Elderly Patients with Advanced NSCLC: Emerging Role of Targeted Therapy Corey J Langer MD, FACP Professor of Medicine Director of Thoracic Oncology University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Corey.langer@uphs.upenn.edu Demographics of Lung Cancer in the Older Patient Individuals > age 65: fastest growing segment of U.S. population More than 2/3 of patients with adv. lung cancer older than 65* Median age of diagnosis for lung cancer in the U.S. is 70* 35% of lung cancer patients > 75* Likelihood of receiving treatment decreases with advancing age Clinical trial participation also decreases with advancing age – Analysis of SWOG trials 1993 – 1996 (Hutchins NEJM 341:2061,1999) 39% of patients on lung trials > 65 vs. 66% of general population > 65 – NCI analysis 1997 – 2000 (Lewis J Clin Oncol 21:1383, 2003) 42% of patients on lung trials > 65 vs. 70% of general population > 65 *SEER Data 2000 - 2003 Elderly Patients - Representation in Clinical Trials 65% of lung cancer patients are 65 50% of lung cancer patients are 70 Elderly representation on US NSCLC Trials Study % 70 E5592 S9509/9305 E1594 E4599 15% 19% 20% 26% CALGB 9730 27% Chemotherapy in the Elderly Patient: Special Challenges Higher frequency of comorbid conditions Higher prevalence of polypharmacy increasing the risk of adverse drug interactions Reduced hepatic, renal, lung function, immune competence and bone marrow reserve Impaired social, emotional or financial resources Prospective Phase III Chemotherapy Trials in Elderly Patients with Advanced NSCLC ELVIS (1999) (154 pts) – vinorelbine vs. BSC: improved survival and QOL with vinorelbine SIOG (2000) (120 pts) – vinorelbine vs. vinorelbine + gemcitabine: improved survival, but enhanced toxicity with the combination MILES (2003) (698 pts) – vinorelbine vs. gemcitabine vs. vinorelbine + gemcitabine: overall survival similar among arms; combination regimen more toxic WJTOG (2006) (182 pts) – vinorelbine vs. docetaxel: improved response, PFS and survival with docetaxel (though underpowered to show a statistically significant benefit wrt OS) Single Agent Chemotherapy in Elderly Patients with Advanced NSCLC Author Regimen Vinorelbine BSC N 78 76 Response 20% -- MS (mo) 6.5 4.9 1 YR 32%* 14% Frasci‡ Gemcitabine + Vinorelbine Vinorelbine 76 76 22% 15% 7 4.5 30%* 13% Gridelli Vinorelbine 233 Gemcitabine 233 Gemcitabine + Vinorelbine 237 18.4% 17.3% 8.8 6.6 41% 26% 20% 7.6 31% Gridelli* * p<0.05 *Gridelli, J Natl Cancer Inst 1999; 85:365-376. ‡Frasci et al, JCO 2000; 18(13): 2529-2536 Gridelli, J Natl Cancer Inst 2003; 95: No5 TREATMENT SCHEMA – WJTOG 2005 Stratification Institution Stage IV/IIIB PS 0-1/2 R A N D O M I Z E Docetaxel (D) Day 1 8 15 22 29 8 15 22 29 Docetaxel 60 mg/m2 Vinorelbine (V) Day 1 Vinorelbine 25 mg/m2 Both treatments were repeated over 4 cycles to disease progression. Takeda ASCO 2005, A-7009 Docetaxel vs Vinorelbine for Elderly Patients with Advanced NSCLC 182 pts accrued Toxicities consistent with known profile of each agent Global QoL similar but overall symptom improvement better with D than V Higher ORR with D (23% vs. 10%; p=0.019) Longer PFS with D (5.4 vs. 3.1 mo; p<0.001) Survival: MST 1-y Surv – D – V 14.3mo 9.9 mo 59% 37% HR=0.780 (0.561-1.085) p=0.138 WJTOG – ASCO 2005 Retrospective Analyses of Platinumbased Doublets in Elderly (> 70) Patients with Advanced NSCLC Several subset analyses conducted assessing outcome in patients > age 70 – – – – – SWOG 9509/9308 - carbo/paclitaxel vs. cis/vinorelbine (Kelly 2001) ECOG 5592 – carbo/etoposide vs. carbo/paclitaxel (Langer 2002) CALGB 9730 – carbo/paclitaxel (Lilenbaum 2002) ECOG 1594 – four platinum doublets (Langer 2003) TAX 326 – cis/docetaxel vs. cis/vinorebine vs. carbo/docetaxel (Fossella 2003) No differences in survival Trend for greater toxicity in some studies, particularly myelosuppression Trend for improved tolerance of carboplatin vs. cisplatin Major potential limitation – these elderly subsets may not be representative of the general elderly population JCOG phase III randomized trial in advanced NSCLC elderly patients Age > 70 yrs IIIB-IV NSCLC PS 0- 1 Tsukada et al, ASCO ’07, A-7629 R a n d o m i z a t i o n Weekly Docetaxel DOC 25 mg/m2 day 1, 8, 15 every 4 weeks Weekly CDDP+ Docetaxel CDDP 25 mg/m2 DOC 20 mg/m2 day 1, 8, 15 every 4 weeks Phase II Trial of Cisplatin + Docetaxel in the Elderly Schema: Results: CDDP 25 mg/m2 DOC 20 mg/m2 Days 1, 8, 15 Q 4 wks N= 33 Median age: 77 Median cycles: 3 ORR: 52% MS: 15.8 mos 1 YR OS: 64% 2 YR OS: 26% Ohe Y et al: Ann Onc 15:45-50, 2004 JCOG phase III randomized trial in advanced NSCLC elderly patients Premature Termination Trial aborted after DSMC determined that the 70-74 age group benefitted from DP over D Arm Doc Doc-DDP No 63 63 PFS (mo) 3.7 6.2 MS (mo) 10.7 17 1-yr OS (%) 45.2 66.6 Gr 3-4 ANC 4.9 13.1 Gr 3-4 HGB 1.6 16.4 Gr 3-4 Anorexia 8.3 24.2 0 1 TRD Tsukada et al, ASCO ’07, A-7629 Molecularly Targeted Agents: Role in Elderly Patients with Advanced NSCLC Potential for increased use given “favorable” toxicity profile Limited prospective data to date Retrospective analysis of BR21 showed that age did not dilute the survival benefit of erlotinib vs placebo in the 2nd and 3rd line setting Prospective phase II trial with erlotinib suggests benefit Subset analyses of extended access trials with single-agent gefitinib have demonstrated clinical activity and modest toxicity Phase II trial of gefitinib + gemcitabine or vinorelbine (Scagliotti ASCO 2004); antineoplastic activity not enhanced; excessive toxicity for vinorelbine and gefitinib Prospective phase III trial of gefitinib vs vinorelbine shows equivalent survival, improved QoL (IASLC ’07) Retrospective analysis of bevacizumab combined with chemotherapy suggests caution BR.21: overall survival 100 HR=0.70 (0.58–0.85) Stratified log-rank p<0.001 Percentage 80 60 Erlotinib Placebo 40 20 0 At risk Erlotinib Placebo 0 6 488 243 255 107 12 18 Time (months) 145 50 23 9 24 4 0 30 0 0 Shepherd F, et al. N Engl J Med 2005. Forest plot of survival by subsets erlotinib:placebo PS 0–1 PS 2–3 Male Female <65 years 65 years Adenocarcinoma Squamous-cell carcinoma Other histology Prior weight loss <5% Prior weight loss 5–10% Prior weight loss >10% Never-smoker Current/ex-smoker 1 prior regimen 2+ prior regimens 0 1 2 HR 3 4 Forest plot of survival by subsets erlotinib:placebo PS 0–1 PS 2–3 Male Female <65 years 65 years Adenocarcinoma Squamous-cell carcinoma Other histology Prior weight loss <5% Prior weight loss 5–10% Prior weight loss >10% Never-smoker Current/ex-smoker 1 prior regimen 2+ prior regimens 0 1 2 HR 3 4 Erlotinib for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer in the elderly: an analysis of the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group Study BR.21 No significant demographic differences between age groups randomly