Proposal Template

CATCH MIS User Manual
Prepared By
Monitoring and Evaluation and Knowledge Management Unit
Consortium Administration and Technical Capacity Hub (CATCH)
April, 2012
FY11 Annual Survey Manual: August, 2011
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................1
ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................2
WALA AND IMPACT BACKGROUNDS ...............................................................6
CMIS Technical Approach ........................................................................................8
Installation Requirements ..........................................................................................8
Installation Instructions ..............................................................................................8
Purpose of the User / Procedure Manual ..................................................................12
Organization of the User / Procedure Manual .........................................................12
SECTION 1 – SYSTEM LOG IN AND NAVIGATION.........................................12
Logging In ....................................................................................................................12
Navigation ....................................................................................................................13
SECTION 2 – IMPACT .............................................................................................14
Data Entry Tools .........................................................................................................14
Beneficiary Data (I002) .............................................................................................15
Child Violations Data (I005) .....................................................................................18
CSI Data (I003) ..........................................................................................................19
Tsiku La Umoyo (I008) .............................................................................................21
In Charge Sessions Data (I006) .................................................................................23
Monthly Service Tracking Tool (I016) ......................................................................25
Quarterly Service Tracking Tool (I016) ....................................................................27
Promoters Report Summary (005) .............................................................................29
OIBM Monthly Indicator Summary ..........................................................................31
3.1.10 Quarterly Joint HF Supervision Data (I009) ..............................................................33
3.1.11 Secondary School Performance Data (I007)..............................................................35
3.1.12 Drop in Sessions Form (I017) ....................................................................................37
3.1.13 Support Group Monthly Tracking Data (I012) ..........................................................39
3.1.14 Support Group Monthly Formation Form..................................................................40
3.1.15 Support Group Supervisory Visit Data (I013) ...........................................................42
3.1.16 Care Group Registration (002)
r! Bookmark not defined.
3.1.17 Development Promoters Form
r! Bookmark not defined.
Care Group Formation Form
r! Bookmark not defined.
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Get foreword from COP WALA / IMPACT
The WALA and IMPACT programs would like to thanks all contributors who directly or indirectly contributed at
various stages in the development of the CMIS.
Special thanks should go to CATCH WALA/IMPACT M&E team for the invaluable time and effort they put in to
put together the CMIS and this manual
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Core CATCH MIS Task Force Team Members
Dr. Jayachandran Vasudevan
Mrs. Antonia Powell
Mrs. Cynthia Mambo
Mr. Isaac Nyirongo
Dr. Samson Radeny
Mr. Mayeso Mphande
Dr. Adugna Kabede
Mr. Juma Masumba
Mr.Solani Mhango
Miss Kanji Mkangama
Mr. Bonifice Thawale
Dr. Jonathan Mkumbira
Mrs. Salome Pio
Mr. Charles Kalonga
Florence Kondowe
Molly Kumwenda
Mr. Mwiza Simkonda
Mr. Emmanuel Banda
Mr. Madalitso Makwandu
Mr. Maxwell Moyo
Miss Agness Masimo
Mrs. Misozi Kambanje
Miss Priscilla Dzinyemba
Mrs. Esther Mazeze
Alinafe Chibwana
Effie Kaminyoghe
Mr. Owen Sopo
Mr. Abel Nyoni
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Care Group Volunteer
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Chikwawa Diocese
Community Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses
Community Complementary Feeding and Learning Session
Catholic Relief Services
Child Status Index
Dedza Catholic Health Commission
Emmanuel International
Government of Malawi
Group Village Headman
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HIV Testing and Counseling
Integrated (HIV effect) Mitigation and Positive Action for Community Transformation
Monitoring and Evaluation
Performance Indicator Tracking Table
Lilongwe Catholic Health Commission
Maternal Child Health and Nutrition
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey
Ministry of Gender, Child and Community Development
Ministry of Health
Memorandum of Understanding
Multi Year Assistance Program
National AIDS Commission
National Association for People Living with HIV and AIDS in Malawi
Opportunity Bank
Orphans and other Vulnerable Children
Project Concern International
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Post Exposure Prophylaxis
President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
People Living with HIV
Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV
Save the Children
Strategic Objective
Traditional Authority
Technical Quality Coordinator
United States Agency for International Development
United States Government
Village Savings and Lending
The Wellness and Agriculture for Life Advancement (WALA) - Title II MYAP
World Vision International
Zomba Catholic Health Commission
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Working definitions of some terms used in this manual
Development promoter: This is generic term that refers to development facilitators of various WALA sectors
(usually at GVH or TA level) namely Agribusiness Community agents, Community Agents, Health Promoters, and
Farmer Extension Facilitator/Volunteers
Care group: Although care group refers to a group of 10 care group volunteers (lead mothers/fathers), in the
context of data entry in the CMIS, a care group refers to a group of 10-12 households under one care group
volunteer. However, Care group volunteers belonging to one care group are captured and linked together
through care group formation form under care group beneficiary registration form (Form 002)
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To prevent and mitigate food insecurity in Malawi, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) embarked on a five year Title II
Multi-Year Assistance Program (MYAP) with funding from USAID/Malawi. The Wellness and Agriculture for Life
Advancement (WALA) program aims to achieve improved food security for 214,974 chronically food insecure
households in 39 Traditional Authorities within 5 livelihood zones in Southern Malawi by 2014 CRS is leading a
consortium comprised of eight Private Voluntary Organisations (PVOs) namely ACDI/VOCA, Africare, Chikwawa
Diocese (CKD), Emmanuel International (EI), Project Concern International (PCI), Total Land Care (TLC), Save the
Children (SC), and World Vision Malawi (WVM). The program started in July 2009.
In July 2010 CRS started a four year PEPFAR-funded program called Integrated (HIV Effect) Mitigation and
Positive Action for Community Transformation (IMPACT) as a complementary program to WALA. Its main focus
is to provide critical services for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and people living with HIV (PLHIV). The
first strategic objective for IMPACT focuses on improving the wellbeing of 58,017 OVC, while the second
strategic objective focuses on improving access to treatment and care for 41,505 PLHIV. IMPACT is providing
wrap around services for OVC and PLHIV using the WALA Program as a platform and is covering additional
geographic areas other than the WALA areas in the southern and central regions of Malawi. Activities in the
additional areas are implemented through 3 local faith-based organizations (FBOs) namely Dedza and Lilongwe
Catholic Health Commissions in the central region and Zomba Catholic Health Commission in the southern
Except for the areas covered by faith based partners under IMPACT, WALA/IMPACT M&E systems are
intertwined because of the nature of implementation of the two programs. Both programs use same structures
and frontline M&E officers in the PVOs and to some extent at CATCH level. Many indicators and by association,
reporting forms are common to WALA and IMPACT. The two programs are designed in such a way that there is
synergy and complimentarity between them.
To achieve synergy and demonstrate complementarities in M&E approaches and practices between WALA and
IMPACT the two programs work together to develop a management information system (MIS) dubbed
Consortium Management Information System (CMIS) as a tool for data management. The institution of the CMIS
is aimed at facilitating data storage, maintenance and ease and consistency of data retrieving and processing. In
turn, it is anticipated that once the CMIS becomes fully functional, it is going to enhance reliability of data and
consistency in reporting. Besides, the CMIS aims at improving data quality assessment and monitoring within the
WALA/IMPACT M&E system while ensuring uniformity and consistency in data management practices across all
consortium partners.
