Power Consumption in Transportation To this point in the class, we've talked about: Electrical science "The Grid" Power Production technologies, including: Alternative means of producing power Total resource costs of that power Possible breakthroughs in power production The surprisingly strong need for energy storage The quirks of attaching renewable power sources to the grid Today we FINALLY turn to Power Consumption An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems: www.virlab.virginia.edu/Energy_class/Energy_class.htm World per capita energy consumption: From the International Energy Agency (2003): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_energy_consumption_per_capita More quantitatively: For perspective, an abbreviated bar graph: Or, in rank order: (World Bank 2011) Some lower ranked but affluent industrial economies: Germany 4003.3 France 4030.5 Japan 3898.4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_energy_consumption_per_capita Message received? We North Americans are profligate energy consumers But, yes, our Canadian neighbors have hung right in there with us! We're in a club whose other members are either the world's oil producers Or where something really strange is going on: Iceland: Cold as heck + most abundant/cheap geothermal in the world? Finland: Damn cold (=> saunas?), but how on earth can they afford it? Trinidad and Tobago: I haven't a clue So not only are we the climate change bad guys But maintaining our economy and lifestyle is going to be particularly difficult E.G., about 75% more difficult than for even economic leader, Germany! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_energy_consumption_per_capita So how do we in the U.S. consume so much energy? And are THEY the big culprits? For example "they" = the military industrial complex Or some other "they" over which you feel almost no personal control? Or are WE the big culprits? We humble U.S. citizens in our apartments & 3 BDRM homes The U.S. Energy Information Agency's Breakdown (as of 2014): Supply Consumption Source: EIA 2014 - http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=16511&src=Total-b1 Converting the consumption end to an easier to read pie chart: (also omitting the EIA's embarrassing use of antiquated BTU units) Exports (fuels): 12.01% Commerce: 17.93% Residential: 21.13% Transportation: 27.01% Residential + Transportation = 44% Industrial: 31.48% Big Surprise! / Big Deal! Industry + Commerce = 45% No big surprise But is that really about me (personally)? The 21.13% residential figure is certainly all about your personal choices And as for how the 27.01% transportation figure breaks down Plotted from 2009 EIA data: Whoops! 59.7% = "Light Vehicle" = You and Me (directly!) Plus 7.7% Air Probably still pretty much us directly Plus 22.1% Truck Us directly/indirectly http://news.thomasnet.com/IMT/2012/03/12/the-damage-done-gas-addiction-edition-how-detrimental-is-petrol/ As immortalized in the 1971 Earth Day comic strip Pogo, by Walt Kelly: The complete strip of that day: Pogo, by Walt Kelly, Post Hall Syndicate Even more iconic for older Americans: Images from the "Gas Crises" President Carter's "sweater" speech: New national speed limit: The seemingly incontrovertible messages (loathed by many Americans to this day): Energy Conservation = Being cold Energy Conservation = Going really slow Yes, if (absent foresight) you must cut your energy consumption right now! But DO note that above was the latest in decade long series of gas crises! An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems: www.virlab.virginia.edu/Energy_class/Energy_class.htm However, (at least in the U.S.) cold and slow aren't really required: Because in the last century we got really used to being a big energy producer Not just in isolated TX or PA oilfields, but in even "downtown" LA ! Long Beach CA Signal Hill CA Venice CA Beverly Hills High School Placentia CA Photos from: http://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2014/08/the-urban-oil-fields-of-los-angeles/100799/ Which led us to becoming really great . . .. well . . . energy wasters Which, ironically, means that we now have an exceptionally large number, of often painless (or almost painless) ways in which we can drastically reduce our energy consumption While not only remaining warm, but living in more comfortable homes While still driving quickly, alone, in our big cars While personally saving a lot of money doing this While simultaneously creating jobs While stimulating our economy Indeed, reducing energy consumption is easy compared to increasing