Outcrop Prediction Problem 1 Introduction Outcrop prediction is based on the concept of intersecting a planar surface (geological contact) with an irregular surface (topographic surface). In reality this occurs in 3D however the final depiction is on a 2D topographic map. The underlying assumption is that the geological contact or surface is a perfect plane. In many undeformed geological terranes this assumption is a valid over relatively small areas such as a 1:24K quadrangle. The value of the method is that it predicts on the topographic surface where the geological plane outcrops. This has obvious value in the case of a planar fault surface, or planar water table surface. If the method is applied to both the upper and lower planar contacts of a bed the result will be the predicted outcrop belt of the bed. The method also yields a structure contour map of the planar surface. This combined with the topographic map can be used to predict the depth below the ground surface of the plane at any point on a map – an obvious advantage when attempting to estimate costs of drilling wells or overburden removal in mining. Geometrical Relationships Whether the outcrop prediction is done “analog” with traditional orthographic projections, or “digital” with computer CAD/GIS, the fundamental process is the same – contouring a geological plane and then comparing those contours to the topographic contours. The structure contours of the geological plane will be straight lines, with the spacing between lines a function of the dip angle (inclination) of the plane: s = ci / tan(α) where s is the perpendicular distance between adjacent structure contours, α is the dip angle of the plane, and ci is the topographic contour interval. The elevation value of the structure contour always decreases by the contour interval value (ci) in the dip direction. If the outcrop of the structural plane occurs at a topographic elevation equal to a contour interval, the “s” spacing can be used from that point to construct all necessary structure contours as a set of parallel lines. If a contact can be traced on a map surface from aerial photography or from a geological map the “starting” structure contour can be set to where a topographic contour crosses the contact line. However, this may not be possible so the relationship: Tan (α) = (Δy)/(Δx) Can be used to calculate the exact offset from the control point to start the structure contour. For example, assume that the map topographic contour interval is 20 feet, and a bedding plane contact with attitude 330, 55 SW is discovered at 707 feet elevation. A 720 topographic contour is near the outcrop so the offset from the outcrop to the 720 structure contour on the contact is needed. First you should realize that the offset direction from the outcrop is in the 030 because that is perpendicular to strike and in the “up-dip” direction (i.e. elevation is gained from 707 to 720). The amount of map distance between the outcrop and 720 structure contour is calculated from: Tan(55) = 13/x x = 13/Tan(55) = 9.1 feet Where x is the offset distance from the outcrop to the 720 structure contour. From this offset point the 720 structure contour can be drawn as a straight line striking 330. Where this line intersects the 720 topographic contour would generate outcrop control points. From the structure contour map the elevation of any point on the geological surface can be estimated, and this generates three possible scenarios when compared to the topographic contours/surface: 1. The point is above the topographic surface (i.e. its elevation is higher than the topographic surface at that point) indicating that the geological plane has been eroded. 2. The point is below the topographic surface (i.e. its elevation is lower than the topographic surface at that point) indication that the erosional surface is above the geological plane. 3. The point on the geological plane is equal to the elevation of the topographic surface indicating the outcrop position of the plane. The line connecting these points is the trace of the outcrop on the map. Therefore, whether the process is accomplished manually or digitally finding the points where the structure contours intersect the matching topographic contours will trace out the outcrop pf the structural plane. If the outcrop position of the top and bottom of a tabular unit (i.e. top and bottom contacts are planar and parallel) are known, then the two sets of contours would allow tracing the contact of both planes across the topography. In this case the area between the two traces is the outcrop belt of the unit. Alternatively, if the outcrop position