient in the manufacturing sector. The impact of institutional wage bias is revealed to be the strongest in the infrastructure service sector, where the labor-output coefficient decreases by 1.37% due to institutional wage bias. The contribution of institutional bias to lowering laboroutput coefficients is about half of the estimated effect of biased technological change in the infrastructure sector. Since the effect on labor demand is proportional to the effect on the laboroutput coefficient in the labor demand growth decomposition analysis, we can infer that the effect of minimum wages on labor demand is also insignificant, and may account for less than one-third of total percentage change, i.e., a 1% decrease in labor demand growth. The passthrough of the minimum wage is muted by the low correlation between the minimum wage and the market wage, in conjunction with the low correlation between the real market wage and labor-output coefficients in the CES-based conditional labor demand functions. The overall outcome is small effects of institutional wage bias on slowing down labor demand, at least in the short run. Biased technological change is still the major explainer of stagnant labor demand. In summary, all the estimation results obtained above offer evidence that inflation, rather than the minimum wage, is a more important factor driving market wages. Only for five sectors is the coefficient on the minimum wage statistically significant in wage determination, but the impact on the market wage is still lower than that of inflation. State wages tend to follow the minimum wage more closely, consistent with the state wage setting mechanism, and hence the minimum wage plays a more significant role in explaining changes in state wages relative to 44 explaining changes in the overall market wage or the market wage offered by enterprises of other types of ownership. The labor demand growth decomposition analysis shows that the effect of institutional wage bias on labor demand is greatly muted. This reinforces the notion that laboraugmenting technical change may be an important factor explaining slow labor demand growth. Even in the case representing an upward bound, the downward pressure on the labor-output coefficient due to institutional wage bias is only responsible for less than one-third of the total changes in the labor-output coefficient. The low correlation between minimum wage and market wage, combined with the low correlation between the real wage and labor-output coefficient in the conditional labor demand function based on CES, lead to small percentage changes in laboroutput coefficient and hence in labor demand, as minimum wage is adjusted. 5.2. Role of state investment According to MOLISA and ILSSA (2009), investment in state-owned firms tends to be overly capital intensive, and they could absorb more labor if that investment were less capital intensive. In this section we will partially explore if state investment is more capital intensive than other firm types, and how that investment bias would affect the structure of the economy. In order to evaluate the role of state investment, we first calculated labor-output coefficients for state and non-state firms, and for the overall sector in 2003. We then analyze the relative incremental labor-output ratio to the incremental capital-output ratio to investigate how input intensity has evolved over time for state firms and for the overall sector. Lastly, we examined how the sectoral shares of output are adjusted for state and non-state firms to assess the role of state investment on labor demand growth. Due to lack of data on output and value added by firm type, we cannot use data from the same sources to analyze the role of state investment. Rather, we combined the GSO data with estimated sectoral output shares by ownership for 35 sectors in 2003 based on the Enterprise Survey and other assumptions by Boys (2008). Since the output share data are necessary to compute the initial capital stock and output levels by firm type, we chose 2003 as the base year to start this analysis. We performed these analyses for the major 45 sectors, including the agriculture13, manufacturing, construction, and infrastructure service sectors. We computed the averaged output shares for those aggregated sectors based on the estimated shares by Boys (2008), weighting by the sectoral output levels. Since we aim to evaluate the role of state investment, all the analyses were implemented by firm type. The first analysis involves labor-output ratios for state firms, non-state firms and for the sector overall. As used earlier, total output in 2003 by sector are available from GSO (2010), and hence output for state firms in 2003 can be derived by multiplying total sector output by output shares of state-owned enterprises. Total employment data in 2003 are also available from GSO (2010), and state employment data in 2003 are available from the GSO Statistical Yearbook (2010). Once total and state output and employment data by sector are ready, taking the difference between total values and state values gives non-state output and employment levels in 2003. With labor and output levels for state firms, non-state firms and the overall sector in 2003, we can then directly obtain labor-output coefficients in 2003 by firm type. Table 17 presents the results. The labor-output coefficients in state sectors are clearly lower than those in non-state sectors, indicating less labor use per unit of output in the state sectors. The sharpest contrast between state and non-state firms is in the agriculture sector, where labor-output coefficient is only 0.010 in state firms and is 0.507 in non-state firms. However, it is worth noting that the output shares are based on the Enterprise Survey, in which only formal sectors are included. The formal sector is only a subset of each sector, and state firms may be overrepresented in this subset relative to non-state firms. Therefore, the output share of state-owned enterprises by Boys (2008) may be higher than the actual shares, and state output based on the estimated shares may be overestimated. Therefore, the labor-output coefficients for state sector we derived serve as lower bounds for this statistic. [Insert Table 17 about here] To evaluate the evolution of technological progress and input intensity, we also calculated the incremental labor-output ratio relative to the incremental capital-output ratio for state-owned firms and overall economy from 2003 to 2008. 13 It is worth noting that results on the agricultural sector should be taken with caution. State-owned enterprises in the agricultural sector are mainly concentrated in food processing, marketing and distribution, but have very limited involvement in primary production, which is the major employment hub in the agricultural sector. 46 The incremental labor-output ratio is defined as how much more labor is needed for one unit of output increase. The mathematical expression is as follows: πΜ πΏππ‘ = (57) βπΏππ‘ ⁄βπ ππ‘ where πΜ πΏππ‘ denotes the incremental labor-output ratio, βπΏππ‘ denotes the change in labor demand, and βπππ‘ denotes the change in output. Similarly, the incremental capital-output ratio is defined as how much more capital is needed for one unit of output increase. The mathematical expression is as follows: πΜ πΎππ‘ = (58) βπΎππ‘ ⁄βπ ππ‘ where πΜ πΎππ‘ denotes incremental capital-output ratio, and βπΎππ‘ denotes the change in capital used. Thus, the ratio between the incremental labor-output ratio (πΜ πΏππ‘ ) and the incremental capital-output ratio (πΜ πΎππ‘ ) becomes the ratio between the change in labor and the change in capital, shown as follows: πΜ βπΏ πΏππ‘⁄ = ππ‘⁄βπΎ πΜ ππ‘ πΎππ‘ (59) We calculated the relative incremental ratios for state firms and the overall sectors. Total employment and capital data by sector are the same as those used in previous analyses, and the changes can then be directly computed. State employment data for the entire time period are available from GSO Statistical Yearbook (2010), and hence the change in state employment can be easily computed. Data on capital stocks