production! Photos from: http://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2014/08/the-urban-oil-fields-of-los-angeles/100799/ Today let's focus on transportation (with a later lecture on housing): Look again at that plot of U.S. energy consumption in transportation: As engineers our first instinct is to dive into efficiencies Especially efficiencies of things affected by our engineering field But for maximum impact, we must address technologies using the most energy Regardless of whether they are now efficiency winners or losers http://news.thomasnet.com/IMT/2012/03/12/the-damage-done-gas-addiction-edition-how-detrimental-is-petrol/ So focusing on impact: For best perspective we might convert above data to "per-ton" or "person-mile" But even without such corrections, the message is crystal clear: Don't focus on buses or trains - They are doing just fine! Shipping (despite turbulent wakes) also looks pretty damned good So we can't just blame it all on importing too much from China And I don't know what can be done to improve pipelines As turbulence and oil/fuel viscosity are hard to beat And vehicular transport alternatives (below) are hugely worse Leaving us with the inescapable baddies: Cars, Trucks and Planes An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems: www.virlab.virginia.edu/Energy_class/Energy_class.htm So how could you improve the efficiency of automobiles? The list of possibilities is very long And it can be very hard to sort which ideas offer the greatest impact Especially as many of those ideas are just that: ideas Or are clouded by marketing hype But there's one sure way of gaining perspective: Old fashioned Newtonian Physics It can't tell us what technology will achieve But it will tell us what technology cannot possibly achieve So to identify mechanisms and limits, I am going to follow our textbook's lead And do some calculations on both auto and airplane physics Which, even if you studied the book's technical chapters, Might still be helped by a little review and clarification An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems: www.virlab.virginia.edu/Energy_class/Energy_class.htm The physics of automobile transportation: City driving (stop and go) Here power goes mostly into the car's own kinetic energy Which is SPENT on every acceleration, then LOST on every braking Approximate the car's city driving (stop and go) as: Driving a distance d, at velocity vcity, stopping, then all of this repeating Ignoring lesser energy losses to air resistance and rolling friction In each of those intervals, fuel energy goes into kinetic energy of: Ekcar_kinetic = ½ Mcar vcity 2 It spends that much energy (getting going) once every time interval = d / vcity So average power (energy/time) = Pcity = Mcar vcity 3 / 2 d So how do you increase car's city driving efficiency? Answers are going to come right out of: Pcity = Mcar vcity 3 / 2 d 1) Slow down (reduce vcity) 2) Find route with fewer stop signs / stop lights (increase d) 3) Decrease car's weight: Buy a smaller car ("But that's downright un-American!!") AND/OR buy a car built using lighter materials Electric car's heavy batteries are going to be a problem! 4) Don't throw kinetic energy away every time you stop! That is, rather than heating brake discs/shoes, RECAPTURE that energy Its called "Regenerative Braking" - I'll come back to this a bit later An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems: www.virlab.virginia.edu/Energy_class/Energy_class.htm CASE 2) Highway driving: The interval between accelerations is now vastly stretched out Diluting the (acceleration) kinetic energy expenditures of CASE 1 Dominant energy loss then becomes the loss to air friction (a.k.a. "drag") That is, passage of car accelerates a volume of air up to almost the car's speed: => Transferring kinetic energy to individual air molecules Volume then gradually slows and expands, as Ekinetic of 1st air molecules is then shared with vastly larger number of air molecules Car image from: www.clipartlord.com/category/transportation-clip-art/ Energy loss to drag can be modeled as follows: Consider cylinder of air dragged immediately behind car It will attain almost the car's velocity But its cross-section will depend on car's streamlining Better streamlining, less air accelerated => smaller cross-section (A): Aair = cdrag Acar That is, it will be car's frontal cross-section x cdrag With cdrag likely being < 1 and decreasing with streamlining Behind car, in time t, accelerated air volume = Aair (vhighway t), moving at ~ vhighway Then, for air of density rair, can calculate that air's gained kinetic energy An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems: www.virlab.virginia.edu/Energy_class/Energy_class.htm Kinetic energy gained by car's trailing cylinder of air: Eair_kinetic = Edrag = ½ Mair vhighway 2 = ½ rair (volume of air) vair2 which becomes = ½ rair (Aair vcar t ) vhighway2 => ½ rair (cdrag Acar vcar t ) vhighway3 Power = Energy / time = (equation above) / t: Pdrag = ½ rair cdrag Acar vhighway3 From this, how do you increase car's highway efficiency? 