Chapter 6 Study Guide

Chapter 6 Study Guide
1. Who calculated the distance around the Earth?
2. What is considered the finest example of Greek architecture?
3. Who taught that life should be lived for pleasure?
4. Who led the Athenian opposition to Philip II by giving fiery speeches?
5. Who developed the Atomic theory?
6. What are row of soldiers standing shoulder to shoulder called?
7. Who believed math could explain the world?
8. What means the sin of pride?
9. Who used comedy to make peoples think about the effects of war?
10. Who thought history should be fair and accurate?
11. Who believed that logical study led to the truth?
12. Rule by the intellectual upper class is called ________________________.
13. Who believed that student should learn to think for themselves?
14. Why was philosophers called cosmologists?
15. Greek art expressed a belief in what?
16. How did Greek sculptors make their work lifelike?
17. A philosopher means lover of wisdom.
18. Did Hellenistic geographers believe the world was flat?
19. What was Alexander the Great ultimate goal?
20. Who believed natural laws could not be defined?
21. The Parthenon was admired for its perfectly balanced proportions.
22. Hellenism is a blend of what 3 cultures?
23. Hellenistic doctors increased their knowledge by learning from whom?
24. The spread of the Hellenistic culture helped which class of people?
25. What influenced Roman and Christian thinking?
26. Hellenism gave greater freedom to ________________________.
27. Philip II was greatly influenced by his time in Prison.
28. What Greek philosopher collected facts and organized them into systems?
29. Hippocrates taught disease was the result of _____________________________.
30. The Socratic Method used _____________ to teach.
31. Who believed perfection existed in theory only?
32. Buildings in Athens showed the pride people felt in their city.
33. Praxiteles art showed a movement toward realism.