PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP 2012 25 JAN 12 OPT Brief This brief is classified: UNCLASSIFIED Roll Call • • • • • • • • CDS-7 State Dept – Mr. Weinz USNS MERCY AUS HQ JOC HQ JFNZ JSDF FLC-Yokosuka C7F • • • • • • • • C3F CTF 76 351st Civil Affairs Command DLA Troop Support - Pacific ETG 30th NCR HSC-21 DET 2 MCAST Blue: Normal participants not expected to attend VTC due to scheduling conflict. 2 PP 12 Weekly Planning Rhythm 1100W read ahead slides posted to APAN CPF N3 Semi-Monthly Update 1200W MED WG Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs 1300-1500W OPT VTC 1000W COMMS WG 1200W ENG WG 1000W CA WG Sat 1430W Comm Integration WG 1300W LOG WG 1300W FP WG Every other week Effective 09 JAN Fri 3 UNCLASSIFIED Planning Timeline AUG JUL JUN MAY EXORD Mid Planning Conference Initial Planning Conference CPF RFF Interagency Coord (CPF N5) FSLO Letter NGO Coordination (CPF N5) MOU Letters Signed Partner Nations (CPF N5/C7F) Final Transit Plan (CDS) APR PLANORD MAR FEB Force Sourcing (CPFN3) JAN Meetings/Conferences (CPF/CDS) DEC NOV OCT SEP Mission Planning/CONOPS (CPF) PN Invitation letters Final Initial Funding/Authorizations (CPF) Communications (CPF N6) Requirements Assessment (CPF MAG) Systems Assessment plan Detailed CONOPS (CDS) PDSS/Advanced Echelon (CDS) PDSS Deployment (CDS) Advanced Echelon Deployment UNCLASSIFIED 4 ADF Planning Status General Planning • CJOPS Decision Brief for PP12 signed. Command • Nomination of O-5 for position of COMASC submitted. • Call for nominations for ASNCE staff sent via signal. Engineering • Two (2) ADF engineers participated in Indonesia PDSS. Still awaiting Post Activity Report. • Authorization to lead as FIE for Indonesia mission still to come from IPDIV. Medical • Awaiting nominations for ADF Health PP12 positions from Services. No Change 5 ADF Participation Australia • Command Element • Engineering Section • Medical Personnel contribution of 15 – 20 pers in each contingent Contingent 1 embark USNS MERCY in Guam and change out in Subic Bay Philippines Contingent 2: embark USNS MERCY in Subic Bay Philippines and disembark at the conclusion of mission in Cambodia Health manning TBC in late November HQJOC Health PP12 POC: CMDR Kenneth Walters (SO1 Reg / Dom & Joint Ex Hlth Plans) No Change 6 UNCLASSIFIED PP12 RFI Tracker Number Status Date Req Responsible Question ADF-001 Closed 11 Nov 11 PACFLT Request a copy of the Indonesian PDSS itinerary ADF-002 Open 11 Nov 11 PACFLT Status of Partner Nation invitation letter No Change UNCLASSIFIED Other 7 JSDF Planning Status • CONOPS of Japan - Developing the CONOPS of Japan Country selection - Philippine - Vietnam Activities - Medical supports - Community service projects Introduction of culture etc. - Studying other activities - Decision after completion of PDSS Vehicles - JMSDF Ship (TBD×1) - JASDF Aircraft(C-130 or KC-767×1) Medical team - Approximately 20~30 No Change 8 JSDF Planning Status • PDSS -Request re-survey Philippines with U.S. survey team in FEB or MAR 2012 • Humanitarian community in Japan - Not yet access • POC PRI: LCDR Haga : DSN:224-7714 or 7723 SEC: LCDR Yamaguchi : No Change 9 JSDF Planning Status Number Status date WG Requests/Questions JPN -001 19 OCT PDSS Draft plan of PDSS in Philippine and Vietnam JPN-002 30 NOV PDSS Req. re-survey with US survey member in FEB or MAR. No Change Comments 10 NZDF Planning Status Decision by COMD Joint Forces New Zealand is to deploy a small multidisciplinary health team for the duration of the deployment to Vietnam 10 – 24 Jul 12. Contingent: Plan to embark USNS MERCY in Subic