Chapter 16: The Federal Court System

Chapter 16:
The Federal Court System
Structure, Nature, and Politics of the
Judicial System
Case Study: Miranda V. Arizona, 1965
 Question: Does the police
practice of interrogating
individuals without notifying
them of their right to counsel
and their protection against
self-incrimination violate the
Fifth Amendment?
The Nature of the Judicial
 Two basic kinds of cases:
criminal law cases and
civil law cases
 Criminal: government
charges an individual who
violated specific laws (I.e.
prohibiting robbery, etc.)
 Civil: Dispute between
two parties (I.e. divorce,
mergers, etc.)
 The VAST majority of all
criminal and civil cases
involve state laws and are
tried in state courts
Participants in the Judicial System
 Litigants: plaintiff and
 Groups: NAACP, ACLU,
 Attorneys: Over 750,000
today in the United States
 Legal Services Corporation:
lawyers to assist the poor (Access
to quality lawyers is not equal.)
 Jury—the people (normally 12)
who often decide the outcome of a
 Groups: Use the courts to try to
change policies
– Amicus Curiae briefs used to
influence the courts which are
“friend of the court” briefs
used to raise additional points
of view and information not
contained in briefs of formal
Organization of the Federal Court System
The Structure of the Federal
Court System
The Structure of the Federal
Judicial System
 Constitution says very little
about the structure
 Left it to Congress’s
discretion to establish lower
federal courts
 Judiciary Act of 1789:
Congress created these
constitutional courts
 Congress also created
legislative courts for special
reasons (Court of Military
Appeals, Tax Court, etc.)
– Legislative courts have
judges with fixed terms and
lack protections against
Differences among Courts
 Original Jurisdiction:
Courts where cases are heard
first; usually in a trial;
determine facts about the
case; More than 90% of
court cases begin and end in
the court of original
 Appellate jurisdiction:
Courts hear cases brought to
them on appeal from a lower
court; do not review factual
record, only deal with the
legal issues involved
(Miranda rights, etc.)
District Courts
 91 federal district courts of
original jurisdiction
 Jurisdiction extends to
– Federal crimes
– Civil suits under federal law
– Civil suits between citizens
of different states where the
amount exceeds $50,000
– Supervision of bankruptcy
– Review of the actions of
some federal administrative
– Admiralty and maritime law
– Supervision of the
naturalization of aliens
Each of the 91 regular
districts has a U.S.
attorney who is nominated
by the president and
confirmed by the Senate
and who serves a the
discretion of the president
(not lifetime
They prosecute violators of
federal law and represent
the U.S. government in
civil cases
United States District Attorney for
District of Arizona
John S. Leonardo was sworn in as United States Attorney for
the District of Arizona on July 3, 2012.
The United States Attorney is the chief
federal law enforcement officer in the
District of Arizona and is appointed by
the President.
United States Attorneys and their Assistants
prosecute violations of federal law and
represent federal agencies in federal courts
as well as state courts, when appropriate.
They also collect debts owed the federal
government which are administratively
uncollectible. United States Attorneys are
not permitted to represent private individuals
or business, nor are they permitted to give
legal advice to members of the public.
Court of Appeals
Appellate Jurisdiction:
reviews the legal issues in
cases brought from lower
– Hold no trials and hear
no testimony
– 12 circuit courts
– U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Federal Circuit –
specialized cases
– Focus on errors of
procedure and law
Courts empowered to review
all final decisions of district
Also have the authority to
review and enforce orders of
many federal regulatory
agencies such as the SEC and
About 90% of the more than
50,000 cases heard in the
courts of appeals each year
come from the district courts
Court of Appeals
 The US is divided into 12 judicial circuits,
including one for the District of Columbia.
 Each circuit serves at least two states and has
between 6 and 28 permanent circuit judgeships
(179 in all)
 Each court of appeals normally hears cases in
panels consisting of three judges
 Decisions in either arrangement are made by
majority vote of the participating judges
Court of Appeals Continued
 There is also a special court of appeals called the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
composed of 12 judges (special cases only)
 Appellate courts focus on correcting errors of
procedure and law that occurred in the original
proceedings of legal cases
 Hold no trial and hear no testimony
 Set precedent for all courts and agencies within
their jurisdictions
The Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of the United States: (seated, left to right) Justice Thomas,
Justice Scalia, CHIEF Justice Roberts, Justice Kennedy, Justice Ginsburg (standing)
Justice Sotomayor, Justice Breyer, Justice Alito, Justice Kagan
The Structure of the Federal
Judicial System
 The Supreme Court
– Ensures uniformity in interpreting national
laws, resolves conflicts among states and
maintains national supremacy in law
• 9 justices – 1 Chief Justice, 8 Associate Justices
• Supreme Court decides which cases it will hear—
controls its own agenda
• Some original jurisdiction, but mostly appellate
• Most cases come from the federal courts
• Most are civil cases
The Structure of the
Federal Judicial System
The Supreme Court’s Role
 Decide which cases to
 Majority of the cases they
hear come from federal
appellate courts
 But it can come from the
state appellate courts so
long as it involves a
federal question/law
Where did the Case originate?
