Minutes of the 117th Meeting of the Board of Corporation of Sunderland College held on Tuesday 7 July 2015 at 6.00pm in the Wear Room at Hylton Campus. PRESENT: Mrs S Atkinson, Mr G Blyth, Mr T Crompton, Mrs C Gofton, Mr J Hallworth, Mr A Holmes, Mrs A Isherwood, Mr H Kemp, Mr R Lawson (Chair), Mr P McEldon, Mr J Phillips and Mr R Saelzer. IN ATTENDANCE: Mr N Harrett, Mr D Howells, Ms S Pritchard (Bond Dickinson), Ms J Quinn, Ms L Robinson (Observer), Mr J Rushworth, Ms R Wiles. Mrs V Dodd, Mr J Davies and Ms N Elgie (both Drummond Central) were in attendance for item 59(ii) only. CLERK: Ms P Veitch The Chair introduced and welcomed Ms Robinson to the meeting who was in attendance as an observer. The Chair also congratulated Mrs Atkinson on her appointment as Vice Chancellor of Sunderland University. Bd/15/56 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Apologies were received from Mr B Campbell, Mrs A Hodgson and Mr J Lord. Mrs Gofton declared an interest in item 68 in relation to the Funding Agreement with Sunderland City Council. Bd/15/57 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 19TH MAY 2015 The minutes were accepted as a true record. Bd/15/58 MATTERS ARISING THEREFROM Bd/15/06: Rebranding Strategy included under agenda item 59ii. Bd/15/40: Task/Finish Committee - The Clerk advised that a full response to the written resolution has not been possible due to members not being available. The Board: i) ii) iii) iv) agreed the appointment of members to the Committee; and approved the draft Terms of Reference; and agreed that the minutes of the Committee remain confidential as they are considered commercially sensitive. resolved to consider the Committee’s report at the special meeting of the Board on 15th September 2015. Bd/15/41: Reed/NCFE included under agenda item 63. 1 Mr McEldon joined the meeting at 6.06pm and Mr Phillips (Student Governor) withdrew from the meeting for the next item. Bd/15/44: Funding and Strategic Plan (Review and Chancellors Update) – The Principal gave the update. The consultation period for the College review has now ended, however further consultation is ongoing with 2 particular areas. A full report will be presented to the Board in October. Mr Phillips returned to the meeting at 6.12pm and it was agreed to consider the following item next. Bd/15/62 ANNUAL REVIEW OF SAFEGUARDING MATTERS/CHILD PROTECTION Ms Wiles, the Student Services Manager presented the report outlining to the Governors their strategic safeguarding role and highlighting achievements and developments. The Governors noted that 2 training sessions have been organised for the 19th and 27th August on Equality and Diversity, Safeguarding and Prevent. The Governors discussed embedding the wearing of ID cards and lanyards for all staff, students and visitors, and the review of the estate in terms of improving safeguarding arrangements. In response to questions from Governors regarding self-harming incidents, the Student Services Manager advised there was no pattern to suggest any link to exam periods and tutorial support has not been decreased. The Board thanked the Student Services Manager for a thorough report. The Board: i) ii) discussed and received the report; and approved the developments planned for 2015-2016 The Student Services Manager left the meeting at 6.25pm. Bd/15/59 i) STRATEGIC PLAN REFRESH The Board considered the updated refreshed version of the 2014-2017 Strategic Plan and welcomed the new key performance indicators. The annual operating plan will be presented to the meeting of the Board in October. The Board: approved the updated 2014-17 Strategic Plan. 2 The Director of Student Recruitment and Marketing joined the meeting at 6.30pm with Mr Davies and Ms Elgie from Drummond Central. ii) REBRAND STRATEGY PROGRESS UPDATE The Board: i) discussed, reviewed and received the presentation; and ii) agreed that this minute should remain confidential due to its commercial nature. The Director of Student Recruitment and Marketing, Mr Davies and Ms Elgie left the meeting at 7pm. Bd/15/60 TEACHING, LEARNING & ASSESSMENT The Governors noted that the graded observation exercise has identified 73% of teaching, learning and assessment is either good or better, with 2% inadequate. The new observation model will further support the development of teaching, learning and assessment in the next academic year. The Governors discussed the practice of Ofsted sharing grades and the implications under the new inspection framework effective from September. The Board: considered and approved the report. Confidential Paragraph 2.5 of the report is considered to be confidential as it relates to individual members of staff. 3 Bd/15/61 i) NATIONAL POLICY The Deputy Principal gave a verbal update which included new GCSE’s and A levels and the new Ofsted Common Inspection Framework to be introduced in September 2015. The Board received the update. ii) HE UPDATE The Assistant Principal Sixth Forms and Higher Education, advised that following consultation with students, the induction process is being changed. A Fresher Fayre is being organised and there will be more team building opportunities before students start courses in September. The new Gateway room at Washington campus has been popular as well as the introduction of grey lanyards for HE students. The Clerk proposed the Terms of Reference of the Curriculum and Quality Committee be revised to include the review of HE enhancement and increase the frequency of meetings from 3 to 4 times per annum. The Board: i) ii) iii) Bd/15/63 discussed and received the update; and agreed to revise the Curriculum and Quality Committee’s Terms of Reference to include review of HE enhancement; and agreed to increase the Committee’s meetings to 4 per annum. REED/NCFE CONTRACT UPDATE REPORT Confidential The Board agreed to deem this item confidential due to the commercial nature of the information. Bd/15/64 GIFTS AND HOSPITALITY ANNUAL REPORT AND PROCEDURES The Clerk reminded the Board that in accordance with the Code of Conduct, Governors must not receive gifts, hospitality or benefits of any kind from a third party which might be in breach