Bay Philippines / disembark at the conclusion of mission in Vietnam. MAJ BROOKS – will attend Main Planning Conference (30 - 31 Jan in San Diego) as HQ JFNZ Rep. Now registered into APAN, awaiting membership to PP12 accounts. Medical Personnel contribution: Manning TBC in early December (8 – 12 pers) New HQJFNZ Health PP12 POC: MAJ Andrew BROOKS DDI: +64 4 529 6124 No Change 11 CPF FOPS Update Manning Update -FFC change in sourcing priorities -Augmentation package was due back from Joint Sourcing on 23 Jan -Army input still outstanding, needed for 351st (16 pax) and 807th (25 pax) support -FFC Staffing not submitted -Commitment received for med personnel -CPF PLANORD released 12 Medical Update • Medical WG Telcon held Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 1200 hrs • LT JG Ward to attend MPC and stay to assist with Medical CONOPS development – Funding provided by CPF and MERCY • Medical assessment to Philippines is GTG • Per ODC during 1/24 telcon, medical assessment to Cambodia rescheduled – 26 March – 3 April 13 Engineering Update Site Survey Philippines Cambodia Indonesia Vietnam Projects Recommended 3 schools & 1 medical clinic 3 health centers 3 health centers & 1 school 2 health centers SMEE Request Seawall-Dr. Lin Bldg; P&E; CCAD Seismic; Disaster Disaster; Safety Australian Defence Force approval is approximately 90% complete. -ADF determination of FIE will follow site survey report Philippine Project Package preparation (ACB1 lead- BUC Sarmiento) Cambodia Project Package preparation (NMCB40 lead) Indonesia Project Package preparation (ADF lead/NMCB40 Alt) Vietnam Project Package preparation (NMCB40 lead) Completed On-track Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 14 Engineering Update Indonesia SMEEs: 1.Seismic Construction Practices 2.Disaster Response Plans Philippine SMEEs: 1.Project planning training using Microsoft Projects software 2.Repair and/or reconstruction of seawalls Vietnam SMEEs: 1.Construction Safety Practices 2.Engineer Disaster Response Plans Cambodia SMEEs: 1.Building Plan Development 2.Water Quality Completed On-track Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 15 Logistics Update • Logistics WG held 24 Jan 12 • Reviewing proposed Medical CONOPS to develop logistics support plan(s) • Funding – APRI (No Change) • MTF MERCY received $600K of required $1.9M • Pharmaceuticals and Consumables – Working with DLA to assign Call Numbers for initial orders • Donation Material (No Change) • Next Logistics WG meeting scheduled for 7 Feb 12 16 PP12 Supply and Logistics Status FUNDING (25 JAN12) Item / Task Action Date Req Notes APRI CPF/ SUPPO 31JAN12 - APRI ($600K of $1.9M required received) ORF C7F/ CDS-7/ SUPPO 07FEB12 - Requirements review in progress OCO CPF/ SUPPO 15APR12 - Requirements review in progress NO CHANGE Status Completed On-track Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 17 PP12 Supply and Logistics Status PHARMACEUTICALS and CONSUMABLES (25JAN12) Item / Task Status Action Date Req Notes Indonesia Load List SUPPO 03FEB12 - Load list developed pending MPC update(s). - Final pharmaceutical list due to FLC Yokusuka contracting post MPC for contract award determination - Working with DLA to assign Call Numbers for requisitioning of standard consumable items Philippines Load List SUPPO 03FEB12 - Load list developed pending MPC update(s) - Working with DLA to assign Call Numbers for requisitioning of standard pharmaceutical and consumable items Vietnam Load List SUPPO 03FEB12 - Load list developed pending MPC update(s). - Final pharmaceutical list due to FLC Yokusuka contracting