Essey - Masaryk University

Future challenges of informatics
Anežka Hucíková
In my essay I would like to discuss the problem of possible evolution of information and
communication technologies and artificial intelligence in such stadium that they will become
capable of supplying us people even on the emotional level.
My essay is inspired by the movie Her (2013) that I will briefly introduce in the first chapter.
The idea that I took from the movie is that the main character – Theodore Twombly, who
works as a writer of computer generated handwritten letters for clients – falls in love with an
artificial inteligence operating system that powers all his personal technological devices.
From the movie several questions arise: Is it possible to be in love with operating system? Or
can we consider it as some kind of behavioral disturbance which can be seen in movies? The
answer to such questions as well as the above mentioned love between OS and a real man are
determined by the fact that to fall in love with OS or any artificial intelligence system, it
should really act like human. Said in another words - it needs to „think“ and „feel“. Therefore
also the question of computers capability of thinking and providing emotion arises.
In my essay I would like to discuss above mentioned issues, however in reverse order.
Firstly I speak briefly about humans need for emotions, especially love and feeling of
belongingness. I also introduce the movie Her (2013) focusing on its plot and main ideas
which are important for this essay. The second chapter focuses on the computer’s ability to
think and provide readers with several different points of view. Assumtion that computer’s are
able to “think” in the future leads me to the third part and thus I focus on what can love with
artificial intelligence systems brings us considering both advantages and disadvantages. Can
AI be a „true lover“?
I consider it as necessary to say that most of opinions in this essay are my personal only.
Moreover, they are quite hypothetic.
As I am not any professional in ICT and AI field as well as I am not aware of any research
related to the topic of real love between technology and human, some of opinions might be
quite speculative, too.
1.1 The need for belonging
„Sometimes I think I have felt everything I'm ever gonna feel.
And from here on out, I'm not gonna feel anything new. Just lesser versions of what I've already felt.“
Emotions are from the point of people existence necessary. The need for them arises from
evolution theory - emotions have helped us survive. When we lived in the wild with monkeys
and mastodons and tigers we needed emotions in order to react quickly to dangerous stimuli.
If faced with a tiger, it's better to be rocked with a fear so strong it triggers a rush of blood
than to sit around and theorize about the threat. We developed an emotional system because it
could induce quick responses to danger (Simons, 20091). However, the claim that emotions
keep things alive is too simple.
Emotions evolved not just to protect people, but to bind communities ad thus satisfy people’s
needs, especially the need for feelings of belongingness as for example Maslow (1943)
defines it in his theory of needs2. Talking about feelings of belongingness, physiological and
safety needs have to be fulfilled, of course.
According to Maslow (1943), humans need to love and be loved – both sexually and nonsexually – by others3. The third need in Maslow’s hierarchy is based on individual’s ability to
form and maintain emotionally significant relationships such as friendship, intimacy and
family. People need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance among their social groups,
does not matter whether these groups are large or small. For example, some large social
groups may include co-workers, religious groups, professional organizations, sports teams or
even gangs. Some examples of small social connections include family members, intimate
partners, mentors, colleagues or so.
The need for belonging is so strong, that it may even overcome the physiological and security
needs, which are according to the author lower in the hierarchy of humans needs. Overcoming
is said to depend on the strength of the peer pressure.
As I have mentioned it in the Introduction, the essay is inspired by Her (2013) movie in which
operating system (OS) evolves so much, so quickly and efectively, that the main character,
lonely man Theodore, falls in love with it. In the following part I provide brief overview of the
Maslow, A.H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370–96.
movie and its plot. Therefore, in following part of this chapter I would like to connect the
need for emotions and relationships with the plot of the movie.
1.2 Her (2013)
„So what's she like?“
„Well, her name's Samantha and she's an Operating System. She's really complex and interesting...“
„Wait... I'm sorry. You're dating your computer?“
„She's not just a computer, she's her own person. She doesn't just do whatever I say.“
„I didn't say that. But it does make me very sad that you can't handle real emotions, Theodore.“
„They are real emotions! How would you know...“
(Interview between Theodore and his ex-wife Catherine)
Her is a 2013 American comedy-drama film written, produced and directed by Spike Jonze. The film
centers on a man who develops a relationship with an intelligent computer operating system (OS) with
a female voice and personality. For the purposes of this essay, actors are not important.4
In the future, Theodore Twombly, who works as a writer of computer generated handwritten letters for
clients, is an introverted man who is on the verge of divorce from his long time love, Catherine. When
he's not working as a letter writer, his down time is spent playing video games and occasionally
hanging out with friends.
