Michael MacIsaac, VP Exploration

Metals Creek Resources
January 2009
Corporate Update
Michael MacIsaac
VP Exploration
Experienced Team, Endless Opportunities
Sandy Stares
President & CEO
Forward Looking Statement
Forward-Looking Statements – Certain statements included in this presentation are forward-looking statements which are made
pursuant to the “safe harbor” provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. They include estimates
and statements that describe the Company’s future plans, objectives and goals, including words to the effect that the Company or
management expects a stated condition or result to occur. When used herein, words such as “estimate”, “expect”, “believe”, “intend”,
“budget”, “plan”, “projection”, “progressing”, “strategy”, “outlook”, “will”, and other similar expressions are intended to identify forwardlooking statements. In particular statements relating to the estimated future metal prices, cash flows, expenses, capital costs, ore
production, mine life, financing, construction and commissioning are forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements
involve inherent risks and uncertainties and are subject to factors, many of which are beyond our control, that may cause actual results
or performance to differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results
to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements include among others metal price volatility,
changes in the US/CDN dollar exchange rate, economic and political events affecting metal supply and demand, fluctuations in ore
grade, ore tonnes milled, geological, technical, mining or processing problems, future profitability and production, availability of financing
on acceptable terms and unexpected problems during the development, construction and start-up phases of the underground mine. For
a more comprehensive review of risk factors, please refer to the Company’s most recent Annual Report in Form 40-F/Annual Report
under “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Results” and Annual Information Form under “Risk Factors” on file with the
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Canada provincial securities regulatory authorities. The Company disclaims any obligation
to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, events or otherwise. Readers are cautioned
not to put undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Descriptions of mineral reserves and resources estimates included herein
under Canadian standards may not be comparable to similar information made available by U.S. companies subject to reporting and
disclosure requirements of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. See “Mineral Reserve and Resource Estimate – Note
to U.S. Shareholders” in the Annual Report in Form 40-F.
The presentation has been prepared by management of Metals Creek Resources, and does not represent a recommendation to buy or
sell these securities. Investors should always consult their investment advisors prior to making any Investment decision.
Investor Information
As of January 7, 2009
Market cap……………..Cdn$4.725 million
Trading symbols………TSX:V – MEK
Shares Fully Diluted....35.31 million
Issued and Outstanding…25.78 million
52 week high…………..Cdn$0.49
52 week low…………….Cdn$0.045
Officers & Directors
Alexander Stares, President and CEO
Wayne Reid, VP Corp. Development &
Michael MacIsaac, VP Exploration
Nick Tsimidis, CFO & Director
Mick Stares, Director
Denis Arsenault, Director
Management Team
Alex (Sandy) Stares, President & CEO
Mr. Stares has in excess of 12 years experience in
mineral exploration, spanning a variety of Canadian
geological terraines. Prior to forming his own
Contracting Company – Stares Prospecting Ltd., as of
2007, he has worked with Rubicon Minerals, Inco,
Freewest Resources of Canada, New Millennium, Lac
Des Isle Mines, and Noranda. Mr. Stares was one of the
recipients of the PDAC “Bill Dennis Prospector of the
Year” Award in March 2007, which was awarded to
members of the Stares/Keats family.
Michael MacIsaac, VP Exploration
Mr. MacIsaac brings over 20 years of exploration and
management experience. Mr. MacIsaac received his
B.Sc from Lakehead University and has a Professional
Geoscientist (P.Geo) designation from the Association
of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario. His vast
experience entails both grass roots and advanced
projects across Canada, in gold, base metal and PGE
environments. This experience includes base metal
exploration with Noranda Exploration , Gold exploration
in the prolific Hemlo and Red lake Gold Camps and PGE
exploration for North American Palladium , where he
held position of Exploration Manager. Instrumental in
the discovery of the Offset Zone (16MT) at the Lac des
Iles Mine site.
Wayne Reid, VP Corporate Development &
Mr. Reid has in excess of 30 years experience in
exploration and mining geology. Mr. Reid was
instrumental in the discovery of the Brewery Creek Gold
Deposit in the Yukon Territory and the Boundary
Massive Sulphide Deposit / Duck Pond Mine in Central
Newfoundland. His experience includes gold, base
metal and uranium exploration in most geological
environments in North America. He has over 20 years
with Noranda / Hemlo. Also, he has over 10 years in
the Timmins camp with Echo Bay Mines, as Canadian
Manager and Exploration Manager with
St Andrew Goldfields. Most recently he was VP
Exploration for Ucore Uranium.