1) Slow down Reduce vhighway 2) Reduce the car's drag By reducing cdrag (involving the shape of the car) Or by reducing Acar (involving the size of the car) An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems: www.virlab.virginia.edu/Energy_class/Energy_class.htm Two ways of reducing a car's drag: 1) Drag Coefficient (cdrag), relating to the streamlining of the car: For modern cars (≠ Citroen 2CV): Honda Insight 0.25 Prius 0.26 Renault 25 0.28 - Somewhat boxy Polo: cdrag = 0.32 Honda Civic 0.31 - Teardrop shaped Insight: cdrag = 0.25 Volkswagen Polo 0.32 Streamlining => diminishing returns - Total range: Ratio of 1.5 to 1 Peugeot 206 0.33 So more severe, streamlining is not Ford Siesta 0.34 likely to be a "silver bullet" Audi TT 0.35 Honda Civic 0.36 Citroen 2CV 0.51 Especially as we are already cutting into: head &, cargo room, utility After "Sustainable Energy without the Hot Air" (page 257) Second way of reducing a car's drag: 1) Drag Area (cdrag Acar) in m2: Honda Insight 0.47 Volkswagen Polo 0.65 Honda Civic 0.68 "Typical Car" 0.8 Volvo 740 0.81 Land Rover Discovery For modern cars (≠ Citroen 2CV): SIZE MATTERS A LOT! - Small Honda Insight: 0.47 - "Typical Car:" 0.8 Sub-range: Ratio of almost 2 to 1 - Land Rover pushes ratio to almost 3:1 1.6 - As would popular large U.S. SUV's Full range: Ratio of 3 to 1 ("We have met the enemy, and he is us") After "Sustainable Energy without the Hot Air" (page 257) OK, but that physics ignores energy losses IN the car: That is, preceding accounts only for energy used in ideal movement of the car Equaling the kinetic energies imparted to the masses of the car and air But to supply that energy, we are going to have to use a lot more energy With difference going into inefficiencies of engine, drive train . . . As manifested by all sorts of things heating up With that waste buying us nothing in the way of movement So where IS car's input energy (from gas, diesel or batteries) used? An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems: www.virlab.virginia.edu/Energy_class/Energy_class.htm For city driving: Where the energy goes in a 2005 Toyota Camry: POWERTRAIN VEHICLE-Related Idling 8% Fuel Tank 100% Engine Engine Loss 76% Aero 3% 16% Driveline Driveline Losses 3% 13% Rolling 4% Braking 6% Only 13% of the fuel's energy makes it into things we calculated above! From MIT lecture "Electric Cars 101" by Dan Lauber: http://www.slidefinder.net/e/electric_vehicles_101_introduction_dan/evs101-11-13-09%28web%29/10697203 For highway driving: Where the energy goes in a 2005 Toyota Camry: POWERTRAIN VEHICLE-Related Idling 0% Fuel Tank 100% Engine Engine Loss 77% Aero 10% 23% Driveline 19% Driveline Losses 4% Rolling 7% Braking 2% Still use only 19% of the fuel's energy! From MIT lecture "Electric Cars 101" by Dan Lauber: http://www.slidefinder.net/e/electric_vehicles_101_introduction_dan/evs101-11-13-09%28web%29/10697203 Internal combustion engines waste ¾ of the energy!!! Question #1) Where the heck is all of that energy going? Into heat of exhaust gas + Heat of that massive engine system itself Question #2) Isn't this a one line (killer) argument for electric cars? After all, aren't electric motors more like 80-90% efficient? Department of Energy / EPA webpage seems to support that conclusion:1 Electric vehicles convert about 59%–62% of the electrical energy from the grid to power at the wheels—conventional gasoline vehicles only convert about 17%–21% of the energy stored in gasoline to power at the wheels. But let's think about this a little more deeply: - Car's battery is charged from our largely hydrocarbon powered grid - Power plants convert hydrocarbon fuel to electricity at efficiency ~ 33% 1) http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/evtech.shtml 2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossil-fuel_power_station 2 So the true "apples to apples" comparison should be: Hydrocarbon energy to car movement energy conversion efficiency: Gas powered cars: 17-21% Electric cars: (59-62%) x (33%) = 19.5 – 20.5% Add to that the facts that: For decades we have worked hard