post MPC for contract award determination - Working with DLA to assign Call Numbers for requisitioning of standard consumable items Cambodia Load List SUPPO 03FEB12 - Load list developed pending MPC update(s) - Working with DLA to assign Call Numbers for requisitioning of standard pharmaceutical and consumable items Completed On-track Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 18 PP12 Supply and Logistics Status DONATION MATERIAL (25JAN12) Item / Task Action Date Req Notes Load Plan MSC/ SUPPO 31JAN12 - Load plan developed pending MSC MERCY approval - 240 pallet maximum established Project Handclasp SUPPO 15MAR12 - Preparations ongoing with POC LDS SUPPO 15FEB12 - Preparations ongoing with POC Worldwide VETs SUPPO 15MAR12 - Preparations ongoing with POC NO CHANGE Status Completed On-track Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 19 PP12 CIS Information Systems Status (25JAN12) Item / Task Action Date Req Notes IT & Radio Operator Manning CPF N3/ CDS / 15JAN12 -Each MEDCAP = 1-IT (HEIS) - JCSE IEP (3 ea +OIC= 7 pers ) approved 05DEC - 4+Remote MEDCAP manning review. -Ashore Command Center Annex K / COMM Plan CPF/ C3F/CTF PRE-MPC -76/CDS - IAW NTTP 3-57 Navy HCA OPS -Based on PN/HN COMM interoperability assessments and simultaneous missions. -OPTASK COMMS required. BGAN SATCOM CPF N6/ CDS - Not required for PDSS. (17OCT11 CDS-7 N6 email). - OPTEST CPF BGANs (FEB12). - Develop CONOPS for BGAN use. Host Nation Spectrum Mgt C7F/CTF PRE-MPC -76 /CDS No Change Status Completed POSTMPC On-track -Determine frequency restrictions for each host nation. Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 20 PP12 CIS Information Systems Status (25JAN12) Item / Task Status Action Date Req Notes PAO Network CPF PAO/N6 / CDS/ MERCY PRE-MPC -Defense Video & Imagery Distribution System (DVIDS) : PAO confirmed system is available. Ashore use only. - Verified Fast File Transfer (FFT) SW (version 2.43) Installed in MERCY. FFT ATO pkg in development at DMA. PAO assist requested PN-NGO Business Center (SSC LANT CHARLESTON) CPF N6 APR12 / CDS /MERCY Partner Nation Interoperability CPF N6 / CDS POSTMPC -Verify Partner Nation (PN) CIS POCs. -Verify APAN accounts for all PN CIS WG team members. -PN CIS capability review. -Develop CIS Interoperability Matrix in Annex K. Health Engagement Information System (HEIS) CIS WG/ CDS N6 TBD -HERS funded by MARFORPAC Experimental Center (MEC) is not available. -CIS and Medical WG reviewing alternatives. Completed On-track -SPAWAR PN-NGO Business Center (Wireless and terminals) is the afloat solution. -MERCY to coordinate refresh/OPTEST/training in San Diego by SPAWAR. SOW in development (09JAN12). - CDS procure printer consumables for entire mission. -IA/business rules provided CDS-7 N6 03NOV11. Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 21 PP12 CIS Information Systems Status (25JAN12) Item / Task Status Action Date Req Notes Remote MEDDENCAP /CC Comms Arch CDS / CPF PREMPC -Draft CIS Element architecture and inventory under review at CDS-7 (20JAN12) Host Nation MIL C4 PDSS OIC PDSS AAR -PDSS OICs for assessment action. -Training provided to Blue Team 21OCT11. Host Nation CIVIL Comms PDSS OIC PDSS AAR -PDSS OICs for assessment action. -Training provided to Blue Team 21OCT11. Remote Site US Mission CIS Assessment PDSS OIC/ AOIC PDSS AAR -JCSE Planner not included in PDSS. PDSS AOIC to conduct assessments with provided checklists and guidance. -Command Center (CC) Comms assessment. -Training provided to Blue Team 21OCT11. PDSS CIS Comms CPF/ CDS PDSS OICs Completed PREPDSS On-track -Iridium Phones: CPF N6 issued phone to Blue OIC. -In country cell phones: MERCY to provide from PP10 mission phones. -Automated Data Collection (8 cell phones app) issued to OIC. Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 22 PP12 CIS Information Systems Status (25JAN12) Item / Task Action Date Req Notes Knowledge Management /Data Protection CDS/ MERCY TBD -MEDCAP/CDS/Mission Data storage and protection Command Center Ashore CIS CDS PDSS AAR -Identify configuration and location in each country. IT SMEE Requests CDS PDSS AAR -PDSS determine scope (SYSADMIN, repair, training, etc.). SATCOM Requests C3F/ C7F/ CDS FEB12 -Standard USN process. Mission COMMs Readiness CDS / MERCY APR12 -Pre-deployment COMM Checks (DVIDS, FTP, FFT, NMCI FAS, MERCY COMMs Suite) No Change Status Completed On-track Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 23 PP12 CIS Information Systems Status (25JAN12) Item / Task Status Action Date Req Notes FSET on MERCY CPF / MSC TBD - Field Service Engineering Team (FSET) rqmt for San Diego to Guam cost estimate from SPAWAR received 11JAN12. SD-Guam SOW requested 20JAN12.. -Funding transfer to SPAWAR TBD End of Mission CIS Exit Plan CPF/ CDS TBD - Hardware: Transfer custody of loaned CIS items back to CPF -Data Exit Plan: TBD VHF Handheld Radios CPF/ CDS FEB12 -CDS determine required quantities ADVON CIS CDS Pre-MPC -CDS determine requirements. Embarked Documentary Team CDS Ongoing -CDS determine requirements and set expectations -Afloat connectivity limited to NGO Business Center Completed On-track Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 24 Force Protection Update • MFP Sourcing: Four Marines, possibly participation at MPC – C7F/CTF-76 tasking to re-analyze manning needs • PIVA update • MPC coordination • Pre-Deployment travel Requirements – – – – – – Updated ISOPREPs APACS iATP AOR location specific brief Level I ATFP SERE 100 B 25 Public Affairs Update - Admin • Mission PAO to DC 15-18 JAN for CHINFO/OSD/DOS meetings/coordination for mission roll-out - Media Coordination • CAPT Breslau, LCDR Lohmeyer will meet with Warner Bros. and NAVINFO WEST in LA 25 JAN 26 Public Affairs Update Item/Task Status PAG DC media trip/mission announcement NS PP Fact Sheet Smartphone SOP NS Online presence brief Completed Action Suspense Date Notes CDS PA CPF PA TBD Draft to CDRE 15 DEC Routing will happen D-30 to 45 days CDS PA APR 2012 CDS PA, CPF PA 30 DEC CIWG, CPF Social Media 15 MAR CDS PA, CPF PA 9 DEC On-track Off-Track/Recoverable Mission info to NAVINFO WEST for vetting Social media, websites, etc Off-Track not recoverable 27 Public Affairs Update Item/Task Status Action Suspense Notes Date CDS PA, NPASE PO&AM inputs CDS PA, CPF PA 14 DEC Media Training Plan CDS PA TBD Training to CDS leadership and mission participants COMREL purchase list CPF PA TBD Will request final approval after MPC Completed On-track TBD Dialogue initiated w/ MERCY on 04 JAN Equipment requirements Due to FOPS. PA-specific updates in progress Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 28 CAWG Update (25 JAN) Item / Task Status Action Date Req CJ-CMCC Concept Paper Dev CPF N5 10 FEB CMCC Battle Rhythm Sych DESRON 19 JAN Non-Medical SMEE CONOPS Draft Plan Operational Assessment Plan Strategic Assessment Plan NGO and Partner Nation Engagement Process CAWG CAWG CAWG CAWG / CPF N5 23 JAN MAR 12 APR 12 MPC Notes -Awaiting chops from MTF - Chops received and incorporated from DESRON, PP 09, 10, 11 reps, COE-DMHA (IHC) -Next action: CMCC concept document will finalized during MPC TTX. - Inputs submitted to DESRON. -Complete - Plan details will continue to be added, as possible, between now and ADVON deployment. However, CONOP finalization will not occur until ADVON. - Assessment WG has produced draft task list which will be socialized and refined during WGs. -Geared toward MOPs - Geared towards Theater Strategic Objectives - 80% plan post MPC but add-ins will be ongoing. 