and orientation of the bottom of the unit where known, and the bedding thickness was measured and can be assumed to be constant, the structure contours of the top of the bed can be predicted by: w = t / sin(α) where w is the perpendicular distance between structure contours of equal value between the top and bottom contacts, t is the thickness of the bed, and α is the dip angle. The unit structural top contour would be offset “w” distance from the bottom contact equivalent contour in the dip direction. The spacing between adjacent top contact contours would be the same as calculated for the bottom contact because they both have the same dip and dip direction. Having both sets of structure contours overlaying the topographic contours can cause a map to become overly “complex” so whether the process is manual or digital it is advisable to use different color for each set. Figure 1 displays a topographic contour map of the USA campus at a 5-foot contour interval (black contour lines), and a structure contour map of the bottom of a planar clay unit (blue contour lines) using the same 5-foot contour interval. The dip angle of 1.43 degrees yields a spacing between adjacent structure contours of 200 feet. As you can see in Figure 1, the map can be “complex” even with only one set of structure contours superimposed on the topographic contours. As you can imagine to process of tracking where structure contours intersect the same elevation topographic contour is tedious, time consuming, and error-prone. In other words, a perfect task for a computer! Using ArcGIS to Process Outcrop Prediction The good news about outcrop prediction is this- ArcGIS can easily solve the outcrop prediction problem if you have the Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst extensions. Specifically you need “Interpolation” from Spatial Analyst to generate a topographic surface grid from survey/GPS data points, or a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) that covers the area from a download source. Also needed is the “Raster Math > Minus” tool from the 3D Analyst. This tool subtracts one surface from another yielding a third raster grid. If the topographic grid is subtracted from a planar grid the resulting raster will consist of positive grid nodes where the plane has been eroded, negative grid nodes where the plane exists below the ground surface, and zero valued nodes where the plane outcrops. The steps for calculating the outcrop of a planar geological surface with ArcGIS are summarized below: Step 1: Add base map feature to ArcMap project. Step 2: Use survey data to interpolate an elevation grid that covers the area of interest, or you may be able to download a DEM from online sources. Step 3: Use the Python programs “PlaneTrendSurf.py” to generate an elevation grid of the geological plane based on its outcrop position and orientation. If you need to solve a 3-point problem do this now because you will need the trend and plunge of the true dip as input into this program. Do the same for the other contact if modelling a tabular unit. Step 4: Use “Toolbox: 3D analyst tools > Raster Math > Minus” from “Toolbox” to subtract the topographic grid from the planar surface grid to produce “residual” rasters for top and bottom contacts. Step 5: Reclassify both of the of the residual raster features produced in step 4 into simplified raster features where the pixel value “1” represents strata above the contact plane (i.e. negative residuals), and “2” represents strata below the contact (i.e. positive values). (Toolbox: Spatial Analyst Tools > Reclass > Reclassify). Step 6: Use “Toolbox: 3D analyst tools > Raster Math > Plus” to add together the two rasters produced in step 6. The composite will contain three possible pixel values: 2=strata above top contact, 3=strata between bottom and top contact, and 4=strata below bottom contact. Step 7: Use “Toolbox: Conversion Tools > From Raster > To Polygon” to convert the raster geologic map created in step 6 to a true “polygon” feature. Use “Symbology” to assign color to the geologic map. Problem 1: Generating an Outcrop Prediction from a 3-Point Problem and Thickness Measurement In this problem you will be given a digital topographic map containing 3 outcrop points for the top of a tabular stratigraphic unit. You will also be given a raster grid that represents the topographic surface of the map area. The thickness of the tabular unit is 50 feet. Make a geologic map of the map area that displays the predicted outcrop extent of the tabular stratigraphic unit in red, older strata in green, and younger strata in blue. Answer the questions at the end of this