to clean up automobile exhaust But put FAR less effort into cleaning up fossil fuel power plant exhaust Result: Per gram hydrocarbon burned, cars release less CO2 than power plants Putting this all together (for our current types of power plants): Total energy efficiency of gas vs. electric cars is a dead heat With gasoline cars now having a significantly lower net carbon footprint An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems: www.virlab.virginia.edu/Energy_class/Energy_class.htm What I just did, shown diagrammatically: x 17 – 21% Gasoline Car Efficiency: 17 – 21% + =1 OR x 33% x 59 – 62% Electric Car Efficiency: 19.5-20.5% It's as if both cars come attached to an oil well + refinery OR a coal mine But electric car then adds a fossil fuel electric power plant An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems: www.virlab.virginia.edu/Energy_class/Energy_class.htm What about "hybrid" cars like the Prius? x 25 - 35% + x 17 – 21% Hybrid Efficiency: 25 - 35% Gas Car Efficiency: 17 – 21% =1 OR x 33% x 59 – 62% Electric Car Efficiency: 19.5-20.5% Hybrids ALSO use gas as their energy source, bypassing coal power plant AND they use that gas more efficiently (via some of the tricks that follow) An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems: www.virlab.virginia.edu/Energy_class/Energy_class.htm Yes, when our power plants are more efficient and cleaner ELECTRIC CAR'S total efficiency and cleanliness WILL improve! For example, if all our power came from hydro, solar, wind and nuclear THEN electric car's energy/greenhouse gas footprints will be due to only: Getting materials for, and manufacture of, the power plants and the car =>"Life cycle carbon & energy footprints" = Topic of a later lecture But, at least for now, we cannot write off the good old internal combustion engine For which the obvious action is to, somehow, make it more efficient! But during "gas crises" of 70's & 80's, manufacturers swore little could be done Were they right? An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems: www.virlab.virginia.edu/Energy_class/Energy_class.htm EPA data on gasoline IC engine carbon footprint & fuel economy: 1975-2013: Internal combustion car's CO2 emissions/mile fell by 50% 1975-2013: Fuel economy figures rose by 100% (Although, in fine print, EPA confesses that gas mileages are all inflated by 20%) Source: www.epa.gov/otaq/fetrends.htm With shape of the data telling a really interesting story: Gas Crises => Action Neglect Oil state wars etc. => Renewed Action With clear implications: - Technological fixes were pretty EASY - Willpower fixes were the hard part Leading to: New CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards requiring another 100% improvement in fuel economy (to 55 mpg!) This time the industry did NOT oppose and instead only wanted to ensure a level playing field between competing companies Source: www.epa.gov/otaq/fetrends.htm A problem(?): As engines get more efficient, they also get quieter From the 21 January 2015 business section of the Washington Post: “America’s best-selling cars and trucks are built on lies: The rise of fake engine noise” “Stomp on the gas of a new Ford Mustang or F-150 an you’ll hear a throaty rumble – the same style of roar that Americans have associated with auto power and performance for decades. It’s a sham.” Fearing a loss of vroom-vroom (male?) customers: Ford has created artificial engine noises and is secretly piping them in through the vehicle’s hi-fi speakers http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/americas-best-selling-cars-and-trucks-are-built-on-lies-the-rise-of-fake-enginenoise/2015/01/21/6db09a10-a0ba-11e4-b146-577832eafcb4_story.html Vs. a serious Idea: Keep engine nearer to its most efficient speed This relates to what is called an engine's "Torque Band," with possibilities such as: For two alternative engines: <= RPM for max power OR max torque For optimum power and efficiency let's guess that sweet spot is ~ 4000 RPM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_band But a CAR must go a full range of speeds, so invoke gear ratios of a transmission: Engine's Speed 1st Gear 2nd Gear 3rd Gear 4th Gear 4000 RPM Car's Speed 0 MPH 70 MPH That only sort of works: With acceleration, transmission allows us to repeatedly drop down engine speed So engine spends more of its time vaguely near target of 4000 RPM But what if we had an infinite number of possible gear ratios? So that whatever the car's speed, motor could stay at ~ optimum speed? Thus my wife's new Subaru has a "Continuously Variable Transmission" (CVT) It