2014-15 Back to School Night Powerpoint

About the Teacher
Dina McClellan
This is my 16th year teaching, 7th with JPS and 3rd in the SE ChIP.
I love to travel, spend time with my family and spoiling my 4 ½ year
old nephew. I recently purchased my first home so I am keeping
busy with projects.
Zeng Lao Shi
Contact Us:
•Ms. McClellan: 299-4415 ext. 5884
•Zeng Lao Shi: 299-4415 ext:5876
Weekly updates will be sent via email.
Monthly newsletters will be sent via
email and posted on website.
Class Schedule
8:30 – 8:50
8:50 – 9:00
9:00 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:50
10:50 – 12:20
12:20 – 1:00
1:10 – 3:20
3:20 – 3:30
9:40–10:00 (W)
11:20–12:00 (F)
9:00 – 9:30 (F)
Teacher Contract Day Begins
Students arrive, unpack, Morning work
Morning Announcements/ Morning Work
Social Studies
Snack/ Bathroom Break
Specials (see daily plans)
Language Arts (Reading/ Writing/ English)
Lunch/ Recess
Chinese Language, Math, Science
Stack/Pack/Clean Up
Dismissal/ Duty on Assigned Days (see plans)
Teacher Contract Day Ends
Computer Lab
Reading Buddies with Mrs. Lukeman
•Reading – Comprehension Toolkit
•Math – Everyday Mathmatics
•Social Studies – Oklahoma History
•Science – Rock & Minerals,
Sound, Plants
Reading Program
The Comprehension Toolkit
1. *Focuses on “Reading as Thinking”
2. *Builds key thinking strategies for increased
3. *Supports time for shared reading, guided
reading groups, small groups, independent
reading, and collaborative discussions.
4. *Students read a variety of genres.
5. *Matches students with “just right” reading
-Students will receive whole and small group
Reading Tests
•STAR- Given three times a year.
•Running Records are assessed
three times a year.
I have pre-tested the students and am arranging groups
according to their needs. The children will work with a
needed pattern for two weeks. This pattern will be
taken from the developmental stage your child is in
based on the assessments. The children will be
collecting/finding words in this pattern as a way of
internalizing spelling rules. They will usually have a
few sentences to create, using forms of spelling words
as part of the spelling tests. Generally tests will be on
Science/Social Studies
•Students will rotate through Sound,
Plants and Rocks and Minerals this year.
•Oklahoma History•Unit 1: Looking at Oklahoma through
Location and Place
•Unit 2: Looking at Human Interaction
with the Environment in Oklahoma
•Unit 3: Oklahoma study with the rich
and diverse history of people and
•*Emphasizes conceptual understanding
while building a mastery of basic skills.
•*Relates math to real life situations.
•*Hands-on activities
•*Practice through Games
•*Cooperative learning through partner and
small-group activities
•*Home and School partnership
•Math Homelinks are assigned Mon. Thurs. nights. It is due the next morning.
Homework Policy
•Any work that has not been finished
during the school day will need to be
finished and returned the next
morning. I will often assign written
homework and occasional projects.
The children will write assignments in
their agendas on Mondays. They will
also have math homework nightly.
The JPS grading scale using the report card rubric is as follows:
3 = consistently successful 85%-100% of the time
2 = progressing 70%-84% of the time
1 = area of concern (student does not demonstrate skill in an area)
Your children will be assessed using formal and informal measures.
I do not take a grade on every assignment but I keep anecdotal notes
and use some grades for re-teaching. I will usually state how many
correct out of total numbers of points. (8/10) I will be using rubrics for
grading writing pieces and the children will be working with these
rubrics throughout the writing process. Jenks Public School is on a 9week grading period. All students will receive a Progress Report in midSeptember. After that, only those students who are not progressing as
expected will receive them.
•Classroom Agreements
•School-wide Expectations
•Essential 20
•Bonus Bucks
A Look Ahead…
•Students will have a couple of
long-term projects this year. The
due dates will be communicated
in emails and written in agendas.
Field Trips
•We will be traveling to Tahlequah,
OK on Friday, March 27th, 2015.
We will be participating in the
Indian Territory Days at the
Cherokee Heritage Center.
Parent chaperones are welcome.
Help Wanted
•Reading Minutes Checker
•Science Set-up Helpers
•Paparazzi- take pictures during
the year.
•Video Maker- create the class
Back-to-School Night Information
from the Office
1. Cafeteria-if they go back for seconds it cost as much as a full tray.
This is most costly to our families on PIZZA DAY (every MONDAY).
We have some kiddos that want to eat 3 and 4 slices.
2. Southeast Website is current with district and site information.
Please remind them to check it on a regular basis.
3. We will never have enough parking to accommodate everyone.
We will make every effort to split events up by grade level in
order to ease some of the parking issues! Please be respectful of
our neighboring businesses, PLEASE DO NOT USE THEIR PARKING.
Please do not park on a red curb, those are FIRE LANES.
4. Thank you for a wonderful start to our school year!!
Thanks for
•We hope this evening has been
informative for you!
•Please let us know if you have
any questions or concerns about
behavior, homework, grades, etc!!
•We look forward to working with
you and making this the best year
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