CAM 101-1 Notes - MyLife4Wellness

Complementary and Alternative Medicine 101
Week 1 Lecture Notes-CAM
Hi my name is Cindy Martin and I’m a wellness coach from MyLife4Wellness. I have a
Bachelor of Science in Health and Wellness. I’m also a fitness instructor and personal trainer.
I’m here today to give you a brief overview of Complementary and Alternative. Through out the
three courses we will discuss the history of CAM, who started it, the different types of CAM
practices. In particular Chiropractic Care and Meditation, along with the benefits of CAM and I
will provide you a few resources to take with you. This week we will be discussing CAM, the
history, benefits and so forth.
What is Complementary and Alternative Medicine (also known as CAM)
“Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the term for medical products and
practices that are not part of standard care. Standard care is what medical doctors, doctors of
osteopathy, and allied health professionals, such as nurses and physical therapists, practice”
“Complementary generally refers to using a non-mainstream approach together
with conventional medicine. Alternative refers to using a non-mainstream approach in place
of conventional medicine” (REF).
How long has CAM been around:
The earliest traces of CAM go back as far as 1492. It is said that “among the early
exchanges to occur between European explorers (then settlers) and Native Americans were
disease and medical treatments” (REF). Basically meaning that the Europeons were impressed
with the Native Americans healing power with nature. Most of us know how Native Americans,
even to this day use nature in general as their healing medicine.
Starters of CAM:
Native Americans: used nature in general as their healing medicine, anything from
plants, wild flowers, spices all the way to meditation (mind exercises).
One of the earliest books is best known for herbal it’s information, “Travels through
North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, etc.. written
by William Bartram, professor of botany at the College of Philadelphia” (REF).
Different CAM practices:
Traditional alternative medicine such as acupuncture
Body such as Chiropractic
Diet and herbs: supplements
External energy such as Reiki
Mind as in meditation
Senses meaning art, dance and music
Pros and Cons of CAM:
Pros: stress reduction, general wellness, and low cost
Cons: insurance hassles and health risks
Articles on CAM:
Perspectives on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research
Attitude and practice of patients and doctors towards complementary and alternative
Study shows the public is turning to alternative medicine and away from dangerous
prescription drugs