Presentation to the Portfolio committee on Finance Information can change lives Statistics South Africa Annual report 2004/05 Aims of presentation 1. To highlight progress made in strategic priorities 2. To report on the performance of Stats SA against stated targets 3. To highlight challenges and future plans Preferred supplier of quality statistics -2- Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Recommendations by Portfolio committee Strategic overview Programme performance Financial performance Challenges and future plans Preferred supplier of quality statistics -3- Portfolio Committee recommendations Recommendations made by the Portfolio Committee during 2004 • • • • Address issues of Corporate Governance Address causes of tensions between Stats SA and the Council Clarify what will replace Census 2006 now that the next Census will be in 2011 Identify meaningful measurable outputs Stats SA’s response • • • • Unqualified audit report. Stats SA is improving corporate governance. New Statistics Council appointed in May 2005. Stats SA and Council are actively promoting good relations. Stats Act was analysed in light of Council’s role Community Survey to be conducted in 2007 Quantity and quality measures are reported on in Annual report Preferred supplier of quality statistics -4- Information can change lives Strategic overview National priorities Priority area Relevant statistics Grow the Economy GDP and set of economic surveys, CPI, PPI etc Create jobs LFS and QES Deliver services GHS, Census, Community survey, Municipal Census Eradicate poverty GHS, Census, Community survey Improve health Mortality statistics Impact Africa and the world Contribution to statistical development Preferred supplier of quality statistics -6- Vision and Mission Vision To be the preferred supplier of quality statistics Mission Provide a relevant and accurate body of statistics to inform users on the dynamics in the economy and society through the application of internationally acclaimed practices Preferred supplier of quality statistics -7- Stats SA’s strategy Preferred supplier of quality statistics Vision Information Advocacy Quality of to meet and Products user needs partnerships & services Themes Develop the NSS Strategic Objectives Needs of users Corporate image Align to Govt priorities Increase accessibility and usage Align to international frameworks Improving data governance Integrate registers across government Promote integration amongst producers of statistics Improve accuracy, timeliness & coherence Good governance Compliance Mgt risks Data governance Plan & execute in budget Optimise technology Mgt info International acclaimed methods Coverage of frames Quality mgt Building Human capacity Admin processes & systems Leadership & mgt BEE Preferred supplier of quality statistics Employer of choice Equity in the work place Corporate culture and environment Learning organisation -8- Governance framework Non-Compliance Unreliable Unpredictable Environment; Controls not designed or in place Compliance Informal Controls designed and in place but not adequately documented Value adding Standardised Controls designed and in place and are adequately documented Monitored Standardised controls with periodic testing and management reporting Preferred supplier of quality statistics Optimised Integrated internal controls with real time monitoring and continuous improvement -9- Review of performance Information can change lives 1. Strategic priorities 2. Economic and Social Statistics 3. Population Statistics 4. Quality and Integration 5. Statistical Support and Informatics 6. Administration and Management Progress on strategic priorities Strategic priority Key strategic achievements Enhancing the quality •Benchmarking and rebasing GDP (Nov 2004) of statistical •Introducing direct price collection methodology for CPI information •Developing and testing new collection methodology for Income and Expenditure Survey •Researching and developing standards and policy frameworks for the production, storage and dissemination of all data holdings •Improving the supply of administrative data •Establishing 29 regional offices to improve field collections Developing human capacity •Stats SA’s sponsored tertiary education (Wits, University of Pennsylvania, EASTC & ISAE) •On-the-job training and mentoring •Introducing an internship programme (15 interns) •Training SMS members on labour relations and PFMA Preferred supplier of quality statistics -11- Progress on strategic priorities Strategic priority Key strategic achievements Enhancing statistical integration through geography and registers •Drawing new samples annually for economic statistics from improved business register •Conducting a quality improvement survey to enhance classifications of large businesses •Updating master sample on which all household surveys are based •Initiating interdepartmental collaboration to develop and implement an address system •Geo-referencing of businesses Transformation •Reviewing strategy and structure •Conducting an employment equity audit and compiling EE plan •Launching an employee assistance programme •Implementing an HIV/Aids awareness and support programme Refocusing statistical information in line user requirements •Compiling a comprehensive report on causes of death and mortality (1997 – 2003) •Obtaining a more complete measurement of commercial agriculture •Measuring service provision by municipalities Preferred supplier of quality statistics -12- Progress on strategic priorities Strategic priority Key strategic achievements National Statistics System (NSS) •Assessing statistical capacity in 8 government departments •Supplying statistical information for the country report on the Millennium Development Goals •Providing technical assistance to the Department of Education •Signing MoUs with 4 key stakeholders as partners in the NSS Improving governance •Introducing quarterly review meetings •Implementing risk management strategy and policy •Establishing a combined asset register •Decentralising certain finance and human resource functions to our provincial offices •Introducing a business