Matthew Lewis - Wright State University

Matthew Lewis
ED 639
December 4, 2002
Ancient Greek civilization has contributed many of
the ideas and activities that we use today. Their religion,
government, and even their sporting events are still affecting
us today. The Greeks set the foundation for the western
society that we live in.
The Greeks beginning ideas on Democracy set the
basis for are own government. The great Greek philosophers’
ideas are still followed today. Many of the ideas about human
interaction and development originated with the Greeks.
The Greek civilization lasted nearly 2,700 years from
their early beginnings to their conquest by Rome. Starting
with the early civilizations of the Minoans and Mycanaeans
to the fall of Alexander’s Empire Greek civilization impacted
the world.
Knowing this, it is important for a Seventh Grade
Ancient History teacher to teach about Ancient Greece so
that the students understand the importance and impact of
this great society. A variety of activities and means of
teaching will be used in order for the students to stay
attentive and enthusiastic about the unit.
When asked the students will be able to:
Describe what life was like for the Minoans.
Discuss how geography influenced the early
people who lived on Crete and the Balkan
Summarize what life was like for the Mycenaeans.
Explain how the Dark Age affected the Aegean
Objectives cont…
The City-States
Explain why the polis was the geographic and political
center of Greek life.
Describe what life was like in the city-states of Sparta and
Explain the different types of government that evolved in
Summarize how the Persian Wars affected Greece.
Discuss how Athens controlled the other city-states.
Explain why Athens and the other city-states declined.
Objectives cont…
Cultural Contributions
Describe how the Greeks honored their
gods and goddesses.
Summarize what contributions were made
in athletics and the arts during the Golden
Age of Greek culture.
Discuss how Greek thinkers influenced the
development of western civilization.
Objectives cont…
The Hellenistic Period
Summarize how the spread of Greek culture
influenced people from Gibraltar to India.
Explain how Philip II of Macedonia gained
control of Greece.
Discuss how Alexander attempted to bring unity to
his empire.
Describe how Alexander’s empire changed after
his death.
This unit will take roughly eight weeks to complete.
The unit is broken into four chapters: Beginnings, The CityState, Cultural Contributions, and The Hellenistic Period.
The first chapter will be allotted approximately ten class
periods, the second ten class periods, the third ten class
periods, and the last ten class periods. Flexibility will be
necessary with the various activities that are planned.
Textbook: Greenblatt M., Lemmo P. Human Heritage: A
World History. Columbus: Glencoe, McGraw-Hill, 1995.
Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12.
The Minoans:
Section one covers the development of the Minoan
civilization. The geography of the island of Crete is
covered along with their development of ships. Also
covered are the people themselves; what they looked
liked and what they did. Their cities and palaces,
chiefly the Palace of Knosssos, are covered. Rulers and
religion are also discussed in this section and finally the
fall of the Minoans. Key terms covered are: bull
leaping, labyrinth, parchment, and shrines.
Beginnings cont…
The Mycenaeans:
Section two covers the development of the Mycenaean
civilization. Their fortress-palaces are discussed
including the layout. The daily life and its setup is also
covered. The text also relates the connection between
traders and pirates with the Mycenaeans. The
relationship between Minoa and Mycenae is looked at
as well. The Trojan War is in section two also. It is
discussed from Homer’s Iliad. Finally the “Dark Age”
of the Aegean world is discussed. The causes and
results are talked about by the authors. Key terms
covered are: megaron, tenants, and civil wars.
Beginnings cont…
Bull leaping
Palace of Knossos
Theseus and the
Traders and Pirates
Trojan War
The Iliad
Civil wars
“Dark Age”
The City-States
The Polis
Section one covers the polis or city-state. The
layout of the polis is covered first along with its
government. What a citizen is is also covered.
Sparta and Athens are also introduced in this
section. Key terms covered are: polis, agora,
and acropolis.
