Child and Family Development CFD 135: Principles of Family Development Spring 2014 Instructor Contact Information Instructor: Erin Senff Office: EBA 401 Office hours: Mondays 5:00-700 Phone: 310-408-6119 (EMERGENCIES ONLY) Email: Email is the preferred means of contact. Section and Enrollment Information Class meeting: Mondays 7:00-9:40 PM Class location: GMCS 333 Schedule number: 20515 Course Description This course engages a critical, in-depth analysis of the ways in which families are seen by society and the ways in which they see themselves. Topics to be covered include division of labor, childcare, economics, health, leisure, and the politics of the family. Student Learning Outcomes 1. To become familiar with the conceptual frameworks and theories applied to marriage and the family. 2. To compare and contrast an understanding of the concepts of love, sex, romance and the family in modern American culture. 3. To view media representations of family life and analyze them developmentally and sociologically. 4. To conduct a self-assessment of aspects of one’s own families of origin and current families. 5. To compare one’s own family of origin and family of orientation to current and past trends. 6. To read and summarize scholarly articles on marriage and family. 1 Course Materials Required Readings and Materials Welch, K. J. (2010). Family life now, second edition-2010 Census Edition. New York: Allyn and Bacon ISBN-10: 0205006833 | ISBN-13: 979-0205006839 Approximate Cost: Bookstore $80-170, Online (Amazon/Ebay/Chegg) $65-120 Recommended Readings and Materials APA Manual (Publication manual of the American Psychological Association) (6 th ed.) (2010). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5 Approximate Cost: $30 Bookstore or Online (Amazon/Ebay/Chegg) Course Website All course content will be accessible through blackboard. Assessment and Grading Assignment/Exam Points Possible 9 In-Class Writing Assignments 45 (5 points each) 2 Blackboard Assignments 30 (15 points each) Genogram Assignment 75 2 Mid-Term Exams 50 (25 points each) Final Exam 50 TOTAL 250 Final Grades 233-250=A 218-224=B+ 193-199=C+ 168-174=D+ 225-232=A- 208-217=B 183-192=C 158-167=D 200-207=B- 175-182=C- 150-157=D149 ad BELOW=F 2 Grading Policies Late Assignments and Make-up Exams will NOT be accepted, except in the event of extraordinary circumstances (written documentation must be provided). Extra credit assignments may be added periodically throughout the semester and are up to the discretion of the instructor. Course Activities and Schedule Date Topic(s) Readings (to be completed prior to class) Assignments / Activities 1/7 Introduction to Family Life Now Chapter 1 2/3 Research and Theories Chapter 2 2/10 Communication Chapter 3 2/17 Gender Issues Chapter 4 2/24 MID-TERM EXAM #1 Review Ch. 1-4 and all class materials for Exam MID-TERM EXAM #1 TODAY 3/3 Intimacy Chapter 5 Blackboard Assignment #1 Due 3/10 Love and Commitment Chapters 6 and 7 3/17 Coupling Chapter 8 3/24 Sexuality and Child Bearing Chapters 9 & 10 3/31 4/7 No Class: Spring Recess/Cesar Chaves Day MID-TERM EXAM #2 Review Ch. 5-10 and all class materials for Exam MID-TERM EXAM #2 TODAY 3 Date Topic(s) Readings (to be completed prior to class) Assignments / Activities 4/14 Parenthood and Family Life and Work Chapter 11 & 12 Blackboard Assignment #2 Due 4/21 Divorce Chapter 13 & 14 Genogram Assignment Due 4/28 Stress, Crisis and Transition Chapter 15 5/5 Aging Chapter 16 5/12 FINAL EXAM Review Chapters 1-16 and all class materials for Exam FINAL EXAM TODAY Course Assignments In-Class Writing Assignments There will be 9 in-class writing assignments given periodically throughout the semester. In order to receive points for these assignments you must be in class, no make-ups will be allowed for these assignments. These assignments will require you to write a short response (approximately ½ page) to a question using relevant information from the course. Blackboard Assignments Two assignments will be due on Blackboard during the semester. These assignments will require you to research scholarly articles regarding marriage and family, and then give a synthesis of the information you have read. These scholarly articles can be accessed through a variety of databases, including those found on the SDSU library website. These assignments will be worth 15 points each and will be graded based on how well you connect the information you have read to the content of the course, and how well you explain the information provided by the scholarly article. These assignments should be 2-3 pages each, and be formatted in APA style. 4 If you are unsure of what a scholarly article is please see the link marked Scholarly Articles under the Course Documents tab on Blackboard. For more information on APA style see the APA Style tab under Course Documents, or refer to the APA Manual in Recommended Reading Materials. Genogram Assignment The goal of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to learn more about your family, genetic predispositions, environmental influences and apply knowledge you are gaining in this course to the analysis of your family of origin and the influences of various situations and experiences on you and your family. (FOR ALL NAMES IN THIS ASSIGNMENT, USE ONLY FIRST NAMES—EXCEPT FOR INCLUDING YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME ON THE COVER SHEET.) Part 1 – Genogram (15 points based on thoroughness and following directions) In Part 1, you will construct a Genogram of your family tracing your family of origin on both the maternal and the paternal sides 4 generations. (e.g. you, your