document using ArcGIS tools. Step 1: Create a Project File and Add Given Features You can access all of the starting files at the below web site: http://www.usouthal.edu/geography/allison/gy461/gy461_project_resources.htm Look for the “Outcrop Prediction” Heading in the list of projects. Create a working folder on your own flash drive and download the starting files indicated below: OP_prob1_start.mdb PlaneTrendSurf.py Plane_matrix.xlsm In this “OP_prob1_start.mdb” geodatabase file are the following starting features: Anno: map annotation Border: map boundary Cont3D: topographic contours Outcrops: outcrop points for the top contact ScaleBar graphical scale bar Topopts3D: elevation survey control points used to generate the SplElevGrid feature DEM You may proceed to add all of the above items to the project file. The coordinates of these features are in Alabama State Plane West (feet). Figure 2 displays the ArcMap project file with these features added to the project. Make sure that the coordinate system for the project file is set to projected coordinate system Alabama State Plane West Zone NAD27. The (X,Y,Z) points are the outcrop positions of the top of the tabular stratigraphic unit. At this time use the “Identify” button in the button bar to identify the coordinates of the 3 outcrop points. Step 2: Create Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Grid Data For this project a DEM will be calculated from the survey data – the “SplElevGrid” feature DEM will be calculated from a least-squares spline fit of the survey data points with the Spatial Analyst tool “Interpolate Surface”. Note that it generally agrees with the topographic contours, but not exactly. This fact is important to remember at the end of the project when you are interpreting the results. In Figure 2 the color shading that covers the mapping area is the DEM. The different color levels correlate to changes in elevation. The dialog window in Figure 2 contains the input dialog for the toolbox tool “Spatial Analyst Tools > Interpolation > Spline”. Proceed to create “SplElevGrid” from the survey data (“topopts3d”) and make sure it is equivalent to the grid displayed in Figure 2. Note that the color zones generally correlate with the topographic contour trends. Step 3: Use the Python programs “PlaneTrendSurf.py” to Generate the Planar Trend Surface Equations The next step is to use the “Plane_matrix.xlsm” to solve a 3-point problem and calculate the strike and dip attitude of the top contact outcropping at points X, Y, and Z. Carefully use the “Identify” tool to document the coordinates of the 3 points. Also use this tool to document the coordinates of the lowerleft corner (SW) of the mapping boundary. Enter the information in the blue cells under the “X”, “Y” and “Z” headings in the sheet, and then use <ctrl>+m to run a calculation macro. The attitude of the plane should be indicated in the lower right side of the spreadsheet layout. Note the trend and plunge values of the true dip – you will need this for the next step with the Python program. Figure 3 contains an example of the spreadsheet- but not with your data. You will need to generate a 100 x 100 grid with a 5.0 grid spacing. The input text file for the “PlaneTrendSurf.py” program follows the below format: # Line 1. trend and plunge degrees of the true dip vector (trend in azimuth format). (ex. 135.0, 1.43). # Line 2. Elevation (Z value) of the measured attitude. # Line 3. "X,Y" coordinates of the position of the attitude measurement (ex. "282883.069 , 251535.329"). # Line 4. SW corner (lower left) "X,Y" coordinates of the calculated raster image. # Line 5. "Columns,Rows" in calulated raster (ex. "100, 100"). # Line 6. Grid spacing between rows and columns of raster grid (ex. "5.0"). Start the “PythonWin” application from the desktop and load the “PlaneTrendSurf.py” program into the application. Check the “path”, “ofn”, and “rfn” variables to make sure they point to the proper input (rfn) and output (ofn) names. An example input file is loaded into “NotePad” in Figure 4 along with the “PlaneTrendSurf.py” program. Use the “File > Run” menu option to generate the ASCII grid file for the top contact. The output file will be whatever you named it in the source code. In this example the ASCII grid file is "prob1_top_grd.txt". You will need to generate the bottom contact ASCII grid to complete the project but note that you do not have any outcrop control points as you did for the top. Remember that you can assume the unit is tabular to the bottom contact will have the same attitude. You also know that the thickness is 50 feet. Sketch out a cross-section of