for the state sector are not directly available, so they need to be computed. The analysis is on incremental basis, and is built on strong assumptions. As in Equation (15), the state capital stocks in each time period can be computed as follows: (15) πΎπ π‘ππ‘π,ππ‘ = πΎπ π‘ππ‘π,ππ‘−1 β (1 − ππ£πππππ ππππ’ππ πππππππππ‘πππ πππ‘ππ ) + πΌπ π‘ππ‘π,π,π‘ We assume that state and non-state firms have the same depreciation rate. We also assume the same capital-output coefficient for state and non-state firms in the base year 2003. Therefore, the 47 state capital stocks in 2003 account for the same shares in total capital stocks as the corresponding output shares. The state capital stocks in the base year can then be computed by multiplying total capital stocks by state output shares. Since state investment data and annual depreciation rates are available from GSO (2009), state capital stocks for the following years can be calculated through Equation (15). As a result, the change in state capital stocks can then be obtained. Figure 10 to Figure 14 depict evolutions of relative input incremental ratios for state firms and for the sector overall for the agriculture, manufacturing, construction, and infrastructure service sectors, and for the entire economy from 2004 to 200814. The relative incremental labor to capital ratios are lower for the state firms than the overall sector. State firms have slower changes in labor demand relative to the changes in capital demand than the average sector. The pattern also appears for the economy as a whole, except for 200515. The low relative incremental input ratio in the state sector might be due to slow increase in labor demand, and/or due to rapid capital accumulation in state invested firms. The state investment exacerbates growth rates of capital intensity in state-owned firms and so in the overall economy. Also, by examining the rate of change in the relative incremental ratios, we find that the overall sectors tend to exhibit faster changes than the state firms. This might be caused by relatively static technology in state firms. Non-state firms may experience faster technological progress than their state counterparts, and the technological progress induces more rapid changes in input intensity. Since differences between overall sectoral results and state results are significant in all the figures, we can infer that private enterprises exhibit very different patterns in terms of the evolution of relative incremental ratios over time from state-owned enterprises. [Insert Figure 10 to Figure 14 about here] We lastly evaluated the impact of state investment bias on labor demand growth for those key sectors. As concluded in the previous section, the Leontief function best represents production activities in Vietnam, particularly for predicting the output. Therefore, we assumed a 14 The variations of the ratios over time are the focus, but the absolute values of the starting points may be more sensitive to the assumptions. 15 2005 seems to be a very special year according to Figure 14. The state relative incremental labor to capital ratio is much larger than in all the other years. This is because of a huge increase in state employment in that year. But the reason why state employment increased so much in 2005 is unknown. 48 Leontief production function to compute output levels in state-owned enterprises for the period 2004-2008. From the previous analysis, we find that technology in state-owned enterprises tend to be static. Thus, we fix the labor-output ratio at the 2003 level for the state-owned enterprises, and compute the output for the following years through the formula below: (60) ππ π‘ππ‘π,ππ‘ = πΏπ π‘ππ‘π,ππ‘ ⁄ππΏπ,2003 where ππ π‘ππ‘π,ππ‘ denotes total output in state-owned enterprises in sector i in time t, and πΏπ π‘ππ‘π,ππ‘ denotes state employment in sector i in time t. ππΏπ,2003 denotes labor-output ratio for sector i in 2003. Equation (60) describes that state output is equal to the ratio between sectoral state employment and the labor-output ratio for state firms at the initial level. With output by state enterprise available, we can then compute sectoral output produced by non-state enterprises by subtracting state output from total output. Since we have information on employment by ownership, we can then compute labor-output ratios by ownership. The estimated output and labor-output ratios by ownership permits us to recalculate the second term in the labor demand decomposition equation [Equation (5)] by firm type to evaluate to what extent state investment bias affects labor demand growth. Table 18 shows the results of the labor demand impact of state investment bias. The negative values in the first column indicate that the state share has been falling for all those sectors on average during the period 2003-2008. In fact, for most years during the time period, those modern sectors witnessed decreasing state output, not just declining shares as private firms rapidly expanded. The booming sectors, such as the manufacturing, construction, and infrastructure services, have mainly expanded due to increased investment by both domestic private and foreign-invested firms. The change in the state output shares is most dramatic in the manufacturing sector, averaging 12.5% decline every year. Private and foreign-invested firms quickly replace those state-owned enterprises, and this leads to an overall 3.7% increase in the share of output in the manufacturing sector. State-owned enterprises also exit relatively quickly from the construction sector, averaging an annual 12.4% decline in the sectoral output share. Private and foreign-invested firms increase their output shares by an average of 8.7% annually in the construction sector. The overall increase in the construction output share in the entire economy is 0.6%. Infrastructure service sector also experiences a large scale reduction in state 49 output shares. The sectoral output share in state-owned enterprises declines by 9.8% every year in the infrastructure service sector. With expanding production in the private and foreigninvested firms, the overall sectoral output share increases by 1% annually. The decline in state output shares in those sectors may have been largely achieved through privatization. [Insert Table 18 about here] The impact of the restructuring in state investment on labor demand also depends on sectoral relative labor productivity levels and output shares. The last column in Table 18 reports such effects. The results show that state investment bias has a small negative impact on labor demand for all of these key sectors. State output shares are decreasing, but the magnitude of the impacts are small relative to the impacts generated by non-state investments, mainly because of low labor requirement in production, evidenced by relatively low labor-output coefficient. For the manufacturing sector, declining state investment lowers labor demand by 0.02% annually on average from 2003 to 2008. By contrast, non-state firms increase employment by 0.98% annually during the same time period. The overall employment in the manufacturing sector increases by 0.51% per year on average due to structural transformation and state investment bias. In the construction sector, even though employment decreases by 0.15% per year due to reduction in state investment in the construction sector, private and foreign-invested firms expand employment by 0.37% every year. The overall impact on labor demand due to changes in output shares is very small, a 0.03% increase in labor demand due to changes in output shares. The role of state investment on labor demand in infrastructure services is similarly small. State investment bias causes 0.09% decrease in labor demand. The decline in employment is replenished by expanding private and foreign-invested firms. The non-state sectors generate a 1.46% increase in employment in the infrastructure service sector. The overall infrastructure service sector experiences a 0.18% increase in labor demand due to the output restructuring. The results suggest that restructuring into the private and foreign-invested