Material Mutahir MMF410801-2 SKS Departemen Metalurgi dan Material-FTUI September – Desember 2008 Dr. Ir. A.Herman Yuwono, M.Phil.Eng. Email: Tel: (+6221)7863510 ext 212 Fax: (+6221) 7872350 PENDAHULUAN Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah SKS Semester Staf Pengajar Sistem Kelas : : : : : Material Mutahir MMF410801 2 Ganjil 2008/2009 Akhmad Herman Yuwono (AHY) Donanta Dhaneswara (DD) : Tunggal Tujuan Pengajaran : Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan perkembangan material teknik mutahir, proses manufaktur dan aplikasinya. Sistem Evaluasi : Kehadiran Tugas Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Presentasi Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) : : : : : 5% 15 % 30 % 15 % 35 % SATUAN ACARA PENGAJARAN (SAP) Pertemuan Tanggal Pokok Bahasan 1 2 Sept 2008 Penjelasan SAP dan Definisi dan ruang lingkup material mutahir 2 9 Sept 2008 Material-material logam terbaru; Metallic Glass 3 16 Sept 2008 Material-material sangat ringan untuk konstruksi pesawat 4 23 Sept 2008 Material-material cerdas 5 30 Sept 2008 Material nano komposit untuk aplikasi optik dan elektronik 6 7 Okt 2008 Material mesopori untuk aplikasi membran, katalis dan medikal 7 14 Okt 2008 Material-material magnet terbaru 8 21 Okt 2008 Material-material keramik terbaru 9 28 Okt 2008 UJIAN TENGAH SEMESTER 10 4 Nov 2008 Polimer kristal cair (LCP) 11 11 Nov 2008 Biomaterial 12 18 Nov 2008 PRESENTASI TUGAS MAHASISWA 13 25 Nov 2008 PRESENTASI TUGAS MAHASISWA 14 2 Des 2008 PRESENTASI TUGAS MAHASISWA 15 9 Des 2008 UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER INTRODUCTION HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Every segment of our everyday lives is influenced to one degree or another by materials: transportation, housing, clothing, communication, recreation or food production. The development & advancement of societies are produced and manipulate materials. Earliest humans had access to only a very limited number of materials that occur naturally: stone, wood, clay etc. With time the techniques for producing materials were discovered: pottery, and various metals. Materials utilization was totally a selection process by virtue of its characteristics. Came to understand the relationships between the structural elements of the materials and their properties. Tens of thousands of different materials that meet the needs of our modern and complex society: metals, plastics, glasses and fibers. Improving the suitable materials is never ending process to meet human’s need. Development of Engineering Materials 10 000 BC 5000 BC Gold 0 1000 1500 1800 1900 1940 1960 1980 1990 (after Ashby 1992) 2000 2010 2020 Copper Bronze Iron METALS Cast Iron Glassy Metal Al - Lithium Alloys Dual Phase Steels Micro Alloyed Steels New Super Alloys Steels POLYMERS, ELASTOMERS Wood Skin Fibers Alloy Steels Glues Light Alloys COMPOSITES Straw-brick Super Alloys Rubber paper Stone Nylon Pottery Glass PE Cement High Temperature Polymers Alloys High Modulus Polymers Polyesters Exposies PMA Arcrylics PC PS PP Titanic Zirconium Etc Bakelite Flint CERAMICS Development Slow Mostly Quality Control and Processing Refractories Portland Cement Fused Tough Engineering Cerments PyroSilica ceramics (Al2O3,Si4,etc) Ceramics 10 000 BC 5000 BC DATE 0 1000 (Year) 1500 1800 1900 1940 1960 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 The use of other competitive materials in replacement to metals and alloys becomes prominent as technological development requires higher performance of engineering materials WHAT IS AN ADVANCED MATERIAL? There are many different definitions of advanced materials and they have become so commonly used that most tend to assume that advanced materials are just materials. For a physical scientist considers that advanced materials could just as easily have been “Polymers”, for these are some of the most versatile advanced materials in use today and often are confused as plastics by many people. WHAT IS AN ADVANCED MATERIAL? Some scholars define advanced materials as those that involve knowledge (and creation of materials) at the molecular and/or atomic scale for the purpose of advancing technology and improving the human experience. These might be materials such as tiny carbon nanotubes that are being used in new types of X-ray tubes that are more efficient and safer than those now in use at airports and in doctor’s offices. These are also new coatings and methods of manufacturing of Teflon, which is an example of a polymer material made with chemical processing methods that causes much less pollution and is “environmentally friendly”. Other possibilities include materials used in new diagnostic methods such as those for medical biopsies. WHAT IS AN ADVANCED MATERIAL? Advanced