assigned to erlotinib or placebo Elderly No PFS OS Younger No PFS OS Erlotinib 112 3.0 7.6 Erlotinib 376 2.1 6.4 Placebo 51 2.1 5.0 Placebo 192 1.8 4.7 P value 0.009 0.67 P value < 0.0001 0.014 HR (95% CI) 0.63 (0.44-0.90) 0.92 (0.64-1.34) HR (95% CI) 0.64 (0.53-0.76) 0.73 (0.61-0.89) Response rates were similar between age groups. Elderly patients, compared with young patients, had significantly more overall and severe (grade 3 and 4) toxicity (35% v 18%; P < .001), were more likely to discontinue treatment as a result of treatment-related toxicity (12% v 3%; P < .0001), and had lower relative dose-intensity (64% v 82% received > 90% planned dose; P < .001). Conclusion: Elderly pts treated with erlotinib have similar survival and QOL benefits compared to younger pts, with somewhat greater toxicity J Wheatley-Price P, Ding K, Seymour L, Clark GM, Shepherd FA JCO 2008 May 10;26(14):2350-7. Phase II Study of Erlotinib in Elderly Patients with Previously Untreated Advanced NSCLC. PIs: Janne, Jackman & Johnson MD Location: Dana Farber and MGH Regimen: single agent 150 mg/d in chemo-naïve, PS 0-2 pts ≥70yrs until PD or toxicity N = 80; median age 76 (70-91); 63% Adenoca or BAC; 95% never/former smokers Toxicities: gr > 1 rash 79%; grade 3 rash (5); diarrhea 69%; 9 pts D/C for toxicity; ILD (4), 1 fatality OR%: 10% -- of 8 responders, 5 female, 2 never and 6 former smokers; all had rash DC%: 51%; TTP: 3.5 mos Median Survival: 10.9 mos (95% CI 7.8 – 14.6 mo) 1yr OS: 46%: 2yr OS: 19% EGFr Mutations: (+) in 9/43 tested, corelated with RR, DC, TTP and OS Jackman D ASCO-2005, A-7148, JCO ‘07 Conclusions: SA Erlotinib in Elderly NSCLC Single agent activity and survival in Txnaïve pts matches that observed with conventional cytotoxics Untoward toxicity not observed; no unusual safety concerns Jackman D ASCO-2005, A-7148, JCO ‘07 Gefitinib in Elderly NSCLC (Japanese experience) Retrospective comparison comparing toxicity, response and survival outcomes for gefitinib in patients aged 75 years or older (elderly group) with patients aged younger than 75 years. 350 patients were eligible for this analysis, Age Cohort No Gr 3-4 AEs OR% MST Elderly 92 9% 17 7.6m Young 258 9% 21 9.3m Multivariate analysis revealed elderly patients with lower Brinkman index tended to be more sensitive to gefitinib (odds ratio: 4.57, 95% confidence interval: 0.91-22.72, p = 0.0642). Conclusions: Tx with gefitinib appeared to be as safe and effective in elderly patients (aged 75 or older) with NSCLC as in non-elderly patients Hotta K, Ueoka H, Kiura K, Tabata M, Ogino A, Umenura S, Harita S, Gemba K, Yonei T, Bessho A, Maeda T, Tanimoto M Acta Oncol. 2005;44(7):717-22 (Okayamo) Gefitinib in the Elderly with NSCLC Prospective study of gefitinib 250 mg/d in advanced chemo-exposed NSCLC pts > 70. From August 2001 to May 2003, 40 consecutive pts enrolled from three Italian institutions from 8/01 to 5/03 OR% - 5% (1 CR, 1 PR) 18 disease stabilizations (NC: 45%) lasting at least 2 mos – six patients (15%) who had disease stabilisation of 6 months or longer, – median duration of response was 4.4 months (range 1.7-9.2). No data on PFS or OS Side effects generally mild and consisted of diarrhoea and skin toxicity. – Grade 1-2 diarrhoea in 23.6%; one pt experienced grade 4 diarrhoea, requiring hospitalization. – Grade 1-2 skin toxicity, including rash, pruritus, dry skin, and acne in 20 pts (50%). Conclusions: Gefitinib is safe and well tolerated in elderly pretreated NSCLC patients with reasonable disease control rate. Cappuzzo F, Bartolini S, Ceresili GL, Tamberi S, Spreafico A, Lombardo L, Gergorc V, Toschi L, Calandri C, Villa E, Crino L Br J Cancer. 