BUS 776: Data Analysis for Managers

R. Saltzman
BUS 776: Data Analysis for Managers
General Information
Spring 2015
Class Time
Office Hours
Robert M. Saltzman, Ph.D.
T 6:30-9:15 pm, DTC 612
T 5:45-6:25 pm, DTC 612 & T/TH 1:30-3:30 pm in BUS 205C (main campus)
Email: saltzman@sfsu.edu; Tel: (415) 338-1232; Fax: (415) 405-0364
Textbook and
* Doane, D. & Seward, L., Essential Statistics in Business and Economics (with
Student CD), 2E, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, ©2010. ISBN-13: 978-007-337365-2
* Microsoft Excel - Any version since 2003 will be OK. (PC versions tend to work better
than those for Apple computers.)
Learning goals include teaching students how to:
 Distinguish categorical from quantitative data, and treat them appropriately
 Create and interpret graphical and numeric summaries of univariate data, e.g.,
histograms and various measures of center and spread
 Work with the basic rules of probability and several discrete and continuous
probability distributions to answer questions about the likelihood of events
 Estimate population parameters with confidence intervals and hypothesis tests
 Analyze relationships between two quantitative variables by creating and
interpreting scatterplots, correlation coefficients, and regression equations
 Perform all computations using spreadsheet software
Classified graduate status in business.
Mandatory Homework: Excel-based assignments, posted on iLearn, should be printed
out and turned in at the beginning of the next class. They’ll be graded and returned
the following week. Late assignments will not be accepted.
Optional Homework: Recommended text problems will give you more opportunity to
master the material. Although these won’t be collected, doing them will help you
prepare for the exams. Solutions to odd-numbered exercises are given in Appendix
G of the text; solutions to all exercises are posted on iLearn.
Exams and
There will be two take-home midterm exams and a cumulative take-home final exam
all of which will involve using Excel to solve relevant problems.
 No make-up exams or assignments will be given
 Late/missed exams and assignments will count as a 0
Course grades will be based on the following components:
100 points (22.2%)
 7 Excel assignments:
200 points (44.4%)
 2 Midterm exams:
150 points (33.3%)
 1 Final exam:
450 points