
Louisiana Purchase
Lewis and Clark Pre-Test (Not Graded)
 Number your paper from 1-10. For each
statement write T for True or F for False.
1. At the time Thomas Jefferson lived, there
were woolly mammoths roaming the West.
2. At the time Thomas Jefferson lived, there
was a tribe of blue-eyed Indians living in the
West that spoke Welsh, the language of
people from Wales, a region on the west
coast of Great Britain.
3. At the time Thomas Jefferson lived, there was a
river or series of connected rivers starting at the
Mississippi, that crossed the western mountains
and reached the Pacific Ocean.
At the time Thomas Jefferson lived, the
Appalachian Mountains were taller than the
Rocky Mountains.
At the time Thomas Jefferson lived, the West
had many erupting volcanoes.
At the time Thomas Jefferson lived, unicorns
were found living in the West.
7. At the time Thomas Jefferson lived, there were
mountains made entirely of salt found in the West.
8. At the time Thomas Jefferson lived, 7 foot tall
beavers could be found in the West.
At the time Thomas Jefferson lived, buffaloes
were small friendly creatures.
10. At the time Thomas Jefferson lived, Peruvian
llamas (an animal native to Peru, in South
America) could be found roaming the West.
Louisiana Purchase Notes
Why we bought it?
• France got the land from Spain in 1802.
• Farmers worried that France would close Mississippi River
• 1803—Pres. Jefferson bought Louisiana Territory for $15
million (3 cents per acre)
How we explored it?
• 1804-1806—Lewis and Clark explored it, along with
• 4 “missions” to accomplish—1) Make accurate maps; 2) meet
with and establish friendly relationships with Indians; 3)
looked for all- water route to Pacific Ocean; 4) learn about
natural resources found in new territory.
• Claimed Oregon Country for the US
Work Time—What to do…
• 1. Work on and finish map 1st!! (due
• 2. Read “Journey of Lewis & Clark” (due
• Complete Crossword Puzzle
• Highlight where in the reading the answer to each
crossword clue can be found and number it
Tuesday, October 23
End-of-Class Wrap-Up
 Discuss with your “Elbow Partner”:
 Why do you think it was important to Thomas Jefferson that
Lewis and Clark explore the Louisiana Territory?