PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP 2012 12 OCT 11 OPT Brief This brief is classified: UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Roll Call • • • • • • • • • • CDS-7 USNS MERCY State Dept – Mr. Weinz AUS HQ JOC HQ JFNZ JSDF FISC-Yokosuka C7F CTF 76 C3F • DLA Troop Support - Pacific • 30th NCR • MCAST UNCLASSIFIED 2 UNCLASSIFIED PP 12 Weekly Planning Rhythm 1000W read ahead slides posted to APAN CPF N3 Semi-Monthly Update 1200W MED WG Sun Mon Tues 1000W COMMS WG 0930W CA WG Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1300-1500W OPT VTC 1000W Comm Integration WG CPF N33 Update 1300W LOG WG ENG WG TBD 1300W FP WG Every other week UNCLASSIFIED 3 UNCLASSIFIED Planning Timeline AUG JUL JUN MAY EXORD PLANORD Mid Planning Conference Initial Planning Conference CPF RFF Interagency Coord (CPF N5) FSLO Letter NGO Coordination (CPF N5) MOU Letters Signed Partner Nations (CPF/C7F) Transit Plan (CPF/CDS) APR MAR FEB Force Sourcing (CPFN3) JAN Meetings/Conferences (CPF/CDS) DEC NOV OCT SEP Mission Planning/CONOPS (CPF) PN Invitation letters Final Initial Funding/Authorizations (CPF) Communications (CPF N6) Requirements Assessment (CPF MAG) Systems Assessment plan Detailed CONOPS (CDS) PDSS/Advanced Echelon (CDS) PDSS Deployment (CDS) Advanced Echelon Deployment UNCLASSIFIED 4 UNCLASSIFIED ADF Planning Status -PLACE HOLDER UNCLASSIFIED 5 UNCLASSIFIED JSDF Planning Status -PLACE HOLDER UNCLASSIFIED 6 UNCLASSIFIED NZDF Planning Status - Decision brief has been prepared for COMD Joint Forces New Zealand based on FST deployment to Vietnam 10 – 24 Jul 12. UNCLASSIFIED 7 UNCLASSIFIED Force Sourcing Update • 490 of 592 billets are sourced. • 102 were non-concurred by FFC. – In staffing for Joint sourcing. – USA 807th will fill 26 billets. UNCLASSIFIED 8 Medical Update • Medical WG Telcon held on 11 Oct 11 • Provider Credential / Privileging process outlined Pre-Deployment Handbook undergoing revision; should be completed before the PP12 MPC • Force Health Protection information disseminated 9 UNCLASSIFIED Engineering Update Engineering Working Group: Mondays 1500PST – PDSS teams have been assembled, standing by for travel guidance. • 5 PAX total per country – CONOPS being developed to determine FIE/SIE feasibility. – Possible engagement in Exercise Pacific Angel, VNM phase. RFI’s – Can US provide transportation support for an AUS FIE? – What is the Commanders guidance for logistics support ashore? – What ship to shore capability exists to support engineer LOO? – How will PN, HN life support requirements be met? – Who is responsible for non-US PDSS funding? – What is the C4I/Comm plan for VNM phase? – What C4I support can be provided for AUS contingent? – From HN, what are priority SMEE topics for engineers? UNCLASSIFIED 10 UNCLASSIFIED Logistics Update • LOG WG held 11 Oct • APRI update - $3.9m requested from PACOM, with advice that $2.5m will be funded. Other PACOM funds being reviewed to fund balance. • Initial allocation of $300K for USNS MERCY likely to be available by end Oct 11 • PDSS update - Proposed list submitted to CDRE for concurrence. Logistics participants identified and include: • DLA Troop Support x 2 (Philippines/Cambodia x 1 only) • FLC x 2 (Singapore / Yokosuka) • Log Lead (SUPPO MERCY rep) UNCLASSIFIED 11 UNCLASSIFIED Civil Affairs Working Group 1st Working Group VTC will be 17 October, 2011, at 0930 Hawaii standard time. For assistance please contact: CDR Joyce Blanchard (808) 474-6954 ( LCDR Tom Price (808) 474-5455 ( COMPACFLT VTC CONFIRMATION SHEET VTC HELP DESK PHONE NUMBER (808) 474-8506 / 4941 EMAIL Set-up time for this VTC: ONE HOUR VTC CLASSIFICATION UNCLASSED CONFERENCE VTC Date and Time: 17 OCT 1930Z – 2100Z / 0930-1100 HST HOST and Participants, 1. (HOST) 2. Participant: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. Participant: Participant: Participant: Participant: Participant: Participant: COMPACFLT Commander Destoyer Squardon 7 USNS MERCY US ARMY 351st MCAST Naval Post Grad School COE AUDIO ONLY FOR UP TO 9 PARTICIPANTS Area Code VTC DIAL-UP NUMBER SPEED 808 808 474-1760 474-1761 128 128 808 808 808 808 808 474-1762 474-1763 484-4910 484-4911 484-4912 808-471-2663 Host Code 8506 128 128 128 128 128 UNCLASSIFIED 12 PP12 CIS Information Systems Status (12OCT11) Item / Task Status Action Date Req Notes IT & Radio Operator RFF CPF / CDS / TBD Annex K / COMM Plan CPF N6/C7F/ C3F/ CDS BGAN SATCOM CPF N6/ CDS Host Nation Spectrum Mgt C7F N6 /CDS APAN Account Management for all PN/NGO CDS Completed PRE-MPC PREPDSS PRE-MPC PREPDSS On-track -RFF submitted: Each MEDCAP = 2-IT (CHIME), 1-JCSE IEP (TBD). 