Surfin’ Safari – Topographic Maps Name: _________________________________________________ Section: _______ 1. A CONTOUR LINE is a line of equal ___________________ above ___________________ level. 2. What COLOR are contour lines on a topographic map? _____________ 3. What number is assigned to the contour line that is at SEA LEVEL? _______ 4. What is the elevation of the Peabody Middle School? ____________ feet above sea level. 5. On a topographic map (Topo Map), what do the following colors represent? GREEN: _________________________ BLUE: __________________________ BLACK: __________________________ RED: _____________________________ PINK: ____________________________ 6. Draw the topographic map symbol for the following things: BUILDING: _______________________ SCHOOL: ______________________ SWAMP OR MARSH: _________________________ 7. If the landscape is very, very steep, then the contour lines will be very _________________________ together. 8. If the landscape is very, very flat, then the contour lines will be very _________________________ apart. 9. A hill or mountain is drawn as concentric rings (Bull’s Eye). Draw a series of contour lines that would represent a HILL or MOUNTAIN below: 10. What is the name of the round, metal marker that surveyors hammer into the ground on mountaintops to show elevation? 11. At the very bottom of the web page, there is a question about a thunderstorm. Which point on the map would be in the greatest danger of flooding? Point A, B, C or D? Explain why. Answer: Point _______ Explanation: _____________________________________________________________