Time 645 7 7715 715 745 745 815 825 9 BED 4416 Instructional Plan 8/25/10 Objectives & Activities Assessment Materials FA=formative SA=summative Groups of 3 discuss initial impressions from of the M.S. kids, the Mentor, the School Return & comment on their written analysis Nonscience Presentation Video Ask if there were any technical difficulties downloading and viewing video Answer Kim’s question about GACE Science Exam 024, 025 Show how easy it is to find MSDS on line, pass around BTB sheet and mention LD 50 aspect, and show Flinn Toxicity data sheet Announcements (1) Register for GACE by Sept 3; (2)Application for Spring 2010 Student Teaching (BED 4475) due Mon. Aug 30 Overview agenda for the day Students take MS Safety quiz, Discuss answers Quiz then we discuss. handouts Pairs take HS Safety quiz and from Flinn discuss; take questions Discuss highlights from Science Scope safety articles Comment on (1) p 13Core Ideas; (2) p 17 Learning to Teach by Experience and Reflection (not an apprenticeship); (3) Scientists on NoS pp 23-24 Randall, Feynman, Polanyi, Sagan; (4) examples of courageous scientists (text examples of Galileo, Wegener, Kelsey, Carson. Break bring laptop cart into SC 241 for 915 Ss will list the 6 levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. distinguish higher vs lower level learning in Bloom’s Taxonomy. contrast original and revised Bloom’s taxonomy. recognize different levels of Bloom’s in questions a teacher might pose or objectives a teacher Bloom's Taxonomy ppt Check results of Bloom Practice Guided Practice Writing Objectives Handouts: --Bloom Practice --New Bloom --Guided Practice Writing Objectives might write. write instructional objectives that specify behavior, condition and degree. Discuss grading rubric for Lab Safety Lesson Plan –due next Wed 9930 930 945 945 1030 Ss read Chap 1 and Chap 3 “Teacher Talk” responses and share reactions to these words of wisdom. What advice is worth following? How might you modify some of these insights to suit your style? Candidate writes initial thoughts on how they will use technology to support learning. [Use technology to support learning (NSTA Standard 5d: The teacher of science must successfully use technology tools, including but not limited to computer technology, to access resources, collect and process data, and facilitate the learning of science.] Simulate day 3 of HS Bio Class – --R. seeds, Radish Seed Experiment Did not have time in class for this soil, cups, ---First “Tour the Room” segment. I allowed more time for Ziploc bags, showing Ss where things they class discussion about students, paper will need are kept mentor teachers and towels, --Student Pairs develop an idea motivational/management concerns. water for an experiment with radish The segment to left will go better --Plant seeds next week, relating to “nature of Experiment --Students will science” stuff. ppt 1) implement a class-wide experiment on the growth of radish seeds germinated in dark and light environments. 2)understand “the scientific method” as a formula and common pattern of experimental work, but not the only means by which science is done. 3) define and formulate a 1030 1045 hypothesis. 4) contrast (distinguish between) experimental variables – manipulated or independent variable vs responding or dependent variable. Closure – For next time, Read Understanding the Nature of Science through Evolution by Narguizian Making the History and Nature of Science Relevant by Sterling and be ready to discuss how to use these ideas in your teaching Read text section on Intro to inquiry teaching methods pp 34-38, and think about how this relates to the way you represent the “nature of science” in your teaching.