AYE, AYE CAP’N! WELL, YOU’VE HEARD OF BLUEBERRY, HOW ABOUT BLOOMBERRY ! HUH? Bloom's Taxonomy was created in 1956 under the leadership of educational psychologist Dr. Benjamin Bloom The term taxonomy is defined as: “The branch of science concerned with classification, especially of organisms; systematics.” • Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge) • Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude or self) • Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills) WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH PIE? REMEMBERING BLOOM’S TAXONOMY AS BLOOMBERRY PIE HELPS US TO REMEMBER ALL THE PARTS OF BLOOM’S TAXONOMY AND THIS WILL BE ON A TEST SO, YES, YOU DO NEED TO MEMORIZE IT! PIE IS MADE OF TWO PARTS (CRUST AND FILLING) BLOOM’S TAXONOMY ALSO HAS TWO PARTS. (HAVING AND DOING) THE FOUNDATION OF A PIE IS THE CRUST, AND THE FOUNDATION OF LEARNING IS BASED ON REMEMBERING AND UNDERSTANDING INFO THAT WE ALREADY KNOW. L.O.T.S. STANDS FOR LOWER ORDER THINKING SKILLS WHICH ARE THE FIRST TWO PARTS OF BLOOM’S TAXONOMY. THESE TWO ARE THE “HAVING” PART OF LEARNING SO THINK OF A PIE, YOU WANT LOTS (L.O.T.S.) OF CRUST ! CAREFUL WITH THE FILLING BECAUSE IT IS H.O.T.S! HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS (HOTS) ARE THE REST OF BLOOM’S TAXONOMY THESE ARE THE “DOING” PART OF LEARNING WELL, IT’S NOT BLUEBERRY, IT’S CREVALANAPPL FILLING, OF COURSE! LET’S BREAK THE WORD DOWN CRE EVAL ANA APPL CREATE EVALUATE ANALYZE APPLY MR. RICE, THIS IS AMAZING STUFF! DID YOU MAKE THIS COMPARRISON UP YOURSELF? YEP, I DID. SO NOW WE HAVE L.O.T.S. OF CRUST (REMEMBERING AND UNDERSTANDING) AND CREVALANAPPL FILLING THAT IS H.O.T.S. (APPLYING, ANALYZING, EVALUATING, AND CREATING) LET’S START WITH WHAT EACH PART REALLY IS. THE NEXT 7 SLIDES WILL TELL US WHAT EACH OF THE 6 PARTS ARE MADE OF AND HOW WE USE THEM. MMM… SMELLS GOOD DON’T IT? SMELLS LIKE BRAINS GROWING CELLS BLOOMBERRY PIE WITH CREVALANAPPL FILLING! THE END Create a 12 question quiz (2 from each of the 6 Bloom’s categories) 4 of them must be multiple choice Only one can be true/false (if you even want to have one) Label the category of questions in the margin (remembering, understanding, etc.) Circle your Bloom verb in your questions (what they are being asked to DO) My example on baking chocolate chip cookies: Remembering level List the basic ingredients you need to make chocolate chip cookies. Understanding level Explain why turning the temperature up and cooking for a shorter time is a bad idea. Application level Describe how flour is significant in baking cookies. Analyzing level Classify the ingredients by sorting them into dry and wet groups. Evaluating level Elaborate on what criteria would you use to determine the best size of cookies. Creating level Suggest 3 solutions that would work for people who have celiac disease but want to eat chocolate chip cookies.