Ulverston Town Council

Annual report
This report gives information about Ulverston Town Council, the money it
spends and the activities it carries out. It includes reports from chairs of
the councils standing committees together with reports from other
associated groups.
Town Clerk
April 2015
Welcome to Ulverston Town Council
Annual Report 2014/15
 Council
 Councillors
 Record of attendance at full council
 Summary of the work of the council
 Town Mayor’s annual report: Cllr Helen Irving
 United Charities. Accounts
 Grants given by Ulverston Town Council 2014/2015
 Reports from UTC Standing Committees:
Finance and Grants.
Policy and General Purposes.
 External groups:
Albert/Twinning Society.
Ulverston in Bloom.
Ulverston Community Partnership.
Ulverston Community Enterprises.
 Financial report and accounts.
The Council:
Ulverston Town Council Offices
Town Hall, Queen Street, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 7AR
01229 585778
Twitter @UlverstonTC
Follow us on Facebook
The offices are open from 9-5 Monday to Friday.
 Ulverston Town Council has 18 volunteer councillors.
 10 representing the Labour Party
 8 representing the Conservative Party.
 The Town Mayor is Cllr Helen Irving
 The Deputy Mayor is Cllr Dr. Bharath Rajan
 The Leader of the Council is Cllr Phil Lister.
The town council meets every month, except in August, on the 3rd Monday
of the month at 7pm in the council chamber in the Town Hall. Full council
considers all planning applications as a statutory planning consultee. It
passes decisions and recommendations on planning issues to South
Lakeland District Council, which is the planning authority.
Members of the public are most welcome to attend town council
The council employs a full time Town Clerk and Responsible Financial
Officer – Jayne Kendall, together with a part time Administrative/finance
The council has four standing committee:
Finance and Grants
Policy and General Purposes
Human Resources.
The committees report to full council
Councillors for CENTRAL WARD:
Philip Gregory COOPER
The Old Coach House, Long Lane, Stainton, Barrow-in-Furness LA13 0NH (Tel.467831)
(Elected 2012)
Dr Bharath Sundara RAJAN. Deputy Mayor
38 Woodland Road, Ulverston LA12 ODX (Tel. 583629) (Elected 2012)
9 Union Lane, Ulverston LA12 7BU (Tel. 07817680574) (Elected 2012)
Councillors for EAST WARD
37 Lightburn Avenue, Ulverston LA12 0HA (Tel. 581024) (Elected 2000)
Brenda Maureen MARR
6 Dale Street, Ulverston LA12 9BA (Tel. 584090) (Elected 2004)
7 Parkfield, Swarthmoor, Ulverston LA12 0HW (Tel. 586404) (Elected 2012)
Councillors for NORTH WARD
Margaret HORNBY
26 Meeting House Lane, Ulverston LA12 9ND (Tel. 585416) (Elected 2000)
Helen IRVING. Town Mayor
11 Garden Terrace, Ulverston LA12 7DA (Tel. 581454) (Elected 2008)
25 Fountain Street, Ulverston LA12 7EQ (Tel. 480666) (Elected 2012)
Councillors for SOUTH WARD
48 Sands Road, Ulverston LA12 9PR (Tel. 07763476357) (Elected 2000)
Amanda RIGG
Red House, North Lonsdale Road, Ulverston LA12 9DX (Tel. 480406) (Elected 2008)
Brian TATE
6 Craglands Park, Great Urswick, Ulverston LA12 OTX (Tel.586422) (Elected 2012)
Councillors for TOWN WARD:
23 Soutergate, Ulverston LA12 7ES (Tel. 581970) (Elected 2012)
29 Fountain Street, Ulverston LA12 7EQ (Tel.219360) (Elected 2012)
25 Fountain Street, Ulverston, LA12 7EQ (Tel. 480666) (Elected 2008)
Councillors for WEST WARD
Janette Ethel JENKINSON
Barne House, Broad Dale, Ulverston LA12 7SE (Tel. 585305) (Elected 2000)
49 Birkett Drive, Ulverston LA12 9LN (Tel.583588) (Elected 2008)
James Watterson PROSSER
57 Birkett Drive, Ulverston LA12 9LN (Tel. 586974) (Elected 1975)
South Lakeland District Councillors representing Ulverston:
Town Ward
Central Ward
North Ward
South Ward
East Ward
West Ward
Mr J. V. Clough
Dr. B.S. Rajan
Mrs H. Irving
Mrs A. Rigg
Mr M. Wilson
Mrs J. Jenkinson
Cumbria County Councillors representing Ulverston:
Mr J. Airey, 5 Reeds Gardens, Little Urswick, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0US.