firms, which are relatively less capital intensive, is an important factor driving labor demand growth. If state firms were expanding in output shares, then the labor demand growth rate in those modern sectors would be lower due to relatively low labor requirement in state enterprises. The declining importance of state production in those key modern sectors weakens the impact of an overly capital-intensive production strategy pursued by state firms on slowing down labor demand growth for the entire 50 economy. But it may be the case that the restructuring could occur more rapidly, making the gap between GDP and labor demand growth smaller as private firms expand more rapidly. All these analyses show that state investment tends to exacerbate the growth rate of capital intensity in the economy. Yet, technological progress in the state enterprises may not be as fast as in private and foreign-invested firms. The increase in capital intensity in state-owned enterprises is more a result of capital accumulation, not labor augmenting technical progress. Due to privatization in those sectors, sectoral state output declined in most years during the period 2003-2008. As private and foreign-invested firms expanded, state output shares in GDP decreased rapidly. Even though state investment tends to be more capital intensive, because of its declining role in production in many important modern sectors, the impact on slowing down labor demand is limited. Restructuring into non-state sectors generates more significant labor demand impacts. 6. Conclusions Labor demand in Vietnam has grown much more slowly than GDP over the last two decades. Since 2000 until 2008 GDP has grown on average 7.6% per year while employment grew at only 2.2% per year. While that difference reflects improvements in labor productivity it also raises concerns that economic development is not creating enough new jobs. Structural transformation has moved labor from lower productivity traditional sectors, especially agriculture, to higher productivity modern sectors including manufacturing and services. As of 2008, agriculture accounted for 18.3% of GDP but it still employed 48.9% of the workforce (GSO, 2010). The Vietnamese labor ministry in its recent assessment of the labor situation in Vietnam (MOLISA and ILSSA, 2009) believes this restructuring is not moving sufficiently rapidly, has involved too little innovation, and exhibits an overly capital intensive development strategy. Slow labor demand growth has been seen elsewhere in Asia. While there are some cases where the elasticity of employment demand with respect to output growth reached 0.7 to 0.8, according to data from the World Bank (2010) in many Asian countries when GDP capita was at 51 a level similar to that found in Vietnam recently, this employment elasticity has been in the range of 0.28 found in Vietnam over the last decade. Moreover, some believe the “Asian miracle” has been the result of high savings rates and capital accumulation with relatively little technical progress (e.g. Young, 1995). Others have argued that estimates of TFP growth in Asia are underestimates, and that correcting for bias toward labor augmenting technical change would result in higher estimates of TFP growth (e.g. Rodrik, 1997). The controversy on estimating TFP growth is found for Vietnam, as well. MOLISSA and ILSAA (2010) believe that only a quarter of Vietnam’s recent rapid economic growth can be attributed to technical progress, and some earlier estimates find even slower technical change. We used data for 18 aggregate sectors and the overall Vietnamese economy from 2000 to 2008 provided by GSO (2009, 2010) to examine the roles played by structural transformation, technical progress and institutional bias toward capital intensive development to explain the difference observed between labor demand growth and GDP growth. Decomposition of the factors behind labor demand growth attribute only 30% of this difference to shifts from low productivity sectors to higher productivity sectors, while the remaining 70% comes from declining labor use per unit output that is also found in agriculture. That simple decomposition cannot separate technical progress from effects of higher wage-rental ratios driving choice of capital intensive techniques. Nor can it distinguish between sectoral composition changes due to structural transformation versus choices toward capital intensive sectors made by state owned (and possibly foreign invested) enterprises. We attempted to sort between these competing factors by investigating estimation of TFP growth by sector and by examining institutional biases that might lead to more capital intensive development. We estimated technical progress using several production function specifications following both accounting and econometric approaches. Accounting approaches based on CobbDouglas production functions are most common in the literature, and their application to Vietnamese data lead to reasonable but somewhat low estimates of Hicks-neutral technical change. Econometric estimation of Cobb-Douglas production functions gives vastly different results and parameters are so unreasonable as to call into question this description of production functions. Use of Young’s (1995) accounting method based (he claims) on a translog production function gives results indistinguishable from Cobb Douglas. Assumption of a unitary elasticity of 52 substitution must be relaxed to examine biased technical change. Our attempts to apply a CES production function provide evidence of low elasticties of substitution, but results are not robust and sectoral parameters are found in implausible ranges. Estimation using a Leontief production function provides the most robust results, and estimates of TFP growth that are not unreasonably large but larger than found using the more standard approaches. For the overall economy labor efficiency is found to grow at 5.8 % per year, while capital efficiency grows at 2.0% per year. Comparisons of the predictive ability of alternative production function and derived conditional labor demand specifications confirm the robustness of the Leontief production function results. Those results are consistent with significant labor augmenting technical progress and better explain historical economic performance in Vietnam. This confirms suspicion that there may have been significant technical progress behind the Asian miracle, but one must address a labor augmenting bias in technical change to find it. Rapidly rising minimum wages were found to contribute to a limited extent to more capital intensive development when we looked at the two key links between the minimum wage and labor intensity – the effect of minimum wages on overall wages and the effect of wages on technical choices. Market wage trends have followed well behind the minimum wage. From 2000 to 2008 the nominal minimum wage rose 300% while the overall market wage rose only 50%. Wages in state owned enterprises followed minimum wages more closely, but they only rose 60% over this period. We also found that inflation better explained wage evolution than did minimum wages. Low elasticities of substitution found using a CES production function mean higher wage rental ratios contribute relatively little to declining labor use per unit output. Trends corresponding to technical progress captured more of change in input use per unit output than did wage changes. Thus, the 3.5% differential between GDP and labor demand growth due to falling labor output ratios is mostly due to technical progress. Institutional wages driving capital intensive technique choices explains at most about one-third of the difference. Undoubtedly, low wages have played a role in sectoral and technical choices made in Vietnam, but over the short run institutional biases in wage setting are only a limited factor explaining this data. Investment by state owned enterprises appears to be much more capital intensive, due to both sectoral and technical choices, and factor use patterns have changed less rapidly than in the private sector. Estimates of input-output ratios for state owned