Tax Planning and Tax Return Prep Vision

Tax Planning Services
Client contacts our office to schedule an appointment for a free mini planning session. The admin who
takes the call answers all the prospects questions providing clear information and without assistance.
Admin schedules the free session and gathers 2 years of returns within 3 days of the call. Admin
uploads the data to my centralized document storage system. A designated junior staffer is notified of
the project and runs preliminary analysis. Junior staffer meets with planner 2 days prior to the
consultation and discusses the analysis in a 15 min huddle session. Client comes in for their free session
is presented with the findings. The plan is sold, payment is taken, and the tax planning session is
scheduled before departing, the client is presented with a list of items needed to prepare the plan.
Junior staff collects needed information, and prepared first draft of plan and cover letter. Junior staffer
and planner meet 3 days prior to strategy session for 30 minutes, the staffer makes any needed
changes. Admin assembles tax planning package. Planner meets and delivers the plan to the client.
Follow up meeting is schedule for 2 weeks out. Planner meets for follow up and sells an accounting plan
(maintenance plan). Client auto bill is set up and executed.
Items Needed or Missing to Ensure the Above
Training for the admin on how to take calls and explain mini planning session
Prescreening questions
Marketing that explains the process
Scheduling software
Upload portal
Prewritten email
Reminder trigger for admin to followup on data collection
Jr. Staffer
Training on how to do preliminary analysis
Questionnaire packet
When scheduling planning session, schedule internal meeting with staffer for 3 days before
Referral Sheet
Tax Preparation
We offer tax return prep services providing our clients with a painless experience, useful and accurate
information, in compliance with regulations. Information is submitted electronically, dropped off or
mailed to our office. It is submitted with plenty of time for completion and allows for a smooth
workflow. We use technology to scan and input the data and a thorough review process to ensure
accuracy. Clients are kept abreast of their project status using automation. Delivery is made
electronically and is sealed until payment is complete. Clients have 24/7 access to their digital
information. All services are prepaid as a part of the client’s tax maintenance plan.
Collection envelope
Due Date Monitoring-with automated email for reminders
Training for admin staff on due date monitoring and communication
FedEx return labels
Tracking system for days in WIP/Collections
Implement cutoff dates –communicated through cover letter and email reminders
Automated workpaper scanning and import solutions
Diagnostics printouts, review checklists, projection versus actual
Prewritten email – update on status
Cloud storage portal
Instructions for clients on how to access portal
System for uploading completed returns to portal
Prewritten email with instructions for return access and delivery
Prewritten email – missing info and missing info reminder
Dropped off/Mailed –Prepaid Fedex envelopes are mailed in the tax organizer packet early
January. Instructions to the client on how we collect the data are included in the cover letter to
the organizer packet.
Cutoff date for receipt of information is included in the cover letter. Schedule is developed for
workflow. Reminders about info not received occur by email 1 week prior to scheduled work
date(cutoff date), and reminder phone calls are completed 2 days prior to scheduled work
date(cutoff date).
When information is received. Project is created in management system. Project is added to due date
calendar, communications calendar, WIP, payment is collected. Admin reviews organizer to determine if
all source documents are present. If information is missing, a missing item list is created and client is
emailed and called to request missing items. Status of the project is changed to “missing data.” File is
placed in the “missing data” bin. When all data is received, file is scanned and status of project is
changed to “prep.” Project is added to preparers task list. File is placed in “to be prepared bin”.
Preparer reviews task list daily and prepares returns.
Preparation of returns
Preparer reviews task list, selects a project and pulls the file from the “to be prepared bin”. The project
is reviewed for missing data. If information is missing, a missing item list is created and client is
emailed and called by preparer to request missing items. Status of the project is changed to “missing
data.” File is placed in the “missing data” bin. When all data is received preparer prepares return and
uses tax prep checklist to ensure completeness. Preparer prepares comparisons for year-to-year and
projection to actual. Preparer notates explanations for variances. Return status is changed to “in
review.” Project is added to reviewers task list. File is placed in “to be reviewed bin”. Reviewer reviews
task list daily and reviews returns.
Reviewer reviews task list, selects a project and pulls the file from the “to be reviewed bin” and reviews
return and utilizes checklist. If reviewer finds an error, the error is noted in the review notes, status is
changed to “clear review notes,” file is returned to “to be prepared” bin and task is added to preparers
task list. If information is missing, a missing item list is created and client is emailed and called by
preparer to request missing items. Status of the project is changed to “missing data.” File is placed in
the “missing data” bin. Once review notes are cleared, reviewer creates pdf copy of the return and
loads to the client portal. Email is sent to the client with instructions on returning signed e-file
documents. Return status is changed to “assembly.” Project is added to admin task list. File is placed in
“assembly bin.”