Mr M. Wilson, 7. Parkfield, Swarthmoor, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 OHW
Record of attendance:
Record of councillor’s attendance at 11 Full Council meetings held
throughout the year:
Cllr Bishop Rowe
Cllr Clough
Cllr Cooper
Cllr Irving
Cllr Jenkinson Cllr Jones
Cllr C Pickthall
Cllr J Pickthall Cllr Prosser
Cllr Smith
Cllr Tate
Cllr Wilson
Cllr Harris
Cllr Lister
Cllr Rajan
Cllr Hornby
Cllr Marr
Cllr Rigg
The council own, operate and manage assets on behalf of the community. It
also works collaboratively with local businesses, Ulverston Business
Improvement District, Ulverston Community Enterprise, South Lakeland
District Council, Cumbria County Council, The Highways Agency and the
Environment Agency, amongst other, to ensure that Ulverston’s voice is
heard at every level.
At the time of writing this report, the council is negotiating with South
Lakeland District Council concerning new office space for the town council,
following the announcement by SLDC of the closure of the town hall. The
town hall will be converted by SLDC into affordable housing. At a meeting
of the town council on April 15th, councillors agreed by a majority to enter
into a lease with South Lakeland District Council to convert the existing
toilet block on Brogden Street into an office and a small meeting room. Full
town council meetings will held in the supper room of the Coronation Hall.
No date has yet been confirmed for this move to take place.
During this year the council took the decision to dispose of three large oil
paintings which were in the town hall. The decision was taken because the
painting was very large and difficult to display especially as the council was
moving to new premises; they were not of Ulverston; and were costly to
insure. The painting depicted Scottish and Welsh scenes. They were sold at
auction at Tennants Auctioneers in Leyburn on Saturday 21 April for
£34,700 gross. Council has agreed that the net sum will be set aside for
heritage projects in the town and general reserves.
 Sir John Barrow Monument. There has been ongoing expenditure on
the monument to ensure it is well maintained, following its
restoration in 2009. Work has included including replacement
floodlights and heaters and improvements to the interior of the
‘pepper pot’. New cameras have been installed by local company
FETL, allowing viewers to see the surrounding views over the hill and
the town from the top of the monument from their computer. The
council would like to express its gratitude to the Senior Lighthouse
Keeper Les Tallon and the group of volunteer lighthouse keepers who
open the monument, and without whose efforts the monument
would not be open to the community as often as it is.
 Sir John Barrow Cottage. This has been empty for some time but the
council is now in discussions with a number of local people and
organisations who wish to re-open it as a museum and space for the
 Ulverston’s War Memorial. 2014 commemorated the centenary of
the commencement of the First World War. The council managed the
restoration of the war memorial using council funds, generous
donations from the community and a grant from the war memorials
 Allotments: The council owns 7 allotments sites at Dragley Beck,
Sandside, Tank Field, Poplar Grove, Mill Dam, Hill Fall and the Ellers.
There are almost 300 allotment sites and these are available to any
resident living within the LA12 post code. Each allotment has a
volunteer allotment representative who provides advice to new
allotment holders and advises the town council of any issues which
require resolving.