2004 Jan 12;90(1):82-6 INVITE trial in advanced NSCLC elderly (>70 yrs) pts with PS < 2 Vinorelbine 30 mg/m2 days 1 + 8 RP2 Gefitinib (250 mg/d) Prim. Obj.= time to progression Crino et al IASLC ’07 Crino L, Cappuzzo F, Zatloukal R et al J Clin Oncol. 2008 Sep 10;26(26):4253-60 INVITE trial in advanced NSCLC elderly (>70 yrs) pts with PS < 2 Arm VNR GEF No PS 2 DCR TOI 99 16% 54 11 97 24% 43 23 PSI 31 36 Gr 3-5 42% 13% ANC Rash 44% 4% 0% 34% *PSI – Pulmonary symptom improvement HR for Gef vs Vnr PFS: 1.19 (0.85, 1.69) OS: 0.98 (0.66, 1.47) HR for Vnr vs Gef for 54 FISH (+) PFS: 3.13 (1.45, 6.73) OS: 2.88 (1.21, 6.83) Conclusions: • Gefitinib and vinorelbine similar efficacy • Gefitinib better tolerated • Paradoxical benefit for VNR in FISH (+) pts Crino et al IASLC ’07 Crino L, Cappuzzo F, Zatloukal R et al J Clin Oncol. 2008 Sep 10;26(26):4253-60 Phase II randomized trial of IRESSA + GEM or VNR in elderly NSCLC pts Accrual completed GEM+Gefitinib R GEM 1200 mg/m2, i.v., d 1-8, q21 IRESSA 250 mg/die, p.o., until to PD VNR+Gefitinib VNR 30 mg/ m2, i.v., d 1-8, q21 IRESSA 250 mg/die p.o., until to PD Study Coordinators: C. Gridelli – G.V. Scagliotti Phase II randomized trial of IRESSA + GEM or VNR in elderly NSCLC pts Accrual completed GEM+Gefitinib R GEM 1200 mg/m2, i.v., d 1-8, q21 IRESSA 250 mg/die, p.o., until to PD VNR+Gefitinib VNR 30 mg/ m2, i.v., d 1-8, q21 IRESSA 250 mg/die p.o., until to PD Study Coordinators: C. Gridelli – G.V. Scagliotti Randomized Phase II of Gefitinib in Combination with Vinorelbine or Gemcitabine in Elderly Pts with NSCLC Gr 3-4 ADRs in 87.5% in the 1st 24 pts on VG – Including 72% gr 3-4 neutropenia – 3 deaths which may have been Tx-related (1 septic shock and cerebral infarct) Results No CR/PR TTP (d) MS (d) VG 24 1/3 91 371 GG 35 3 94 275 Phase 2 trial of docetaxel and gefitinib in Txnaïve pts with advanced NSCLC > 70 yrs of age Eligibility: chemotherapy-naïve NSCLC patients, 70 years of age or older Tx Design: – Docetaxel 75 mg/m(2) every 3 weeks - 2 cycles beyond maximal response – Gefitinib 250 mg po until PD Primary endpoint - response rate (RR); Secondary endpoints : OS and PFS RESULTS: 44 patients initiated therapy between March 2003 and May 2005. Seventeen patients (40%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 26%-57%) had a partial response 48% had stable disease. Median PFS was 6.9 months (95% CI, 3.95-7.8 months). Median survival time was 9.6 months (95% CI, 4.6-16.3 months). Univariate analyses: sex; ECOG PS, and Charlson comorbidities index (CCI) score proved predictors of improved survival Multivariate analyses: female sex was a statistically significant predictor of survival. – median survivals were 22.8 months in women and 4.8 months in men. Most common adverse events being hyperglycemia, fatigue. CONCLUSIONS: Combination docetaxel and gefitinib: active and well tolerated in patients with advanced NSCLC who are 70 years of age and older; merits further investigation especially in women Simon et al Cancer. 