of the Bribery Act 2010 and the College’s Anti-bribery Policy. Any offer or receipt of such gifts, hospitality or benefits should immediately be reported to the Clerk. The Governors reviewed the annual report on gifts and hospitality given or received between 1st November 2014 and 30th April 2015 and discussed the £25 threshold. The Clerk advised that the current threshold seems reasonable and guidance from HMRC is that tax liabilities can arise if the benefit to an individual exceeds £250. A more 4 comprehensive policy (incorporating prizes and donations) will be developed and presented to the Board in October. The Board: i) ii) considered and received the report; and approved the revised Gifts and Hospitality procedure. Mrs Atkinson left the meeting at 7.25pm. Bd/15/65 EXECUTIVE REPORT The Board received the update. Bd/15/66 LINK GOVERNOR FEEDBACK There was none. Bd/15/67 ASSET REVALUATION The Board: i) ii) Bd/15/68 received the report; and approved College management to arrange a revaluation of the College estate. ESTATES, CAPITAL PROJECTS AND FINANCING UPDATE The Vice Principal Finance and Resources provided the verbal update on the demolition of Shiney Row and developments regarding the City Centre new build. The Board considered the draft Deed of Covenant and Funding Agreement circulated to Governors in advance of the meeting. The Board: i) ii) received the update; and resolved to delegate authority to the Chair and the Principal to approve the final versions of the draft documents if significant changes are required following legal guidance. 5 Bd/15/69 BUDGETARY CONTROL STATEMENTS The Board discussed and received the report. Bd/15/70 TWO YEAR FINANCIAL FORECAST AND ANNUAL BUDGET 2015/16 The Vice Principal Finance and Resources advised that the College will need to continually consider its financial position and is still waiting for further guidance about funding reductions next year and implications for funding `claw back’. The Executive will start contingency planning later this week. The Chair of the Audit Committee commended the Executive for managing the significant funding reductions and continuing to demonstrate financial good health. The Board: i) ii) Bd/15/71 approved the two year financial forecast for financial years 2015/16 and 2016/17; and approved the revised forecast for financial year 2014/15. RISK MANAGEMENT The Board: noted and discussed the Assurance Framework Update and Risk Management Policy and Procedure. Bd/15/72 INTERNAL AUDIT PLAN 2015/16 The Governors reviewed the Internal Audit Plan prepared by the newly appointed internal auditors Baker Tilly. The Chair of the Audit Committee drew Governors attention to appendix B that shows review areas planned over the next 3 academic years. The Board noted and discussed the Internal Audit Plan. It was agreed to consider the following items next. Bd/15/74 APPROVED MINUTES FROM COMMITTEES The Board received the minutes. 6 Bd/15/75 DRAFT CALENDAR OF MEETINGS 2015/16 AND PROGRAMME OF BUSINESS The Board: i) ii) Bd/55/76 approved the proposed calendar of Board and Committee meetings for the 2015/16 academic year: and considered and approved the Programme of Business for 2015/16. ANY OTHER BUSINESS The Clerk advised the Board that the tenure of the Staff Governor, Mr Cambell is due to end in October and he has confirmed that he does not intend to seek re-election. Staff Governor elections will take place early September. The Chair and Board extended their thanks to Mr Campbell for his valuable support. Bd/15/77 DATE, TIME AND VENUE OF NEXT MEETING A special meeting of the Board has been scheduled for Tuesday 15th September at 6pm in the Wear room, Hylton. All staff with the exception of Senior Post Holders and students left the meeting at 7.50pm 7 Bd/15/73 i) FLEXIBLE PENSION POLICY The Board: resolved to defer this matter. ii) GOVERNANCE EXPENSES & REMUNERATION The Clerk concluded that the Travel and Subsistence Policy and associated procedures should be revised to make specific reference to Governors and to provide an efficient process for Governors to seek reimbursement of reasonably incurred expenses in line with financial procedures. The Chair of the Audit Committee recommended that each Governor should make their own decision as to whether they should seek reimbursement. Referring to the DBIS guidance in the annex, Governors noted that there are specific conditions concerning remuneration of Governors and it would be highly unlikely that an overarching agreement of an application for all Governors would be obtained. The Board: i) considered and discussed the report; and ii) agreed to revise the existing Travel and Subsistence Policy; and iii) agreed that remuneration should not be pursued further. iii) AMENDMENTS TO I&A The Board reviewed and agreed the recommendations from Bond Dickinson and approved the following amendments to the Instrument and Articles of Government: i) ii) iii) Governors be permitted to participate electronically in Board and Committee meetings; and Governors be permitted to pass written resolutions by agreement in writing, and explicitly, electronically. A mechanism is introduced to allow a member to be suspended in certain circumstances. Ms Robinson left the meeting at 8pm 8 iv) RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE (PART A) The Board: i) ii) approved the appointment of Mr Blyth to the Governance Committee; and approved the applications from Ms Robinson and Ms Fellows and their appointment to the Workforce Development and People Management Committee and Audit Committee respectively; and iii) agreed that Mr Lord takes up the vacant Student Governor position on the Curriculum and Quality Committee and that a Higher Education Student Representative is co-opted to improve learner opportunities and help drive continuous improvement; and iv) agreed that alternative arrangements for retaining legal support from Bond Dickinson for 2015/16 be implemented. Confidential It is considered that this report should be deemed confidential from public scrutiny as it relates to named individuals. The Senior Post Holders left the meeting at 8.05pm The meeting closed at 8.10pm 9