firms are much different from 53 those found for private firms. These ratios appear to change more slowly than in the private sector, and exhibit less technical change. Data limitations prevent us from looking at technology adopted by foreign invested enterprises. The state is also more heavily invested in capital intensive sectors, such as energy and mining. Strong assumptions lead us to find declining roles played by state-owned enterprises in the manufacturing, construction, and infrastructure service sectors. The overall output expansion in those sectors are brought by increasing production levels of private and foreign-invested enterprises. The impact of overly capital intensive state investments on slowing down labor demand is weakened by the declining role of state enterprises in production. If restructuring occurred faster, however, enabling private firms expanded more rapidly, the differential might narrow faster as well. Changes in output shares in non-state sectors generate more significant labor demand impacts than do investments in stateowned enterprises. Structural transformation only partially explains slow labor demand growth in Vietnam. While some of the difference from GDP growth may be attributed to capital intensive investment by the state, a significant share of the difference is found to be due to technical change when low elasticities of substitution and labor augmenting bias in technical change are taken into account. 54 List of Tables Table 1. Real GDP growth and employment growth in selected Asian countries from 1986 to 2008............................................................................................................................................... 56 Table 2. Sectoral labor productivity from 2000 to 2008 ............................................................... 57 Table 3. Unemployment and underemployment rates in rural and urban Vietnam in 2009 ......... 58 Table 4. Average monthly wages and annual wage growth rates from 1998 to 2006 .................. 59 Table 5. Average growth rates of labor and value added by sector from 2000 to 2008 ............... 60 Table 6. Labor demand growth decomposition by sector, 2000- 2008 ........................................ 61 Table 7. Estimated cost shares and average rates of total factor productivity growth (TFPG) by sector assuming a Cobb-Douglas production function ................................................................. 62 Table 8. Average TFPG by sector and by year assuming a translog production function, compared with average TFPG from Cobb-Douglas accounting approach ................................... 64 Table 9. Estimation of elasticities of substitution, input efficiency coefficients and directions of factor augmentation from derived equations based on a CES production function ..................... 65 Table 10. Average unit input coefficients and estimation of growth rates of input efficiency and directions of factor augmentation from a Leontief production function ...................................... 67 Table 11. Model selection between Cobb-Douglas, CES and Leontief production functions based on the root mean squared error (RMSE) method .......................................................................... 69 Table 12. Estimation of derived conditional labor demand function from Cobb-Douglas production function ....................................................................................................................... 70 Table 13. Estimation of derived conditional labor demand function from a CES production function ......................................................................................................................................... 71 Table 14. Model selection between conditional labor demand functions from Cobb-Douglas, CES and Leontief production functions based on the root mean squared error (RMSE) method 72 Table 15. Estimation of wage determination equations ................................................................ 73 Table 16. The impact of institutional wage bias on labor-output coefficients, 2000-2008 .......... 74 Table 17. Labor-output coefficients in 2003 by firm type ............................................................ 75 Table 18. Impact of state investment bias on labor demand from 2003 to 2008 .......................... 76 55 Table 1. Real GDP growth and employment growth in selected Asian countries from 1986 to 2008 Country China Korea, Rep. Thailand Indonesia Philippines Vietnam China Korea, Rep. Thailand Indonesia Philippines Vietnam 1986-90 1991-95 1996-2000 2001-05 2006-08 Gap between real GDP growth and employment growth (%) 5.7 11 7.5 8.6 10.5 6.4 5.6 3.4 3.4 3.5 7.7 8.3 -0.4 3.4 3.1 4.6 5.5 -1.9 2.7 4.2 2.0 -0.9 1.7 2.0 3.3 2.7 6.4 4.7 5.7 5.0 Elasticity of labor demand with respect to real GDP 0.28 0.11 0.13 0.10 0.06 0.33 0.29 0.25 0.24 0.16 0.25 0.04 1.58 0.33 0.25 0.35 0.30 2.91 0.42 0.30 0.57 1.42 0.58 0.55 0.40 0.53 0.28 0.30 0.27 0.32 Source: Calculated using data from WDI (2010) 56 Table 2. Sectoral labor productivity from 2000 to 2008 2000 2005 2007 2008 7,276 9,242 10,444 10,906 5.2% 31,854 39,575 45,095 45,985 5.0% 3,929 4,972 5,703 6,031 5.3% 79,203 41,888 39,285 39,596 -10.0% 2,428 2,926 3,183 3,339 3.9% Mining and quarrying 72,048 66,981 55,104 48,852 -3.8% Manufacturing 14,504 17,022 19,083 19,840 3.9% Electricity, gas and water supply 76,626 74,287 68,452 66,336 -1.6% Construction 19,852 17,223 18,906 17,841 -0.7% Wholesale and retail trade 11,457 12,963 14,274 14,965 3.1% Hotels and restaurants 12,931 17,553 20,993 22,338 6.9% Transport, storage and communications 9,137 12,678 15,437 17,407 7.5% Financial intermedation 75,133 52,444 45,979 46,756 -7.0% Scientific activities and technology 83,564 96,653 101,784 108,030 2.8% Real estate, renting and business 191,408 97,860 73,481 64,684 -13.7% Public administration and defence; compulsory 21,327 social 16,158 security 15,363 14,966 -4.7% Education and training 9,207 10,640 11,408 11,932 3.1% Health and social work 17,491 15,680 17,101 17,801 -0.3% Value added per worker State Private Foreign investment sector Agriculture and forestry Source: GSO, 2009 57 Growth 2000-07 Table 3. Unemployment and underemployment rates in rural and urban Vietnam in 2009 2009 Unemployment rate (%) Underemployment rate (%) General Urban 2.90 4.60 5.61 3.33 Source: GSO, 2010 58 Rural 2.25 6.51 Table 4. Average monthly wages and annual wage growth rates from 1998 to 2006 Form of ownership Average monthly salary of a worker, 1000 VND 1998 2002 2004 2006 Households 552 606 649 664 2.34 Private and collective 554 771 852 936 6.77 State 572 1002 1077 1103 8.55 Foreign investment 680 1037 1044 1316 8.60 Wage gap between FDI and household sectors 1.2 1.7 1.6 2.0 Annual growth rate per cent Source: MOLISA and ILSSA, 2009. Based on GSO and VHLSS, 1998-2006 59 Table 5. Average growth rates of labor and value added by sector from 2000 to 2008 Code Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Growth rate (%) of: Labor Value added -0.44 3.91 8.27 4.79 7.18 11.72 10.42 9.58 3.18 8.16 14.37 5.48 4.86 6.22 11.31 7.74 7.23 6.38 2.22 7.57 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Energy and natural resources Manufacturing Construction Infrastructure services Professional services Education and health Public services Other services GDP 60 Table 6. Labor demand growth decomposition by sector, 2000- 2008 Code 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Activity Agriculture, forestry and fishing Energy and natural resources Manufacturing Construction Infrastructure services Professional services Education and health Public services Other services GDP Labor demand growth rate (%) gLi Relative unit labor use aLi/aL GDP share Si Biased technical Growth change and rate of unit institutional labor use wage bias (%) gaLi (%) Growth rate of GDP shares gSi Structural transformation and state investment bias (%) -0.44 2.91 0.20 -4.27 -2.48 -3.46 -2.01 8.27 7.18 10.42 3.18 14.37 4.86 11.31 7.23 2.22 0.14 0.54 0.52 0.68 0.12 1.31 0.37 0.74 1.00 0.08 0.22 0.09 0.24 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.03 