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CMIS Technical Approach
The CMIS has been developed on MS Access 2007 platform, which is compatible also with MS Access 2003. The
platform choice was largely based on the cost effectiveness of MS Access, as it does not require specific
software licensing. Adjunct to that is the fact MS Access does not run require high specification computers
(Servers). It will basically run on most of modern day desktops or laptops which are far much less cheap
compared to servers. Also important is the fact that MS Access is relatively easy to learn and use. This makes
system administration easy as it can easily be managed by any technical staff with basic computer skills and
knowledge in MS Access.
Since the CMIS is intended for use by 7 PVOs and the 3 FBOs, the system is designed to be standalone which
means it can be installed at each partner’s place independently. Thus each partner has individual database
installation which keeps data for that specific partner. At the consortium level, there is a master database that
pulls data from all partners. Data collected by each partner is captured into the standalone version.
Periodically, the partners send data files from these standalone versions to CATCH. At CATCH these files are
imported into the master database where the data is aggregated and used for reporting at consortium level.
These data files are simple .xml files, which are created by running menu driven data export commands in
partners’ databases. The files once created are sent through email to a central email address at CATCH. These
files are then imported into the master database at CATCH, again by running menu driven data import
1.3.1 Installation requirements
The following are the basic system/hardware and software requirements for the CMIS
1. System/Hardware Requirements
Desktop/Laptop ( Desktop is preferred since laptops change hands frequently and are prone to
virus attacks)
512 MB RAM
2 GHz Processor
5 GB available on Hard Drive at all times
Must have C drive partition
2. Software Requirements
MS Access 2007 or MS Access 2003
Anti Virus Software
1.3.2 Installation instructions
To install the database on a computer follow the following steps;
CATCH MIS User Manual
Copy the folder CATCH_MIS and paste it on C drive of the computer.
Open the CATCH_MIS folder on C drive
Create a shortcut on the desktop and point it to
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Double click the shortcut pasted on the desktop
You will get a screen prompt like one below
Click on Options at the top and you will get a pop-up screen like the following.
CATCH MIS User Manual
Click on “Enable this content” and then click on “Open the Trust Center”
You will get a screen like one below
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Click on “Trusted Locations” and the click on “Add new location”. The following screen will pop-up
x. Click on Browse and open the folder
Click on OK and the OK again
The application will open and the screen in
step v. above will disappear
Click on Exit and exit the MIS
Go to the Start menu and then click on Control
Click on Regional and Language Options
You will get the screen below
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Click on Customize. You will get the screen below
Click on the Date
Change the short date format to dd/mm/yyyy
Click on OK and then OK again
Go back to Control Panel and click on Display
Go to Settings
Change the Screen Resolution to 1280 x 1024
Click on OK
Maintenance Tips
Do not change the computer date settings after installation
Do not change the display settings after installation
Do not move the backend database or other files to new locations after installation
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Purpose of the User / Procedure Manual
This manual has been developed to provider users of the CATCH MIS with instructions and procedures on how
data once collected is entered in the MIS, how reports are generated and how data is exported from partner
standalone database to the CATCH master database. It also provides how the partner IPTTs and ITTs are
updated and consolidated in connection with the MIS.
Bearing in mind that effective information systems are dynamic and must meet user requirements, it is major
that this document is updated every time there is a change in the operations of the MIS.
Organization of the User/Procedure Manual
This procedures manual is in three sections. The first section details how to log in into system and navigate to
the various sections of the MIS. The second section is on how IMPACT data is captured into the MIS, how
reports under IMPACT are generated and how to use functions related to IMPACT. The third section details
how to enter WALA data, generate reports and how to use functions related to WALA.
SECTION 1 – System Log in and Navigation
Logging In
Double click on the CATCH-MIS Shortcut located on the desktop of your computer. You will be presented with a
log in screen as in Figure. 1 below.
Figure. 1
Click on “Login Partner Name” combo box and select the partner name for which you wish to log in as. Enter the
password supplied to you during installation in the password field and then click on “Login”.
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Should you wish to cancel, or exit from the MIS click on the “Exit” button and the application will exit and quit.
After you have successfully logged in, you will be presented with the home page shown in Fig. 2 below. This
page will allow you to choose which program (IMPACT or WALA) you would like to use the MIS for.
Figure 2
Click on the logo associated with the program you want, i.e. click on the IMPACT logo if you would like to use the
MIS for IMPACT. To exit the MIS, click on the “EXIT Database” command button and the system will exit.
Fig. 3 will be displayed if you choose IMPACT. If you choose WALA, you will be presented with Fig. 4.
Fig. 3
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Fig. 4
These two switchboards will take you further into service and functions available under each program. Click on
the tabs to access further functions or services under the selected tab. Refer to Section 2 or Section 3 of the
document for details on how IMPACT or WALA data respectively, is entered in the MIS and how other IMPACT
related functions work. For details on using report functions refer to Section 4 of this manual.
Data Entry Tools
This section describes how IMPACT data is entered into the MIS. The data entry interfaces in the MIS are to large
extent replicas of the corresponding paper based data collection tools. Where only part of the data on the data
collection tool is to be entered in the MIS, then only that section with the required data has been created in the
MIS. The unused sections of the data collection tool have been left out.
To access the data entry interfaces click on the “DATA ENTRY FORMS” tab on the IMPACT Switchboard. From
that tab you can then select the data entry interface which corresponds to the data collection you would like to
enter data for. Below is a list of data collection forms and the associated data input interface names under the
“DATA ENTRY FORMS” tab in the MIS. Table 1 below shows the mapping from the data collection tools to the
MIS Data Entry interfaces.
Table 1
Data Collection Tool
CATCH-MIS Data Entry Form
IMPACT Beneficiary Registration Form (I002)
Beneficiary Data (I002)
Confidential Monthly Child Violations Report Form (I005)
Child Violations Data (I005)
Child Status Index IMPACT Program (I003)
CSI Data (I003)
Tsiku La Umoyo Form (I008)
Tsiku La Umoyo (I008)
“In Charge!” Sessions Form (I006)
In Charge Sessions Data (I006)
Monthly Family Service Tracking Tool (I016)
Monthly Service Tracking Tool (I016
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005 MCHN Promoters - Monthly Report
Promoters Report Summary (W005)
OIBM Monthly Quarterly Indicator Summary Report
OIBM Monthly Indicator Summary
Quarterly Joint Health Facility Supervision Form I009
Quarterly Joint HF Supervision Data (I009)
Secondary School Sponsorship and Performance Form (I007)
Secondary School Performance Data (I007)
IMPACT Drop in Sessions Form (I017)
Drop In Sessions (I017)
Support Group Monthly Tracking Form (I012)
Support Group Monthly Tracking Data (I012)
Quarterly Supervisory Visit Form for Support Groups (I013)
Support Group Supervisory Visit Data (I013)
002 Care Group Beneficiary Register
Care Group Registration (002)
Training Report (I015)
Training Report (I015)
3.1.1 Beneficiary Data (I002)
Used for entering beneficiary data from the “IMPACT Beneficiary Registration Form (I002)” data collection tool.
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Fig. 5
To fill in Partner, District, TA, GVH, and Village, use the drop down combo boxes to select the required
Enter HH number by typing the 4 digit number HH number on the data collection tool into the “HH
Number” text box. This field is masked to four digits, so use leading zeros when the HH number is less
than 4 digits. For example if the number is 0001, do not ignore the leading zeros. Enter it as 0001;
otherwise the system will flag an error if you try to enter it as 1.