The City-States cont…
Section two covers the city-state of Sparta. The location
is first covered along with the government and leaders.
The class structure was important to Sparta and is
thoroughly covered. The way of life for the Spartans is
also looked at. The way men and women were treated is
important to know and understand. The Spartans
thoughts on new ideas are also explained. Key terms
covered are: aristocrats, helots, and perioeci.
The City-States cont…
Section three covers the city-state of Athens. The
geography and location is covered first. Next the
development of a democratic constitution is covered.
This is important for the students to completely know,
because four types of government are discussed. The
various councils and rulers are looked at in detail. The
Persian Wars are also covered in this section. Lastly the
formation of the Delian League and the Athenian
Empire is discussed along with the decline of the
Empire. The Peloponnesian war is talked about with the
decline of the Athenian Empire. Key terms covered are:
oligarchy, constitution, democratic, triremes, defensive
league, and mercenaries.
The City-States cont…
Decline of the City-States
The final section covers the decline of the
Greek city-states. In this section the lose of the
traditional sense of community is talked about,
along with the bitterness that developed
between the upper and lower classes. The
chapter ends with the introduction of Philip II
of Macedonia.
The City-States cont…
The polis or city-state
Spartan way of life
Democratic constitution
Council of Five Hundred
Persian War
Battle of Marathon
Defensive league
Delian league
Athenian Empire
Peloponnesian War
Cultural Contributions
Religious Practices
Section one covers religious practices and how they
contributed to western development.The gods and
goddesses of Mount Olympus are discussed. The
Olympic games are covered and why they were held.
Different events for the games are discussed. Also the
Greek theater is in this section. The Greek tragedy and
comedy are talked about in the text. How the plays
were held is covered also. Key terms covered are:
oracles, pancratium, and pentathlon.
Cultural Contributions cont…
Section two covers the scientific contributions made by
ancient Greece. First covered is Socrates and his
Socratic method. Plato is also discussed. His academy
and political science writings appear in the text, along
with his Dialogues. Aristotle is next to be discussed.
His classification method and contributions to the
scientific method are covered. Aristotle’s syllogism is
in this section. Briefly a few other scientists are
covered, like Thales and Hippocrates. Key terms
covered are: philosophia, Socratic method, political
science, scientific method, hypothesis, and syllogism.
Cultural Contributions cont…
Golden Age
Mount Olympus
Olympic Games
The Republic
The Dialogues
Thales of Miletus
Hippocratic Oath
Socratic method
Political science
Scientific method
Hellenistic Period
Philip II of Macedonia
Section one covers Philip II of Macedonia. His
life as a youth and how he was held hostage in
Thebes begins the section. Philip’s beliefs about
Greek life and why he wanted to conquer
Greece are talked about. The development of
his army and plan are given in detail. How
Demosthenes spoke out about Philip II is also
discussed in the text. Key terms covered are:
hostage, phalanx, alliances, and orator.
Hellenistic Period cont…
Alexander the Great
Section two covers the life and achievements of
Alexander the Great, son of Philip II of Macedonia.
Alexander was a feared general who never lost a battle.
He covered from the Nile to the Indus rivers. Life under
his empire is discussed along with the founding of
Alexandria. The section and chapter ends with the end
of the empire and what happened after Alexander’s
death. Key terms covered are: barbaroi, factories,
Hellenistic Period cont…
Hellenistic Age
Philip II
Alexander the Great
Introduction and Developmental
Day 1
Construct a graphic organizer on the chalkboard using Greece as
the hub. The spokes will be titled : Geography, Culture,
Important People, Lasting Contributions. Have the students
call out ideas as you write down the appropriate responses.
This will get them thinking about ancient Greece. Have
students read section one of chapter nine in class. Stop and
discuss the topics with the students. Hand out chapter 9 study
Assignment: Chapter 9 Geography and Map Activity
Power Point Presentation of Palace of Knossos, due
at end of chapter.
Day 2
First review what was read and discussed from day one.