The Politics of Judicial
 Presidents appoint members of the federal courts with
“advice and consent” of the Senate.
 The Lower Courts
– Appointments handled through Senatorial Courtesy:
• Unwritten tradition where a judge is not confirmed if a senator of the
president’s party from the state where the nominee will serve opposes
the nomination
• Has the effect of the president approving the Senate’s choice
– President chooses to have more influence on appellate level
The Politics of Judicial
 The Supreme Court
– Fewer constraints on president to nominate persons to
Supreme Court
– President relies on attorney general and DOJ to screen
– 1 out of 5 nominees will not make it!!
– Presidents with minority party support in the Senate
will have more difficulty.
– Chief Justice can be chosen from a sitting justice, or as
a new member to the Court
The Politics of Judicial Selection
 The Constitution sets no
special requirements for
judges or justices
 Federal judges have
typically held office as a
judge or prosecutor, and
often they have been
involved in partisan
 All lawyers
 Typically justices have
held high administrative
or judicial positions before
moving to the Supreme
Court (DOJ, Federal
appellate judge)
The Backgrounds of
Judges and Justices
 Characteristics:
– Generally white males
– Lawyers with judicial and often political
 Other Factors:
– Generally of the same party and ideology as the
appointing president
– Judges and justices may not rule the way
presidents had hoped they would have.
The Backgrounds of Judges and Justices
The Courts as Policymakers
 Accepting Cases: Appellate and Supreme Court
have MUCH more control over their agenda;
Justices meet in conference twice a week privately
to review the “discuss list” and decide which cases
they want to discuss (rely heavily on their law
clerks to screen each case)
 Put case on docket by writ of certiorari—a formal
document that calls up a case
The Courts as Policymakers
 Accepting Cases
– Use the “rule of four” to choose cases
– Issues a writ of certiorari to call up the case
– Supreme Court accepts few cases each year
Figure 16.4
The Courts as Policymakers
 Accepting Cases (continued)
– The Solicitor General:
• a presidential appointee and third-ranking office in the
Department of Justice
• is in charge of appellate court litigation of the federal
• Four key functions:
Decide whether to appeal cases the government lost
Review and modify briefs presented in appeals
Represent the government before the Supreme Court
Submit a brief on behalf of a litigant in a case in which the
government is not directly involved
Solicitor General
 Presidential appointee and
third-ranking official in
the Department of Justice,
in charge of the
appellate court
litigation of the
federal government
 Donald B. Verrilli, Jr.:
Sworn in as the 46th
Solicitor General of the
United States on June 9,
Duties of the Solicitor General
 Solicitor General Duties are:
1. To decide whether to appeal cases the
government has lost in the lower courts
2. To review and modify the briefs presented in
government appeals
3. To represent the government before the
Supreme Court
4. To submit a brief on behalf of a litigant in a
case in which the government is not directly
involved (amicus curiae)
Court as Policymakers
 In session from Oct. – June
 Hears oral arguments in two-
week cycles (2 weeks of
courtroom arguments and 2
weeks of reflecting on cases
and writing opinions about
 Making decisions: Weekly
conference meetings are held
to discuss cases actually
accepted and argued before
the Court
 Stare decisis: an earlier
decision should hold for the
case being considered
The Courts as Policymakers
 Making Decisions
– Oral arguments heard by the justices
– Justices discuss the case
– One justice will write the majority opinion (statement
of legal reasoning behind a judicial decision) on the
Figure 16.5
Court as Policymakers
 Implementing Court
 Judicial
implementation: refers
to how and whether
court decisions are
translated into actual
policy, thereby
affecting the behavior
of others
Supreme Court Chief Justices
 The Rehnquist Court: (1986-
 John Marshall: (1801-1835)
Judicial Review and Marbury
V. Madison
2005) Impeachment of Clinton,
Bush V. Gore
 The Roberts Court: (2005-present)
 The Warren Court: (1953-
1969) desegregation, criminal
defendants, reapportionment
 The Burger Court: (1969-1986)
Roe V. Wade, US V. Nixon,
Furman V. Georgia, Gregg V.
Partial birth abortions, habeas corpus,
Understanding the Courts
 The Courts and Democracy
– Courts are not very democratic….
• Not elected
• Difficult to remove judges and justices
– The courts often reflect popular majorities
– Groups are likely to use the courts when other
methods fail, which promotes pluralism
– There are still conflicting rulings leading to
deadlock and inconsistency
What Courts Should Do: The
Scope of Judicial Power
– Judicial restraint: judges should play a minimal
policymaking role
– Judicial activism: judges should make bold policy
decisions and even chart new constitutional ground
– Political questions: means of the federal courts to avoid
deciding some cases
– Statutory construction: the judicial interpretation of an
act of Congress