Fill in the vulnerability ranking score by selecting from the available values in the “Vulnerability Ranking
Score” drop down combo box.
Type in the name of the head of household in the “name of HHH” text box. By default the head of the
household is regarded as the first member in the house. The system will automatically add the
household as a member in the members section, and automatically assign “member number” 01. It will
also automatically assign the “HH Member ID” by concatenating the household number and the
member number to create a 6 digit member id number.
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Enter the age of the household head by typing the age in figure(s) in “Age” field.
Enter the sex of the household head by selecting from the available values in the “Sex” drop down
combo box.
Enter the details of the other members of the house by typing the name of the member in the “Name of
HH Member”. Enter the age and sex as stipulated in (v) and (vi) above. The system will automatically
assign the “HH Member Number” to the newly added member.
Command Buttons
Table below describes the actions of the command buttons on the form.
Table 2
Command Button
New Village
Creates a blank form for user to enter a new village household list.
New Household
Creates a blank household form for user to enter a new household.
Delete Household
Deletes the household which is currently displayed on the screen. Click in
the in the “HH Number”, or “Vulnerability Ranking Score” or “Name of
HHH” fields to make the household record active before using this
command. Otherwise if the cursor in not in any of these fields the
command will fail.
Next Household
Moves display to the next household in the same village.
Previous Household
Moves display to the previous household in the same village.
Find Household
Searches for a particular household within the village First click in the
field you would like to search before running the command. For example
if you would like to search using household number, click in the “HH
Number” field. Click on the command button then enter the household
number. To broaden the search change in the “look in” field to
“Beneficiary Registration Form”. This will search for the value you want to
search for in all the fields on the form and not restrict the search to a
particular field.
Save whatever has changed on the current record.
Undo / Cancel
Cancels or undo the most recent change to the record on display.
Closes the form and takes you to IMPACT Switchboard.
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3.1.2 Child Violations Data (I005)
Used for entering child violations data from the “Confidential Monthly Child Violations Report Form (I005)” data
collection tool.
Fig. 6
To fill in Partner, District, TA, GVH, and Village, use the drop down combo boxes to select the required
Enter the date when the child violation was reported in the “Date Reported” field. The field is masked to
the date format of day, month and year (dd/mm/yyyy) so the date must be entered in this format.
Enter the 6 digit child id in the “IMPACT Child ID field”. The field is masked as 6 digits. So use leading
zeros when the number is less than 6 digits. For example if the number is 0001-01, do not ignore the
leading zeros. Enter it as 0001-01; otherwise the system will flag an error if you try to enter it as 1-01.
The name, sex and age of the child will be automatically filled once you enter a valid ID number (iii)
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Enter the type of violation by selecting it from the “Type of Violation” drop down combo box.
Enter where the child was by selecting from the “Where Referred To” drop down combo box.
Enter case status by selecting it from the “Case Status” drop down combo box.
Command Buttons
Table below describes the actions of the command buttons on the form.
Table 3.
Command Button
New Village
Creates a blank form for user to select a new village.
New Child
Creates a blank form for user to enter new child details.
Delete Child
Deletes the child record which is currently displayed on the screen. Click
in any of the fields to make the record active before using this command.
Otherwise if the cursor in not in any of the fields the command will fail.
Next Child
Moves display to the next child record in the same village.
Previous Child
Moves display to the previous child record in the same village.
Find Child
Searches for a particular child within the village. First click in the field you
would like to search before running the command. For example if you
would like to search using child id number, click in the “IMPACT Child ID”
field. Click on the command button then enter the child id number. To
broaden the search change in the “look in” field to “Child Violations
Form”. This will search for the value you want to search for in all the
fields on the form and not restrict the search to a particular field.
Save whatever has changed on the current record.
Undo / Cancel
Cancels or undo the most recent change to the record on display.
Closes the form and takes you to IMPACT Switchboard.
3.1.3 CSI Data (I003)
Used for entering child status index data from the “Child Status Index IMPACT Program (I003)” data collection
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Fig. 7
To fill in Partner, District, TA, GVH, and Village, use the drop down combo boxes to select the required
Enter the date when the child was visited in the “Date of Visit” field. The field is masked to the date
format of day, month and year (dd/mm/yyyy) so the date must be entered in this format.
Enter the 6 digit child id in the “Child ID” field. The field is masked as 6 digits. So use leading zeros when
the number is less than 6 digits. For example if the number is 0001-01, do not ignore the leading zeros.
Enter it as 0001-01; otherwise the system will flag an error if you try to enter it as 1-01.
The name of the child, sex, gender and name of house head will be automatically filled once you enter a
valid ID number (iii) above.
Enter the domain scores in the fields accordingly. The fields are set to accept values 1 to 4 only. Any
value outside this range will be rejected.
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If the age of the child is less than 3, user will not be allowed to enter a value other than 4 in any of the
domain factors under domain 6.
The system will automatically discard records entered when the age of the child is more than 18.
Command Buttons
Table below describes the actions of the command buttons on the form.
Table 4.
Command Button
New Village
Creates a blank form for user to select a new village.
New Child
Creates a blank form for user to enter new child details.
Delete Child
Deletes the child record which is currently displayed on the screen. Click
in any of the fields to make the record active before using this command.
Otherwise if the cursor in not in any of the fields the command will fail.
Next Child
Moves display to the next child record in the same village.
Previous Child
Moves display to the previous child record in the same village.
Find Child
Searches for a particular child within the village. First click in the field you
would like to search before running the command. For example if you
would like to search using child id number, click in the “Child ID” field.
Click on the command button then enter the child id number. To broaden
the search change in the “look in” field to “Child Status Index (CSI) Form”.
This will search for the value you want to search for in all the fields on the
form and not restrict the search to a particular field.
Save whatever has changed on the current record.
Undo / Cancel
Cancels or undo the most recent change to the record on display.
Closes the form and takes you to IMPACT Switchboard.
3.1.4 Tsiku La Umoyo (I008)
Used for entering Tsiku la Umoyo event data from the “Tsiku La Umoyo Form (I008)” data collection tool.
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Fig. 8
To fill in Partner, District, TA, GVH, and Village, use the drop down combo boxes to select the required
Enter the date when the Tsiku La Umoyo Event was conducted in the “Date” field. The field is masked to
the date format of day, month and year (dd/mm/yyyy) so the date must be entered in this format.
Enter the attendance summary figures in the appropriate fields of “Summary of Attendance” section.
The fields will only accept numbers. The “Total” field auto calculates the total by adding the attendance
figures of “Male Adults ≥18”, “Female Adults ≥18”, “Male Children 0-17 yrs” and “Female Children 0-17
Enter the numbers of clients who were tested and received their results in the corresponding fields in
the “Clients Tested And Received Results” section. The fields will only accept numbers. The “Total” fields
auto calculates the total by adding the figures in the across the rows and down the columns.
Enter the number of exposed infants in the “Mother With Exposed Infants” field under the “Mother
Infant Pair” section. Only numbers can be entered here.
Enter the numbers of individuals tested and couples tested in the “Tested As Individuals” and the
“Tested As Couples” fields in the “Summary of Couple Testing” section. These fields will only accept
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Command Buttons
Table below describes the actions of the command buttons on the form.
Table 5.
Command Button
New Village
Creates a blank form for user to select a new village.