 Public toilets: Public toilets at the Gill and on Brogden St next to the
Coronation Hall. The council makes a small charge of 20p to use these
facilities, to help with the running costs.
 Christmas Lights. The annual Christmas lights display is managed by
the town council. There is an annual budget of £11,000 which covers
the costs of maintenance, erection and dismantling and power costs.
 Green Spaces. Gill Banks and Little Hoad are in the stewardship of
the town council which has recently renewed its lease with the Town
Lands Trust. Work has been undertaken recently on the Gill to
remove two trees which were in a dangerous condition, and plant
others. Bird boxes have been placed on trees throughout the wood.
The council would welcome any help with an ecological survey of the
 Groundwork. The council support the salary of an officer from
Groundwork, who has in turn worked with a number of local groups
to help them with fundraising and other initiatives. More recently this
has resulted in a grant of £100,000 which was awarded to the Friends
of Ulverston Canal group for work on the Canal.
 Street Furniture. The council owns and manages 5 bush shelters at
Victoria Road, Stanley St, Bigland Drive and Cherry Tree Avenue, and
50 ‘squirrel’ seats. It also owns and looks after the Laurel and Hardy
Statue outside the Coronation hall. This year has seen the purchase
of a power washer which is used to keep areas of the town clean;
over and above the work done by South Lakeland District Council.
 Planning. The town council is a statutory consultee in all planning
matters relating to Ulverston. It debates all plans at each full council
meeting and its comments and concerns are sent to South Lakeland
District Council, which is the planning authority.
 Newsletter: The council also produces its occasional newsletter
called Talk of the Town, which is available on the town website, with
printed copies available throughout the town.
 Communication: The council fully subscribes to social media and
together with its updated website also uses Twitter and has a
Facebook page. All of these methods are very important in making
sure the council can communicate.
Town Mayor’s Annual Report
Cllr Helen Irving
Good Evening Ladies, Gentlemen and fellow Councillors.
Thank you very much for coming along this evening to our annual town
The council have had a busy and trying year at times, having to make critical
and controversial decisions. The main one being the vacating of the town
hall by the council to secure the future of the Coronation Hall. On the plus
side, we had the Ulverston Bid accepted, thanks to the people concerned
for all their hard work. We as a council are continuing the fight for a better
Ulverston. This is being done through our various committees and the
Council as a whole.
I am now going to give you a short insight into how my year as Mayor of
Ulverston has been. When I was elected as Mayor 12 months ago, I took it
as a great honour, especially when I am a born and bred Ulverstonian. It
was down to me to fly the flag for the town and people of Ulverston. During
my term in office, I have carried out many civic duties within Ulverston and
at other towns. The main highlights of my year started with my Civic
Sunday, where I got to meet my mayoral counterparts from other towns.
There civic services followed over the following weeks. We had the 100 year
celebrations of the Coronation Hall (Let us hope it will be there for another
Another 100 years was remembered on the cross. This being the start of
World War I. We were joined for this by a delegation from our twin town of
Albert. This was made special as the refurbished cenotaph was unveiled just
in time. I must give thanks here to the people who worked hard to ensure
this happened and to those who gave donations towards the cost in
addition to the contractors who did such a fantastic job. The dedication of
this was carried out during a very wet Remembrance Sunday and I was
honoured to be part of it.
The town had a royal visit and I met the Duchess of Gloucester during her
visit to the hospice and Ford Park. I also met the Duchess of
Northumberland at the opening of the Marl Hub. I have carried out many
smaller duties in town including the opening of events, new shops and small
businesses. In the last few weeks, my husband and I were invited to the
official opening of the new Tritech facilities at Next Ness, an excellent day. It
gives me a buzz when you see companies like Tritech and other small firms
expanding especially in this economic climate. I also attended many events
held by smaller charitable organisations in Ulverston including the disabled
club disco, age concern Christmas party the canal regeneration events.