29 Projected Host and Partner Nation Participation by Port Host / Partner Nation Indonesia Philippines Vietnam Cambodia Material / Platform Support Personnel Participation by Port SD HI GU ID RP RP VN KM GU HI FP, Engineers, Medical FP, Engineers, Medical FP, Engineers, Medical FP, Engineers, Medical Australia Lead for ID Engineer FIE Medical 15-20 PAX Engineer Section Canada Medical/Dental SD POC LCDR Chris Giacomaro LCDR Scott Alms LTC Wayne Turnbull LTC Kristin Means CMDR Kenneth Walters: SQNLDR Owen Gardner, 9 May 15 Pax 15 Pax 15 Pax 4 July 15 Pax 15 Pax 15 Pax 4 Sep CAPT Lee Gagne Medical Team: 20-30 pax LCDR Haga : LCDR Haga : New Zealand 8-12 PAX Medical Team MAJ Andrew Brooks Singapore Medical team Thailand Medical, Engineers and CA Japan Chile JMSDF Ship Aircraft (C-130 or KC-767) 1 Pax Medical Major Chow Weien: 5 July 24 July LCDR Jason Starmer LCDR Julian Maldonado 30 UNCLASSIFIED Projected NGO Participation by Port NGO UCSD PreDental Society Expected Contribution Personnel Participation by Port SD HI GU ID RP RP VN KM GU HI SD POC Dr. Irv Silverstein: 619-8403288 Dental, Translators LDS Charities Medical Dr Susan Puls: Mr. Fred Riley: 801-240-8580 Project Hope Medical Mr. Matt Petersen: 540-467-5524/ 540-837-9554 Hope World Wide Translators for Indonesia (awaiting number required from DESRON ) Project Handclasp Vets Without Borders World Vets University of Hawaii Mr. Charles Ham: Office: 62-21-600-9091 Mr. Paul Brown / Lt Aron Rotklein: 619532-1492 TBD Dr Thomas Graham: Office 916-769-3696 TBD Dr Katie Horn: 509-290-0509 / 505-89494093 TBD Medical, Engineers UNCLASSIFIED 31 UNCLASSIFIED Projected NGO Participation by Port NGO Expected Contribution Personnel Participation by Port SD HI GU ID RP RP VN KM GU HI SD POC EWC TBD Vricella, Gene VMAP 5 doctors fluent in Vietnamese and translators Nguyen K. Nguyen President of VNMAP Program Global Grins Donation of toothbrushes EWOB Engineers UNCLASSIFIED 32 PP12 APRI/OHDACA Status: 17JAN11 APRI Summary PP12 PACOM approved APRI budget $2,500,000.00 APRI Expended by PACFLT $727,786.25 APRI on-hand at PACFLT $522,213.75 APRI remaining at PACOM $1,250,000.00 Total APRI Remaining $1,772,213.75 OHDACA Summary PP12 PACOM Tentative OHDACA budget $912,000.00 OHDACA Expended by PACFLT $0.00 OHDACA on-hand at PACFLT $0.00 OHDACA remaining at PACOM $912,000.00 Total OHDACA Remaining $912,000.00 33 Canadian Team • Two CA Teams – Team One: HS support to Indonesia and Philippians • Duration - 8 May to 3 Jul 12 • Embark - PEARL HARBOR 9 May 12 • Disembark - SUBIC BAY 4 Jul 12 – Team Two: HS support to Vietnam and Cambodia • Duration – 3 Jul to 4 Sep 12 • Embark – SUBIC BAY 4 Jul 12 • Disembark – PEARL HARBOR 4 Sep 12 34 Canada: HSS TO&E *Focus – Primary Care* 1x GDMO (Capt/Maj) 1x DO (Capt/Maj) 1x Liaison Officer (Capt) 1x Physio (Lt/Capt) 3x GDNO (Lt/Capt) 1x Dent Tech (Cpl/Sgt) 7x Med Tech (1x Sgt QL6A, 2x MCpl QL5A, 4x Cpl/Pte) TOTAL: 15 35 PP12 Communication Integration • Finalizing products to support detailed communication planning and assessment for each location (due 30 JAN) • Coordinating communication assessment support for PP12 (MAY – SEP 12) – Include “baseline” and post-mission support – Linguist support • Next CIWG meeting scheduled for: 26 JAN 12 • AMEMB Cambodia, Vietnam Telecons