James Madison Crew 2012 Regatta Schedule

James Madison Crew Fundraising
updated 3/12/13
Fundraising 2012-13
• Scrip remains
strong (about 1K
per month)
• Mulch at or
slightly better
than last year
20 17.8
Total projected 77K
James Madison Crew MULCH
update 3-12-13
MULCH 3/16
12,800 bags sold (so far)
349 orders entered & mapped
Loads built
Workforce ready & jobs assigned
• 80 rowers
• 77 parents
• Fleet ready
• 9 box trucks
• 17 PDV’s
• 2 forklifts
• Breakfast, lunch & snacks
• Amazing Team
• Gail Brady, Marty Cammiso, Patrick Blasz,
Amy Currin, Catherine White, Tara Voigt
James Madison Crew Fundraising
update 3-12-13
James Madison Crew Fundraising
update 3-12-13
MULCH – What you can do?
• Help us communicate to parents & rowers
• This is work, but also, fun
• It’s a great way to develop new friendships
• Be flexible if we have to shift people around
• Help keep kids productive and focused
• Encourage and cheer everyone on
• Pray for good weather!
SCRIP FROM 4/2 – 7/31
James Madison Crew Fundraising
update 3-12-13
Scrip 4/2 – 7/31
Fundraising by rower for 2012-13 ends
2013-14 officially starts
4/2 – 7/31 Window of opportunity
• Options for window
• Option 1 – credit rebates earned to club for 2012/13 season
• Option 2 – allow families to begin earning toward next year
• Would be nice, if possible
• Key driver this year was more flexibility for families (e.g. Winter event – raffle
and/or Scrip)
• Crew is expensive. More time is a good thing.
• First, must weigh several factors
• How much might we lose toward 2012/13 earnings with Option 2?
• What risk might we incur to next year’s earnings by allowing this? How could this
be mitigated?
James Madison Crew Fundraising
update 3-12-13
How much might we lose toward 2012/13 earnings?
probably not much…
James Madison Crew Fundraising
update 3-12-13
What risks might we incur toward next year?
• Why is there risk anyway?
• We require $750 rower… but budget $850/rower
• No matter what is decided on this topic, this practice should be reevaluated
• What is the risk?
• More families might stop at $750
• Families tend to oversell mulch more than other events
• If families pre-earn enough, they might choose not to sell mulch, and
therefore jeopardize the extra $100 needed to meet budget
James Madison Crew Fundraising
update 3-12-13
Raffles are fairly consistent
Mulch is erratic – high or low
Nearly half raise minimum
AVG of 850/rower due to high performers
James Madison Crew Fundraising
update 3-12-13
So… how many families and how much might they pre-earn?
Guessing power users (12) at $50/month = $2400 impact
James Madison Crew Fundraising
update 3-12-13
Recommendation for Scrip 4/2 – 7/31
• Recommendation #1 - allow pre-earning from 4/2 – 7/31
• Scrip is the only program that runs year round & therefore, the only program
which can be extended
• Financial impact likely to be immaterial
• Could help to grow program
• Will keep families in the habit of using Scrip
• As Scrip grows over time, capability to be major fundraiser
• Recommendation #2 – identify risk mitigation strategies after all numbers
are in
• Possibilities are
• Require minimum mulch sales
• Raise minimum fundraising, etc.
• Planned for April Board meeting