
Unit 4: Europe- Study Guide
Map of Europe
Be able to identify on a map of Europe the following:
Countries: Russia, United Kingdom, Greece, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Ukraine
Bodies of Water: Aegean Sea, Black Sea, Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea
Rivers: Rhine River
Mountain Ranges: The Alps
Know the following vocabulary definitions:
Punic Wars
Persian Wars
Julius Caesar
Caesar Augustus
Assessment Questions:
Know the answer to the following questions:
Chapter 26: The Rise of Democracy
Which form of government in a Greek city-state usually came first?
What kinds of laws did the oligarchs pass?
What might an oligarch do on an ordinary day?
How did most kings in ancient Greece come to power?
What does the term ‘oligarch’ mean in English?
In a tyranny, what allowed the leader to rule?
Why were some tyrants in ancient Greece well liked?
How was democracy in Athens different from other ancient forms of government?
How was ancient Greek democracy different from democracy in the United States
Chapter 28: Fighting the Persian Wars
What was the outcome of the Ionian Revolt?
How did the Persian Empire expand its territory?
What was one reason Persian attacked Greece?
The Persian Empire began in what present-day country?
Why did King Darius ask for presents of Greek earth and water?
To defeat the Persians at Marathon, the Greeks made use of what?
What was an important result of the Persian wars?
Who defeated who at the Battle of Thermopylae?
After the Persians burned Athens to the ground, how did the Athenians continue to
Why was the Battle of Plataea important?
Chapter 31: The Legacy of Ancient Greece
The word alphabet comes from what?
What did the ancient Greeks give us that we still use today in American democracy?
How was ancient Greek democracy different from American democracy today?
What would Pythagoras and Euclid most have likely written about?
Why is Herodotus called the “father of history?”
How did Greek scientists make their most important discoveries?
Who would most likely use lines of latitude and longitude?
What was the purpose of the first Olympics?
In what way are many theaters today like the ones in ancient Greece?
What is one way the modern Olympics are like those of ancient Greece?
Chapter 34: From Republic to Empire
What made dictator Cincinnatus a hero of the Roman Republic?
What did Rome do during the first period of expansion, before 264 BCE?
How did the Romans build a strong navy?
During the Punic Wars in Rome’s second period of expansion, Rome’s main enemy was
How did Rome’s expansion affect the Plebeians?
How did General Hannibal surprise the Romans?
What was one cause of the end of the Roman Republic?
What happened in Rome after Julius Caesar was assassinated?
How did Octavian become Rome’s first emperor, Augustus Caesar?
How did the Pretorian Guard cause problems for the emperors?