MIS 462 Spring 2011 Decision Support Systems Professor Pat Paulson Class Overview Office: Somsen 325 Physical classroom: Somsen 301 Virtual classroom: https://umconnect.umn.edu/mis Exams, grading, Tegrity recordings in D2L: https://winona.ims.mnscu.edu/ Course Web site: http://course1.winona.edu/ppaulson/ Office hours listed on web site 2 PgP MIS 462 My Background Attorney Mechanical Engineer Operations Manager Business Systems Consultant Professor 3 PgP MIS 462 Course1 Web Site Homework assignments Model answers Hints occasionally Important announcements 4 PgP MIS 462 Course Description-Catalog The major focus of this course is on the advanced and complex concepts of Information Systems Technology. The objective is to provide perspective for adapting to Information Systems Technology. Key conceptual frameworks of MIS, as well as cutting-edge business application development technologies are presented. 5 PgP MIS 462 Course Description Students will explore the application of Excel for use in decision support systems. Students will work on a project involving Excel VBA to facilitate decision making. 6 PgP MIS 462 Areas of Concentration Familiarization with the software Excel 2010 Explore Excel Functions Extending Excel using Visual Basic for Applications 7 PgP MIS 462 Learn the Tool-Excel Review the basics Use MELB-you are expected to know: Course 10296- Beginner Skills in Excel 2010 Course 10393- Intermediate Skills in Excel 2010 Course 10394- Advanced Skills in Excel 2010 Each takes about 2 hours to complete 8 PgP MIS 462 Analyze Existing Applications Review program design Learn alternate solutions, approaches Verify program yields desired result Improve existing programs Discuss alternate methods with classmates 9 PgP MIS 462 Materials Books Required: Excel 2010 Data Analysis and Business Modeling Optional: Excel 2010 Power Programming With VBA Web Resources Atomic Learning / MELB PowerPivot, Microsoft Enterprise UALR, SQL Server VBA DataFiles/Companion content at: \\store\classes\20115001943\ReadOnly 10 PgP MIS 462 Topics Covered Review Excel Basics Excel functions VBA Basics VBA Sample Applications 11 PgP MIS 462 Classroom Info Somsen 301 Bring laptop, power supply, patch cable every day Attendance Homework, Exercises Work on material in groups 12 PgP MIS 462 Attendance and Participation This course covers material discussed in class, but not in the textbooks Attendance is expected Attendance, or lack thereof, is a factor in deciding borderline grades Submit attendance for each class! Your responsibility, no second chance! Tegrity records class materials for your convenience and review. 13 PgP MIS 462 Project 1-Homework Web Site Create and maintain a web site for submitting your homework Learn to work with HTML and the Internet Web site must be up and running by Saturday, January 22nd, 8:00am! 14 PgP MIS 462 Project 2-Application Create or enhance an Excel business application 15 PgP MIS 462 Homework Exercises and Projects To focus on and hone required skills Learn Excel by doing Gradually more complex problems Analyze and setup solutions Homework is graded, results emailed to student If questioning grading make sure to reply with history No emailed homework, no print outs Late homework is penalized 16 PgP MIS 462 Exam Notice Before midterm and final make sure that you have WSU network access and that you can connect to: \\store\classes\20115001943\ Why? This is where you get exam files! 17 PgP MIS 462 Midterms Test knowledge of basic concepts Short answer, possibly essay Hands on problems Open book, open notes No make up exam! 18 PgP MIS 462 Final Same format as mid-term, 2 hours Cumulative, test knowledge of business application programming Open book, open notes 19 PgP MIS 462 Policy on Collaboration You are permitted to work together on Homework, projects. However… During exams you are on your own, including doing handson problems in Excel 2010. Therefore… It behooves you to actually do the work! 20 PgP MIS 462 Grade Weighting 5% Project 1 10% Project 2 5% Meaningful class attendance and participation 30% Homework 20% Midterms (2, 10% each) 30% Final 21 PgP MIS 462 Final Grade Based on 100 total points A 90% or greater B 80 to 89% C 70 to 79% D 60 to 69% F less than 59% 22 PgP MIS 462 Grading Late Assignments are penalized! A pattern of being late with homework and or Project submissions will result in the loss of at least a letter grade. Poor spelling/grammar will be penalized! Up to 10% of item grade Make use of the Writing Center No extra credit, no make-up exams! Professor Paulson does not give out grades Students earn grades! 23 PgP MIS 462 After This Course? Enjoy learning new software applications and problem solving? Consider MIS major or minor Feel free to join MISA, the MIS student organization Have questions about advising, scholarships, internships, careers, graduate school… Contact me at your convenience 24 PgP MIS 462