the problem to see if you can figure out how to modify the input file for the top contact to correctly generate the bottom contact ASCII grid file (HINT: only one number in the top contact input file needs to be changed). After generating the ASCII text file grids, use the “Conversion Tools > To Raster > ASCII to Raster” to import the top and bottom raster grids into the project file. In this example they are named “PlaneGridTop” and “PlaneGridBot” respectively. Step 4: Generate Raster Residuals by Subtracting the Topographic DEM from each Contact DEM. Use “3D Analyst Tools > Raster Math > Minus” to subtract the elevation grid (“SplElevGrd”)from the top contact grid (“PlaneGridTop”) – see the Figure 5 dialog window. Allow the results to be added to your project (“resid_top”). Remember that any grid values less than zero should be where strata above the top contact outcrops, and values greater than zero will be where the strata below the top contact outcrops. Use the same methods to generate the “resid_bot” grid (PlaneGridBot – SplElevGrd). Step 5: Reclassify the Top/Bottom Residuals. To reclassify the 2 residual grids find the “Spatial Analyst Tools > Reclass > Reclassify” tool and start it. Reclassify the top contact grid as specified in Figure 6. Reclassify the top/bottom residual grid replacing “1” for negative values (strata above contact) and “2” for positive values (strata below contact). The project map should now appear similar to Figure 7. Step 6: Add the 2 Reclassified Rasters to Produce a Composite Raster. Use “3D Analyst Tools > Raster Math > Plus” to add the two reclassified raster grids together to make a composite raster. The reason for doing this is demonstrated in the below table: Top Grid 1 + Bottom Grid 1 = Composite Grid 2=younger strata exposed (strata above top and bottom contact) 2 1 3=intermediate strata exposed (strata below top contact, above bottom contact) 2 2 4=older strata exposed (strata below top contact, below bottom contact) Therefore, when the composite pixel values are “2”, younger strata are exposed, “3” means intermediate strata are exposed, and “4” requires that older strata are exposed. Note that the condition of the top grid node = 1 and the bottom grid = 2 at the same map position is not possible if the top contact is structurally above the bottom contact. Figure 8 displays the composite raster. This is a raster version of the outcrop prediction; however, we need a true polygon based geologic map so the next step converts the raster to a polygon feature. Step 7: Convert the raster geologic map to a true “polygon” feature. Use “Toolbox: Conversion Tools > From Raster > To Polygon” to convert the raster geologic map created in step 6 to a true “polygon” feature (Figure 9). Right-click on the “Lithology” polygon feature in the Table of Contents window, and then select “Properties > Symbology” to assign colors to the geologic map. Compose Layout for Printing Select the “File > Page and Print Layout” to set the printer destination and landscape orientation. Proceed to “View > Layout” to build a layout that contains a legend and north arrow. You should wind up with a map layout that appears similar to Figure 10. Questions 1.1 What is the area of the following units in km2 ? a. Younger unit: _________________ b. Intermediate unit: ______________ c. Older unit: __________ 1.2 If the intermediate unit could be completely mined within the map area how many metric tons would be removed? Assume an average density of 2.85. ________________________ tons {HINT: use “3D Analyst > Triangulated Surface > Surface difference” to calculate the volumes between the topo surface and the top/bottom contacts. The difference in volumes will be the volume contained within the intermediate unit within the map area. To use the above “Surface Difference” 3D tool you will have to convert the top and bottom contact elevation raster to a TIN file with “Raster to TIN”.} Figure 1: Example map using structure contour method of outcrop prediction. Figure 2: ArcMap project file with starting data added to map and spline DEM surface calculated. Figure 3: Layout of Plane_matrix spreadsheet. Figure 4: "PlaneTrendSurf.py" program loaded in PythonWin with input file in Notepad. Figure 5: Using the raster math "minus" to generate the "top_resid" raster. Figure 6: Reclassifying the top contact residual. Figure 7: Reclassified top contact - red = strata below contact, blue = strata above contact. Figure 8: Composite raster produced by adding the two reclassified rasters. Figure 9: Dialog for converting composite raster to polygon feature. Figure 10: Layout of geologic map for printing.