2008 May 1;112(9):2021-9. Randomised phase II trial in NSCLC pts unsuitable for Platbased CT (Elderly or PS 2) R Cetuximab + Gemcitabine X 6 cycles Gemcitabine Cetuximab at PD Gridelli C, Mencoboni M, Carrozza F et al. C225 and Gemcitabine in elderly or adult PS 2 advanced NSCLC pts : the CALC-1 randomized phase II trials. JCO 2008: 2(15S): 452s (A8117) Results Elderly (n=58) Arm PFS (mo) MS 1 yr OS G+C 3 6 41% G C* 4 9 31% PS 2 (n=42) Arm PFS (mo) MS 1 yr OS G+C 5.7 10.2 27% G C* 2.2 6.5 35% * 34% of elderly and 60% of PS 2 pts were unable to start C225 maintenance or 2nd line Tx. Gridelli C, Mencoboni M, Carrozza F et al. C225 and Gemcitabine in elderly or adult PS 2 advanced NSCLC pts : the CALC-1 randomized phase II trials. JCO 2008: 2(15S): 452s (A8117) NCCTG: N0422: Cetuximab (C225) and RT in Elderly &/or Poor Performance Status Patients with Stage III NSCLC: A Phase II Study to Evaluate Survival & Toxicity Eligibility: – >65 yrs old or younger and PS=2 – Stage III NSCLC – Adequate organ function Treatment – Cetuximab, 400 mg/m2: Day 1 – Then, Cetuximab 250 mg/m2: Days 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 43+ concurrent RT(60 Gy/30 fxs) Major endpoint: survival Inhibition of Tumor Vascularization: Reduced Metastases and Tumor Volume Tumors per liver, no. VEGF mAb 250 Control mAb 226 200 150 100 22 50 0 Control mAb VEGF mAb Growth of experimental liver metastases Human CRC xenograft model – Anti-VEGF mAb–treated animals showed significant reductions in the mean number of metastases per liver (10-fold less) and tumor volume (nearly 20-fold less) Warren et al. J Clin Invest. 1995;95:1789–1799. rhuMAb VEGF (Recombinant Humanized Monoclonal Antibody to VEGF) aka Bevacizumab Humanized to avoid immunogenicity (93% human, 7% murine). Recognizes all isoforms of vascular endothelial growth factor, Kd = 8 x 10-10 M Terminal half life 17-21 days Survival by Tx Arm 12 mo. 24 mo. 44.4% 15.4% 51.0% 22.0% 1.0 PC PCB Probability 0.8 P = 0.003 HR: 0.80 (0.65, 0.93) 0.6 Medians: 10.3, 12.3 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 Months Sandler et al NEJM 12/06 E4599: Outcome* Arm RR % PFS (mo) MS (mo) 1yr OS % 2 y OS % CbP 15 4.5 10.3 43.7 16.9 CbPB 35 6.2 12.3 51.9 22.1 * All Differences were statistically significant p< 0.05 Outcomes for Elderly Advanced Stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated With Bevacizumab in Combination with Carboplatin and Paclitaxel: Analysis of ECOG 4599 Study Abstract # 7535, ASCO ‘07 S. Ramalingam1, S. E. Dahlberg2, C. J. Langer3, R. Gray2, C. P. Belani1, J. R. Brahmer4, A. Sandler5, J. H. Schiller6, D. H. Johnson5 1University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 2 Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA. 3 Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA. 4 The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD. 5 Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, Nashville, TN. 6 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX. Introduction Elderly patients (> 70 years) account for approximately 50% of all cases of lung cancer Elderly patients with a good performance status can be treated with platin-based two drug combinations Two drug combinations appear to have superior efficacy when compared to monotherapy for the elderly (Lilenbaum et al, J Clin Oncol 2005; Sederholm et al J Clin Oncol 2005) In general, when compared to younger patients, the elderly have: – Reduced hepatic and renal function – Altered volume of distribution – More co-morbid illness Objectives To compare the outcomes between carboplatin and paclitaxel combination (PC) chemotherapy