Nick Tsimidis, CFO & Director
Mr. Tsimidis has been a sole proprietor chartered
accountant since 1993, and has extensive experience in
the public markets. Mr. Tsimidis obtained his C.A.
designation in 1989 and articled at KPMG. He continues
to service publicly traded companies in the areas of
finance, financial reporting and special projects such as
NSP Pharma Corp, Outlook Resources, and RTICA Corp.
Since February, 2005, Mr. Tsimidis has served as Chief
Financial Officer of First Canadian Capital Markets, a
limited market dealer.
Ogden Joint Venture
Goldcorp Ltd. / Metals Creek Resources
Signed Option Joint Venture (Nov 24/08) with Goldcorp to earn 50% in
Timmins West Property for work expenditures of $3.1M and cash and
shares totalling $460,000 over 4 years
MEK to be operator during earn in and while it holds a 50% interest
Goldcorp can earn back 20% for a cash payment of $310,000, expenditures
of $4.1M and taking the project to a Feasibility Study
Opportunity to explore along 8 km of the Prolific Porcupine-Destor Break,
partnered with World Class Gold producer
Between 3 and 8 km to the east along strike, gold production exceeds 22
million oz from six mines. This includes the 16 million oz plus Dome Mine
and mill complex owned by Goldcorp
Lake Shore Gold, located 10 km on strike to the west, is the focus of
underground dev’t Indicated Mineral Resource of 1,291,000 oz (Source:
NR, TSX:LSG, Nov. 20, 2006)
The past producing Naybob Mine (50,731 oz Au) is located on the optioned
claims and hosts a historic non 43-101 resource of 1Mt @ 4.12 g/t Au.
Historic drilling generally confined to Naybob Mine Area and a cluster of
holes in the Thomas Ogden Area. Outside of this area, little or no drilling.
Future work will be predominately drilling on the numerous gold targets and
trends once a detailed compilation is complete
Work in the shadow of Head frames in a World Class Gold Camp
Ogden Project
Geology Plan
Exploring for Gold
along the Porcupine-Destor Break
Limited Exploration for Gold
along Highly Prospective Stratigraphy
Tillex/Currie Property
Option Agreement with Kinross Gold to earn Kinross’s 60% interest in the
Currie Bowman Project, Selkirk Metals holds remaining 40% interest
Limited drilling discovered Grindstone Creek Zone (2.08 g/t Au / 18.9m incl.
3.95g/t Au, 132 g/t Ag, 3.0% Zn / 2.1m)
Recent drill results on Tillex Deposit include:
97.05m of 1.194% Cu incl. 37.05m of 2.583% Cu
81.13m of 1.83% Cu including 27.00m of 2.73% Cu
Mineralization is ‘Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide” style and consists of a
package of banded, massive and disseminated sulfides at the top of an
altered felsic pyroclastic.
The Tillex Deposit is located 6 km to the east of the Grindstone
mineralization and is on the Grindstone Creek horizon
Non 43-101 resource Tillex Deposit (1.34 million Tonnes @ 1.56% Cu)
(Source: TSX-V:SVT website)
Recently completed detailed ground geophysical survey (Mag and
electromagnetics) and drilling
Recently completed a 2800m diamond drill program on Tillex, assays
pending on 9 remaining holes.
Proximal to Infrastructure, 45km from Kidd Metalurgical site.
Tillex Geology
Tillex Mag & Geology
Tillex Longsection
Tilt Cove Project
MEK has controlling interest in 143 claim units (3565 hect) in the Tilt Cove area of
Newfoundland including:
 An option to earn a 100% interest in the Tilt Cove Mine property
 An option to earn a 100% interest in the Betts Cove Mine property
 An option to earn a 60% interest in Paragon Mineral’s Long Pond Project
 Three MEK staked claim blocks
Claims cover a portion of the Betts Cove Ophiolite Complex which hosts two Cu-Au
past producers at Tilt Cove and Betts Cove and is adjacent to the Nugget Pond Gold
Mine and Mill. The mill is still operating. Also host to new PGE discovery with grades
up to 11.4 g/t Palladium, 3.0 g/t Platinum and 0.93% Nickel
The Copper Deposits are hosted by ocean floor ultramafic volcanics and are
characterized as “Cyprus-type” mineralization
MEK recently completed Airborne AEM-MAG (Geotech VTEM) over project area
including the Betts Cove and Tilt Cove Deposits
Initial prospecting completed on all properties
Future work includes compilation of summers prospecting, mapping and airborne
AEM. Drilling expected in 2009.