Have the students read section two in class. Stop and
discuss the topics with the students. Use video disc to
help enrich chapter nine material.
Assignment: Chapter 9 Chart and Graph Skill Activity
Day 3
Do cooperative learning activity for Chapter 9.
Day 4
Give students time to work on PP presentation.
Day 5
Give students time to work on PP presentation.
Day 6
Student presentations
Day 7
Student presentations
Day 8
Student presentations
Day 9
Practice test for chapter 9 test. Questions will
be from study guide given to students at
beginning of chapter.
Day 10
Give chapter 9 test
The City-State
Introduction and Developmental
Day 1
Review chapter 9 test and begin chapter 10 with
vocabulary and guided reading activity. Hand out
chapter 10 study guide.
Day 2
Have the students read section 1 in class. Stop and
discuss the material with the students.
Day 3
Quickly review previous day’s reading. Have students
read section 2 in class. Stop and discuss the material
with the students.
• Assignment: Geography and Map activity
Day 4
Quickly review previous day’s reading. Have students
read section 3 in class. Stop and discuss the material
with the students.
Day 5
Quickly review previous day’s reading. Have
students read section 4 in class. Stop and
discuss the material with the students.
• Assignment: Chart and Graph Skills Activity
Day 6
Begin History Alive activity. The students will create a
journal of a tour of Athens. The students will have five
days to complete the assignment.
Day 7 and 8
History Alive activity
• Assignment finish journal at home
Day 9
Give practice test. Questions will be from study
guide sheet.
Day 10
Give chapter 10 test
Cultural Contributions
Introduction and Developmental
Day 1
Students will turn in History Alive assignment. Review
chapter 10 test. Handout chapter 11 study guide.
Day 2
Have students read section 1 in class. Stop and discuss
the material with the students.
• Assignment: Geography and Map Activity
Day 3
Quickly review previous day’s reading. Have
students read section 2 in class. Stop and
discuss the material with the students.
Day 4
In class do the Chart and Graph activity. Show
video Ancient Civilizations: Legacies.
Day 5
Begin Olympics activity with the students. The first two
days will be for the students to create their city-state
flag and pledge. The students will also decide on how
to dress for the opening ceremonies.
Day 6
Continue Olympics preparation
Day 7
Have opening ceremonies and begin events.
Day 8
Finish events and have closing ceremonies
Day 9
Have practice test for chapter 11. Questions will be
from study guide.
Day 10
Give chapter 11 test.
Hellenistic Period
Introduction and Developmental
Day 1
Go over chapter 11 test with students. Do
vocabulary and guided reading activity in class.
Day 2
Have the students read section 1 in class. Stop
and discuss the material with the students.
Day 3
Activity done in pairs for the students. Students
will create a dialogue for an interview between
Philip II and a news reporter. Have them focus
on Philip’s campaign to unify Greece and
spread Greek culture.
Day 4
Students will present their written dialogues
Day 5
Quickly review section 1. Have students read section 2
in class. Stop and discuss the material with the students
• Assignment: Geography and Map activity
Day 6
Show video Alexander the Great & the Hellenistic Age.
Day 7
Do chapter 12 cooperative learning activity
Day 8
Show video disc to enhance chapter 12 material
Day 9
Give practice test for chapter 12. Questions will come
from study guide.
Day 10
Give chapter 12 test.
Multiple choice questions
1. What civilizations combined to form the
Greek civilization?
A. the Minoans
B. the Mycenaeans
C. the Hammurabians
D. the Minoans and Mycenaeans
2. What did the Mycenaens build instead of cities?
A. fortress-palaces
B. towns
C. villages
D. castles
3. What did the citizens of a polis consider most
A. farming
B. trade
C. the good of the polis
D. the military
4. In what were Greek scientists most interested?
A. themselves
B. making money
C. curing disease
D. adding to their knowledge
5. What happened to the Greek city-states by 146 B.C.?
A. they were destroyed by earthquakes
B. most came under Roman control
C. they gained independence
D. they were conquered by the Chinese
Objective questions
1. Explain the different types of government that
evolved in Athens.