parents, your grandparents, and your great grandparents; or you, your children, your parents, and your grandparents) You will not be sharing it in class. Bring a hard copy this section of the assignment to class on the due date. Use the symbols provided and display a symbol for each family member and number it. These numbers will be used for the factual data sheet. DO NOT USE THE RELATIONSHIP DESCRIBING LINE VARIATIONS WE DID IN CLASS THAT ARE EXPLAINED IN THE TEXT ON PAGE. Part 2 –Factual Data Sheet 15 points based on thoroughness and following directions The second part of your project is a factual data sheet that is to be typed in chart form. You can use Word or some other typing program for this part of the project. You must provide 10 columns with as many rows as numbered symbols on your Genogram. The information provided in each column will correspond to the family member represented by number on the Genogram. A sample is given below, but you may find that setting it up in Landscape instead of Portrait will give you more space to use. The length will depend upon the number of family members included and the amount of information about each one. Feel free to extend some columns to allow for enough space to accommodate your answers. 5 The 10 columns are: 1. Number (correlates to Genogram) 2. First name 3. Relationship to you 4. Date of birth/death 5. Approximate date of marriage/divorce/remarriage 6. Occupation/profession 7. Major life events 8. Physical/health problems 9. Personality traits 10. Rituals/traditions Include a minimum of 10 family members including you. If you cannot provide information for a column put in a “?” Do not leave a column blank. Dates can be estimated. This is intended to be an opportunity to connect with family members, gather unknown information and share family stories. If any part of this project creates a problem for you such as in cases of adoption, foster care, divorces, estranged family members, etc., please see me about finding enough family members to use in the project and/or conduct an alternate project based on those issues. Feel free to have the columns extend to accommodate your information. Part 3 – Family Profile 45 points based on thoroughness of content, relating content back to text, and APA formatting This portion should be 3-5 pages, double spaced, 12 point, following APA formatting guidelines. This part of your paper describes the characteristics and composition of your family of origin. It should be written in paragraph form and follow APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines. In the narrative parts of your Family Profile, please cite the text a minimum of 10 times. Your family profile should include the following sections: 1. Composition of your family of origin, including ages of all members, gender and sibling order. Describe the personality of each and analyze the influence each has had upon your development. 6 2. Describe and analyze the influence the occupational status of each individual has had upon your development. 3. Size and type of community/communities in which your family lived during your birth-18 years of age. Describe and analyze the influence each has had upon your development. 4. Location and connections with extended family members. Describe and analyze the influence each has had upon your development. 5. Health status of you and your immediate family. Describe and analyze the influence each has had upon your development. 6. Choose one more element from the factual data set (such as rituals/traditions, marital status & divorces, births & deaths, or personality) and describe and analyze the influence each has had upon your development. General Criteria: Include 4 generations representing both maternal and paternal sides of the family. For couples, draw men on the left and women on the right (except in complex situations, then just explain) Draw siblings in chronological order with the first born on the left. Use appropriate symbols for males and females. Use appropriate symbols for marriage, divorce, unmarried couples, adoptions, etc. Start with yourself and highlight your symbol—you are to be labeled #1. Numbers should coincide with the Factual Data Sheet, which is Part 3. Exams Mid-Term Exams Two Mid-Term Exams will be given. Mid-Term Exam #1 will cover Chapters 1-4 and all materials covered during class. Mid-Term Exam #2 will cover Chapters 510 and all materials covered during class. Each Mid-Term Exam will consist of 20 multiple-choice questions (1 point each) and a 5-point essay question, for a total of 25 points possible per a Mid-Term Exam. 7 Final Exam The final exam will consist of information from all chapters of the textbook and materials covered during class. This exam will consist of 35 multiple-choice questions (1 point each) and 3 short answer questions (5 points each). Course Policies Attendance and class participation are required for successful completion of the course. Plagiarism will result in an F in the course and/or further disciplinary action. Please familiarize yourself with the university’s policy on academic dishonesty. This can be found on the SDSU webpage for Student Rights and Responsibilities ( ) All cell phones, I-Pods, etc. must be turned off during class time. Laptops are to be used for note taking only—no web searches or e-mail conversations or game playing please. You are expected to attend for the entire class time. Students with Disabilities If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that I cannot provide accommodations based upon disability until I have received an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated. 8