uses a chain belt running between two continuously adjustable pulleys: 5:1 Ratio http://nissanaltimaaustin.com/altimascvt-keeps-moving/ 1:1 Ratio Gear equivalents at bottom Another serious idea: Regenerative Braking: Above, "city driving" figure stated ~6% of power went into heating of the brakes Physics said that in city driving, air turbulence, friction . . . were insignificant Energy use was ALL about putting kinetic energy into the motion of the car And then throwing it away every time you stopped! What if, instead, you could STORE that energy as you stopped And then just reapply it, to accelerate back up to speed? You'd get back the 6% now lost to heat in the brakes With simpler electric motor drive chain, you might actually save full 13% Plus, if you shut down the motor when stopped, save 8% of power lost to idling Total possible savings => ~ 20% ! How might you store that energy as you stop? In an electric car, or hybrid electric car, the answer is really simple: Use torque from slowing wheels to turn electric motor into a generator As is done in gas-powered HYBRID CARS, such as the Prius Which also switches off its engine when stationary: http://www.cvel.clemson.edu/auto/systems/regenerative_braking.html But what if it's not an electric car? Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems (KERS) of Formula I race cars store energy in: Heavy, metal, flywheels A new flywheel-based KERS system being tested in Jaguar's cars: Differential / Coupling Gear Flywheel Continuously Variable Transmission http://www.wired.com/2010/10/flywheel-hybrid-system-for-premium-vehicles/ Or Mazda's unique approach: "i-ELOOP" Car engines normally drive car PLUS an "alternator" to charge the battery Battery then runs the starter PLUS air-conditioner, HiFi, WiFi, GPS, videos . . . An "alternator" is just another name for a generator/motor But driving it continuously adds to the load on the engine (eating fuel) With i-ELOOP, the alternator is driven only when foot is off the accelerator When foot returns to accelerator, super-capacitor energy is transferred to battery Mazda6 with i-ELOOP => 40 MPG highway / 28 MPG city: http://www.mazda.com/technology/env/i-eloop/ While accelerator is off, the alternator quickly charges a super-capacitor Can do same things for Trucks - So let's move on to airplanes: Does air travel being such a "bad actor" somewhat surprise YOU? After all, how many trips do we (or "average U.S. citizens") take per year? One, a few, a half dozen? (even including business travelers?) Or could all of our Amazon.com airfreight deliveries have really hurt that much? I made a half-hearted (but unsuccessful) try at answering both questions But I'm pretty sure real answer is just that Flight uses LOTs of fuel! (Which will come back to haunt us in the Carbon Footprint lecture) So let's again follow Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air's lead and now learn a bit more about the physics of flight: An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems: www.virlab.virginia.edu/Energy_class/Energy_class.htm First, to offset gravity, airplanes REALLY want to have lift: To offset force of gravity, exploiting Newton's Action = Reaction: An airplane MUST steadily push LARGE volume of air downward (caused by wings) Omitting details (such as wingtip vortices) and approximating as a simple cylinder: Masscylinder = density x volume = ρair x (vplane t Arealift_cylinder) Where ρ is air density, A is cylinder's cross-sectional area And (vplane t ) is the distance the plane flies in a time t Jet image from: www.clipartlord.com/category/transportation-clip-art/ (continuing) If, due to plane's passage, that air is forced downward at a velocity uair: Cylinder's downward momentum = Mair uair = ρair vplane Alift uair t Downward force = D Momentum per time which is then: Forceair = ρair vplane Alift uair Which must be in balance with the force of gravity = Mplane g Equating and solving for uair = Mplane g / (ρair vplane Alift) Use this to calculate the kinetic energy lost to that now downward moving air: ½ Mair uair2 = ½ (ρair vplane t Areacylinder)(Mplane g / (ρair vplane Alift))2 = t (Mplane g)2 / (2 ρair vplane Alift) So power (energy/time) in that lift air is Plift = (Mplane g)2 / (2 ρair vplane Alift) But in addition to energy expended on lift is energy to drag: For which the analysis is just like that for the earlier highway-driving car And which (after updating the subscripts) gives us: Pdrag = ½ ρair cdrag Aplane vplane3 Combining (and color coding) both LIFT and DRAG power expenditures: Ptotal = Plift + Pdrag = (Mplane g)2 / 