and PC with Bevacizumab (PCB) for elderly patients enrolled to ECOG 4599. To study the differences in safety and efficacy between elderly and younger patients treated with PCB in ECOG 4599 Methods Subset analysis of ECOG 4599 database Elderly patients defined as those > 70 years of age at the time of study entry < 70 years comprised the non-elderly group Data available as of November 1, 2005 (same release date as that used for the final ECOG technical report for the study) Results Eligible cases = 850 (PC : n=433; PCB : n=417) > 70 years: n=224 (26%) > 80 years: 1.6% Median age: – Non-elderly: 63 years – Elderly: 74 years Median number of cycles of therapy for patients > 70 yrs – PC : 5 cycles – PCB : 7 cycles Baseline Characteristics PC PCB < 70 yrs > 70 yrs < 70 yrs > 70 yrs N 320 113 306 111 Female 44%* 34% 53%* 41% PS 1 61% 60% 56% 70% Stage IIIB 13% 12% 12% 12% Adeno/NOS 87% 91% 87% 89% * Indicates statistically significant difference Efficacy Elderly (> 70) Non-Elderly (< 70) PC PCB PC PCB CR+PR 17% 29% 14% 36% SD 50% 39% 50% 39% Median PFS 4.9 m 4.4 m 1-Yr Survival Median survival 50% 5.9 m P=0.063 46% 6.2 m P<0.001 53% 11.3 m P = 0.4 9.6 m 12.1 m 42% 12.8 m P = 0.0027 PFS in Elderly: PCB vs. PC Hazard ratio: 0.76 (0.57,1.01) Overall Survival in Elderly: PCB vs. PC Toxicity Data for Elderly Patients Worst Grade Toxicity: PC: 61%; PCB: 87% (P < 0.001) Grade 4 PC PCB P Value Neutropenia 22% 34% 0.06 Fever with Neutropenia 0.9% 6.2% 0.03 0 3.5% 0.06 Thrombocytopenia Non-Hematological Toxicity in Elderly Patients PC PCB P Value 0.9% 6.2% 0.03 0 7.9% 0.002 1.7% 7.9% 0.03 Nausea 0 4.4% 0.03 Anorexia 0.9% 7.9% 0.01 Fatigue 12.9% 20.2% 0.16 Hypertension Proteinuria Hemorrhage Treatment-related Deaths among Elderly Patients PC N = 2 (1.8%) Infection (n=1) Cardiac ischemia, Melena/GI bleeding, liver failure (n=1) PCB N = 7 (6.3%)* Infection (n=2) Hemoptysis (n=2) Hematemesis (n=1) Cerebrovascular ischemia (n=1) Febrile neutropenia (n=1) * P = not significant Toxicity on PCB Arm: Elderly vs. Non-Elderly Grade 3/4 > 70 yrs < 70 yrs P Neutropenia (Gr 4) 34% 22% 0.02 Melena/GI Bleed 3.5% 0.9% 0.005 Proteinuria 7.9% 1.3% 0.001 Muscle weakness 7.8% 2.2% 0.02 Motor neuropathy 3.5% 0.6% 0.05 Dizziness 7.9% 1.6% 0.003 Worst Grade 87% 70% < 0.001 TRDs 6.3% 2.6% 0.08 Representation of Elderly Patients in ECOG phase III Trials for NSCLC Study N > 70 yrs Proportion MS ECOG 5592 ECOG 1594 ECOG 4599 574 86 15% 8.5 m 1207 227 20% 8.2 m 850 224 26% 11.3 m Conclusions: Elderly enrolled in E 4599 Proportion of elderly patients on ECOG 4599 is the highest recorded among ECOG phase III trials. PCB is associated with higher degree of toxicity in elderly patients, when compared to treatment with PC alone. No significant improvement in survival or PFS was noted with PCB over PC for the elderly (but PC out-performed historic controls in this study). When compared to younger patients, the elderly experienced more toxicity and more TRDs with PCB. The observations are limited by the post-hoc, retrospective nature of this analysis. The safety and efficacy of bevacizumab-chemotherapy combinations in elderly patients with NSCLC merits further scrutiny. An Open-label, Phase II Trial of nab-paclitaxel, Carboplatin, and Bevacizumab in first-line Patients with Advanced NonSquamous Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Reynolds C, Barrera D, Vu DQ, et al. ASCO 2007, Abstract # 7610 Study Design: ABX036 