Significant Gold - Copper land package
Tilt Cove Project
Tilt Cove had historic production of 8,160,000 tonnes of Cu ore, @ 112% Cu(1957)
 Evaluated mainly for Base Metals, limited assaying for Au. MEK
initial prospecting had results from surface grab samples up to
69.39 g/t Au and 10.4% Cu
 Recent sampling of massive magnetite zone returning assays of
13.2 and 6.5 g/t Au. New target at the Cape St. John unconformity
 Historic non 43-101 resources listed on the property includes:
 1Mt @ 1.00 % Cu at the Cliff Zone
 80,000t @ 2.06 g/t Au at the Waste Dump
Betts Cove had historic production of 118,500 tonnes @ 10% Cu
 Recent sampling up to 10.0 g/t Au and 18.3% Cu
 NEW PGE DISCOVERY within Late gabbroic intrusions with values
from 3 samples ranging:
 6.6 to 11.4 g/t Pd, 1.15 to 3.0 g/t Pt, upto .155 g/t rhodium
 0.93% to 1.86% Cu, 0.25 to 0.93% Ni and 0.04% Co.
Paragon Option has a number of gold showings including:
 George Showing up to 315.1 g/T Au (9.20 oz/t)
 Long Pond showing up to 71.5 g/T (2.09 oz/t)
 Nudulama Zone up to 4.58 g/T Au and 8.7 % Cu
Tilt Cove Project
Dogpaw Joint Venture
Endurance Gold / Metals Creek Resources
Option Joint Venture with Endurance Gold on the Dogpaw property in the Cedartree
$450,000 over 2 years work expenditures
Share distributions of 450,000 over 2 years
Option to earn 75% interest in the project
23 unpatented claims, 4400 hectares
43-101 report, property of merit
Prospective IP chargeability anomalies with associated gold mineralization up to 23
g/t within a sericite schist
Multiple surface showings with grabs up to 95 g/t
12 km on strike from Cameron Lake Deposit, recently announced purchase of 700tpd
mill for Cameron Lake
Significant land position within Cedartree / Cameron Lake gold play
Completion of recent prospecting program within the stephens lake stock resulting in
27 percent of the samples assaying over 1 g/t Au.
Discovery of 3 new Gold showings within the Stevens Lake Stock with assays up to
18 g/t Au.
Strongly Carbonatized North South Structures with associated pyrite mineralization.
St. Joseph
Lake of the
BAY 17
20 40 60 80 100
Cedartree Area Properties
Stevens Lake Claim Block
Proposed Work Program
Model geology & mineralization
Prioritize drill targets
2000 meter drill program –
Tilt Cove Project Area
Tillex / Currie
Compile results and geology from
recently completed drill program
Gabbro Lake
Compile data from recently completed
AEM-Mag Airborne Geophysical Survey
Line-cutting & Geophysics –
Model Cliff Zone Resource
Recently Completed Prospecting
Program – 3 new showings
Line-cutting & Geophysics over new
gold discoveries – Winter?
Compile results of AEM-MagRadiometrics Airborne Geophysical
Survey to be completed in October
Awaiting results
Ground truth prospective anomalies
2009 - Summer
MEK Summary
Partnered with two world class Gold Miners Goldcorp & Kinross
Managed by experienced team and core of prospectors and geologists
Good exposure to Gold with advanced gold projects in both
Newfoundland and Ontario.
Advanced Au and Cu prospects with resources, past production and ore
grade intersections near existing infrastructure.
Focusing on productive camps Timmins, Tilt Cove with a balance of
grassroots and advanced projects.
Presently low market cap
Mining friendly jurisdictions in Ontario and Newfoundland & Labrador