1.00 3.62 -3.90 1.33 -4.66 9.04 -1.16 3.85 1.05 -5.07 0.04 -0.47 0.06 -0.75 0.07 -0.04 0.07 0.02 -3.48 -2.65 3.79 1.79 0.55 -1.96 -1.27 0.16 -1.11 0.00 -0.03 0.46 0.08 0.09 -0.02 -0.05 0.00 -0.02 -1.50 61 GDP growth rate (%) gY 7.57 Table 7. Estimated cost shares and average rates of total factor productivity growth (TFPG) by sector assuming a CobbDouglas production function1, 2 Code Activity 1 Agriculture and forestry Accounting Approach πΆπ² 3 πΆπ³ 3 Average TFPG 0.17 0.83 0.054 2 Fishing 0.32 0.68 0.042 3 Mining and quarrying 0.57 0.43 -0.006 4 Manufacturing 0.51 0.49 0.034 5 Electricity, gas and water supply 0.49 0.51 -0.008 6 Construction 0.51 0.49 0.043 7 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods 0.48 0.52 0.070 8 Hotels, restaurant 0.46 0.54 0.096 9 Transport, storage and communications 0.51 0.49 0.106 10 Financial intermediation 0.45 0.55 0.070 11 Scientific activities and technology 0.23 0.77 0.097 12 Real estate, renting and business activities 0.49 0.51 -0.034 62 Econometric Approach Average TFPG πΆπ² 3 πΆπ³ 3 -1.19 2.19 0.076 (-0.32) (0.59) (1.20) 0.73 0.27 0.033 (2.21) (0.83) (1.39) 0.67 0.33 -0.004 (0.40) (0.20) (-0.06) 0.26 0.74 0.046 (0.41) (1.19) (1.50) 0.72 0.28 -0.003 (1.27) (0.50) (-0.10) 1.75* -0.75 0.040 (3.62) (-1.55) (1.89) -3.01 (-0.43) 3.19 (1.89) -2.24 (-1.04) 1.15 (1.61) 0.86* (2.85) 0.45** (5.10) 4.01 (0.57) -2.19 (-1.30) 3.24 (1.51) -0.15 (-0.21) 0.15 (0.48) 0.55*** (6.27) 0.250 (0.68) -0.037 (-0.43) 0.328 (1.88) 0.121 (1.82) 0.082* (3.18) -0.037** (-4.25) Table 7 continued Code Activity Accounting Approach πΆπ² 3 πΆπ³ 3 Average TFPG Econometric Approach Average TFPG πΆπ² 3 πΆπ³ 3 -0.34 (-0.48) -0.11 (-0.05) 0.56 (0.67) -0.002 (-0.00) 0.38 (0.96) 1.34 (1.92) 1.11 (0.48) 0.44 (0.52) 1.002 (1.28) 0.62 (1.58) 0.84 (2.02) 0.74 (1.68) 0.16 0.019 (0.38) (1.22) 0.26 0.028 (0.60) (1.60) 13 Public administration and defense; compulsory social security 0.11 0.89 0.026 14 Education and training 0.18 0.82 0.081 15 Health and social work 0.21 0.79 0.068 16 Recreational, cultural and sporting activities 0.34 0.66 0.095 17 Activities of Party and of membership organizations 0.08 0.92 -0.025 18 Community, social and personal service activities and private household with employed persons 0.22 0.78 0.027 19 GDP 0.39 0.61 0.041 Notes: 1 Numbers in parentheses are t statistics. 2 * represents p<0.05, ** represents p<0.01, and *** represents p<0.001. 3 πΌπΎ and πΌπΏ denote the share of capital and labor in total factor payments, respectively. 63 0.005 (0.12) 0.088 (1.40) 0.063 (2.18) 0.121 (1.93) 0.003 (0.06) Table 8. Average TFPG by sector and by year assuming a translog production function, compared with average TFPG from Cobb-Douglas accounting approach Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Activity Agriculture and forestry Fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas and water supply Construction Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods Hotels, restaurant Transport, storage and communications Financial intermediation Scientific activities and technology Real estate, renting and business activities Public administration and defense; compulsory social security Education and training Health and social work Recreational, cultural and sporting activities Activities of Party and of membership organizations Community, social and personal service activities and private household with employed persons GDP 64 Average TFPG from translog accounting approach based on Young (1995) 0.054 0.042 -0.006 0.034 -0.008 0.043 Average TFPG from Cobb-Douglas accounting approach 0.054 0.042 -0.006 0.034 -0.008 0.043 0.069 0.096 0.106 0.070 0.097 -0.035 0.070 0.096 0.106 0.070 0.097 -0.034 0.026 0.026 0.081 0.068 0.095 0.081 0.068 0.095 -0.026 -0.025 0.027 0.040 0.027 0.041 Table 9. Estimation of elasticities of substitution, input efficiency coefficients and directions of factor augmentation from derived equations based on a CES production function1, 2 Code Activity Hicks-neutral technological change 3 1 Agriculture and forestry 2 Fishing 3 Mining and quarrying 4 Manufacturing 5 Electricity, gas and water supply Construction 6 7 8 9 10 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods Hotels, restaurant Transport, storage and communications Financial intermediation ππ -0.38 (-0.86) 0.00*** (0.00) 0.97*** (9.45) 1.52*** (24.93) 0.57*** (5.35) 0.28 (1.41) 0.00*** (0.00) 0.00*** (0.00) 1.31*** (27.16) 0.75*** (33.66) ππ = ππ³ 0.817 0.015 -0.418 0.020 -0.001 0.053 0.470 -0.002 0.040 1.850 4 ππ 0.13*** (3.34) 1.41*** (13.08) 1.21*** (4.67) 0.87** (2.35) 0.51*** (3.96) 0.69*** (10.69) 0.09 Biased technological change Capital or 5 4 4 (ππ − π)(ππ − ππ³ ) ππ ππ³ augmenting 0.017*** 0.050 0.070 Labor (33.04) -0.020** -0.273 -0.239 Capital (-4.18) 0.006 -0.584 -0.589 Labor (1.00) 0.019 0.363 0.520 Labor (1.78) -0.003 0.061 0.044 Capital (-0.93) 0.022*** 0.028 0.101 Labor (10.16) 0.052*** 0.065 0.125 Labor (1.68) 0.47*** (-0.08) 0.15 (1.57) 0.69*** (6.24) (46.05) 0.039*** (18.53) 0.072*** (12.26) -0.007 (-0.55) 3 65 0.099 0.178 Labor 0.073 0.167 Labor 0.209 0.185 Capital labor Table 9 continued Code 11 12 Activity Scientific activities and technology Real estate, renting and business activities 14 Public administration and defense; compulsory social security Education and training 15 Health and social work 16 Recreational, cultural and sporting activities 17 Activities of Party and of membership organizations Community, social and personal service activities and private household with employed persons GDP 13 18 19 Hicks-neutral technological change ππ 3 0.00*** (7.37) ππ = ππ³ 4 0.227 ππ 3 0.85*** (12.89) Biased technological change Capital or labor (ππ − π)(ππ − ππ³ )5 ππ 4 ππ³ 4 augmenting 0.008** 0.309 0.379 Labor (4.59) 0.67*** (34.05) -0.094 0.75*** (19.86) 0.009 (2.26) -0.065 -0.015 Labor 0.85*** (10.69) 1.01*** (23.64) 1.08*** (5.03) 1.56 (1.79) 0.92*** (22.64) 0.008 0.23 (0.86) 0.56*** (4.19) 0.87*** (5.06) -0.07 (-0.57) 0.93*** (7.14) -0.039 (-2.40) 0.012* (3.40) 0.008* (2.78) 0.07*** (23.22) 0.002 (0.13) 0.079 0.031 Capital 0.074 0.104 Labor 0.395 0.455 Labor 0.050 0.128 Labor 0.644 0.602 Capital 1.09** -0.049 0.88*** 0.007* 0.414 0.473 Labor 0.045 (3.43) 0.36*** (5.04) (2.58) 0.035*** (30.06) 0.049 0.104 Labor (3.30) 1.54** (2.31) -0.140 0.092 0.109 0.011 Notes: 1 Numbers in parentheses are t statistics. 2 * represents p<0.05, ** represents p<0.01, and *** represents p<0.001. 3 ππ denotes estimated elasticity of substitution. 4 ππ and ππΏ denote estimated growth rates of capital efficiency and labor efficiency, respectively. 5 (ππ − 1)(ππ − ππΏ ) is the coefficient on time trend. 66 Table 10. Average unit input coefficients and estimation of growth rates of input efficiency and directions of factor augmentation from a Leontief production function 1, 2 Code Activity Average unit capital coeff. ak 1 Agriculture and forestry 5.77 2 Fishing 0.80 3 Mining and quarrying 3.11 4 Manufacturing 0.48 5 Electricity, gas and water supply Construction 5.41 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods Hotels, restaurant 0.99 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Average unit Capital efficiency labor coeff. al growth rate −π½π = ππ² 13.11 0.0408*** (12.35) 3.49 0.0153* (3.27) 0.48 0.0317 (1.43) 0.78 0.0160** (4.42) 0.47 0.00793 (0.99) 1.15 0.0488** (5.08) 3.78 0.0544* (2.70) Labor efficiency growth rate −π½π³ = ππ³ 0.0573*** (16.51) 0.0533*** (7.21) 0.012 (0.60) 0.0597*** (22.81) -0.00296 (-0.33) 0.0577** (3.64) 0.107** (5.17) Capital or labor augmenting 1.03 1.87 6.23 2.55 1.66 0.67 Scientific activities and technology 2.40 0.28 0.131*** (11.00) 0.150*** (27.18) 0.0259 (1.30) 0.113*** Labor Transport, storage and communications Financial intermediation 0.0817*** (8.14) 0.0689*** (12.12) 0.110*** (6.64) 0.0949*** 0.30 (10.91) -0.00405 (13.43) -0.0631*** (-0.51) (-14.24) Real estate, renting and business activities 0.57 0.85 67 Labor Labor Capital Labor Capital Neutral3 Labor Labor Capital Labor Capital Table 10 continued Code Activity Average unit capital coeff. ak 2.06 14 Public administration and defense; compulsory social security Education and training Average unit labor coeff. al 1.62 2.58 3.46 15 Health and social work 1.37 2.01 16 Recreational, cultural and sporting activities Activities of Party and of membership organizations Community, social and personal service activities and private household with employed persons GDP 3.96 2.08 3.09 8.18 12.11 3.00 5.16 7.51 13 17 18 19 Capital efficiency growth rate −π½π = ππ² 0.0822*** (10.91) Labor efficiency growth rate −π½π³ = ππ³ 0.0303** (5.32) Capital or labor augmenting 0.0698*** (13.56) 0.0716*** (9.84) 0.0475*** (8.42) 0.0713*** (6.85) 0.0188** 0.0952*** (18.12) 0.0846*** (9.98) 0.120*** (26.58) -0.0209 (-1.92) 0.0292** Labor (4.05) 0.0200*** (15.02) (4.28) 0.0580*** (27.63) Capital Labor Labor Capital Labor Labor Notes: 1 Numbers in parentheses are t statistics. 