These are just a few, but thanks to all those I have not mentioned for their
kind invitations I have enjoyed all of them.
Thanks to UVHS for their kind invitations to the many events they have held
over the year. It is a pleasure to see the young talent in Ulverston. I
attended many out of town fund raising events held by my fellow Mayor’s
and other organisations.
I must not forget the main festival events that have been held in the town.
The ever successful Dickensian Festival, at last I managed to get dressed up.
The Taste of Cumbria food festival, the South Cumbria Musical Festival and
the International Music Festival and many many more. One of the main
highlights was watching the carnival parade and judging from the
Coronation Hall balcony and then finishing at Ford Park. A big thank you to
all the people who worked relentlessly to make these events a success, but
most of all make them happen. Last Saturday saw another highlight of my
year, and that was awarding the Freedom of the Town to the 2223
Ulverston Squadron Air Training Corp.
I have saved the best to last, and that was the invitation my husband and I
received to attend the Queen’s Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in May.
Overall, I have had an enjoyable term in office, and thanks to all the people
who have supported me and made things happen, especially to my husband
I have said enough about my year, and we now get onto the main part of
the evening and that is the distribution of the monies I have made to my
chosen local charities. You will notice that one is not local, but I feel it
serves a very important role in our community. This money has been raised
by holding various events and kind donations:
Various events during my charter week, the Halloween ball, Carols at the
Coro, a bingo evening, Voce at the Old Mill, the Hospice received the
collection from the collection at my Civic Sunday. These events were all
made possible by the people who bought tickets and supported me. Thank
you. Also thanks to the local businesses and individuals who donated raffle
prizes etc.
United Charities:
The trustees, who are all Ulverston Town Councillors, made several awards
this year, all in the spirit of the original individual trust documents. Awards
were made to the Parish Church, Ulverston Victoria High School and the
Ulverston Food Bank. In addition this year, trustees agreed to donate
£1000.00 to the Town Mayor’s Charities to be distributed to organisations
throughout Ulverston. This will be distributed this evening, together with
other funds raised by the Mayor. The trustees also re-invested £3000 of the
Balance and Interest
Food Bank
South Cumbria Music Festival
Parish Church
Town Mayors Charities
Investments c/ac Balance
Grants from Ulverston Town Council:
Community and Festival Grants:
Ulverston International Music Fest
Ulverston in Bloom
South Cumbria Retirement Band
Ulv Gardeners Society
Darby and Joan Club
Ulverston Town Band
Cumbria Rural CAB
Friends of Ulverston Canal
Morecambe Bay Archers
Ulv Candlelit Walk
Ulverston in Bloom
Ulv Community Enterprise
Ulverston Rugby Club
Royal British Legion
Friends of the X112
Ulverston Society of Artists
Ulv Rangers FC
Ulverston St Georges Day Committee 200.00
Ulverston Better Towns Team
Ulverston Carnival
Ulverston Lantern Procession
Furness Tradition
Ulverston Walking Festival
Ulverston Dickensian Festival
South Cumbria Musical Festival
South Lakes Community Dance Fest
Shop Front Improvement Grants
Vapour Bar
The Salon
Two by Two
The Hair Studio
The Hair Gallery
Deep Red Creative - The Northern
Floral & Hardy
Appleseeds Health Store
Pretty Things
Eye Care Excellence
Tinners Rabbit
Photo Express
Town Council - Standing Committees:
Finance and Grants: Chair Cllr Phil Lister
The details of the Town Council’s expenditure and income can be found
elsewhere in this annual report of the Council’s activities but I would like to
make a few general points to try and set a context in which that financial
activity has been conducted.
Although Ulverston Town Council’s budget is in excess of £200k we remain an
asset rich and cash limited organisation. With the upkeep of the Hoad
Monument, the Sir John Barrow cottage, two public conveniences, open
spaces and woodlands on Little Hoad and Gill Banks to name but some of the
Town Council’s liabilities and responsibilities the members have maintained as
a primary fiscal policy the need to improve the levels of our unallocated
reserves. The detailed accounts show that these are improving but that we are
still some way from having the reserves recommended to us by our auditors.