2. Describe what life was like for the Minoans
Essay questions
1. Briefly explain how the Dark Age affected
the Aegean world.
2. Briefly explain how Philip II of Macedonia
gained control of Greece.
Instructional Resources
Teacher references
Cotterell, Arthur. The Minoan World. Charles
Scribner’s Sons, 1979.
• Surveys Minoan Civilization.
Grant, Michael. The Rise of the Greeks.
Scribner’s. 1988.
• An examination of Greek civilization from the
collapse of Mycenae to the Peloponnesian War.
Grant Michael. From Alexander to Cleopatra:
The Hellenistic World. Weidenfielf and
Nicholson, 1982.
• Focuses on all aspects of the Hellenistic Age.
Grant, Michail. The Classical Greeks. Scribner,
• Connects culture with historical events. Spans art,
architecture, philosophy, and drama.
Student references
Easterling, P.E. and B. M. W. Knox, eds. The
Cambridge History of Classical Literature, Vol. 1,
Greek Literature. Cambridge, 1985.
• Collection of ancient Greek literature
Harris, Nathaniel. Alexander the Great and the Greeks.
Bookwright Press, 1986
• Details about the contributions Alexander made to the Greeks
Renault, Mary. The Persian Boy. Bantam, 1988.
• The second of three novels about Alexander the Great.
Boyer, Sophia A., and Winifred Lubell. Gifts
from the Greeks, Alpha to Omega. Rand
McNally, 1970.
• Descriptions of areas of Greek life illustrated with
drawings of Greek art.
D’Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar. Book of Greek
Myths. Doubleday, 1962.
• Collection of Greek myths.
Burrell, Roy. The Greeks: Rebuilding the Past
Series. Oxford University Press, 1990.
Hamilton, Edith. The Greek Way. Norton, 1983.
• Story of the Greek spirit and mind told by great
Evslin, Bernard. Heroes and Monsters of Greek
Myth. Scholastic, 1988.
• Retells many Greek myths.
Renault, Mary. The King Must Die. Random
House, 1988.
• Retells the legend of Theseus’s struggle with the
Media References
Videodisc resources that accompany the textbook. One
for each chapter; 9-12.
Audiocassettes that accompany the textbook. One for
each chapter; 9-12.
Teaching transparencies and activities for each chapter;
Rand McNally atlases for the students to use in class
with certain assignments.
Laptop computers will be used by the students for
preparation of their PowerPoint presentations on the
Palace of Knossos.
Posters and Pictures
Posters and pictures that show the various gods,
goddesses, and important figures in Greek mythology
and history.
PowerPoint program by Microsoft will be needed for
The Great World History Knowledge Race:
• A game format focusing mainly on Greece, Rome, and the
Middle Ages
Aegean Age
• Describes Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations
Ancient Civilization: The End is the Beginning
• Gives possible explanations for the decline of early
civilizations including the Minoans and the Mycenaeans.
The Fall of Troy
• Reveals the background and meaning of the Trojan War
The Greeks
• Traces Greek culture and history from the early Aegean
civilizations to the conquests of Alexander the Great.
Ancient Civilization: Safekeeping
• Explains features of civilization that helped make people feel
secure, with a focus on Greek civilization
Athens: Birthplace for Democracy
• Stresses Athens’ historical and cultural importance.
Our Heritage from Ancient Greece
• A brief history of ancient Greece and an overview of its
Ancient Civilizations: Legacies
• Describes innovations of early civilizations with an emphasis
on the Greeks and Romans
The Greek Beginning
• Introduction to Greek literature, politics, and philosophy from
1300 to 323 B.C.
Alexander the Great & the Hellenistic Age
• Focuses on the life of Alexander the Great