process improvement project to enhance corporate support processes and ensure alignment to legislative requirements Preferred supplier of quality statistics -13- Economic and Social Statistics Purpose: To produce economic and social statistics to meet user requirements Measurable objective: To inform socio-economic decisionmaking by providing accurate, relevant and timely economic and social statistics Comprises: • Industry and Trade Statistics • Employment and Price Statistics • Financial Statistics • Social Statistics Preferred supplier of quality statistics -14- Economic and Social Statistics Output Target Statistics on primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy Timely and accurate: •Monthly series (13) with an average response rate of over 80% •Quarterly series (1) with a response rate of 70% •Commercial Agriculture census with a response rate of 80% •Large sample surveys (4) with a response rate of 80% Statistics on the workforce in formal, non-agricultural businesses Timely and accurate: Quarterly series with a response rate of 80% Actual output •9 monthly series produced with an average response rate of over 90% according to release schedule •Quarterly release with a response rate of 74% •Annual statistical release and report with a response rate of 80% •4 Statistical releases published with an average response rate of over 85% 4 quarterly statistical releases published with a response rate of 82% according to the release schedule Preferred supplier of quality statistics -15- Economic and Social Statistics Output Target Actual output Statistics on price changes Timely and accurate: Monthly series (4): •CPI/CPIX (Headline and smaller cities and towns) •CPI (Rural and total country) •PPI All releases published according to release schedule •12 statistical release meeting targeted response rate •12 statistical releases meeting targeted response rate •12 statistical releases meeting targeted response rate •12 statistical releases based on CPI and PPI data •Building contracts adjustment indices Statistics on the financial results of government and the private sector Timely and accurate: •Quarterly series (3) •Annual series (10) •12 quarterly releases published according to the release schedule meeting targeted response rate •10 statistical releases published according to the release schedule with 4 releases exceeding targeted response rate Preferred supplier of quality statistics -16- Economic and Social Statistics Output Target Statistics on the living Timely and accurate: conditions of the General household population survey (annual) Statistics on labour market dynamics Timely and accurate: Labour force survey (bi-annual) Actual output •1 statistical release published according to release schedule •2 statistical releases published according to the release schedule Preferred supplier of quality statistics -17- Population Statistics Purpose: To provide population statistics and conduct a population census Measurable objective: To inform policy and planning processes on the state of the population by providing relevant, accurate and timely information on the demographic characteristics of the country Comprises: • Population Census • Demographic Analysis • Health and Vital Statistics Preferred supplier of quality statistics -18- Population Statistics Output Target Actual Census 2011 Planning and census reviews 2 draft documents on census strategy and planning Community Survey Operational plan and supporting documents Draft project charter Draft operational plan Thematic reports on demographic issues Mid-year estimates Mid-year estimates published according to release schedule 3 draft analytical reports on migration, gender and population dynamics Census 2001 analytical reports Statistics on tourism, migration, births, deaths, marriages and divorces 1 monthly series 5 annual reports Preferred supplier of quality statistics All targets met -19- Quality and Integration Purpose: To provide expertise on quality and methodology for official statistics, build capacity for the production and use of official statistics, compile national accounts and analyse statistical data Measurable objective: To provide integrated social, economic and demographic information that enhances the quality and usage of national statistics Comprises: • Quality and Methodology • Integrative Analysis • National Accounts • Human Capacity Development Preferred supplier of quality statistics -20- Quality and Integration Output Target Actual Research, development of 2 documents compendium of concepts 8 methodological manuals and definitions and 1 research report methodological support 1 document and 4 manuals finalised 1 report finalised on master sample design Classification and related standards Train 30 staff members in the use of new classification software Trained 78 staff members Reports analysing and integrating findings 3 reports No reports produced as all resources were deployed to methodological support Data about the level of economic activity within a coherent system of concepts and definitions Quarterly GDP estimates All targets met Annual GDP estimates Natural resource accounts Preferred supplier of quality statistics -21- Quality and Integration Output Target Actual External training to municipalities and media 150 participants trained 34 people trained In-house staff training 160 staff members trained 175 staff trained (8 on basic sampling, 136 on IT and 31 on project mgt) Statistical training at tertiary level 40 staff members trained 24 staff trained (3 at ISAE, 3 at EASTC, 1 at UPenn and 17 at Wits) Additional training at tertiary level 20 staff members trained 56 bursaries awarded to staff members Preferred supplier of quality statistics -22- Statistical Support and Informatics Purpose: To promote and provide better access to official statistics by optimising technology in the production and use of official statistics Measurable objective: Improve service delivery and increase accessibility to statistical products and services through providing and strengthening system at national, provincial and district levels Comprises: • Geography • Statistical