It was the ongoing need to increase the reserves position which led to the
increase in the precept for the 2015/16 financial year.
We have continued to improve our financial monitoring and reporting so that
members and the public can accurately assess our financial position as it
unfolds during the year.
We continue to play a strong role in supporting local organisations who are
seeking to contribute to our community by the giving of direct grants and we
are always interested in hearing from new organisations seeking funding.
Details of how to apply can be found on the Town Council’s website. We
support almost every festival that takes place in the Town and contributes so
much to Ulverston rich and vibrant cultural offer.
The town council has also played a leading role in financially supporting several
organisations such as Ulverston in Bloom, Ulverston Community Partnership
and Ulverston Community Enterprises who have been working hard to develop
the Town as the austerity policies of national government have forced local
government to retreat from their non statutory commitments to Ulverston.
As the Town Council works through the biggest change it has ever faced in its
relocation from the Town Hall there will need to be continued careful
monitoring and remodelling of its budgets.
Policy and General Purposes: Chair Cllr Colin Pickthall
The P&GP Committee was set up in 2014 to examine and challenge the
Council’s policy issues and present robust proposals to the full Council. Its
current members are Cllr. Colin Pickthall (Chairman), Cllr Norman Bishop Rowe,
Cllr Phil Cooper, Cllr. Margaret Hornby, Cllr. Phil Lister and Cllr. Paul Smith.
The committee also absorbed the functions of the former Publicity Committee
and other smaller working groups. It embraces matters that are not clearly the
responsibility of other standing committees.
In the past 12 months, it has examined and put forward policies on
• Creating a cycling friendly town;
• 20 mph speed limit
• Benches (numbers, sponsorship + maintenance)
• Neighbourhood Plan
• Ulverston-Greenodd footpath/cycleway
• The blocked pathway Canal-Plumpton
• Sir John Barrow House
• Response to new development proposals for Croftlands
• Disposal of surplus UTC properties (paintings)
• New Complaints Procedure
• New Publications Policy
• Recording of Meetings Policy
• New arrangements for Charter Festival
• Disposal of Council Archives
• Continuation of “Talk of the Town” on a six-monthly basis.
All policy recommendations have been put forward to the Council on a bipartisan basis and all have been approved in the same spirit. The committee
has worked well and in good humour throughout and served the Council well.
Allotments Committee: Chair Cllr. Brenda Marr.
Ulverston Town Council own and manage over 300 allotments spread over 7
sites around the town. Annual rent is £33 pa for a full plot or £18 pa for a half
plot and at present there are 11 applicants on the waiting list, but as this
number changes monthly applicants should contact the town clerk for current
During the last year a survey of all trees on the allotment sites has been
undertaken so a comprehensive data base has been established for future
reference and improvements.
During the year the Allotments committee visits all sites to assess the condition
and cultivation of all allotments primarily to make decisions on any eviction
notices or improvement notices to maintain the standards require by the
contract all holders sign on acceptance of rental. At these inspection visits we
also choose an outstanding allotment from each site and in September as part
of the Charter Festival a shield is awarded to the overall winners, who this year
were Lynn Shamal and Helen Shacklady for the Best Overall Allotment and best
allotment at Poplar Grove
Other winners of the best allotment on individual sites were:
Hill Fall:
Mill Dam:
Dragley Beck:
The Ellers:
Tank Field:
Mrs P. Curry
Mr I. Dixon,
Mr. A. T. Watterson
Mr A. Beech
Mrs B. Potter,
Mr M. Postlethwaite
It is expected that the extensive construction undertaken at the Eller’s site will
be completed in July to the relief of all the tenants who have been very patient
through over two years of upheaval and mud.