2 * represents p<0.05, ** represents p<0.01, and *** represents p<0.001. 3 For this sector, the efficiency coefficients are individually significant. The difference between the two coefficients is not significantly different from zero. 68 Table 11. Model selection between Cobb-Douglas, CES and Leontief production functions based on the root mean squared error (RMSE) method Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Activity Agriculture and forestry Fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas and water supply Construction Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods Hotels, restaurant Transport, storage and communications Financial intermediation Scientific activities and technology Real estate, renting and business activities Public administration and defence; compulsory social security Education and training Health and social work Recreational, cultural and sporting activities Activities of Party and of membership organizations Community, social and personal service activities and private household with employed persons GDP RMSE/actual output of: Cobb-Douglas CES Econometric Accounting 0.13 0.93 0.15 0.10 0.96 0.59 0.16 0.17 1.41 0.09 0.85 0.24 0.06 0.58 0.33 0.19 0.81 0.61 Leontief Capital1 Labor2 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.17 0.15 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.09 Model of best fit Leontief Leontief Leontief Leontief Leontief Leontief 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.33 0.26 0.10 0.67 0.84 0.33 0.96 1.07 0.88 19.31 0.53 0.35 553.42 0.39 1.50 0.14 0.05 0.03 0.14 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.07 0.03 0.19 0.05 0.04 Leontief Leontief Leontief Leontief Leontief Leontief 0.17 0.22 0.22 0.23 1.06 1.04 1.05 0.94 0.33 0.41 10.44 0.40 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.03 Leontief Leontief Leontief Leontief 0.08 1.04 1.34 0.08 0.06 Leontief 0.07 0.11 0.99 0.43 0.27 0.07 0.04 0.01 0.05 0.01 Leontief Leontief Notes: 1 This column reports the ratio between RMSE and actual output based on the capital usage in the Leontief production function. 2 This column reports the ratio between RMSE and actual output based on the labor usage in the Leontief production function. 69 Table 12. Estimation of derived conditional labor demand function from Cobb-Douglas production function1, 2 Code 1 Activity Agriculture and forestry 2 Fishing 3 Mining and quarrying 4 Manufacturing 5 Electricity, gas and water supply 6 Construction 7 8 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods Hotels, restaurant 9 Transport, storage and communications 10 Financial intermediation 11 Scientific activities and technology 12 Real estate, renting and business activities 13 14 Public administration and defense; compulsory social security Education and training 15 Health and social work 16 Recreational, cultural and sporting activities 17 Activities of Party and of membership organizations 18 19 Community, social and personal service activities and private household with employed persons GDP -Coefficient on time gi 0.0588*** (16.62) 0.0517*** (6.03) 0.0384* (2.49) 0.0600*** (21.19) 0.0232 (1.71) 0.0486 (1.85) 0.106*** (7.48) 0.137*** (6.02) 0.160*** (24.30) -0.0789 (-1.39) 0.108*** (16.50) -0.0975*** (-7.78) 0.0217 (1.73) 0.0951*** (13.85) 0.0809*** (6.60) 0.118*** (21.10) -0.0964 (-1.95) 0.0464* (3.70) 0.0583*** (26.42) Coefficient on rentalwage ratio πΆππ² -0.157 (-1.24) -0.0901 (-0.46) 0.695* (3.21) 0.0102 (0.19) 0.340 (2.29) -0.205 (-0.44) 0.650* (2.94) -0.145 (-0.30) -0.239 (-2.07) -0.907 (-1.93) 0.307 (2.26) -0.190* (-2.67) -0.106 (-0.74) -0.00170 (-0.02) -0.108 (-0.53) -0.0534 (-0.58) -0.560 (-1.56) 0.209 (1.56) -0.0446 (-0.76) Notes: 1 Numbers in parentheses are t statistics 2 * represents p<0.05, ** represents p<0.01, and *** represents p<0.001. 70 Table 13. Estimation of derived conditional labor demand function from a CES production function1, 2 Code 1 Activity Agriculture and forestry 2 Fishing 3 Mining and quarrying 4 Manufacturing 5 Electricity, gas and water supply 6 Construction 7 8 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods Hotels, restaurant 9 Transport, storage and communications 10 Financial intermediation 11 Scientific activities and technology 12 Real estate, renting and business activities 13 14 Public administration and defense; compulsory social security Education and training 15 Health and social work 16 Recreational, cultural and sporting activities 17 Activities of Party and of membership organizations 18 Community, social and personal service activities and private household with employed persons GDP 19 -Coeff. on real relative wage ππ 1.052*** (6.97) 1.664** (4.83) 1.022*** (31.68) 0.321 (0.93) 0.786*** (6.88) 1.358*** (10.42) 0.897*** (57.64) 1.035*** (33.51) 1.055*** (10.73) 1.641* (3.04) 1.020*** (19.73) 0.950** (3.98) 0.947*** (16.52) 0.752** (4.22) 1.092*** (6.50) 0.771 (1.82) 0.953*** (19.07) 1.126*** (6.02) 0.745** (5.37) Notes: 1 Numbers in parentheses are t statistics 2 * represents p<0.05, ** represents p<0.01, and *** represents p<0.001. 71 Coeff. on time (ππ − π)ππ³ 0.00252 (0.29) 0.00764 (0.58) -0.0184*** (-11.03) -0.0456* (-2.95) -0.00452 (-1.26) 0.0196 (2.34) -0.0259*** (-15.36) -0.00286 (-0.73) -0.00501 (-0.37) -0.0446* (-3.00) -0.0112 (-2.21) 0.00519 (0.34) -0.00492* (-2.78) -0.0319 (-2.09) -0.0252* (-2.58) -0.0486 (-1.23) -0.0159*** (-6.49) -0.0235*** (-8.01) -0.0210* (-3.02) Table 14. Model selection between conditional labor demand functions from Cobb-Douglas, CES and Leontief production functions based on the root mean squared error (RMSE) method Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Activity Agriculture and forestry Fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas and water supply Construction Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods Hotels, restaurant Transport, storage and communications Financial intermediation Scientific activities and technology Real estate, renting and business activities Public administration and defense; compulsory social security Education and training Health and social work Recreational, cultural and sporting activities Activities of Party and of membership organizations Community, social and personal service activities and private household with employed persons GDP RMSE of: Cobb-Douglas CES 0.026 0.010 0.061 0.028 0.101 0.013 0.019 0.018 Leontief 0.027 0.058 0.154 0.018 CES CES CES Leontief 0.059 0.130 0.027 0.030 0.074 0.122 CES CES 0.110 0.099 0.007 0.007 0.159 0.092 CES CES 0.035 0.132 0.010 0.105 0.043 0.154 CES CES 0.051 0.008 0.063 CES 0.028 0.021 0.038 CES 0.046 0.044 0.070 0.007 0.022 0.025 0.044 0.040 0.066 CES CES CES 0.039 0.031 0.036 CES 0.077 0.012 0.084 CES 0.048 0.017 0.022 0.007 0.053 0.016 CES CES 72 Model of best fit Table 15. Estimation of wage determination equations1, 2 Code Activity nominal wage 1 Agriculture and forestry 2 Fishing 3 Mining and quarrying 4 Manufacturing 5 Electricity, gas and water supply 6 Construction 7 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods 8 Hotels, restaurant 9 Transport, storage and communications 10 Financial intermediation 11 Scientific activities and technology 12 Real estate, renting and business activities 13 Public administration and defense; compulsory social security 14 Education and training 15 Health and social work 16 Recreational, cultural and sporting activities 