being coordinated 36 PP12 Communication Integration Item / Task Status Action Date Req Notes Stakeholder Analysis CIWG 15 NOV - Initial product completed. Briefing with Commodore Morgan scheduled for early Dec. Characterize Information Environment CPF N2/N39 15 NOV – 30 JAN -Political Military Economic Social Infrastructure and Information (PMESII) product status is as follows: Cambodia 100%, Indonesia 100%, Vietnam 99%, Philippines 95%. Communication Strategy/ Implementation Plan CPF N2/N39 31 DEC - This product will detail integrated approach for internal, external messaging. This product will be a draft until finalized as an Annex to the CPF PP12 Campaign Plan. Identify/Coordinate key messaging events CIWG 15 JAN - Identified; coordinating CIWG support: -- ETG Leadership Training -- MPC Assessment planning -- SLV support Develop messaging products CIWG/ CPF N2/N39, PA 15 APR - Not started. Completed On-track Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 37 PP12 Communication Integration Item / Task Action Date Req Notes Develop communication MOE Indicators CIWG/ N2/N39 15 JAN - Part of overall PP12 assessment effort. Define Communication assessment methodology CPF N2/N39 30 JAN - Part of overall PP12 assessment effort. Coordinate and monitor communication during execution CPF N2/N39 During PP12 - Not started. Part of overall PP12 assessment effort. Conduct communication assessment CIWG During PP12 - Not started. Develop AAR CPF N2/N39, PA 30 SEP - Not started. Completed Status On-track Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 38 Planning Timeline UPDATED: 18JAN12 INDICATES UPDATE 39 Mission Commander Priorities • Country CONOPS Development – 30-Jan-12 MPC (PRESENT DRAFT CONOPS) • Mid Planning Conference (29-31JAN) – 29JAN Civilian Participant Planning and Discussion (USNS MERCY) – 30-31JAN MPC Agenda (next slide) (ADMIRAL KIDD CONF CENTER) • CMCC TTX (01FEB12) – Notification/agenda/objectives provided; participants confirm via RSVP • SLV preparations – Big-block travel arrangements made – Issues: • CPF participant requested • Vietnam Visas (What is the backup plan?) • Agenda / KLE • Miscellaneous – Manning / billet gaps (lacks a clear path to resolution) – Landside FP sourcing (lacks a clear path to resolution) – Proposed Mission Planning Rhythm in development – CMCC Watchfloor products in development: • SORM / SOPs / Watchbills / PPRs 40 PP12 MPC Agenda 30JAN12 31JAN12 • 0700-0800 REGISTRATION • 0730-0745 • 0800-0805 PP12 MISSION COMMANDER • 0745-1200 OPENING REMARKS (CDS7 N00) • 0805-0815 ADMIN REMARKS (CDS7 N3) • 1200-1300 • 0815-0900 CONOPS - INDONESIA (CDS7 • 1300-1530 PDSS/ADVON GOLD OIC) • 0900-0910 BREAK • 1530-1550 • 0910-0955 CONOPS - PHILIPPINES (CDS7 PDSS/ADVON BLUE OIC) • 1550-1600 • 0955-1005 BREAK • 1005-1050 CONOPS - VIETNAM (CDS7 PDSS/ADVON GOLD OIC) • 1050-1100 BREAK • 1100-1145 CONOPS - CAMBODIA (CDS7 PDSS/ADVON BLUE OIC) • 1145-1300 MPC GROUP PHOTO / LUNCH BREAK • 1300-1600 FUNCTIONAL WORKING GROUPS • 1600-1630 WRAP UP MEETING / WAY AHEAD FOR 31JAN (WORKING GROUP LEADS, PDSS/ADVON OIC/AOIC, COORDINATORS) • 1800-2000 SOCIAL (SAMMY'S WOODFIRED PIZZA, POINT LOMA/LIBERTY STATION) ADMIN REMARKS (CDS7 N3) FUNCTIONAL WORKING GROUPS (CONT) LUNCH FUNCTIONAL WORKING GROUPS (CONT) DELIVERABLES / WRAP-UP (CDS7 N3) PP12 MISSION COMMANDER CLOSING REMARKS (CDS7 N00) 41 Closing Questions/Comments • • • • • • • • • CPF Staff State Dept – Mr. Weinz AUS HQ JOC HQ JFNZ JSDF FLC-Yokosuka C7F C3F CTF 76 • • • • • • • • 351st Civil Affairs Command DLA Troop Support - Pacific 30th NCR ETG HSC-21 DET 2 MCAST USNS MERCY CDS-7 42