Whilst the Allotment committee is made up of elected serving Town
Councillors, we have for the last 5 years been joined by representatives from
each site who were nominated by their fellow gardeners. Their voluntary
contributions and local knowledge are essential and invaluable to the efficient
running of these very important community assets. So a big thank you and well
done to Robin, Ken, Les, Gill, Janet, Larry and Harry.
Reports from external groups:
Ulverston/Albert Twinning Society.
Mr Roy Gill: Chair
The Albertins came to Ulverston for the commemoration of the start of WW1.
Wreathes were placed at the War Memorial by Patrick Cauchefer (President of
Albert Twinning) and myself. Whilst they were in town they visited the Sir John
barrow Memorial, plus their pilgrimage to Cartmel to replenish their stock of
Sticky toffee Pudding.
It was whilst they were here that Patrick floated the idea that for the
Dickensian Weekend of 2015, a part from the Albert Tourist Board visit
Ulverston. The party would number about 50 persons, who would finance the
visit themselves. The members of the Ulverston Twinning committee, agreed
to the visit. They are now booked into the Majestic Hotel in Barrow in Furness.
During their visit they will have a display to highlight the 100th Anniversary of
the battle of the Somme. It is hoped that they will bring with them some
members of the Albert Twinning committee; it was thought that might include
2 schoolchildren, about 12 years old. The Mayor of Albert – Stéphane Demilly,
has requested that his step daughter visit Ulverston for the month of July 2015.
Her name is Cécile, she works in Paris and wishes to improve her English. The
Twinning Committee agreed to her coming. I await volunteers to be her host
for the duration of her stay.
During the year, there have been discussions with representatives from
Coniston, Kendal, Sedbergh and Windermere, with a view to pooling our
thoughts on the direction that twinning will progress. The younger generation
do not seem as interested as we would like. We are trying to encourage more
members of the public to participate in twinning. With that in mind, on the
24th and 25th April 2015, there will be an exhibition in Kendal Town Hall,
where each town will have artefacts on view that have been gifts from the
twinned towns. There will also be photographs about twinning on view. These
are just the towns in South Lakeland. During the year Sylvia and I attended the
Annual General Meeting of the North West Twinning Federation in Preston. It
was quite an eye-opener, I never realised just how many towns in the
Northwest are involved with twinning, some to more than one town. Each
town gave a presentation about their particular town and they were all
without exception extolled the virtues of twinning. A common theme though
was the need to involve more other members of the public and the younger
During the year, Jack Rice has met with the Headmaster of UVHS to see if there
is any interest in involving the pupils with exchange visits between Albert and
Ulverston. It happened in the early days of twinning. One of the discussions
with the South Lakes twinning group was how to extract funds from the
European Union to support the idea. It came out of the meeting with the North
West Federation of Twinning, that some towns have acquitted some funds,
but our European friends are more adept at the process.
The Annual General Meeting will be held on the 12 May at the Old Farm
House on Priory Road. Everybody is welcome to come along and find out
more about the work of the twinning committee.
It is hoped to appoint a Minute Secretary since Jayne Kendall stood down
earlier in the year and I have been doing them ever since. We are also looking
for a venue for regular meetings as the Town Hall will soon be no more. We
hope that the Old Farm House could serve as a venue, which would enable the
regular meetings to become social events as well.
Ulverston in Bloom:
Mrs J Pickthall: Chair
The Ulverston in Bloom committee is an independent voluntary group which
welcomes new members to get involved in helping to keep Ulverston
 We set up as an independent Community Group.
 We ran our sixth annual Open Garden Weekend in June.
 We organised Annual Charter Gardening Competition.
 We supported the establishment of Friends of Lightburn Park.
 We planted hundreds of Wild Flowers in Lightburn Park in September
joined by the Mayor.