17 Activities of Party and of membership organizations 18 Community, social and personal Dependent variables: real wage real state wage real min wage πΆπ 0.0963 (1.36) 0.286** (3.88) 0.504 (2.04) 0.262* (2.68) 0.132 (0.79) -0.0433 (-0.26) -0.103 CPI π·π 1.679*** (11.99) 0.906*** (6.23) 0.149 (0.31) 0.814** (4.21) 0.371 (1.13) 1.220** (3.78) 2.002 real min wage πΉπ 0.376*** (6.39) 0.198*** (7.94) 0.0551 (0.62) 0.130** (4.88) -0.211 (-3.55) 0.0181 (0.28) 0.330 real min wage πΌπ 0.472** (3.79) 0.488*** (7.01) 0.638*** (6.09) 0.392*** (10.75) 0.278** (4.29) 0.361*** (6.86) 0.532*** (-0.22) 0.206 (1.94) 0.596** (5.46) -0.414 (-3.17) 0.440 (2.28) -0.485 (-4.46) -0.0442 (2.16) 1.887*** (9.01) 1.106** (5.14) 0.938* (3.65) 0.820 (2.16) 0.298 (1.39) 0.704** (1.90) 0.585*** (7.39) 0.603*** (17.14) -0.487 (-11.32) 0.311** (5.25) -0.863 (-16.88) -0.228 (10.53) 0.616*** (6.49) 0.416*** (5.63) 0.783*** (6.89) 0.797*** (7.51) 0.321 (2.21) 0.626*** (-0.53) 0.452** (5.76) 0.229 (1.95) 0.407* (3.61) -0.682 (-3.88) -0.0760 (4.30) 0.218 (1.41) 0.680* (2.94) 0.483 (2.17) 1.216* (3.51) 0.707* (-8.24) 0.0358 (0.79) 0.0330 (0.82) 0.118* (3.04) -0.622 (-9.15) -0.259 (9.35) 0.637*** (12.71) 0.649*** (11.99) 0.621*** (8.92) 0.501*** (12.43) 0.210* service activities and private household with employed persons (-0.74) (3.49) (-8.75) 0.320** 1.148*** 0.347*** (5.59) (10.16) (13.39) Notes: 1 Numbers in parentheses are t statistics 2 * represents p<0.05, ** represents p<0.01, and *** represents p<0.001. 19 GDP 73 (2.81) 0.492*** (9.86) Table 16. The impact of institutional wage bias on labor-output coefficients, 2000-2008 Code Activity 1 3 5 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Manufacturing Infrastructure services Percentage change in: unit labor use due to institutional wage overall unit labor bias (%) use (%) -1.05 -4.27 -0.11 -3.90 -1.37 -4.66 74 Table 17. Labor-output coefficients in 2003 by firm type Code Activity 1 3 4 5 9 State 0.010 0.035 0.037 0.010 0.030 Agriculture Manufacturing Construction Infrastructure services GDP 75 Labor-output coefficient for: Non-state Overall 0.507 0.345 0.076 0.064 0.083 0.059 0.162 0.083 0.190 0.122 Table 18. Impact of state investment bias on labor demand from 2003 to 20081 Code Sector 3 Manufacturing Overall State Non-state 4 Construction Overall State Non-state 5 Infrastructure services Overall State Non-state Growth rate of output shares gSi relative unit labor use aLi/aL GDP share Si Impact on labor demand (%) 3.65 -12.49 7.83 0.59 0.04 0.64 0.24 0.04 0.19 0.51 -0.02 0.98 0.55 -12.44 8.71 0.61 0.39 0.72 0.09 0.03 0.06 0.03 -0.15 0.37 1.03 -9.81 8.51 0.75 0.10 1.13 0.24 0.09 0.15 0.18 -0.09 1.46 Note: 1 The values for the overall sectors in this Table are not exactly the same as those in Table 6, because different time periods are considered. In Table 6, the time period is 2000-2008, and the time period for this Table is 2003-2008. 76 List of Figures Figure 1. GDP and employment growth rates in Vietnam, 1986-2008 ........................................ 78 Figure 2. Employment structure in Vietnam from 2000 to 2008 .................................................. 79 Figure 3. Labor productivity across sectors in Vietnam from 1986 to 2008 ................................ 80 Figure 4. Input costs in Vietnam from 2000 to 2008 .................................................................... 81 Figure 5. Relative input costs and productivity levels in Vietnam from 2000 to 2008 ................ 82 Figure 6. Input costs and productivity levels in the agricultural sector in Vietnam from 2000 to 2008............................................................................................................................................... 83 Figure 7. Input costs and productivity levels in the manufacturing sector in Vietnam from 2000 to 2008 .......................................................................................................................................... 84 Figure 8. Input costs and productivity levels in the service sector in Vietnam from 2000 to 2008 ....................................................................................................................................................... 85 Figure 9. Nominal GDP, minimum wages, and inflation in Vietnam .......................................... 86 Figure 10. Relative incremental labor to incremental capital ratios in the agricultural sector for state firms and overall from 2004 to 2008 .................................................................................... 87 Figure 11. Relative incremental labor to incremental capital ratios in the manufacturing sector for state firms and overall from 2004 to 2008 .................................................................................... 88 Figure 12. Relative incremental labor to incremental capital ratios in the construction sector for state firms and overall from 2004 to 2008 .................................................................................... 89 Figure 13. Relative incremental labor to incremental capital ratios in the infrastructure service sector for state firms and overall from 2004 to 2008 .................................................................... 90 Figure 14. Relative incremental labor to incremental capital ratios in the entire economy for state firms and overall from 2004 to 2008 ............................................................................................ 91 77 12 10 Growth rates (%) 8 6 4 2 0 1986 1990 -2 1994 1998 2002 2006 Year GDP growth in Agriculture Employment growth Labor force growth in Industry and services Figure 1. GDP and employment growth rates in Vietnam, 1986-2008 Source: WDI, 2010 78 70 Employment structure (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2000 2001 2002 Agriculture 2003 2004 Year Fishing 2005 Industry 2006 2007 Services Figure 2. Employment structure in Vietnam from 2000 to 2008 Source: GSO, 2010 79 2008 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Value added per worker based on labor force Agriculture Industry Services Figure 3. Labor productivity across sectors in Vietnam from 1986 to 2008 Source: WDI, 2010 80 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 Index 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 2000 -0.50 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 -1.00 -1.50 Year real wage real rent to capital nominal min wage real state wage real lending rate Figure 4. Input costs in Vietnam from 2000 to 2008 Sources: Authors’ calculations based on data from GSO (2009) and IMF (2011) 81 1.20 1.10 Index 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 2000 2001 capital-output 2002 2003 2004 Year labor-output 2005 labor-capital 2006 2007 2008 wage-rental Figure 5. Relative input costs and productivity levels in Vietnam from 2000 to 2008 Source: Authors’ calculations based on GSO (2009) 82 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 Index 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Year 2005 real relative wage real rent to capital labor-output wage-rental 2006 2007 2008 capital-output Figure 6. Input costs and productivity levels in the agricultural sector in Vietnam from 2000 to 2008 Source: Authors’ calculations based on GSO (2009) 83 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 Index 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Year real relative wage real rent to capital labor-output wage-rental 2005 2006 2007 2008 capital-output Figure 7. Input costs and productivity levels in the manufacturing sector in Vietnam from 2000 to 2008 Source: Authors’ calculations based on GSO (2009) 84 1.90 1.70 Index 1.50 1.30 1.10 0.90 0.70 0.50 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Year real relative wage capital-output wage-rental 2005 2006 2007 2008 real rent to capital labor-output Figure 8. Input costs and productivity levels in the service sector in Vietnam from 2000 to 2008 Source: Authors’ calculations based on GSO (2009) 85 400 350 300 Indices 250 200 150 100 50 0 2000 2001 2002 CPI 2003 2004 Year GDP current 2005 2006 2007 Minimum Wage Figure 9. Nominal GDP, minimum wages, and