materials research involves discoveries of fundamental principles of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics that can be applied to control the molecular-level properties of new materials, and then fashioning materials and/or nanostructures for real-life applications. It involves knowing the conditions under which a material will be used and identifying candidate materials for this purpose. WHAT IS AN ADVANCED MATERIAL? There is always a real need for better materials and/or nanostructures - the issue is how much better and at what cost. An applied scientist, with a particular application in mind, will scour lists of known materials and/or nanostructures looking for one that meets his or her needs. If existing materials are unsuitable, the applied and basic scientist must work together to develop new materials and/or nanostructures. This synergism between what is available and what needs to be developed reflects the important and complementary roles of the basic and applied sciences in Materials Science. Neither one takes precedence over the other. Rather, they work hand-in-hand to fulfill our evergrowing need for new materials. ADVANCED MATERIALS: Materials that are utilized in high-technology application High-tech, a device or product that operates or functions using relatively intricate and sophisticated principles Electronic equipment, computers, fiber optic systems, spacecraft, aircraft, and military rocketry. They might be of all material types whose properties have been enhanced or newly developed Materials of the Future A. SMART MATERIALS A group of new and state of the art materials now being developed that will have a significant influence on many technologies. Smart implies the ability to sense charges in environments and then respond to the changes in predetermined manners-traits that are also found in living organisms. Component of smart materials (or system): Some type of sensor (detect an input signal) An actuator (perform a responsive and adaptive function) Materials of the Future Four types of materials used for actuator: 1. Shape memory alloys; metals, after having been deformed, revert back to their original shapes when temperature is changed. 2. Piezoelectric ceramics; expand and contract in response to an applied electric fields (or voltage); conversely, they also generate an electric field when their dimension are altered. 3. Magnetostrictive; like piezoelectric but in magnetic fields 4. Electro-rheological & magneto-rheological fluids are liquids that experience dramatic changes in viscosity upon the application of electric or magnetic fields. Example of Smart materials: piezoelectric inserted to blade of helicopter to sensor noise computer feedback to generate noise-canceling antinoise. Materials of the Future B. NANOTECHNOLOGY To understand the chemistry and physics of materials by studying large and complex structures to investigate the fundamental building blocks of these structures that are smaller and simpler. “Top-down” sciences By SPM (scanning probe microscopes) permits to observe the individual atoms and molecules, and it has become possible to manipulate and move atoms and molecules to form new structures, thus, design new materials that are built from simple atomic level constituents (i.e. “materials by design”) It enables to carefully arrange atoms to develop mechanical, electrical, magnetic, and other properties. “Bottom-up” sciences called nanotechnology. Nano = 10-9, nanotechnology < 100 nm equivalent 500 atom diameters Modern Materials Needs The development of more sophisticated and specialized materials, as well as consideration of the environmental impact of material production. Nuclear energy: many problem remain in materials, from fuel to containment structures to facilities to the disposal of radioactive waste. Transportation: facing low operating temperature engine etc. Fuel cell energy: facing low operating temperature for high energy output. Manufacturing process: facing toxic as a product of the process Modern Materials Needs Non renewable materials such as polymer, some of metals, oil will be depleted for: The discovery of additional reserves, The development of new materials having comparable properties with less adverse environmental impact, and/or Increased recycling effort and the development of new recycling technology First assignment Buatlah sebuah tulisan (essay) dalam bahasa Indonesia sepanjang satu halaman A4, dengan huruf Times New Roman, 12 pt, satu spasi yang berisikan point-point berikut: • Definisi dan ruang lingkup material mutahir • Signifikansi material mutahir terhadap kesejahteraan umat manusia. Dikumpulkan minggu depan (8 september 2008). Tugas yang terlambat tidak diterima. Tidak ada praktek contek-menyontek.