Receipt of Apparent Utility Relocation Delay (L

Receipt of Apparent Utility Relocation Delay (L-4)
Initial Recovery
March 18, 2016
XXXX Contractor
Town, MA 55555
Route XXX – XXX Road over YYY River
Contract No. (#)
Project No. (#)
Receipt of ‘Contractor Notice of Apparent Utility Delay (C-1 – add letter and date)
Dear XXX,
MassDOT has received the above referenced notification of an apparent delay caused by
aspects related to utility relocation, as dated (date). In accordance with the requirements of
Subsection 8.14 Utility Coordination, Documentation, and Monitoring Responsibilities , and
Subsection 8.02 Schedule of Operations, as MassDOT continues to evaluate the issues that you
have raised, as potential impacts to the critical path, you are requested to start to prepare the
necessary information that will be a requirement in preparation for either a Time Entitlement
request and/or a Recovery Schedule submission. This is to include, but not limited to the
following items:
1.) A documented confirmation that all impacted Utilities have been provided an initial notification of
POSSIBLE changes to the previous utility coordination schedule.
2.) An evaluation of the current schedule impact for all impacted utilities.
3.) An updated assessment of the impacts to the critical path to complete the milestones of this
4.) A confirmed meeting date, time, location, agenda – with all impacted utilities and MassDOT.
As this initial Recovery effort continues, you are reminded that nothing provided in this letter
and/or your letter, as referenced above, is to be construed as confirmation or acceptance of
delay. At this time, you are requested to explore all alternatives to recover any of the apparent
Time lost and be prepared to discuss these aspects in a follow-up meeting to be scheduled on
(date --- 3 to 5 days after anticipated meeting date of Item #4 above) with your key staff and
MassDOT. At the conclusion of this meeting, MassDOT will make a determination as to submit a
Recovery Schedule or Time Entitlement Analysis.
If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact the District
Responsible Party, (Name) (Phone #) (Email).
Sincerely yours,
District Highway Director
(Author/Typist Initials)
(Name) – Resident Engineer
(Name) – State Utility Engineer
(Name) – District Utility Constructability Engineer
(Name) – District Construction Engineer
(Name) – Scheduler
Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence
Receipt of Apparent Utility Relocation Delay (L-4) Initial Recovery