Vanderbilt Coffee Conference October 26, 2007 Health Benefits of Coffee Consumption Coffee is healthful (…rather than harmful) • Physicians in the U.S. have long advised their patients that coffee consumption is potentially detrimental to health • Attitudes are changing due to emerging epidemiologic and mechanistic research which shows health benefits of coffee • Coffee consumption is now best viewed as compatible with good health and perhaps even as a health promoting behavior Latest epidemiologic studies consistently show coffee consumption reduces rates of common diseases • • • • • • Depression/anxiety Heart disease Type 2 Diabetes associated with obesity Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases Cancer Alcohol/drug addiction Coffee is not only caffeine & is altered in roasting and metabolism Compound Green beans Roasting Metabolism __________________________________________________ __ Total CGA 8% 5% 0% 5-CAQA 5% 2% 0% CAQ 0% 2% 0% CA 0% 1% 1% DHCA 0% 0% 4% Caffeine 2% 2% 2% __________________________________________________ __ CGA = chlorogenic acids CAQ = caffeoylquinides 5-CAQA = caffeoylquinic acid QA = quinic acids CA = caffeic acid DHCA = dihydrocaffeic acid Study of coffee constituents may help us better understand the mechanisms for health benefits of coffee consumption • Depression/anxiety (suicide)* * • Atherosclerosis (cardiovascular deaths)* * • Degenerative brain disorders (Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases)* * • Cancer* • Alcohol/drug addiction, type 2 diabetes, and obesity* * (cirrhosis)* *Antioxidant activity *Opioidergic modulation *Adenosine agonism Antioxidant activity of coffee • Highly reactive oxygen species formed in the body can damage DNA, lipids, proteins • ROS implicated in cancer, heart disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders, and aging, etc. • Can natural constituents of coffee neutralize ROS and their adverse consequences? • Does coffee improve endothelial function and thereby have protective effects against atherosclerosis and other related diseases? • Do antioxidant actions account for some of the health benefits of coffee? : Dihydrocaffeic acid (DHCA) inhibits breakdown of endothelial cell vitamin E J. Huang et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 15 (2004) 722 –729 DHCA repairs endothelial dysfunction by its antioxidant effects DHCA: dihydrocaffeic acid Endothelial Cell Arginine DHCA Arg (+) eNOS Smooth Muscle Cell GTP DHCA (+) GC Blood Citr NO• ONOODHCA DHCA O2• H2O2 cGMP Adenosine effects of coffee • Inhibits release of several neurotransmitters • Increases regional blood perfusion • Stabilizes membrane potentials and decreases heart and brain tissue excitability • Prevents cellular damage during various tissue insults (e.g., oxidant stress, excitotoxicity) • Caffeine is a potent adenosine antagonist • Do CGAs in coffee modify the effects of caffeine on the adenosine system? Effect of DIFEQ and vehicle on horizontal locomotor activity in C57BL6/J mice dePaulis et al, European Journal of Pharmacology 442 (2002) 215– 223 Chlorogenic acid opposes the effects of caffeine on adenosine A1-receptor Adenosine Transporter CGA A2A-receptor Caffeine Opioid activity of coffee • Endogenous opioids modulate ‘pleasure’, pain, mood, and ‘drive’ centers in the brain as do opiate drugs, e.g. morphine • Opioid antagonists can prevent relapse in alcoholism and other addictions • CGA quinides inhibit mu-opioid receptors • Can quinides in coffee be used to treat alcoholism or other addictions? Hotplate latency (sec) Coffee extract antagonizes morphine-induced analgesia 25 20 15 10 5 0 Coffee Morphine 1.0 Coffee + Morphine 1.0 de Paulis et al, Psychopharmacology (2004) 176: 146–153 Chlorogenic acid blocks mu-opioid receptor Endogenous opioid CGA Mu-opioid receptors ® Vivitrex Percent Abstinent Effect of (Long-Acting Injectable Naltrexone) in Maintenance of Abstinence 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 p < 0.025 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Weeks Placebo (n = 28) Vivitrex (n = 28) JC Garbutt et al, JAMA 2005;293:1617-1625 U.S. Obesity Surgeries per Year (1995-2005) Reflect Cost of Diabetes • 15% of all healthcare costs in U.S. • 150 M diabetes cases worldwide • Prevalence expanding (50% per decade) due to over-eating • Predicted prevalence of 300 M by 2050 Association between coffee consumption and type 2 diabetes in individual cohort studies and meta-analysis of all cohort studies RM van Dam and FB Hu, JAMA. 2005;294:97-104 Quinides of roasted coffee enhance insulin action in concious rat Shearer et al, J. Nutr. 133: 3536–3539, 2003 ‘Behavioral’ Addictions: Drives Gone ‘Awry’ • Nutrition ------------ Obesity • Reproduction ------ Sex • Exploration --------- Gambling ‘…as far as the brain is concerned, a reward’s a reward, regardless of whether it comes from a chemical or an experience.’ Constance Holden, Science (2001) Coffee Consumption and Duration of Sobriety in AA Participants (n=235) 50.0% 45.0% 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% None 1-2 C ups/Day 3-4 C ups/Day >4 C ups/Day <= 15 <= 45 <= 75 <= <= <= > 5.5 Days Days Days 1.5 Y r 2.5 Y r 5.5 Y r Y r Reich et al (in preparation) Coffee use (cups/day) is significantly correlated with duration of sobriety r=0.16 p=0.013 r=0.16 p=0.013 Reich et al (in preparation) Length Sobriety Brain Reinforcement Pathways Collaborators • Vanderbilt University – – – – – – – – – – Tomas de Paulis, Ph.D. Mary Dietrich, Ph.D. Reid Finlayson, M.D. Edward F. Fischer, Ph.D. Ruggero Galici, Ph.D Junjun Huang, M.D. James May, M.D. Michael P. McDonald, Ph.D. Michael S. Reich, B.S. David H. Wasserman, Ph.D. • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism – David M. Lovinger, Ph.D. • Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – Adriana Farah, Ph.D. – Darcy Roberto Lima, M.D., Ph.D. – Luiz C. Trugo, Ph.D. • University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada – Jane Shearer, Ph.D. • University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada – Terry E. Graham, Ph.D. Acknowledgements • Brazil • Colombia • Guatemala • Japan • Mexico • USA (NCA, Kraft Foods, Nestle, Sara Lee, Starbucks)