New Event
Creates a blank form for user to enter new Tsiku La Umoyo event details.
Delete Event
Deletes the Tsiku La Umoyo Event record which is currently displayed on
the screen. Click in any of the fields to make the record active before
using this command. Otherwise if the cursor in not in any of the fields the
command will fail.
Next Event
Moves display to the next event record in the same village.
Previous Event
Moves display to the previous event record in the same village.
Find Event
Searches for a particular event within the village. First click in the field
you would like to search before running the command. For example if you
would like to search using date, click in the “Date” field. Click on the
command button then enter the date in the appropriate format. To
broaden the search change in the “look in” field to “Tsiku La Umoyo”. This
will search for the value you want to search for in all the fields on the
form and not restrict the search to a particular field.
Save whatever has changed on the current record.
Undo / Cancel
Cancels or undo the most recent change to the record on display.
Closes the form and takes you to IMPACT Switchboard.
3.1.5 In Charge Sessions Data (I006)
Used for entering In Charge Sessions data from the “In Charge! Sessions Form (I006)” data collection tool.
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Fig. 9
To fill in Partner, District, TA, GVH, and Village, use the drop down combo boxes to select the required
Enter the date when the first session of the In Charge sessions was conducted in the Date “1st Session”
field. The field is masked to the date format of day, month and year (dd/mm/yyyy) so the date must be
entered in this format.
Enter the date when the second session of the In Charge sessions was conducted in the Date “2nd
Session” field. The field is masked to the date format of day, month and year (dd/mm/yyyy) so the date
must be entered in this format.
Enter the number of male children aged 8 to 17 years in the “Age 8-17 Yrs” field.
Enter the number of female children aged 8 to 17 years in the “Age 8-17 Yrs” field.
Enter the number of male children aged 18 years and over in the “Age 18+ Yrs” field.
Enter the number of female children aged 18 years and over in the “Age 18+ Yrs” field.
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Command Buttons
Table below describes the actions of the command buttons on the form.
Table 6.
Command Button
New Village
Creates a blank form for user to select a new village.
New Session
Creates a blank form for user to enter new In Charge Sessions details.
Delete Session
Deletes the In Charge Sessions record which is currently displayed on the
screen. Click in any of the fields to make the record active before using
this command. Otherwise if the cursor in not in any of the fields the
command will fail.
Next Session
Moves display to the next In Charge Sessions record in the same village.
Previous Session
Moves display to the previous In Charge Sessions record in the same
Find Session
Searches for a particular In Charge Sessions record within the village. First
click in the field you would like to search before running the command.
For example if you would like to search using date of 1st session, click in
the “1st session” field. Click on the command button then enter the date
in the appropriate format. To broaden the search change in the “look in”
field to “In Charge Sessions”. This will search for the value you want to
search for in all the fields on the form and not restrict the search to a
particular field.
Save whatever has changed on the current record.
Undo / Cancel
Cancels or undo the most recent change to the record on display.
Closes the form and takes you to IMPACT Switchboard.
3.1.6 Monthly Service Tracking Tool (I016)
Used for entering data on services accessed by family in a month from the “Monthly Family Service Tracking
Tool (I016)” data collection tool.
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Fig. 10
To fill in Partner, District, TA, GVH, and Village, use the drop down combo boxes to select the required
Enter the date when the client was visited in the “Date of Visit” field. The field is masked to the date
format of day, month and year (dd/mm/yyyy) so the date must be entered in this format.
Enter the 6 digit client id in the “Client ID” field. The field is masked as 6 digits. So use leading zeros
when the number is less than 6 digits. For example if the number is 0001-01, do not ignore the leading
zeros. Enter it as 0001-01; otherwise the system will flag an error if you try to enter it as 1-01.
The name of the client, sex, gender will be automatically filled once you enter a valid ID number (iii)
Tick the services received by client in the appropriate check boxes.
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Command Buttons
Table below describes the actions of the command buttons on the form.
Table 7.
Command Button
Quarterly Data
Opens the “Quarterly Services Tracking Tool (I016)” form.
New Village
Creates a blank form for user to select a new village.
New Client
Creates a blank form for user to enter new client details.
Delete Client
Deletes the client record which is currently displayed on the screen. Click
in any of the fields to make the record active before using this command.
Otherwise if the cursor in not in any of the fields the command will fail.
Next Client
Moves display to the next client record in the same village.
Previous Client
Moves display to the previous client record in the same village.
Find Client
Searches for a particular client record within the village. First click in the
field you would like to search before running the command. For example
if you would like to search using client, click in the “Client ID” field. Click
on the command button then enter the date in the appropriate format.
To broaden the search change in the “look in” field to “Monthly Family
Service Tracking Tool”. This will search for the value you want to search
for in all the fields on the form and not restrict the search to a particular
Save whatever has changed on the current record.
Undo / Cancel
Cancels or undo the most recent change to the record on display.
Closes the form and takes you to IMPACT Switchboard.
3.1.7 Quarterly Service Tracking Tool (I016)
Used for entering data on quarterly services accessed by family from the “Quarterly Family Service Tracking Tool
(I016)” data collection tool.
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Fig. 11
All the fields on the form which are grayed out will be pre-populated with values on the “Monthly
Service Tracking Tool (I016)”.
Tick the services received by client in the appropriate check boxes.
Command Buttons
Table below describes the actions of the command buttons on the form.
Table 8.
Command Button
Closes the form and takes you to the “Monthly Service Tracking Tool
(I016)” form.
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3.1.8 Promoters Report Summary (005)
Used for entering monthly promoters report data from “Promoters Report Summary (005)” data collection tool.
Fig. 11
To fill in Partner, District, TA, use the drop down combo boxes to select the required values.
Enter the report month by picking the month name from the “Report Month” drop down combo
Enter the report year in the “Year” field. The field is masked to four digits only.
Enter the number of pregnant and lactating women in the “Number of HH with pregnant and lactating
women who were reached” field.
Enter the number of male OVC care givers aged 0 to 17 years in the male “0 - 17 Yrs” field.
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Enter the number of female OVC care givers aged 0 to 17 years in the female “0 - 17 Yrs” field.
Enter the number of male OVC care givers aged 18 plus years in the male “18+ Yrs” field.
Enter the number of female OVC care givers aged 18 plus years in the female “18+ Yrs” field.
The “Total” field automatically sums the figures entered.
Command Buttons
Table below describes the actions of the command buttons on the form.
Table 9.
Command Button
New Report
Creates a blank form for user to enter new promoters report details.
Delete Report
Deletes the Promoters Report record which is currently displayed on the
screen. Click in any of the fields to make the record active before using
this command. Otherwise if the cursor in not in any of the fields the
command will fail.
Next Report
Moves display to the next the Promoters Report record in the same
Previous Report
Moves display to the previous the Promoters Report record in the same
Find Report
Searches for a particular Promoters Report record within the village. First
click in the field you would like to search before running the command.
For example if you would like to search using month, click in the “Report
Month” field. Click on the command button then enter the date in the
appropriate format. To broaden the search change in the “look in” field to
“005 Modified Promoters”. This will search for the value you want to
search for in all the fields on the form and not restrict the search to a
particular field.
Save whatever has changed on the current record.
Undo / Cancel
Cancels or undo the most recent change to the record on display.
Closes the form and takes you to IMPACT Switchboard.
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3.1.9 OIBM Monthly Indicator Summary
Used for entering OIBM monthly indicator summary data from the “OIBM Monthly Indicator Summary” data
collection tool.
