HP 200 Reading Quiz #10 - NAU jan.ucc.nau.edu web server

HS 200 Online Reading Quiz
Completed quiz is due at the start of class on Thurs, April 13
Reserve Article #4: Peaceful, Easy Healing . Yoga Journal Access on Cline
Library reserves
On the Web: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
http://nccam.nih.gov/ Click on Health Information
Click on What is complementary and alternative medicine?
Read entire segment
Bring completed reading quiz to class to receive credit.
Correct the false one(s) and make them true.
Refer to website for items 1-5:
1. T or F
CAM refers to Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
2. T or F
Both Complementary Medicine and Alternative Medicine are used WITH
conventional medicine.
3. T or F
Integrative Medicine combines conventional medicine with
complementary and alternative medicine.
4. T or F
Biologically based CAM therapies include the use of “natural” products
that have not yet been scientifically proven.
5. T or F
NCCAM stands for National Concerned Citizens Against (CAM)
Refer to Reserve Article #4 for items 6-10:
6. T or F
According to the article, research clearly points to complementary and
alternative medicines as effective approaches in keeping health care costs
7. Number of visits that Americans made to primary care doctors in1997____________
Number of visits that Americans made to alternative practitioners in 1997____________
8. The article highlights the Continuuing Education Integrative Medicine
Program at what University?
9. T or F
What is the goal of Duke University’s Center of Integrative Medicine?
Use your own words and be specific in your response
10. T or F
NCCAM is an abbreviation for __________________________________