Auto-Body Repair 48314 By: Josh Bagley Pd:1 3/18/2016 1 Start Off(Why are we in danger?) 3/18/2016 Attention grabbers! Everyday there happens to be many car problems going on in the streets of the United States let alone the whole world. Question is, where has there ever been a time where an average auto-body shop that hasn’t had a customer for a single day? This includes auto-mechanics, car services, and collision repair. WE NEED PROTECTION!!! There are many lives out there at stake towards protection of cars dealing with collision to another vehicle or material large enough to make this happen. It’s very expensive to replace and fix cars unless you the the right insurance company. People do look at it as a big priority on the road but, do you believe congress will always have wheels on the road? Will vehicles continue to rise as the years go by. Honestly, did you know that some auto-body shops do not have the ability to fix all repairs let alone one error fair enough to the amount you have paid for? Unfinished repairs cause low protection to the driver and can most likely be dealt with an accident or failure of inspections.Very unlikely, technicians usually need to have the strong knowledge to cars and repairs which should include a variety of auto collision experience on your resume. 2 Start Off(cont.) 3/18/2016 POINT BEING!! Americans do not need to be in a mechanic’s business but, they have the right to know of the experiences one has in that particular shop instead of an unknown figure to you. Auto-body shops are good to the world in many ways but they also have very many flaws that needs to be improved. Nobody deserves to have a poorly done job to their vehicle for the amount people pay for. 3 Pros(How does this do good to the world?) Cons (The Problem) Pros Transportation Cons 3/18/2016 Attitudes Lack of effort ( Not caring enough) Do not specify the main problem of the mechanism No information to our needs Car danger 4 Pros and Cons of Being an Auto Mechanic Pros Easy Money Customize your own car Good Service Great Success Nice workout for the day 3/18/2016 Cons Getting severely injured Dropped Deadly Fumes Eye Sight 5 Selecting an Auto Body Repair Shop 3/18/2016 Civilians need an auto body shop that repairs in a reliable condition. Some auto body shops only have the ability to fix your car to a point called pre-loss condition. This is when the mechanic fixes your car’s appearance, body structure, and helps keep the car’s mechanical reliability. Always turn to your best choice which is your insurance company. When dealing upon that, you have more of the right to ask questions and fight for your rights towards picking an auto body shop. Reasoning!! The point of an auto body shop is to have skilled workers and to definitely have a knowledgeable staff. People don’t know these things and they would assume that they would most likely have their business in check when it’s really going to be an unordered being that the shop does not have everything they need to have to continue their business for a while and you possibly might get ripped off for the amount that you have paid for when doing the repair process. Basically this states that It is too vital to find the right auto body shop for you and your insurance company to receive enough repairs on your car to equal the amount you have paid. 6 Leading to: Auto Body Repair Techniques 3/18/2016 Auto Body repairs will cost you a fortune everywhere if you don’t be prepared for what you are in for when you enter the shop. Cost for repairs to your car can cost a lot even if it would be anything from a small dent, to destroy panels. Remember, repair shops never go cheap unless dealt with by your insurance company. Small repairs can be done on your own. If you know a few techniques, you might want to try it for yourself. It will save you large amounts of cash. I believe that most students in school should be able to slip in a technical class through half of the year so you know a thing or 2two of dealing with small damages on your car. It shouldn’t be a fairly important class but it is enough to fit one in for part of graduation. You may not like it but is surely the best way to setting up your future because everyone who owns a car will have problems with their vehicle at times. Quick repairing is always necessary. If you care about your vehicle, never make the time so that any car damage does not go worse or even rust. It will just take an extended time to get the repair done and in most 7 cases when not done on your own, you will get charged more What is Rust? 3/18/2016 Rust is a rough metal surface that appears on any metal surface exposed to elements, even if for a short period of time. It also causes bubbling in the paint and causes holes to appear. Rust only gets removed when grinded away using a grinder tool so it is best to take care of the repair before rusting happens. It really is not a major crisis towards your car besides your paint. 8 What is a Grinder in the Auto Mechanic Field? 