 We took part in the Ulverston Canal Regeneration Group Anchor
 Worked with Croftlands Community Group with planting and grants
which has led to an intergenerational gardening project at Croftlands
 We launched Xenolith Scouts Community Garden behind the Factory
 With Ford Park Volunteers we planted Community Orchard beside the
Swan Pub.
 We joined the “Incredible Edible” project, and included fruit and
vegetables in our Civic Planting.
 We recycled Annual Bedding Plants from last year into our planting this
 We continued to meet weekly to look after the Jubilee Gardens, the New
Market Street Bed, the Coronation Hall Roundabout, the Boat, the
bottom of Sunderland Terrace, and the bed on Soutergate, and tubs
around the Town Centre
 We organised a Spring Clean of the Town Centre on the Community
Gardening Day in March.
 We were Finalists in the Heart of Ulverston Awards.
Thanks to Peter Winston, Pat Bentley, Pat Appleton, Jane Lawrence, Pat
Ruston, Mavis, Alison Saleh, Kim Farr, Jan Parratt, Colin Pickthall, Robin
Tate, Brian Cane, Cliff Bradley, Jane Swan, John Clough.
Thanks to Siemens, Ulverston Brewery, Steve Martin Associates, Cllr. J.
Jenkinson, and Ulverston Town Council for sponsorship and grants.
Thanks to Roger Chattaway, Colin Pickthall and Ford Park for plants.
Ulverston Community Partnership:
Cllr J Pickthall: Chair
The Marketing and Enterprise group is an independent group of local
businesses and councillors who come together to develop initiatives within the
 We set up our own Bank Account.
 We took part in FLAG’s project to bring student’s artwork to the Railway
Stations of the Furness Line.
 We set up two job fairs at the Coronation Hall.
 We led the Shop Front Improvement Scheme. Details of the recipients
can be found in this report.
 We invested in and designed new Ulverston Festival Leaflet.
 Following the creation of the new Town Council Web-site we worked
with Neil Fleming to develop the Visit Ulverston Visitor web-site.
 We removed all web-sites which were no longer useful.
 Use of Town Council Web-site to promote the Town.
 Invested in Trafalgar Public Relations to promote Ulverston.
 Worked with SLDC to create more flexible parking charges when new
initiatives are being launched.
Ulverston Community Enterprise: Mrs J Pickthall: Chair
UCE is negotiating with South Lakeland District Council on the potential
transfer of a number of important Ulverston assets, to return them to
Ulverston to be managed locally for the benefit of the town. Included are the
Coronation Hall, the street market, market hall and car parks. It is crucial that
these assets are thriving and successful for the community and to also bring
opportunities for generating income so they will succeed for the future. . It is
hoped that by the autumn the UCE will know more clearly the outcome of this
complex negotiation. The trustees all live and/or work in Ulverston and are:
 Keith Butcher: Chair of South Cumbria Musical Festival
 Dave Drysdale: Proprietor of DC Cycles in Ulverston, an independent
cycle shop.
 Jess Gillam: Musician and promoter of music events.
 Julie Hammerton: Professional Arts Practitioner. Involved in setting up
the Barracudas Ltd.
 Jane Harris: Chartered Management Accountant. She is also a town
 Ceri Hutton: Consultant working with local, national and international
groups developing strategy and business plans and advising on funding.
 Janette Jenkinson: Twice former Mayor of Ulverston and serves on
many local organisation and an SLDC and Ulverston town councillor
 Gordon Jones: professional musician and chair of Furness Tradition.
 Gavin Knott: Owner of Appleseeds, involved with many groups and is the
Leader of the 2nd Ulverston Scouts.
 Chris Loynes: Educational Advisor and Reader in Outdoor Studies at the
University of Cumbria.
 Jacqueline McCloy: Finance Director of Tritech International and on the
Board of the Ulverston Business Improvement District
 Judith Pickthall: Former head teacher of a Lancashire Comprehensive,
former Mayor and a town councillor
 Caroline Welch: Central Operations Manager for the Factory Shop