COURSE COURSE THT-506 CODE TITLE Managing Human Resources and Development in Tourism & Hospitality CREDITS L T P (Or Max. Marks) 3 1 0 4 Learning Outcome: The student will learn about: Basic principles of Human Resource Management: How an organization acquires, rewards, motivates, uses, and generally manages its people effectively. Practices and techniques for evaluating performance and performing the wide range of other people related duties of a manager in today’s increasingly complex workplace. Practical situations and problem solving regarding areas of employee counseling, discipline and termination. The importance of maintaining fair and equitable compensation and benefit programs will be discussed. S.No 1 2 Units Human Resource Management: Concept, Evolution and Challenges a) Brief Introduction to Strategic HRM. b) Personnel Policies. c) Job Analysis d) HR planning e) Recruitment and Selection f) Placement and Induction. g) Human resource development Training and development a) Career planning, career development and Succession Planning. b) Job design & Job evaluation. Performance Appraisal c) Promotion; Transfers; Demotions. d) Compensation Administration, wages & salary administration e) Managing Employee benefits, Managing work conditions such as health & safety, Employee welfare, social security. 3 Managing Employee Grievances: Meaning, Causes, Grievance handling procedure; Discipline a) Collective Bargaining, Workers Participation, and Employee Empowerment b) Trade Unions: Objectives, Functions c) Industrial Relations and Industrial disputes. d) Job stress, counseling; Quality of work life e) HRIS, HR Audit; Managing ethical issues in HRM; Implications for HRM & HRD; Contemporary issues in HRM; International HR practices; e-HR. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Aswathappa, K., Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi. 2. Dessler, G., Human Resource Management, Prentice-Hall, Delhi. 3. Rao, V.S.P., Human Resource Management: Text and cases, Excel Books, New Delhi. REFERENCE BOOKS: . 1. Decenzo A Davide & Robbins P Stephen, Personnel/Human Resource Management, Prentice-Hall, India 2. Ivancevich M John, Human Resource Management, TMH, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi. 3. Mamoria, C.B., Personnel Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. NOTE FOR THE PAPER SETTER The syllabus has been divided into three units. Paper setter will set 3 questions from each unit and 1 compulsory question spread over the whole syllabus consisting of 5 short answer questions. Compulsory question will be placed at number one. Candidate shall be required to attempt 6 questions in all including compulsory question and selecting not more than 2 questions from each unit. All questions carry equal marks.