Fig. 12
To fill in Partner, District, use the drop down combo boxes to select the required values.
Enter the report month by picking the month name from the “Month” drop down combo
Enter the report year in the “Year” field. The field is masked to four digits only.
Enter the total average savings for Tsogolo Langa Accounts in the “Average Savings For Tsogolo Langa
Accounts” field.
Enter the number of Tsogolo Langa Accounts opened for male IMPACT students aged 0 to 17 years in
the male “0 - 17 Yrs” field.
Enter the number of Tsogolo Langa Accounts opened for female IMPACT students aged 0 to 17 years in
the female “0 - 17 Yrs” field.
Enter the number of Tsogolo Langa Accounts opened for male IMPACT students aged 18 plus years in
the male “18+ Yrs” field.
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Enter the number of Tsogolo Langa Accounts opened for female IMPACT students aged 18 plus years in
the female “18+ Yrs” field.
Enter the value of savings accounts held by VSLA groups in the “Total Savings Held By USG Assisted
MFIs” field.
Enter the number of households accessing OIBM services in the “No Vulnerable Of Households
Accessing OIBM Services” field.
Command Buttons
Table below describes the actions of the command buttons on the form.
Table 10.
Command Button
New Record
Creates a blank form for user to enter new OIBM indicator summary
Delete Record
Deletes the OIBM indicator summary record which is currently displayed
on the screen. Click in any of the fields to make the record active before
using this command. Otherwise if the cursor in not in any of the fields the
command will fail.
Next Record
Moves display to the next OIBM indicator summary record in the same
Previous Record
Moves display to the previous OIBM indicator summary record in the
same village.
Find Record
Searches for a particular OIBM indicator summary record within the
village. First click in the field you would like to search before running the
command. For example if you would like to search using month, click in
the “Month” field. Click on the command button then enter the date in
the appropriate format. To broaden the search change in the “look in”
field to “OIBM Monthly Indicator Summary”. This will search for the value
you want to search for in all the fields on the form and not restrict the
search to a particular field.
Save whatever has changed on the current record.
Undo / Cancel
Cancels or undo the most recent change to the record on display.
Closes the form and takes you to IMPACT Switchboard.
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3.1.10 Quarterly Joint HF Supervision Data (I009)
Used for entering quarterly health facility supervision data from the “Health Facility Supervision Form (I009)”
data collection tool.
Fig. 13
To fill in Partner, District, TA, GVH, and Village, use the drop down combo boxes to select the required
Enter the date when the health facility was visited in the “Date of Visit” field. The field is masked to the
date format of day, month and year (dd/mm/yyyy) so the date must be entered in this format.
Enter the health facility name visited by picking the name from the “Health Facility Name” drop down
combo box.
Enter the number of pregnant women referred for clinical staging in the “Number of clients referred”
Enter the number of pregnant women who received clinical staging services in the “Number of clients
received services” field.
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Enter the number of all other individuals referred for clinical staging in the “Number of clients referred”
Enter the number of all other individuals who received clinical staging services in the “Number of clients
received services” field.
Enter the number of babies referred for Early Infant Diagnosis in the “Number of clients referred” field.
Enter the number of babies who received Early Infant Diagnosis services in the “Number of clients
received services” field.
Enter the number of children with danger signs referred in the “Number of clients referred” field.
Enter the number of children with danger signs who received services in the “Number of clients received
services” field.
Enter the response on whether “Health Facility Has Sharps Container In Possession” by picking “Yes” or
“No” against the field.
Enter the response on whether “Health Facility Is Receiving Used Sharps From HTC Providers” by picking
“Yes” or “No” against the field.
Enter the response on whether “Health Facility Has Copy Of GOM IPC Policy/Guidelines” by picking
“Yes” or “No” against the field.
Command Buttons
Table below describes the actions of the command buttons on the form.
Table 11.
Command Button
New Village
Creates a blank form for user to select a new village.
New Record
Creates a blank form for user to enter new health facility details.
Delete Record
Deletes the health facility record which is currently displayed on the
screen. Click in any of the fields to make the record active before using
this command. Otherwise if the cursor in not in any of the fields the
command will fail.
Next Record
Moves display to the next health facility record in the same village.
Previous Record
Moves display to the previous health facility record in the same village.
Find Record
Searches for a particular health facility record within the village. First click
in the field you would like to search before running the command. For
example if you would like to search using date, click in the “Date of Visit”
field. Click on the command button then enter the date in the appropriate
format. To broaden the search change in the “look in” field to “Quarterly
Joint Health Facility Supervision Form”. This will search for the value you
want to search for in all the fields on the form and not restrict the search
to a particular field.
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Save whatever has changed on the current record.
Undo / Cancel
Cancels or undo the most recent change to the record on display.
Closes the form and takes you to IMPACT Switchboard.
3.1.11 Secondary School Performance Data (I007)
Used for entering child secondary school performance data from the “Secondary School Sponsorship and
Performance Form (I007)” data collection tool.
Fig. 14
To fill in Partner, District, TA, GVH, and Village, use the drop down combo boxes to select the required
Enter the date when the child was visited in the “Date of Visit” field. The field is masked to the date
format of day, month and year (dd/mm/yyyy) so the date must be entered in this format.
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Enter the 6 digit client id in the “Child ID” field. The field is masked as 6 digits. So use leading zeros
when the number is less than 6 digits. For example if the number is 0001-01, do not ignore the leading
zeros. Enter it as 0001-01; otherwise the system will flag an error if you try to enter it as 1-01.
The name of the child and household head will be automatically filled once you enter a valid ID number
(iii) above.
Enter the form the child is in by picking it from the “Form” field.
Enter the response on subject enrollment in the “Enrollment” field by picking “Yes” or “No” against the
Enter the response on school performance (pass) in the “Performance” field by picking “Yes” or “No”
against the field.
Enter the response on whether the child has disciplinary issues in the “Behavior” field by picking “Yes”
or “No” against the field.
Command Buttons
Table below describes the actions of the command buttons on the form.
Table 12.
Command Button
New Village
Creates a blank form for user to select a new village.
New Child Report
Creates a blank form for user to enter new child school report details.
Delete Report
Deletes the child school report record which is currently displayed on the
screen. Click in any of the fields to make the record active before using
this command. Otherwise if the cursor in not in any of the fields the
command will fail.
Next Report
Moves display to the next child school report record in the same village.
Previous Report
Moves display to the previous child school report record in the same
Find Report
Searches for a particular child school report record within the village. First
click in the field you would like to search before running the command.
For example if you would like to search using date, click in the “Date of
Visit” field. Click on the command button then enter the date in the
appropriate format. To broaden the search change in the “look in” field to
“Secondary School Sponsorship and Performance Form”. This will search
for the value you want to search for in all the fields on the form and not
restrict the search to a particular field.
Save whatever has changed on the current record.
Undo / Cancel
Cancels or undo the most recent change to the record on display.
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Closes the form and takes you to IMPACT Switchboard.
3.1.12 Drop in Sessions Form (I017)
Used for entering drop in session data from the “IMPACT Drop in Sessions Form (I017)” data collection tool.
Fig. 15
To fill in Partner, District, TA, GVH, and Village, use the drop down combo boxes to select the required
Enter the month when the session was conducted picking the month from the “Month” drop down
combo box.
Enter the year in the “Year” field. The field is masked to four digits only.
