Survival -


Running head: RX FOR SURVIVAL

Rx for Survival: A Global Health Challenge, Summary

Amparo Elizabeth Bayless

Northern Arizona University




The series RX for Survival opens our eyes to global issues of public health. The program showcases the complex problems humanity has surpassed to bring us to the modern day. Global health has seen many accomplishments in developing life saving medications, disease preventing vaccines, and programs to provide appropriate resources. Clean water, proper balanced diets, and medical treatments are only part of the solution. Programs that implement access to the public must be enforced, and made available to the most needing people in remote areas. The hard work of public health officials has won many battles against the most resistant viruses. This is just the beginning; hard work must continue to concord this war. Continuous surveillance and preparedness are the most important tools we have to avoid future epidemics.


Rx For Survival: A Global Health Challenge, Summary

The importance of disease prevention is documented by the eradication of diseases such as polio and smallpox. The importance of vaccination programs, as the most powerful weapon against disease, should not be overlooked. Vaccination campaigns in developing countries have not been easy, but health providers are not discouraged and continue on with their campaign

(Beckham, 2005).

It is very important to educate people to be compliant with medical treatments. This is important to avoid the evolution of viruses to a drug resistance level. There may not be a medication to control, or cure diseases like tuberculosis if the medications, through use, are rendered useless. In many countries medications, such as antibiotics, are dispensed without a prescription, and people are self-medicating, creating drug resistant bacteria. The rise of viruses resistant to antibiotics, have made it harder to control diseases almost eradicated (Holt, 2005).

All of the medical discoveries and scientific advances mean nothing, if they cannot reach those remote places in need. Providing the appropriate means of transportation, according to the terrain and the countries resources, is essential to maintaining the implementation of disease prevention programs (Willumsen, 2005).

The recognition of surfacing new infectious diseases is pivotal to diagnosing and controlling new epidemics. In the case of the West Nile Virus, the inexplicable death of the crows in New York should not have been ignored. Quicker attention to the situation could have prevented deaths and would have found the causal agent sooner. Forces need to combine to maintain surveillance for any signs that may be an alert to potential danger. Many vectors migration has occurred due to climate changes, and are nurturing the migration of diseases

(Young, 2005).


The causes for many diseases are well known, and the treatment for them is not expensive. Finding the proper resources needs to be a priority for the whole world. Children should not have to fear malaria, just because they do not have a net to sleep under, or fear night blindness, because they do not have the vitamins to prevent it. Every man, woman and child in the world deserves clean water, a proper balanced diet, and a clean place to live to avoid unnecessary diseases. Basic necessities must be provided around the world (Jackson & Beckham,


The whole world is at risk; the false feeling of safety may bring us to a rude awakening if diseases like HIV, SARS, West Nile Virus, and avian flu, are not prevented and addressed as soon as they surface. Education and identifying the sources of new diseases is the basic for public health (Whittlesey, 2005).

The eye-opening information presented in the series Rx for Survival invites us to become epidemiologist in our own area. By keeping a watchful eye we can become part of the solution.

Writing these short essays has help enforced the proper utilization of the APA format writing style, required to maintain proper communication among colleges, and to provide credible information that may help further investigation in specific subjects.



Beckham, M. (Producer). (2005) Rx for survival: A global health challenge: Disease warriors.

[Videotape]. WGBH Educational Foundation and Vulcan Productions, Inc. Retrieved from: DVD1573_RX_FOR_SURVIVAL_PT1_DISEASE_WARRIORS.html

Holt, S. (Producer). 2005. Rx for survival: A global health challenge: Rise of the super bug.

[Videotape]. WGBJ Educational Foundation and Vulcan Productions, Inc. Retrieved from: DVD1573_RX_FOR_SURVIVAL_PT2_RISE_OF_THE_SUPERBUGS.html

Jackson, T., & Beckham, M. (Producers). (2005) Rx for survival: A global health challenge:

Back to the basics. [Videotape]. WGBH Educational Foundation and Vulcan

Productions, Inc. Retrieved from:


Whittlesey, R. (2005). Rx for survival: A global health challenge: How safe are we? [Videotape].

WGBH Educational Foundation and Vulcan Productions, Inc. Retrieved from:


Willumsen, G., and Shinefield, J. (Producers). 2005. Rx for survival: A global health challenge:

Delivering the goods. [Videotape]. WGBJ Educational Foundation and Vulcan

Productions, Inc. Retrieved from


Young, A., (Producer). 2005. Rx for survival: A global health challenge: Deadly messengers.

[Videotape]. WGBJ Educational Foundation and Vulcan Productions, Inc. Retrieved from: DVD1573_RX_FOR_SURVIVAL_PT4_DEADLY_MESSENGERS.html