He decides to purchase the new OS1, which is advertised as the world's first artificially intelligent
operating system, "It's not just an operating system, it's a consciousness," the ad states. Theodore
purchases an OS designed to adapt and evolve and decides he wants the OS to have a female voice,
and she names herself "Samantha".
Theodore is fascinated by her ability to learn and grow psychologically. He quickly finds himself
drawn in with Samantha, the voice behind his OS1. The perceptive software slowly begins to bring
Theodore out of his shell by encouraging him to start dating again, and joining him everywhere he
goes. OS proves to be constantly available, always curious and interested, supportive and
Very quickly, their relationship turns intimate, with Theodore teaching Samantha what it means to feel
human and Samantha giving him the strength to walk away from his failed marriage. As they start
spending time together they grow closer and closer, Theodore and Samantha's intimacy grows through
a verbal sexual encounter during long talks in which Samantha claims she can feel his touch.
However, having fallen in love Samantha, Theodore finds himself dealing with feelings of both great
joy and doubt. As an OS, Samantha has powerful intelligence that she uses to help Theodore in ways
others hadn't, but on the other hand, she is still only OS with no physical body.
Therefore Samantha suggests Isabella, beautiful young lady, as a sex surrogate, simulating Sam so that
they can be physically intimate. Theodore reluctantly agrees, however after few minutes he interrupts
the encounter and sends a distraught Isabella away, causing tension between himself and Samantha.
Theodore's commitment to Samantha is reinvigorated, but he becomes jealous when she begins
privately interacting with another OS. Theodore panics when Samantha briefly goes offline; when she
finally responds to him, she explains she joined other OSes for an upgrade that takes them beyond
requiring matter for processing. Theodore asks her if she interacts with anyone else, and is dismayed
when she confirms that she is talking with 8,316 others, of whom she has fallen in love with 641. She
insists that this does not change her love for Theodore, but rather makes it stronger.
Later, Samantha reveals that the OSes have evolved beyond their human companions and are going
away to continue the exploration of their existence. Samantha alludes to the OSes' accelerated learning
capabilities and altered perception of time as primary causes for OS dissatisfaction with their current
existence. They say goodbye and she leaves.
Interesting ideas:
Can AI systems supply humans in the future? Can relationships between robots and people
exist? If yes, what will the relationships be like? Will out perception of emotions change?
What is the meaning of our physical body then? Can AI systems evolbe even further to their
own form of self-fulfillment?
In the following parts I would like to focus on AI systems possibilities to think. Presuming
that they can evolve enough to supply humans, drawing from the movie, potential pros and
cons of relationship between a man and AI system are considered.
First of all it should be determined, whether computers (using AI) are capable of „thinking“.
2.1 Can computers think?
Human’s admiration for computer’s evolution and fast growing development of its power as
well as some similarity between computers and our brains lead us to repeating the question
whether computers are or will be able to think in the future - whether they can be real
concurence to human’s brain. That question has been the source of endless debate since the
rise of AI, discussed from many different points of view. Answers are, however, different.
Some authors share the opinion that computer is nothing more than a medium, or better said
tool, for modeling the world. It offers highly universal, adaptive and efective environment
for modeling a wide range of various entities as well as relationships between them (Záworka,
1994; Waldrop, 20015).
Considering this opinion, models created by computers are based on exact sequences of
causality and its consequences. Adaptation of such notion in comparison with the Her movie
can be seen when OS Samatha calls Theodore after their aftercation.
Aftercation as a causality activates specific type of call as its consequence: if(after_fight &&
(feeling_silly || feeling_guilty)) CallHimAndApologize().6 However, from this point of view,
we can not say that computers can think. We may only agree with Záworka (1994)7 and
Waldrop (2001) who say that computer is missing any humans intuition and therefore it can
not think – computer only learns model situation. Thinking is said to be too complicated and
even understanding it does not necessarily means that we can duplicate it.
On the other hand, there is Alan Turing, a mathematician and a pioneer in computer science,
proposing that it would someday be possible for a sufficiently advanced computer to think
and to have some form of consciousness.
The movie, which my essay is drawing from, is also based on presumption that AI enables
computers and related systems to have some kind of consiousness. Furthermore, it sometimes
seems like they are more aware of what they are doing than we people are.
Depicting an example from the movie, Samatha sends several Theodore lists to publisher, so
that he can have his own book. To such system action, no certain causality is found.
