MS Word Template for Respondus

1. A retailer’s selling to consumers via store, catalog, and the Web illustrates
A) selective distribution
@ Incorrect. This is a type of distribution channel arrangement. Refer to
textbook page 8.
B) impulse purchasing
@ Incorrect. This occurs when customers make a purchase which was not
planned prior to entering the retailer. Refer to textbook page 8.
C) intensive distribution
@ Incorrect. This is a type of distribution channel arrangement. Refer to
textbook page 8.
*D) multi-channel retailing
@ Correct! It is called multi-channel retailing to sell through different channels.
Refer to textbook page 8.
2. A retail strategy can be best defined as _______.
A) the selection and appeal to a specific retail target market
@ Incorrect. What kind of selection and appeal is this statement suggesting?
Merchandise, location, advertising...? The statement is not clear. Refer to
textbook page 12.
B) short-run activities conducted by a retailer
@ Incorrect. Overall strategy cannot be only short-run. Refer to textbook page
*C) the overall plan guiding a retail firm
@ Correct! A retail strategy influences the firm's business activities and its
response to market forces. Refer to textbook page 12.
D) a plan to reduce retail costs
@ Incorrect. There can be a plan to focus on maximizing revenues even at
higher cost. Cost reduction is not always the case. Refer to textbook page 12.
3. Which statement concerning customer service is correct?
A) Customer service only concerns a retailer's intangible activities.
@ Incorrect. How about parking and rest rooms? Refer to textbook page 1617
B) Different people almost always judge a retailer's customer service in a
similar manner.
@ Incorrect. People's assessment of customer service depends on their
perceptions, hence is different. Refer to textbook page 16-17.
*C) People's assessment of customer service depends on perceptions -- not
necessarily reality.
@ Correct! Customer service refers to the identifiable, but sometimes
intangible, activities undertaken by a retailer in conjunction with basic goods
and services it sells. Refer to textbook page 16-17.
D) Customer service only concerns a retailer's tangible activities.
@ Incorrect. How about sales people and employee politeness? Refer to
textbook page 16-17.
4. Madam C.J Walker was the first African-American female millionaire.
*A) True
B) False
Type: S
5. Who is known as the “father of television”?
A) Zworykin
B) Vladimir Zworykin
C) Vladimir Kosma Zworykin
Type: MT
6. Match the correct name to the discovery or theory.
@ Incorrect! Please try again.
A) Michelson-Morely = Speed of Light
B) Einstein = Theory of Relativity
C) Marconi = Radio Waves