Open label, nonrandomized, multicenter Phase II study. Intravenous (IV) Abraxane 300 mg/m2, carboplatin IV AUC=6, and Bevacizumab 15 mg/kg on Day 1 of each 21day cycle. Responding patients received minimum of 4 cycles of treatment. Bevacizumab was not continued after completion of chemotherapy Patients with progressive disease or intolerable toxicity came off study. Responses were assessed every two cycles Patient Characteristics Patient Characteristics Overall Responses Toxicities Progression Free Survival Estimated Median PFS (95% CI) 9.8 (6.1, 11.5) months Survival Medianoverall overallsurvival survival Median 15.8months months(95% (95%CI: CI:10.4, 10.4,NA)) NA)) 15.8 Combination Bevacizumab and Erlotinib: Results (n=40) Overall response rate 20% in 2nd and 3rd line setting Median TTP = 7.0 months – 38% FFP @ 12 mos Median survival = 12.6 months No unexpected toxicities Herbst RS et al. J Clin Oncol. 2005;23:2544 Bevacizumab and Erlotinib Phase II Trial in two separate Txnaïve cohorts: – PS 2 – Elderly Schema – Erlotinib: 150 mg/d – Bevacizumab: 10 mg/kg Q 2wks – Tx until PD or unacceptable toxicity PI: H Borghaei, CJ Langer Bevacizumab and Erlotinib Phase II Trial in two separate Txnaïve cohorts: – PS 2 – Elderly Schema – Erlotinib: 150 mg/d – Bevacizumab: 10 mg/kg Q 2wks – Tx until PD or unacceptable toxicity PI: H Borghaei, CJ Langer Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Inhibitor Manufacturer Vatalanib Novartis-Schering PTK787/ZK222584 ZD2171 SU11248 Axitinib AG013736 VEGFR1 VEGFR2 VEGFR3 PDGFR cKIT FGFR + + + + + + + + + + + Pfizer / Sugen - + - + + + Pfizer + + + + + - AstraZeneca GW786034 GlaxoSmithKline Sunitinib Target Other + BAY43-9006 (Sorafenib) Bayer - + - + RAF / MEK ERK VandetanibZ D6474 AstraZeneca - + - - EGFR Efficacy Comparison for Antiangiogenic Agents (Without Chemotherapy) n PR (%) SD (%) DCR PFS* OS† 83 85 8.0 1.0 - 45.0 34.0 11.0 8.1 Crossover Sunitinib2 63 9.5 43 - 11.3 23.9 Sorafanib3 52 0.0 59 - 11.7 29.5 488 283 8.9 <1 - 45.0 - 9.7 7.7 29.0 20.3 19 0.0 - NA 12 - 288 283 8.8 9.1 46.4 45.8 - 12.6 12.6 34.0 35.9 ZD64741 Erlotinib4 ZD6474 Gefitinib Erlotinib Placebo Bevacizumab5 Docetaxel/ Premetrexed6 Docetaxel Premetrexed *Weeks; †Median weeks; 1Natale RB, ASCO 2006 (abstr 7000); 2Socinski AM, ASCO 2006 (abstr 7001); 3Gatzemeier U, ASCO 2006 (abstr 7002); 4Shepherd FA, NEJM 353(2):123-32, 2005; 5Johnson DH, J Clin Oncol 22(11):2184-88, 2004; 6Hannah N, J Clin Oncol 22(9):158997, 2004 - Early Stage NSCLC in the Elderly Implications of the BR10 Subanalysis LACE Meta-analysis Ongoing Trials evaluating Targeted Therapies JBR.10 – Outcomes by Patient Age T1-2, N0-1 NSCLC N2 nodes sampled N = 482 Stratified by: N0 vs N1 Ras pos, neg, or unknown R A N D O M I Z E D Cisplatin 50 mg/m2 d1, 8 Vinorelbine 30*25 mg/m2/wk x4 N = 242 (*-18 excl. for Vin 30/m2) = 224 Young (≤ 65 years) = 157 Elderly (> 65 years) = 67 No chemotherapy/Observation N = 240 Young (≤ 65 years) = 162 Elderly (> 65 years) = 78 Pepe, J Clin Oncol. 2007 Apr 20;25(12):1553-61 JBR-10 Outcomes by Age Worse PS in older; fewer PS0 >65 (53% vs 41%, = 0.01) adeno>squam in younger, squam>adeno in older pts. Patients >65 received significantly less chemo – no significant diffs in toxicity, or growth factor support – more elderly patients refused treatment Older patients (>75) had worst survival regardless of Rx, but same when corrected for disease-specific survival OS 46% vs. 66% for obs. vs. chemo in pts. >65 OS 58% vs. 70% for obs. vs. chemo in pts <65 Benefit from chemo not seen in pts >75 (?harmful) – However, patient numbers are too small to answer clearly Pepe, J Clin Oncol. 