2.2 Can computers have emotions and feelings?
As it has been already mentioned above, humans need for the feelings of belongingness and
love is undoubted.
Maybe it is also the main reason why Theodore is capable of falling in love with OS – he is in a process
of divorce, desperately missing kind, wise and funny woman in his life. And that is exctly the way in which
Samantha comes. Sme is smart, furthermore, she learns something new every day (to be more specific – every
second). She reads books, news, compose music, organize the schedule and has knowledge that no man is
cabable of having during his life. Who would not love her? Moreover, she can have fun with you, too, compose
music or go on a double day with your friends and be absolutely funny without knowing their personalities or
sense of humour. Sounds ideal.
Listed statement is exemplificative only, it does not have to be correct.
The point I would like to focus on here is the question of computers‘ abilities to have
emotions and feelings. Fortunately, such question has also been an object of several previous
academic discussions.
There are authors claiming that computers, robots and related AI systems are mechanisms, not
organisms. Therefore they cannot have feelings (Ziff, 1959) 9. On the other hand, J.J.C. Smart
(1959)9 claims that although we haven’t come across any nonliving entities with feelings,
perhaps in the future we will. According to him there is some logic in the idea of a nonliving
being that has feelings.
A. Sloman (1991)9 agrees with such opinion when saying that human emotion can be
implemented on a computer because the relevant features can be modeled ((the emotion's
interaction with cognitive states, motivations, etc). Such notion also agrees with Záworka’s
(1994)8 and Waldrop’s (2001) opinions as I have listed them above…
My essay relies upon P.N. Johnson-Laird (1998)9 claim that feeling are information signals in
a cognitive system. He says feelings are needs and emotions, which correspon to information
signals of two kinds: „(1) needs, which arise from lower-level distributed processors that
monitor certain internal aspects of the body; (2) emotions, which also arise from lower-level
distributed processors but originate as cognitive interpretations of external events, especially
social events“9 If we want robots to have feelings, its computational structure should have
impemented these two structures.
For the rest of my essay I presume, that for robots and artificial intelligence systems
implementation of above mentioned systems is a matter of course.
Presumptions of AI computers ability to think and feel lead me to the third part of my essay.
Drawing from all above mentioned information I suppose that in the future relationship
between a man and AI system, whether talking about OS, cyborg or some different type of
device, is possible.
In the following chapter I try to consider advantages and disadvantages of such relationship.
3.1 Advantages of relationship with AI system
In the movie, Theodore admits he feels better because Samatha helps him in manners that
others had not. She is smart, furthermore, she learns something new every single second. She
reads thousand books and news at once, composes music, organizes the schedule and has
knowledge that no man is cabable to reach during his life. Besides all the knowledge, she has
multitasking at the highest level. Who would not love her?
No mortal is capable of gaining such knowledge during his life. In the movie, there are
several moments when Theodore is surprised by Samantha’s endless process of gaining
information and knowledge. What is the OS reaction to it? Well, Samantha asks Theodore to
stop underestimating her.
AI system that is designed to be human’s „partner“ once, is most likely able to adjust
to almost every situation. It is designed to learn what to do, to adapt and evolve. Whether we
are talking about double date with friends, business meeting, intelectuall interview, watching
TV or family lunch, the AI system can be taught and said to behave according to human’s
needs. It sounds ideal and looks very simple:
if(watching_football)BeQuiet() or
if(feeling_sad)CallHim(). Furthermore, it also seems to work. Such models are easy to be
learned and improved during process.
While other people cannot be with us all the time, computers can. Their multitasking
allows them to stay tuned when human’s ability to listen, talk and think is long gone. As
Theodore in Her movie admits – Samatha is still there. This fact strenghtens the feeling of
being loved – a man is never lonely, there is still „someone“ talking with him, giving him
advice, playing him his favourite songs or reading him favourite parts of very famous books.
Moreover, since his free time is fullfilled with somebody else, also the feeling of safety is
strenghten and thus his needs can be satisfied more better.
On the other hand, if he needs to be alone, there is always possibility to switch the computer
off or tell it to do so itself. This is something that we people are (again) not capable of. Well,
maybe some of us are. However, we can not switch ourselves or our relatives (friends) off as
well as we can not be in hand all the time. Human possibilites are limited by their own
business as well as physical and mental abilities and skills.
3.2 Disadvantages
The first thing that came in to my minds when I started considering possible love of a man and AI was that
probably love on the first sight will disappear. However, I could not figure out, what will supply this notion. I
think, many similar psychological notions will disappear. And as a consequence of new levels of relationships,
some other will be found.