Enter the number of male children aged 5 to 17 years in the “Male” “Children Ages 5 – 17 years” field.
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Enter the number of female children aged 5 to 17 years in the “Female” “Children Ages 5 – 17 years”
Enter the number of male children aged 18 years and over in the “Male” “Young People Ages ≥ 18 years”
Enter the number of female children aged 18 years and over in the “Female” “Young People Ages ≥ 18
years” field.
Enter the number of children in junior primary classes in the “Junior Primary (1-5)” “Children Ages 5 – 17
years” field.
Enter the number of children in senior primary classes in the “Senior Primary (6-8)” “Children Ages 5 –
17 years” field.
Enter the number of children in secondary classes in the “Secondary” “Children Ages 5 – 17 years” field.
Enter the number of children not in school in the “Not Enrolled” “Children Ages 5 – 17 years” field.
Note that the all “Total” fields auto calculate the values.
Command Buttons
Table below describes the actions of the command buttons on the form.
Table 13.
Command Button
New Village
Creates a blank form for user to select a new village.
New Session
Creates a blank form for user to enter new Drop in Sessions details.
Delete Session
Deletes the Drop in Sessions record which is currently displayed on the
screen. Click in any of the fields to make the record active before using
this command. Otherwise if the cursor in not in any of the fields the
command will fail.
Next Session
Moves display to the next Drop in Sessions record in the same village.
Previous Session
Moves display to the previous Drop in Sessions record in the same village.
Find Session
Searches for a particular Drop in Sessions record within the village. First
click in the field you would like to search before running the command.
For example if you would like to search using month, click in the “Month”
field. Click on the command button then enter the date in the appropriate
format. To broaden the search change in the “look in” field to “Drop in
Sessions Form”. This will search for the value you want to search for in all
the fields on the form and not restrict the search to a particular field.
Save whatever has changed on the current record.
Undo / Cancel
Cancels or undo the most recent change to the record on display.
Closes the form and takes you to IMPACT Switchboard.
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3.1.13 Support Group Monthly Tracking Data (I012)
Used for entering data on services accessed by support group member in a month from the “Support Group
Monthly Tracking Form (I012)” data collection tool.
Fig. 16
To fill in Partner, District, TA, GVH, use the drop down combo boxes to select the required values.
Enter the date when the group was visited in the “Date of Visit” field. The field is masked to the date
format of day, month and year (dd/mm/yyyy) so the date must be entered in this format.
Enter the Support group name from the “Support Group Name” drop down combo box.
Select village for the client by picking it from the “Village” drop down combo box.
Enter the 6 digit client id in the “Client ID” field. The field is masked as 6 digits. So use leading zeros
when the number is less than 6 digits. For example if the number is 0001-01, do not ignore the leading
zeros. Enter it as 0001-01; otherwise the system will flag an error if you try to enter it as 1-01.
The name of the client, sex, will be automatically filled once you enter a valid ID number (v) above.
Select whether client is pregnant or not by picking it from the “Pregnancy Status” drop down combo
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Select treatment stage of the client by picking it from the “Treatment Stage” drop down combo box.
Tick the services received by client in the appropriate check boxes.
Command Buttons
Table below describes the actions of the command buttons on the form.
Table 14.
Command Button
Add Group
Opens the “Support Group Formation” form.
New Support Group
Creates a blank form for user to select a new support group.
New Client
Creates a blank form for user to enter new client details.
Delete Client
Deletes the client record which is currently displayed on the screen. Click
in any of the fields to make the record active before using this command.
Otherwise if the cursor in not in any of the fields the command will fail.
Next Client
Moves display to the next client record in the same support group.
Previous Client
Moves display to the previous client record in the same support group.
Find Client
Searches for a particular client record within the village. First click in the
field you would like to search before running the command. For example
if you would like to search using client, click in the “Client ID” field. Click
on the command button then enter the date in the appropriate format.
To broaden the search change in the “look in” field to “Support Group
Monthly Tracking Form”. This will search for the value you want to search
for in all the fields on the form and not restrict the search to a particular
Save whatever has changed on the current record.
Undo / Cancel
Cancels or undo the most recent change to the record on display.
Closes the form and takes you to IMPACT Switchboard.
3.1.14 Support Group Monthly Formation Form
Used for entering support group details.
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Fig. 17
To fill in Partner, District, TA, GVH, use the drop down combo boxes to select the required values.
Enter the name of the support group by typing it in the “Support Group Name” field.
Enter the date when the group was formed in the “Date of Visit” field. The field is masked to the date
format of day, month and year (dd/mm/yyyy) so the date must be entered in this format.
Command Buttons
Table below describes the actions of the command buttons on the form.
Table 15.
Command Button
New Support Group
Creates a blank form for user to create new support group.
Delete Group
Deletes the support group record which is currently displayed on the
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screen. Click in any of the fields to make the record active before using
this command. Otherwise if the cursor in not in any of the fields the
command will fail.
Next Group
Moves display to the next support group record in the same GVH.
Previous Group
Moves display to the previous support group record in the same GVH.
Find Group
Searches for a particular client record within the village. First click in the
field you would like to search before running the command. For example
if you would like to search using client, click in the “Client ID” field. Click
on the command button then enter the date in the appropriate format.
To broaden the search change in the “look in” field to “Support Group
Formation”. This will search for the value you want to search for in all the
fields on the form and not restrict the search to a particular field.
Save whatever has changed on the current record.
Undo / Cancel
Cancels or undo the most recent change to the record on display.
Closes the form and takes you to IMPACT Switchboard.
3.1.15 Support Group Supervisory Visit Data (I013)
Used for entering support group supervisory visit data from the “Quarterly Supervisory Visit Form for Support
Groups (I013)” data collection tool.
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Fig. 18
To fill in Partner, District, TA, GVH, and Village, use the drop down combo boxes to select the required
Enter the date when the group was visited in the “Date of Supervision” field. The field is masked to the
date format of day, month and year (dd/mm/yyyy) so the date must be entered in this format.
Enter the Support group name from the “Support Group Name” drop down combo box.
Enter whether group met in last 3 months by selecting “Yes” or “No” in the “Group has met at least
twice in last 3 months?” field.
Command Buttons
Table below describes the actions of the command buttons on the form.
Table 16.
Command Button
New Village
Creates a blank form for user to select a new village.
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New Record
Creates a blank form for user to enter new support group visit details.
Delete Record
Deletes the support group record which is currently displayed on the
screen. Click in any of the fields to make the record active before using
this command. Otherwise if the cursor in not in any of the fields the
command will fail.
Next Record
Moves display to the next support group record in the same village.
Previous Record
Moves display to the previous support group record in the same village.
Find Record
Searches for a particular support group record within the village. First
click in the field you would like to search before running the command.
For example if you would like to search using month, click in the “Month”
field. Click on the command button then enter the date in the appropriate
format. To broaden the search change in the “look in” field to “Support
Group Supervisory Visit”. This will search for the value you want to search
for in all the fields on the form and not restrict the search to a particular
Save whatever has changed on the current record.
Undo / Cancel
Cancels or undo the most recent change to the record on display.
Closes the form and takes you to IMPACT Switchboard.
Once the operator logs in (using your PVO name and password), Figure XXX, the following CMIS main menu will follows;
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Click here to enter
WALA data base
Click here to
exit the
Once you enter into the WALA database, the following window (WALA Switchboard) will appear.