Information Services • System of Registers • Information and Communication Technology • Provincial Offices Preferred supplier of quality statistics -23- Statistical Support and Informatics Output Target Actual Geographic frame for spatial analysis 90% complete 90% complete Dwelling frame 10% allocation of standardised addresses 10% completed (1,3 million addresses in urban formal areas and 6 518 in traditional areas) Sample frame for the Updated sample frame annually collection of economic produced in June statistics Sample updated in June Consolidate storage and backup SAN commissioned and backup/recovery plans in place 90% of plans implemented Accessible Stats SA statistical information 2 500 web user sessions per month 3 200 web user sessions per month 86 software installations for Census products 102 installations completed with training Preferred supplier of quality statistics -24- Statistical Support and Informatics Output Target Actual Fieldwork capacity for Stats SA’s data collection 90 000 questionnaires collected for LFS & GHS 95% response rate Pilot for IES Pilot successfully completed Roll-out of CPI direct price collections in Mpumalanga Rolled-out in Mpumalanga, Western Cape and Gauteng 9 000 Census research and publicity questionnaires completed 98% response rate Training and information workshops with users 233 workshops successfully conducted Statistical information dissemination Preferred supplier of quality statistics -25- Administration and Management Purpose: To provide corporate support services for the activities of the department including strategic leadership, administrative services and the office of the National Statistics System Comprises: Executive management • SG’s Office, Communication and International Relations • National Statistics System division • Programme Office and Management Information Systems Administration • Finance and Provisioning Management • Human Resource Management • Service Delivery Improvement Preferred supplier of quality statistics -26- Administration and Management Key achievements Executive management • Weekly column by SG • Weekly internal newsletter and monthly management report to staff •SADC census analysis programme to improve collaboration with SADC statistics agencies • Assessment of statistical capacity of eight govt departments • A draft certification framework document developed to certify statistics as official Administration • Online project and finance management system developed • Rolled out HIV/Aids and employee assistance programmes • Bar-coded asset management system and register implemented • 188 permanent and over 5 000 contract employees appointed Preferred supplier of quality statistics -27- Monthly visitors to Stats Online 100 000 95 969 95 000 90 094 89 190 90 000 85 000 83 931 83 692 83 154 79 864 80 000 75 000 74 848 70 000 65 000 60 000 64 486 60 766 M a y04 J un04 J ul04 A ug04 S e p04 Oct04 Total visits since May 2004 805 994 Visits: Average per month 80 599 Visits: Average per day 2 651 N o v04 D ec04 (May’ 04 – Feb ‘05) Preferred supplier of quality statistics J a n05 F e b05 3 427 (Feb ‘05) -28- Publications downloaded 41 970 42 000 40 000 38 000 36 383 36 000 34 000 32 000 34 928 33 335 32 871 32 385 30 650 30 000 28 000 27 134 26 000 24 000 22 947 22 000 20 000 Jun04 Jul04 Aug04 Sep04 Oct04 Nov04 Dec04 Total downloads since June 2004 292 603 Downloads: Average per month 29 260 Downloads: Average per day 962 Preferred supplier of quality statistics Jan05 Feb05 -29- Service delivery Our statistics are widely used •Total visits to Stats Online – over 900 000 •Time series subscribers – 7 400 •Newsletter subscribers – 2 700 •Number of documents and data sets distributed – 700 000 •PX Web – 5 000 downloads •SuperCross – 164 copies installed and 350 users trained •Small area statistics – 60 CDs distributed Preferred supplier of quality statistics -30- Financial Information R ’000 2003/04 2004/05 Appropriation 293 884 500 190 Expenditure 280 935 349 117 12 949 151 073 Difference Note: Approximately R90 million earmarked for the community survey was not spent due to a delay in reaching agreement between Stats SA and the Council on the survey. Preferred supplier of quality statistics -31- Summary: Challenges and future plans Information can change lives Our challenges External stakeholders Statistical products •Meeting stakeholders’ needs •Aligning to government priorities and international frameworks •Implementing the NSS •Price Indices •Income & expenditure •Poverty information •Community Survey •Labour market •Informal sector •Construction •Service sector Governance Investment in the future •Implementing and monitoring strategies and plans •Being compliant •Managing risks •Statistics training •Management training Preferred supplier of quality statistics -33- The future External stakeholders Statistical products •Monitoring and Evaluation framework •Measuring government performance (economy and society) •Focusing on users, producers and suppliers of statistics •Relevant, accurate and timely statistics •Improved coverage of economic and social dynamics •Application of internationally acclaimed practices •Optimise technology Governance Investment in the future •Implementing governance structures for NSS •Integrative planning and management systems •Data governance •Statistical training institute (learning organisation) •Representative staff complement •Staff satisfaction Preferred supplier of quality statistics -34- Evolution of statistics in Stats SA 95/96 Fragmented statistics 00/01 05/06 10/11 Transformation Stabilise & standardise Coherent national statistics No social statistics Set of social and employment stats Stabilised social stats Improved living conditions information First inclusive Census Second census based on geographic frame Community survey Census 2011 Poor quality Economic statistics Start business register improvement Stabilised economic stats Expanded coverage of economy 1 black manager 6 (of 19) black SMS members 48 (of 94) black SMS members 82 (of 112) black SMS members Preferred supplier of quality statistics -35- Thank you Information can change lives