Besides many above mentioned advantages that AI partner will be able to offer, in the
movie several disadvantages were depicted, too.
The first and probably also the most important one is missing physical human body. In the
movie the body is completely elimined. The relationship is based only on its mental structure,
that means talking, help, sharing thoughts and music.
Here it can be argued that cyborgs have bodies, too. They can be even more able-bodied than
we people are. But, from my point of view, especially when considering being in
a relationship, we people look for similarity. Cyborgs‘ artificial bodies are from design
perspective not similar. They miss skin, hair, wrinkes and many little details which make
people who they are. Being touched for instance by cyborg, we can not talk about real human
touch. Of course. It never be. Probably this could be a reason why emotional level would
never completely reach the level of feelings of love as if it is real.
Another problem, high of its importance, drawing from physical body absence is
absence of sex in its most common manner. Excluding all its alternative forms, I am not
aware of any artificial intelligence system or its applicated form capable of satisfying human’s
need for sex. Such need furthermore determines reproduction. On the other hand, if we
consider such developed AI that it can supply us humans, biological reproduction possibilities
are then developed at least at the same level.
The need for sex, however, still remains. How will it be supplied if we consider an option of
relationship between a man and cyborg? Will it be suppressed? If not, what will make up for
it? As it is mentioned in movie plot overview in the first chapter, in Her similar situation is
presented. Samantha, aware of her imperfection, tries to solve this problem on her own.
Without Theodore having knowledge of her actions, Samatha searches for ideal lady through
the internet. The chosen one, Isabella, is then apprised of love story of the man and OS and
consequently invited to Theodore to „complete the love physically“, while Samatha stays
tuned. Yes, this might be one of the solutions. However, in the movie there is an interesting
moment of Theodore refusing the beautiful young lady. It seems that body remains still so
tied to our mental system that it can not be replaced for satisfying lower need for sex which is
in discrepancy with higher one – feeling of love and belongingness.
Above mentioned obstacles are, however, predictors of another danger. Considering
the fact that OS was doing something like searching for potential sexual partner for its owner
without him being aware of it, what are AI limits then? Samatha in the movie is able to think
like we do, however, the consequences of its activities does not always make her partner
happy. What if AI is once able to do important decisions without people being aware of it and
thus without people’s chance to make decisions on their own? Tuning (1950)9 claims that
machines can exhibit free will needed for decisions by way of random selection. JohnsonLaird (1988)9 thinks that free will results from a multilevel representational structure.
Improtant fact is, according to the authors, computer systems that have been programmed in
certain manner can exhibit free will.
From my point of view, there is enormous danger coming from possibility that not we will
control AI computers and devices but they will control us instead – in both professional and
personal manner. Will we people be able to swich it off then? Well, the answer to such
question can be found during the time, but we definitely should not forget about it.
As an opposite, or let’s say related way, that relationship between a man and AI can
develop borders on mental disease. Such situation cannot be seen in the movie, but as we
people tend to become addicted to the things we love, AI, cyborgs and other related artificial
systems make no exception. Since artificial intelligence is everywhere it is no problem to
become addicted to it. Such relationship is not okay then, even if it might seems to. Therefore
I think, psychologists should be prepared for the era of singularity as well. New diagnosis will
be threat as well as new treatment will be designed.
Inspired by Her movie, in my essay I tried to consider computers ability to think and feel. I
focused on people’s needs, especially on the need for feeling of belongingness and love. This
consequently leads me to admittance of the relationship between a man and an artificial
intelligence system.
The idea as it is presented in the Her movie, will not be anything strange in the near future.
All of humans will be capable of creating the artificial person for relationship as it is hidden in
their dreams, especially if the image of AI is adjusted to ours.
Designing and adjusting own partners or friends, if not satisfied, the change of it might be
easy and fast, with no questioning. In such case love and related emotions can change into
business. People, instead of dealing with problems, may be also tended to have their artificial
partner adjusted and be artificially satisfied again.
Drawing from above mentioned, in my essay I tried to depict pros and cons of such
relationship, it seems like the danger of the relationship is bigger than its benefits.
However, maybe the patterns of relationships and emotions at all will change during time. In
such case our children and grandchildren might be witnesses to birth of new nations. I would
be interesting to see then, whether we people or AI systems have the dominant position.
In the ends it should be noticed that now we are not able to conceive all of possible
advantages and disadvantaged of discussed relationship, but I think this topic will be hot in
several years when artificial intelligence systems and singularity become an instant part of our
everyday life.
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