2 ρair vplane Alift + ½ cdrag ρair Aplane vplane3 With: Alift: Circle ~ size of plane's wingspan, Aplane: Circle ~ size of fuselage Xsec Converting power per time to energy per distance: Energy / distance = (Energy / time) (time / distance) = Power / velocity => Eper_distance = (Mplane g)2 / 2 ρair vplane2 Alift + ½ cdrag ρair Aplane vplane3 (To figure out fuel used, we'll need to factor in jet engine's efficiency e) To minimize this (absolutely essential for airline's economic survival!) must have: d/dvplane (Energy / distance) => 0 After some math (which I did, to check the book) you find that: ρair vplane_optimum2 = Mplane g / (cdrag Aplane Alift)1/2 Left side = Things WE can tweak: speed and altitude (which affects air density) Right side = Fixed things + plane's decreasing weight as it burns off fuel Which brings us to some surprising conclusions: From optimization: ρair vplane_optimum2 = Mplane g / (cdrag Aplane Alift)1/2 Conclude (unlike cars) that for planes going slower is NOT better In fact, if go higher (into thinner air) plane should speed up! If this optimum speed condition is substituted into energy consumption equation: Eper_distance = (Mplane g)2 / 2 ρair vplane2 Alift + ½ cdrag ρair Aplane vplane3 Find that, at optimum speed, first (lift) and second (drag) term are equal, thus: At most efficient speed, plane spends ½ its power on lift, ½ on drag With the total energy spent per distance then becoming: Eper_distance_at optimum_speed = (cdrag Aplane / Alift)1/2 x Mplane g Working from that final optimized equation: Eper_distance_at optimum_speed = (cdrag Aplane / Alift)1/2 x Mplane g Plane's ENERGY EFFICIENCY is not improved by: - Making plane bigger or smaller: Changes in A's cancel, negating effect - Changing altitude: Because air density has dropped out! (But at higher altitude can go faster for same energy per mile) Plane's ENERGY EFFICIENCY is improved by: - Decreasing drag coefficient by making plane more "streamlined" Limited by need to retain space for paying passengers / cargo! - Making the plane lighter, which could be done three ways By building it with lighter structural materials OR Or hauling less/fewer passengers, cargo, bags OR lighter fuel And they ARE indeed working on making planes lighter: By (where possible) removing metal in favor of lightweight plastic composites And discouraging (or charging for!) excess luggage However, short of ALSO charging passengers for their weight Which HAS been suggested and would reflect real airline costs! The only remaining "knob to turn" would seem to be the fuel weight: But to travel the same passenger/cargo distance, You can't just cut the amount of fuel, unless: You get more energy per kilogram out of that fuel Leading us to this table and its rather surprising (and disappointing) entries: An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems: www.virlab.virginia.edu/Energy_class/Energy_class.htm Energy density of fuels (and would-be fuels / energy sources): Conventional Battery = 0.001 x Gasoline's energy density PC Battery = 0.01 x Gasoline's energy density TNT (0.65 Cal/gm) = 1/15 x Gasoline's energy density Butyl alcohol = 0.9 x Gasoline's energy density Kerosene / JP-4 / Jet Fuel = 0.93 x Gasoline's energy density Gas / Diesel = 1 x Gasoline's energy density Liquid Natural Gas = 1.3 x Gasoline's energy density Hydrogen = 2.6 x Gasoline's energy density (Uranium or Plutonium = 106 x Gasoline's energy density) Only significant improvements to kerosene/JP-4 are: Liquid or pressurized gases! Which would THEN require MUCH heavier fuel tanks (!@#!!$#!) Data mostly from from Richard A. Muller's book "Physics for Future Presidents" OK, but what about engine efficiency (as overlooked by physics)? They are certainly working on jet engine efficiencies Often via better materials that are lighter and/or more heat tolerant But they've also been tinkering with the basic operation of the jet engine E.G. by increasing the size of the up front air-driving "fan" blades: Early "turbojet" jet engine Later "bypass turbofan" jet engine Modern turbofan with even more pronounced enlargement of front fan blades: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_engine http://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/11586/what-is-a-high-bypass-geared-turbofan-and-why-is-it-so-much-more-efficient Then there is United Technologies' "Billion Dollar Bet" 1 on: The Geared Turbofan The idea: - You push more air by making the front blades bigger than the rest of the engine - But those "fan" blades push most efficiently when turning at modest speeds - Where later blades