On the WALA switchboard the operators can either chose to go into “DATA COLLECTION TOOLS” tab which is
also the interface for data entry or “REPORT GENERATION” tab if the operator wants to generate various
reports (see section …). Reports can only be generated if there is existing data in the database.
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Data entry for various groups’ members and reports follows a logical sequence of capturing various items that
relate to the identification, location and the actual data for each WALA sector. As much as possible most of the
data is coded (assigned numbers) e.g. development promoters, various volunteers, and many other indicators.
Therefore, in most cases the data entry operator will be required to enter the codes.
The background to all group registration data and subsequent sector reports is the household listing data.
Household listing was done for all households in WALA program areas (villages) in all PVOs’ areas. During that
exercise, all WALA/IMPACT beneficiary and non-beneficiary households were listed and captured in HH listing
data entry application. This data was later exported into the CMIS. It is therefore expected that WALA
beneficiaries come from these households. As the group registration data is being captured, group members are
being added through
Most of the identification details on data entry form other than data collection/entry forms relate to the
location, volunteers and development promoters responsible for the group. These details and how to capture
them are similar in all forms from various sectors. It is important to note that group registration data for any
type of group cannot be captured before details of the development promoter (and volunteers in some cases)
responsible for the group and the group names have been entered.
The numbers (codes) fields for various units e.g. district, HHID, development promoters etc have been designed
to fit the predefined number of digits. For example, HHID is always a four digit figure so enter leading zeros if the
HHID is less than four digits. For example a number like 45 should be entered as 0045 and not just 45. Otherwise
the system will flag an error. The data entry operator must therefore familiarize with the number of digits for
most of the items that are numbered. However, the data collection forms have been designed in such a way that
the number of boxes against each item that requires numbering is equivalent to the total number of digits for
that item.
Group Registration Data
WALA implementation approach uses groups as contact point for delivering extension messages and other
services. As such all sectors have groups which are manned by volunteers who are called by different names e.g.
care group volunteers (lead mother/father) for care groups, lead farmers for producer groups etc. depending on
the sector at village level and overseen by WALA designated field staff e.g. Health Promoters for MCHN,
Community Agents for VS&L etc. Therefore for each sector, data entry begins with group registration data
before other reports for each sector can be entered. The following sections discuss data entry procedures for
group registration form sector by sector.
Adding members to a household from different group registration forms
In the CMIS, the different group registration forms and reporting forms for different sectors are interconnected.
This is built on the premise that all members of various groups in a community come from with same
households. The CMIS is therefore designed to track participation of individual members from a household in
various WALA/IMPACT activities. As such, the CMIS recognizes the household head as the first member
registered in any given household. If a member of a household other than the household head is a member of
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any WALA/IMPACT group, the member will first be added as a second, third, fourth etc member in the
household before they are added as members of the group. If a person is already listed as a member of a
household but is also a member of a group, the data entry operator must select the member from the existing
household members’ list.
Saving Function
At the bottom right corner of each data entry form there is a saving function tab which the data entry operator can
click on in order to save their work. However, the CMIS or MS Access has an inbuilt saving function that
automatically saves data as the operator is entering each and every record whenever all key fields have been filled.
Therefore the data entry operator can either chose to click or not to click the saving tab, either way; their work will
not be lost as long as all key fields have been filled.
MCHN Data entry forms
Care group beneficiary register (Form 002)
How to enter data
1. Partner, District, TA, GVH must be filled using the drop down combo boxes to select the appropriate
2. Select the health promoter responsible for the care group from the “HP Name and Number” drop down
combo box
3. Select the care group name from the “Care Group Name and Number” from the drop down combo box
4. Select the lead mother or lead father from the “LM/LF Name and Number” drop down combo box
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5. The care group formation date field auto populates automatically after you select the care group name
in step 3 above
6. Select the village where the household being registered is located from the “Village” drop down combo
7. Enter the house hold number in the “HHID” field
8. The house hold name will automatically come up after entering the household number in (7) above
9. Enter the number of children under 2 years by typing the number in the “Under 2 yrs” field
10. Enter the number of children 2-5 years by typing the number in the “2-5 yrs” field
11. Enter the number of pregnant and lactating mothers by typing the number in the “Pregnant/Lactating”
12. Tick for if there any “Vulnerability Indicators” e.g. presence of orphans, children with special needs, in
the household in the appropriate fields
13. Enter the date when the household joined the group in the “Date of Joining” field. The field is masked to
the date format of day, month and year (dd/mm/yyyy) so the date must be entered in this format
14. Enter the date when the household left the group in the “Date of Joining” field. The field is masked to
the date format of day, month and year (dd/mm/yyyy) so the date must be entered in this format
15. Note that when a household leaves the group, the record is filtered from the form and will not be shown
under the group list. But the record will still be kept in the MIS.
Adding a Development Promoter (Health Promoter)
Data in Form 002 (care group beneficiary register) can only be entered if the name of the Health Promoter and
care group volunteer (lead mother/father) responsible for the group and the group name have already been
added in the MIS. The following section explains how to add these into the MIS.
Tick by clicking in these boxes
to define the roles of the
development promoters
Click here to add a
new promoter
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Click here to delete
this promoter
Click here to
view/edit a next
Click here to
view/edit a next
Page 48
How to add a new promoter
Select the district and TA by clicking on the drop down arrow on the district
Select the TA where the promoter works by clicking the drop down arrow on the TA
Write the name of the promoter and their code
Tick by clicking in the box against each type of development promoter
Depending on the structure of the PVO, some promoters carry out multiple functions in which case the
data entry operators must tick on all appropriate boxes to reflect that the promoter is responsible for
several sectors
Adding a care group
Click here to add a
new group under a
care group
Click here to
delete a group
Click here to
navigate to the next
group (to
Click here to
navigate to the
previous group (to
How to add a new group
1. District, TA, GVH are added by clicking on the drop down arrow on each of these identification details
and select the appropriate
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2. Select the name of the health promoter’s responsible for the group y clicking on the drop down arrow
and selecting the appropriate one (the promoter’s number will populate automatically and appear after
the name)
3. Type in the care group name, number and date of formation
4. Select the village where the Lead mother/father comes form by clicking on the drop down arrow and
selecting the appropriate village
5. Type in the care group volunteer’s (lead mother/father) HHID, name, number (code), age and sex
6. Once you type in all these details, the cursor will automatically take you to the next row to fill similar
data as in steps 4 and 5 or you can move to the next care group volunteer until all lead mothers’/fathers’
details in the care group are completed
7. Click the New Care Group tab to enter data for the next care group by following steps 1 to 6
Once care groups, HPs have been entered then monthly care group volunteer report data can be entered. The
following section explains how care group volunteer data is entered in the CMIS.
How to enter data
1. Partner, District, TA and GVH names must be selected using the drop down combo boxes for each of these
fields and select the required values
2. HP name, care group name and LM/LF name must be selected using the drop down combo box for each of
these fields. Their respective numbers (codes) will be populated and appear after the names.
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3. On the reporting period, select the reporting month by using the drop down combo box and clicking the
appropriate month. Type in the year
5. To add an Agribusiness community agent, (ACA) follow procedures for adding Health promoter as explained
in section XXXXX
6. Tick in the last column against the name of the club leader to distinguish him/her from the rest of the club
Agribusiness forms
Marketing club beneficiary register (Form 051)
Click here to
add a CA
Click here to
add a new
Click here to add a
new club within an
existing cluster
How to enter data
1. Partner, District, TA and GVH names must be selected using the drop down combo boxes for each of these fields
and select the required values
2. ACA name, cluster name and club name must be selected using the drop down combo box for each of these
fields. Their respective numbers (codes) will be populated and appear after the names.