3/18/2016 There are very many different grinders in the world which is why you must be specific. A grinder is a very powerful tool that spins to the point where it can be very harmful to you. WHY? The grit on a piece of sandpaper used for this is anywhere from 40 and under. The lower the grit, the more rough it will be but this is for taking down paint surfaces, primer surfaces, and mud so it can be taken down to bare metal. 9 Sandpaper Grits 3/18/2016 40grit, 80grit, 150grit, 240grit, 600grit etc. Sandpaper is part of the “Coated Abrasives" family of abrasive products. It is used to remove small amounts of material from surfaces, either to make them smoother, to remove a layer of material (e.g. old paint), or sometimes to make the surface rougher. 10 What is a Machinist? 3/18/2016 11 A machinist is a person who uses machine tools to make or modify parts, primarily metal parts, a process known as machining. This is accomplished by using machine tools to cut away excess material much as a woodcarver cuts away excess wood to produce his work. In addition to metal, the parts may be made of many other kinds of materials, such as plastic or wood products. The goal of these cutting operations is to produce a part that conforms to a set of specifications, usually in the form of engineering drawings commonly known as blueprints. In the background shows a Machinery repairman creating a helicopter part aboard aircraft carrier. 3/18/2016 12 Tools and Equipment 3/18/2016 Spray Guns, Air Drying Systems, Tools, Air Nibblers, Reciprocating Saws, Pin Stripe Removing Kit, Rivete Guns, Spot Welders, Porto Power Kits, Pulling Posts Air Hammers Air Drills, Air Ratchets, Car Dollies, Detailing Tools, Detailing Supplies. etc Steel Toe Boots Work Pants (NOT JEANS!) Safety Glasses Dust Mask Respirator Spreader ( For Mudding) Gloves (LATEX, NITRILE) Paint Suits Ear Muffs (Hearing Protection) Knee Pads The Need of Shop Knowledge 3/18/2016 Working for an auto-body shop requires being referred to it by an insurance company. The insurance company has a vested interest in making sure repairs are cheap as possible which is the good news, Bad news is it will be cheap and the more little the amount you pay is the way your repair process will be. What would happen is that questions that normally would be directed to the vehicle owner for example, “Should we fix this wiring while we’re at it?” Or any other questions dealing with that will be directed to the insurance company and not the customer him/herself, therefore leaving the owner left out of the case. Always remember, a more honest shop is always better for people who want to work in need of cars repairs and a clean, unorganized business. A few things to let you know the shop’s honesty would be to ask them a lot of questions. An example would be to ask the shop manager to provide you with a copy of all the invoices for parts they had to purchase to fix the car and if able to, compare the parts list with the cost listed on the insurance company estimate. If received, you will then know that it’s a little less unsafe. 14 Adding on, always ask a shop for a written repair guarantee. Adding onto that, ask a shop if they are a direct repair facility for more than one insurance company. Asking them this will possibly give you stronger chances of thinking twice about cutting corners at your expense. The best source on that subject would be to ask the shop to explain “betterment” to you, just because you’re curious. This will wrap it all up and show them that you are reading up on the repair process. The point of this is to show that we need to stand up for ourselves and fight for our rights because we all know that one of the number one problems we have is dealing with cars. THE NEED OF SHOP KNOWLEDGE (CONT.) 3/18/2016 15 Conclusion 3/18/2016 People continue to turn to auto collision shops because of a vital or slight accident. The cost is losing your life and losing a large amount of money. People have also lost their lives over a vehicle, but strong complaints are not necessary towards the auto technology laws. Wheels on the road have always benefit us to having a safer and organizing way to get citizens to where they need to be. It is the people in the United States who cause most problems in the first place, involving large and tiny collision, being hurt or death, stealing etc. You will have more chances of dining a teen rather than a grown adult only because adults have survived longer than those but some causes are affected by the community and mechanic work being that they did not put too much effort towards the owner of the vehicle. Unfinished work for the amount of time is unacceptable. Auto-body shops should have everything they need to know upon repairing vehicles because that is what they are trained to do upon coursework. Overall, stating the fact that auto technology has good effects and flaws, people need an existing mind on vehicles to better themselves and the world itself so that we can work together in this tough life and get through it the best way we can. I think we can get through the situation even if receiving a very 16