2007 Apr 20;25(12):1553-61 Elderly Specific Analyses - BR10: Toxicity Pepe et al ASCO ’06, A-7009 Cohort Young (< 65) Elderly (> 65) P value No 150 63 NA Mean DI - VNR 13.2 9.9 0.0004 Mean DI - DDP 18 14.1 0.001 Non Ca COD 4.8% 16.9% Other differences re: elderly – Fewer doses of VNR (p=0.014) and DDP (p=0.006) – Fewer completed Tx; more refused Tx (p=0.03) – Less myalgias/arthralgias and mood alterations No significant difference with respect to other toxicities, G-CSF use, and hospitalizations BR10: Overall Survival by Age Group 1.0 1.0 0-65 N = 327 66-70 N = 84 H-R = 2.38 71-75 N = 48 0.8 Probability 0.8 >75 N = 23 Log-Rank, p = 0.0006 0.6 0.6 63% 0.4 75 0.4 N = 459 >75 N = 23 0.2 0.2 26% 0.0 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time (Years) Pepe, J Clin Oncol. 2007 Apr 20;25(12):1553-61 E1505: Phase III Trial of Adjuvant Chemotherapy +/- Bevacizumab Eligibility: #Resected IB - IIIA Lobectomy No prior chemo No planned XRT No h/o CVA/TIA No ATE w/in 12 mo Stratification: Stage Histology Gender Type of Chemo N=1500 . *Specified regimens • Cisplatin and docetaxel • Cisplatin and vinorelbine • Cisplatin and gemcitabine • Cisplatin and pemetrexed ^ > 4 cm R A N D O M I Z E Chemotherapy* X 4 cycles Chemo* x 4 cycles + Bevacizumab x 1 year • Primary endpoint: overall survival - 1500 pts to detect 26.5 % difference in Med OS with 85% power and 2.5% type 1 significance level • Secondary endpoints: disease-free survival, safety [bleeding and arterial thromboembolic events (ATEs)] • Biomolecular correlatives • No age cut-offs Elderly patients with Advanced NSCLC: Treatment Principles Age alone should not be a criterion for treatment selection in advanced disease PS is the primary determinant of prognosis in elderly patients with advanced NSCLC Dedicated trials in patients aged 70 to 79 with PS 0-1 may no longer be necessary, but we have yet to show the superiority of a platinum-based regimen compared to a single agent in an elderly specific trial Dedicated studies are urgently needed in octogenarians Assessment of co-morbidities and potential impact on outcome is an important research goal Targeted Tx in Elderly Patients with Advanced NSCLC: Basic Tenets Erlotinib as a single agent is safe and feasible in both the Tx-naïve setting and in the 2nd/3rd line venue Bevacizumab in combination with standard chemotherapy in Tx-naïve NSCLC yields – improved OR% and a trend toward increased PFS, but – demonstrates no survival advantage in post-hoc analysis – And it causes significantly more toxicity, including neutropenia, FN, GI bleeding, proteinuria, motor neuropathy, dizziness, and TRDs. E1505, while it allows elderly pts to be enrolled, does not permit carboplatin-based therapy. The role of other molecular-targeted agents and angioinhibitory agents merits further investigation in the adjuvant setting, especially in the elderly, who are likely to be under-represented in current chemo-based adjuvant efforts You You are are never never too too old old to to sign sign up up for for this this protocol protocol !! Doc, Give me the pen…….. You You are are never nevertoo too old old to to sign sign up up for forthis this protocol protocol !! But first I have to sign those damn HIPAA forms