Chairpersons and Secretaries - Sheffield Hallam Students' Union

Sports Club Committee Training
18th September 2015
Chairpersons & Secretaries
Role Specific Training
Ice Breaker Activity
Speak to someone you don't
know and find out the
• Their name
• Where they are from
• What's the most
embarrassing thing
they've ever done?
Session Aims
• Understanding of the level of
responsibility you hold as
leaders of your clubs
• Develop an increased
Title of leadership
skills related to your roles
• Understanding of the
administrative duties of your
role (Secretaries)
• Provide an overview of the
policies and procedures you
need to be aware of
Information that everyone needs to
What does everyone need to know?
You need to know about
• Club Culture
• Position of Responsibility
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• Representing Members
• Policies & Procedures
• Sports Club Constitution
• Registration & Membership Process
• Using the Students' Union Website
Club Culture
Rate you club culture...
Definition of culture
The attitudes and behaviour characteristics of a particular social group
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Complete the slip stating your score and why you believe this is an accurate
account of the culture within your club.
A positive club culture...
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You are responsible...
As a committee member you hold a position of responsibility.
This means that if there is a disciplinary within your club, responsibility could
fall on you, even if you weren't directly involved.
Consequences are wide ranging and it could be that you are stripped of your
role and restricted from being on any committee in the future.
You could also have to face Students' Union and University Disciplinary
Represent your members...
The committee exists to represent club members
What would you do in the following situations...
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• The club committee is discussing the option of buying a large piece of equipment
from the clubs account and can't come to an agreement
• Club members are unhappy with the time of one of their training sessions
• Club members want their Sports Ball tickets subsidising using club funding
Policies & Procedures
There have been a some changes...
You have to do everything we have covered whilst operating
within the Students' Unions policies and procedures.
Policies and Procedures will be covered in more detail shortly but I would
strongly recommend that you familiarise yourself with all of them.
They can be viewed on the Students' Union Website.
Sports Club Constitution
Your club constitution...
The constitution is a document that sets out the rules and
practices which govern your club
It includes details about:
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• Purpose
• Membership
• Committee
• Meetings
• Roles
• Finance
• Winding Up
You will all have to sign the
updated constitution to show that
you agree on and understand
how your club should operate
Membership & Registration
What's the process?
The process can be viewed on the Students' Union website
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Let's go through it step by step
It's vital that everyone registers on the SU website and pay's the appropriate
membership and it's your responsibility as a committee to make sure members
complete the process.
We will be doing spot checks at training and before fixtures!
SU Website
Make the most out of the website...
You have access to the following tools via the SU website
• Edit your page content
• View members
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• View Sales reports
• View Purchase Reports
• Send messages to members
• Upload Resources
• Set up a product (Chairs & Treasurers Only)
Make the most out of the website...
We need a volunteer to log in to the website so we can show
you how it all works!
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Understanding of roles
• What do you know about the
role of Chairperson?
• What do you know about the
role of Secretary?
What makes a good Chair?
Strategic thinker (longer-term focus)
Great communicator (two-way
General understanding of other
Effective delegator
Conflict manager (not taking sides)
Many of the things that will make
you a good Chair are things that
graduate employers are looking for!
Main duties and responsibilities
• Be the face of the club (SWG and S&PAO)
• Lead on the development of the club (KC)
• Chairing club committee meetings (see hand-out)
• Chairs Breakfast Meetings (Min 3)
• Ensure the club is financially sustainable
• Varsity contact
• Other club specific duties as required
What makes a good Secretary?
• Well organised and prepared
• High need for control and order
• Good communicator
(especially written)
• Proactive
• Effective delegator
• Remaining Impartial
• Confidentiality
Again, these skills are attractive
to potential employers for a
range of roles
Main duties and responsibilities
Administrative lead for the club
Registration and membership
Schedule and notify committee members of club meetings
Taking minutes/action points at committee meetings and sharing with the
club membership
Send round information from the Student's Union to your club members
(on request)
Main point of contact with your National Governing Body (LS)
Booking rooms
Collecting club post from the HUBS (pigeon holes)
Wing Man/Woman!
Other club specific duties as required
Taking minutes/action points
• Important to keep a record of action points so you know
who is doing what and by when
• Create an agenda in advance
• Don't try and write every little thing down!
• Summarise and ask for clarity
• Send them to the Chair before sharing them
• Add minutes to your webpage
• Template available on committee resources page
What is leadership?
"...the capacity to influence people, by
means of personal attributes/behaviours,
to achieve a common goal"
(Having a plan)
• Club Development Plan - working with Kirstie
• Makes it easier to see what needs to be done when it is
broken down in a plan
• Gives you more credibility as a leader
• What will a successful season look and feel like?
"entrust a task or responsibility to
another person, typically one who
is less senior than oneself."
What are the positives and negatives
of delegation?
Not delegating enough is a very
common mistake
You cant do it all!
You don't need to know everything
Have a simple plan
Set the parameters and give them
the control and accountability
Check progress
Leadership (Delegation cont.)
"As chair of the committee I haven’t organised a social,
fixed anything, filled in a safety form or organised any
transport, That's because there are 8 other people who all
are experienced and who without fail fulfil their committee
role to the letter"
Club chair - 14/15 season
Leadership (Scenarios)
One of your committee members stops coming to meetings and
won't return your emails/calls. Their work is not getting done and
you are becoming stretched by having to pick up their
– Have a chat to the person next to you about how you would manage
the situation
Talk to them (if you can get in touch) and find out if they are ok
Do they need any support? Could be confidence issue for example
Ask them if they still want to do the role
Contact SU staff for support
Call an EGM and re-elect the position (must be done through the SU)
Leadership (Scenarios)
You discover your Social Secretary has organised a social with an
inappropriate and offensive fancy dress theme (real past examples include
Ebola patients and rape victims).
Have a chat with the person next to you about what you would do in this
situation. What action would you take?
Contact them directly and tell them that the social cannot go ahead as
planned due to the potential reputational damage to the club and the
Make them aware that the social could have severe consequences for the
individuals involved and the wider club.
Policies and Procedures
• BUCS Procedures
• Health and Safety
• Democracy and Elections
• Finance and Funding
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• Transport
• Code of Conduct
• Tour
• Social Behaviour & Culture
Policies and Procedures
(Sports Working Group)
• A standing committee who
represent the views of the student
body on all sporting matters.
• Support the Sport & Physical
Activity Officer
• Recreation Rep
• Vital link between clubs and
S&PAO and SU Staff
• Participation and SS Rep
• Varsity and Sports Ball support
• BUCS 'Individuals' Rep
• Community projects and
• BUCS 'Team' Reps x 3
• New Team Hallam stash!
• General Reps x 3
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• Emily will be in touch with
nominations process soon
• 9 positions elected in October byeelections
1. How many BUCS Team Reps are on the Sports Working Group?
2. Name three positive aspects of club culture we discussed
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3. How many clubs now have a non-BUCS development squad
4. How many Chairs Breakfast meetings are we hosting
5. How many Team Hallam members did we have last season?
6. What % change in session attendance did S&C get last season compared
to the previous season
7. How many teams are entered into BUCS for the 15/16 season
Session Aims
• Understanding of the level of
responsibility you hold as
leaders of your clubs
• Develop an increased
Title of leadership
skills related to your roles
• Understanding of the
administrative duties of your
role (Secretaries)
• Provide an overview of the
policies and procedures you
need to be aware of
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Sports Club Committee Training
18th September 2015