3. To add an Agribusiness community agent, (ACA) follow procedures for adding Health promoter as explained in
section XXXXX
4. Tick in the last column against the name of the club leader to distinguish him/her from the rest of the club
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Once the data entry operator clicks on ‘Add Cluster’ tab, the program will prompt the operator the following
window in order to fill details of the clubs constituting the cluster.
How to enter data
1. Partner, District and TA names must be selected using the drop down combo boxes for each of these fields and
select the appropriate location
2. ACA name must be selected using the drop down combo box for each of these fields. Their respective numbers
(codes) will be populated and appear after the names.
3. Marketing Cluster name and number must be typed in their respective fields
4. Enter marketing club details as follows;
a. Select the GVH using the drop down combo box
b. Type in the club name, number and date of establishment
5. Repeat step 5 until all clubs belonging to this cluster are added and close this window to exit or click new cluster
to add new cluster and repeat steps 1 to 4.
Command buttons at the bottom of the window can be used similarly as those in section XXXX under care group
To add a clusters and clubs within a cluster follow instructions for adding a ‘care group’ as explained in section xxx
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Agriculture and natural resources forms
How to enter data
Group identification details
1. Partner, District, TA and GVH names must be selected using the drop down combo boxes for each of these fields
and select the required values
2. FEF/FEV name and producer group name must be selected using the drop down combo box for each of these
fields. Their respective numbers (codes) will be populated and appear after the names.
3. To add an FEF/FEV follow procedures for adding Health promoter as explained in section XXXXX
Beneficiary details
Select the village for the producer group member being registered from the “Village” drop down combo box
Enter the household number in the “HHID” field
The household head name will automatically come up after entering the household number in (ii) above
Type in the name of the producer group member following instructions on section xxxx (adding a HH member)
Select the sex of the producer group member using the drop down combo box
Type in the age of the producer group member
Type in the size of agriculture land owned by the household where the PG member comes from
Enter the date when the PG member joined the group in the “Date of Joining” field
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9. On leaving the group, enter the date when the member left the group in the “Date of leaving” field
10. Tick in the last column against the name of the lead farmer to distinguish him/her from the rest of the club
11. Once all groups for one group have been added, click the ‘New Producer Group’ command button to start
entering data for a new group
Note that when a person leaves the PG, the record is filtered from the form and will not be shown under the group list.
But the record will still be kept in the MIS
Village Savings and Loans Form
How to enter data
Group Identification details
To fill in Partner, District, TA, GVH, use the drop down combo boxes to select the required values
Select the Community Agent (CA) responsible for supervising the VSL group from the “CA Name and
Number” drop down combo box. The CA number will populate and appear after the name
Select the VSL group name from the “VSL Group Name and Number” from the drop down combo box
The group number will populate and appear after the group name
The VSL group formation date field auto populates after selecting the VSL group name in (iii) above
Beneficiary details
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Select the village for the VSL group member being registered from the “Village” drop down combo box
Enter the household number in the “HHID” field
The household head name will automatically come up after entering the household number in (ii) above
Select the sex of the VSL group member using the drop down combo box
Type in the age of the VSL group member
Tick for if there any IMPACT Vulnerability Indicators” in the appropriate fields
Enter the date when the VSL group member joined the group in the “Date of Joining” field
On leaving the group, enter the date when the member left the group in the “Date of leaving” field
Note that when a person leaves the VSL group, the record is filtered from the form and will not be
shown under the group list. But the record will still be kept in the MIS.
Training reporting form
The training reporting form is generic to both WALA and IMPACT programs. If you log in to the training form through the
WALA menu, the CMIS will append the training report to WALA. Similarly, if you capture training data through IMPACT
menu on the main menu, the training data will be appended to IMPACT
How to enter data
1. The program will already select the program under which the training falls depending on which menu (WALA or
IMPACT) the operator used to get to the training report
2. Select program sector under which the training falls using the drop down combo box on the ‘Program Sector’
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3. Select training workshop title from the drop down combo box on the ‘Training Workshop Title’ field. If the
training title is not populated, the operator may type in the title
4. Type in the following;
a.Number of days of the duration of the training
b. Name of the Training venue
c. Start date on the ‘Training Date’ field
d. Name of facilitators on ‘Training facilitator 1 and 2’ fields and their respective contact information
(telephone numbers)
e.Training objective(s)
Training workshop outputs
1. Segregation of participants by age group is not mandatory for most trainings except for specialized trainings
that target children under IMPACT program.
2. If the training report requires segregation of participants by age group, the program auto sums the figures
and populates into the Totals column
3. Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the drop down combo box to define whether the training had a post training exam
4. If ‘Yes’ type in number of participants passing the exam age group. The program will auto sum and populate
the sums in the totals column
5. If ‘No’ the spaces for number of participants passing exams will be inactive
Summary of participants
1. Type in the number of each category of training participants segregated by gender
2. The program will auto sum and populate the sums in the Totals column
3. Appendices A and B are participant details. These are optional. Once the data entry operator has finished
entering all the training summary data in the form, he may click on Enter Appendix A Data or Enter Appendix B
Data command buttons depending on whether the training was at PVO or community level
Once data have been entered in the CMIS, the data entry operators and other stakeholders may want to generate
various reports for decision making and monitoring progress made so far in the program. This section describes in
detail how to generate general WALA/IMPACT reports and how to update the partner IPTT (for IMPACT only) from
the MIS. To access the reports interface click on the “REPORTS” tab on the IMPACT Switchboard or REPORT
GENERATION tab on WALA switchboard (also in section XXXX). If you click on the REPORT GENERATION tab on the
WALA switch board for example, the following window will appear. You can then click on the command button
corresponding to the report category you want for report viewing options.
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Figure XXX: Report generation switchboard
Opening and Printing Reports
Reports can be opened and viewed with the MS Access report viewer or can be saved as PDF documents. Selected
reports can be opened and saved as Excel Worksheets (2000-2003 versions). Fig. xxx below shows the “Open Report”
and “Save PDF” command buttons. You can print the reports from within the MIS by selecting the report and clicking on
“Print Report” command button show in Fig.20 below.
Report Grouping Options
Most of the reports can be viewed grouped by
location (Partner, District, TA, GVH, TA, and
Village) and in most cases they can be further
filtered by the location name. For example a
report being viewed grouped by TA can further
be filtered by selecting a particular TA you want
to view. This option will leave out the rest of the
TAs and only present you with a report based on
data of the TA you have selected only.
Fig. XXX:
To open the report grouped by TA, click on “Group By Location” dropdown combo box and select TA as shown in Figure
XXX below.
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Fig. XXX
Click on “Open Report” and the report will be opened grouped by TA as show below in Fig. XXX.
Fig. XXX
You can open the same report with a filter on TA by selecting a TA name to filter with as shown in Fig. 23 below
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Fig. 23
Selecting Makwangwala as a filter and opening the same report give you the report shown in Fig. 24 below. Take
note that only TA Makwangwala data is displayed.
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Fig. 24
Report Period Options
You can select the period for which you want to view your data by selecting the reporting. The reporting period
can be Monthly, Quarterly or Yearly. Fig.25 shows the reporting periods.
Fig. 25
Fig. 26 below shows the “Number of support groups” report by “Year” (2011).
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