inflation in Vietnam Source: GSO, 2010 86 2008 Relative labor to capital incremental ratios in the agriculture sector 0.000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 -0.005 -0.010 -0.015 -0.020 -0.025 Year state overall Figure 10. Relative incremental labor to incremental capital ratios in the agricultural sector for state firms and overall from 2004 to 2008 87 Relative labor to capital incremental ratios in the manufacturing sector 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 -0.005 -0.010 Year state overall Figure 11. Relative incremental labor to incremental capital ratios in the manufacturing sector for state firms and overall from 2004 to 2008 88 Relative labor to capital incremental ratios in the construction sector 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 2004 -0.005 2005 2006 2007 2008 -0.010 -0.015 -0.020 Year state overall Figure 12. Relative incremental labor to incremental capital ratios in the construction sector for state firms and overall from 2004 to 2008 89 Relative labor to capital incremental ratios in the infrastructure service sector 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.000 2004 -0.001 2005 2006 -0.002 2007 2008 Year state overall Figure 13. Relative incremental labor to incremental capital ratios in the infrastructure service sector for state firms and overall from 2004 to 2008 90 Relative labor to capital incremental ratios in the entire economy 0.012 0.010 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0.000 2004 2005 2006 -0.002 2007 2008 Year state overall Figure 14. Relative incremental labor to incremental capital ratios in the entire economy for state firms and overall from 2004 to 2008 91 References Abbott, P., K. Boys, P. L. Huong and F. Tarp. 2008. Trade and Development in Vietnam: Exploring Investment Linkages. Hanoi, Vietnam. Abbott, P., C. Wu, and F. Tarp. 2010. Transmission of World Prices to the Domestic Market in Vietnam. Hanoi, Vietnam. Boys, K.A. 2008. "Investment, Trade, and Economic Development: Lesson from Vietnam." PhD Thesis, Purdue University, West Lafayette. Cantore, C., M.A. León-Ledesma, P. McAdam, and A. Willman. 2009. "Shocking Stuff: Technology, Hours, and Factor Substitution." European Central Bank, Frankfurt. 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Concordance for aggregations from eighteen economic sectors to nine economic sectors 18-sector code 1 8-sector code 1 Fishing 2 1 Mining and quarrying Manufacturing 3 4 2 3 Electricity, gas and water supply Construction Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods Hotels, restaurant Transport, storage and communications Financial intermediation Scientific activities and technology Real estate, renting and business activities Public administration and defense; compulsory social security Education and training Health and social work Recreational, cultural and sporting activities Activities of Party and of membership organizations Community, social and personal service activities and private household with employed persons 5 6 2 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 5 5 6 6 6 13 14 15 16 17 7 8 8 9 7 Public services Education and health Other services Public services 18 9 Other services Description of 18 sectors Agriculture and forestry 94 Description of 8 sectors Agriculture, forestry and fishing Energy and natural resources Manufacturing Energy and natural resources Construction Infrastructure services Professional services Appendix II. Concordance for Selected Aggregations of 2000 SAM Description of 112 sectors Paddy (all kinds) Raw rubber Coffee beans Sugarcane Tea Other crops Pig (All kinds) Cow (All kinds) Poultry Other livestock and poultry Irrigation service 112-sector code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 18-sector code 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Other agricultural services Forestry Fishery Fish-Farming Coal Metallic ore Stone Sand, gravel 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 Other none-metallic minerals Crude oil, natural gas (except exploration) Processed, preserved meat and byproducts Processed vegetable, and animals oils and fats 20 3 21 3 22 4 23 4 Milk, butter and other dairy products Cakes, jams, candy, coca, chocolate products Processed and preserved fruits and vegetables 24 4 25 4 26 4 Alcohol, beer and liquors 27 4 95 Description of 18 sectors Agriculture and forestry Fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Appendix II continued Description of 112 sectors 112-sector code 28 18-sector code 4 Non-alcohol water and soft drinks Sugar, refined Coffee, processed Tea, processed 29 30 31 32 4 4 4 4 Cigarettes and other tobacco products 33 4 Processed seafood and by-products Rice, processed 34 35 4 4 36 4 Glass and glass products 37 4 Ceramics and by-products Bricks, tiles Cement Concrete, mortar and other cement products 38 39 40 4 4 4 41 4 Other building materials Paper pulp and paper products and byproducts 42 4 43 4 Processed wood and wood products 44 4 Basic organic chemicals 45 4 Basic inorganic chemicals Chemical fertilizer Fertilizer Pesticides Veterinary medicine Health medicine 46 47 48 49 50 51 4 4 4 4 4 4 Beer and liquors Description of 18 sectors Other food manufactures 96 Manufacturing Appendix II continued Description of 112 sectors 112-sector code 18-sector code Processed rubber and by-products Soap, detergents 52 53 4 4 Perfumes and other toilet preparations 54 4 Plastic (including semi-plastic products) Other plastic products Paint 55 56 57 4 4 4 Ink, varnish and other painting materials 58 4 Other chemical products 59 4 Health instrument and apparatus 60 4 Precise and optics equipment, meter (all kinds) 61 4 Home appliances and its spare parts 62 4 Motor vehicles, motor bikes and spare parts 63 4 Bicycles and spare parts 64 4 General-purpose machinery 65 4 Other general - purpose machinery 66 4 Other special-purpose machinery Automobiles Other transport means Electrical machinery 67 68 69 70 4 4 4 4 Other electrical machinery and equipment 71 4 Machinery used for broadcasting, television and information activities 72 4 97 Description of 18 sectors Manufacturing Appendix II continued Description of 112 sectors 112sector code 18sector code 73 4 74 4 Weaving of cloths (all kinds) 75 4 Fibber, thread (all kinds) Ready-made clothes, sheets (all kinds) Carpets 76 4 77 78 4 4 Non-ferrous metals and products Ferrous metals and products (except machinery equipment) Weaving and embroidery of textile-based goods (except carpets) 79 4 Products of leather tanneries Leather goods Animal feeds 80 81 82 4 4 4 Products of printing activities 83 4 Products of publishing house Other physical goods Gasoline, lubricants (already refined) Electricity, gas Water Civil construction Other construction Trade 84 85 4 4 86 87 88 89 90 91 4 5 5 6 6 7 Repair of small transport means, motorbikes and personal household appliances Hotels Restaurants Description of 18 sectors Manufacturing Electricity, gas and water supply Construction Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods 92 93 94 7 8 8 98 Hotels, restaurant Appendix II continued Description of 112 sectors 112sector code 95 96 18sector code 9 9 Water transport services Air transport services 97 98 9 9 Communication services Tourism Banking, credit, treasury Lottery Insurance 99 100 101 102 103 9 9 10 10 10 Science and technology Real estate Real estate business and consultancy services 104 105 11 12 106 12 Transportation Railway transport services State management, defense and compulsory social security Education and training Health care, social relief 107 108 13 14 109 110 15 16 111 17 112 18 Culture and sport Association Other services 99 Description of 18 sectors Transport, storage and communications Financial intermediation Scientific activities and technology Real estate, renting and business activities Public administration and defense; compulsory social security Education and training Health and social work Recreational, cultural and sporting activities Activities of Party and of membership organizations Community, social and personal service activities and private household with employed persons