4 MEDCAPS maximum (8 ITs, 4 IEP). - IAW NTTP 3-57 Navy HCA OPS -Based on PN/HN COMM interoperability assessments and simultaneous missions. -OPTASK COMMS required. - PDSS Requirements TBD. - OPTEST CPF BGANs (JAN12). -Develop CONOPS for BGAN use. -Determine frequency restrictions for each host nation. -PDSS OIC verify APAN accounts for all team members. -Utilize commercial internet when available. Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 13 PP12 CIS Information Systems Status (12OCT11) Item / Task Status Action Date Req Notes PAO Network CPF PAO/N6 / CDS/ MERCY PRE-MPC -Defense Video & Imagery Distribution System (DVIDS) : PAO determine if available. Ashore use only. - Verify Fast File Transfer (FFT) SW Install in MERCY PN-NGO Business Center (SSC LANT CHARLESTON) CPF N6 / CDS /MERCY APR12 -SPAWAR PN-NGO Business Center (Wireless and terminals) is the afloat solution. -Refresh/OPTEST/training in San Diego by SPAWAR. - CDS procure printer consumables for entire mission. -IA Rules Partner Nation Interoperability CPF N6 / CDS PRE-MPC - Verify Partner Nation (PN) CIS POCs. -PN CIS capability review. - Develop CIS Interoperability Matrix in Annex K. CHIME CPF N01H/ CDS TBD -Mission funding TBD -Options under review by N01H Completed On-track Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 14 PP12 CIS Information Systems Status (12OCT11) Item / Task Status Action Date Req Notes Remote MEDDENCAP Comms CDS / CPF/ JCSE TBD -UHF data and voice SATCOM/LOS Comms for CAP to air/ship - JCSE IEP dynamic solution approval in progress. Host Nation MIL C4 Assessment PDSS OIC PDSS PDSS OICs for action. Host Nation CIVIL Comms Assessment PDSS OIC PDSS -PDSS OICs for action. PP12 SECURE COMMS CDS/ CPF N3/5 TBD - Determine CENTRIXS CMFP and secure voice requirements. MERCY COMMs Suite Groom CDS / MERCY APR12 -Determine groom requirements Completed On-track Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 15 PP12 CIS Information Systems Status (12OCT11) Item / Task Status Action Date Req Notes FSET on MERCY CPF / MSC TBD PDSS CIS Comms CPF/ CDS End of Mission CIS Exit Plan Knowledge Management /Data Protection Completed - Field Service Engineering Team (FSET) rqmt determination by CDS-7 pending -Funding transfer to SPAWAR TBD PREPDSS -Iridium Phones: CPF N6 to provide -In country cell phones: MERCY to provide from PP10 mission phones. -BGAN SATCOM: CPF/MERCY to provide as required CPF/ CDS TBD -Transfer custody of loaned CIS items back to CPF CDS/ MERCY TBD -MEDCAP/CDS/Mission Data storage and protection On-track Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 16 PP12 CIS Information Systems Status (12OCT11) Item / Task Status Action Date Req Notes PDSS CIS Assessment Checklist CPF / CDS PREPDSS -Determine JCSE Participation in PDSS. -CPF 2011 CIS checklist revision. Command Center Ashore CDS PDSS -Identify configuration and location in each country. IT SMEE Requests CDS PDSS -PDSS determine scope (SYSADMIN, repair, training, etc.). SATCOM Requests C3F/ CDS TBD -Standard USN process. Completed On-track Off-Track/Recoverable Off-Track not recoverable 17 UNCLASSIFIED Force Protection Update • PDSS Pre-Travel Requirements – – – – – – Updated ISOPREPs APACS IATP AOR location specific brief Level I ATFP SERE 100 B UNCLASSIFIED 18 UNCLASSIFIED Public Affairs Update -PLACE HOLDER UNCLASSIFIED 19 UNCLASSIFIED Mission Commander • COMMENTS UNCLASSIFIED 20 UNCLASSIFIED Closing Questions/Comments • • • • • • • • State Dept – Mr. Weinz AUS HQ JOC HQ JFNZ JSDF FISC-Yokosuka C7F CTF 76 C3F • • • • • DLA Troop Support - Pacific 30th NCR MCAST USNS MERCY CDS-7 UNCLASSIFIED 21