of fuel-burning section of engine work best at higher speeds - But in conventional turbofan, they are on the same shaft, turning at same speed So add a gearbox between them (allowing front fan blades to slow down): 2 1) http://www.forbes.com/sites/danielfisher/2013/01/23/the-billion-dollar-bet-on-jet-tech-thats-making-flying-more-efficient/ 2) http://www.airplanegeeks.com/2012/01/24/episode-182-alan-epstein-and-the-geared-turbofan-engine/ Or, if you want all of the details: 3 The goal: "16% greater fuel efficiency while reducing the noise footprint by up to 75% 4 3) http://airinsight.com/2012/10/02/airinsight-technical-analysis-the-core-of-the-pw1000g-geared-turbo-fan/#.VN40n8bPeEQ 4) United Technologies full page ads running in the Washington Post, February 2015 16% would be nice, but it's still not an air travel game changer So how DOES flight consume ~ 1/3 of truck OR ~ 1/10 of car fuel total? Well let's work out some simple fuel consumption numbers: Say as "average American" I drive my car (mostly alone) 12,000 miles per year: Which (at least if its a new car) is supposed to get ~ 24 miles /gal* I would then personally consume 508 gallons of gasoline per year Say, in a plane, I also took one cross-country flight per year (not alone!) JFK to LAX to JFK = 2 x 2775 miles = 5550 miles = 8880 km With "Hot Air's" 747 plane number of 25 passenger-km / liter of fuel => => 355 liters ~ 80 gal which is already over 1/10 of my car's consumption! NOTE HOWEVER PER KM: Car ~ 9.4 km/liter Plane ~ 25 km / liter *Source: EPA automobile fuel economy chart from an earlier slide What about saving energy in other modes of transportation? I dismissed ships, busses and trains because of their small overall impact But, shouldn't we still try to make them more efficient? Yes, of course! For instance, most all of the above suggestions for cars will also apply to busses But trains are going to be hard to improve, because: As one long body they are already well streamlined (Pdrag = small) And they already minimize starting and stopping (Pkinetic = small) And with steel wheels on steel tracks, running friction is small And finally, they already avoid going up and down hills And surprisingly (at least to me) slow cargo ships are almost as efficient An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems: www.virlab.virginia.edu/Energy_class/Energy_class.htm Yielding energy per freight load mass per distance transported: After figure in "Sustainable Energy without the Hot air" page 92 Energy (kW-h / tonne / km) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 Speed (km / h) 25 50 75 Images from: www.clipartlord.com/category/transportation-clip-art/ 900 and https://lionelllc.wordpress.com/page/2/ Or energy per passenger per distance transported: After figure in "Sustainable Energy without the Hot air" page 128 Energy (kW-h / 100 passengers / km) 150 Cars (gas or electric): Assuming single passenger Plane/Ship: Assuming full-ish passenger load 75 50 25 0 Speed (km / h) 50 100 150 200 900 Images from: www.clipartlord.com/category/transportation-clip-art/ SUMMARIZING: To cut energy in transportation, priorities should be: Cars and Trucks (assuming we will resist buying smaller and/or slowing down): Streamline (where possible) or at least reduce forward cross-section Continue improving engines / transmissions Add regenerative braking Airplanes: BIGGEST IMPACT = Fly less Teleconferences! / Local Vacations! Short term (small gain): Further trim plane's weight / develop engines Medium term: An opportunity for otherwise questionable biofuels? Long term: Figure out lightweight tanks for compressed gasses? Trains: Damned good as they are but we should certainly USE THESE MORE! Ships: Sure, some gain from less cross-oceanic importing, however: Impact on total energy spent is still small compared to things above Credits / Acknowledgements Some materials used in this class were developed under a National Science Foundation "Research Initiation Grant in Engineering Education" (RIGEE). Other materials, including the "UVA Virtual Lab" science education website, were developed under even earlier NSF "Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement" (CCLI) and "Nanoscience Undergraduate Education" (NUE) awards. This set of notes was authored by John C. Bean who also created all figures not explicitly credited above. Copyright John C. Bean (2015) (However, permission is granted for use by individual instructors in non-profit academic institutions) An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems: www.virlab.virginia.edu/Energy_class/Energy_class.htm