School Improvement Plan for the Community T&L

Borrisokane Community College
Borrisokane, Co. Tipperary.
School Improvement Plan for the School Community
(Teaching & Learning)
Evaluation period: September 2015 to June 2018
Report issue date: June 2015
Summary School Improvement Plan
1. Introduction
This school improvement plan sets out the actions that we will undertake in the school over the next
three years in Teaching & Learning. The main purpose of these actions is to enhance our students’
2. Summary of school self-evaluation findings
2.1 We analysed date from surveys and our school has strengths in the following areas:
Learning outcomes are clearly shared between teachers and students in all lessons.
Teachers use many teaching approaches and links to other subjects to support Literacy &
Active learning is encouraged in all lessons.
Questions are frequently asked in class.
Students are extremely enabled to use ICT as a resource to support learning.
Students enjoy learning.
2.2 Our school has decided to prioritise the following areas of development:
Areas for development
Increase students’ motivation to learn and encourage more to achieve their full potential.
Improve number of students completing homework.
Improve the recording of homework in the journal.
Encourage more self-directed learning and greater student responsibility.
Increased engagement of the student in varying forms of Assessment for Learning (AfL)
Through using various teaching methodologies teachers will encourage greater dialogue
and group work among students.
Through increased use of more challenging questions students will become more engaged
in the learning process.
Encourage the use of various forms of formative feedback by teachers post assessment.
Encourage increased use of this feedback by students to enhance improved learning.
2.3 Our school has set the following targets for improvement which are related to pupils’
achievement and has identified the following actions which will help in achieving those targets over
the next three years.
Targets for Improvement
Increase number of students using the
 Over the weekend students will write
Journal effectively
in subjects for the following week in
the journal. Class Tutor check journal
Sub Targets:
each Monday.
 Parents to sign journals every
Increase from 65% to 75% over two years the
percentage of students who feel they are well
Teach students at the beginning of the
organised when it comes to homework and
school year and at beginning of each
term how to use journal effectively for
recording homework.
Improve on effective Questioning in the
learning environment
Upload sample subject Question
Constraint Grids to share point.
Share different and new methodologies
to increase use and frequency of HO
Sub Targets:
Upload and update bank of HO & LO
questions in each subject department
Display exemplars of homework
visually & upload to share point
Give students success criteria for
homework assignments
Make sure journals out on desk at start
of class, set appropriate level of HW
early in lesson, and give time to write
homework into journal. Spot check
that homework is written in.
Parents contacted quickly about
homework issues.
HW Quality & Completion referred to
in reports sent home.
Visual display of Learning Boot camp.
Increased Engagement of this process
by teachers & students in learning.
Reduce from 30% to 20% over two years the
percentage of students who do not feel
challenged in class when teachers ask questions.
Increase student engagement with Learning
& Homework
Sub Targets:
Reduce from 30% to 25% in year one, the
number of students who have not completed
homework at least once during the week. In
year 2 reduce to 23% and in Year 3 reduce to
As a parent you can help us by:
 Signing and monitoring your child’s journal weekly.
 Complete surveys when requested.
 Ensure your child attends school each day.
 Ensure your child completes homework each night to the best of their ability.
 Monitor your child’s engagement with homework periodically using Eportal.
 Encouraging your child to avail of the after school Evening Study facility.
2.4 We know we will have achieved our targets when:
 Data reflects that we are achieving our smart targets.
 We see an increase the number of students who are completing homework.
 Increase in student motivation and higher % of students reaching expected grade targets.
 Increase in the number of students attending Evening Study.