Exam IV: Review Questions Muscle: Ch. 10 Blood & Heart: Ch. 19

Exam IV: Review Questions
Muscle: Ch. 10
Blood & Heart: Ch. 19 & 20
Lymphatic & Immune System: Ch. 22
1. The outermost layer of connective tissue surrounding a skeletal muscle is the
A. Epimysium
B. perimysium
C. Endomysium
D. sarcomysium
2. The oxygen-binding protein found in skeletal muscle fibers is
A. hemoglobin
B. creatine phosphate
C. myoglobin
D. adenosine triphosphate
3. The sarcoplasmic reticulum
A. is the cell membrane around each muscle fiber
B. stores calcium
C. opens to the outside through the sarcolemma
D. produces ATP for muscle contraction
4. When ATP attaches to the myosin head
A. the head detaches from actin
B. the head attaches to troponin
C. Ca2+ reacts with the ATP
D. actin and myosin both shorten
5. Which type of muscle tissue is involuntary, not striated, and able to regenerate considerably better
than other types of muscle?
A. skeletal muscle
B. smooth muscle
C. cardiac muscle
D. striated muscle
6. The following is a list of events in random order that occur in the contraction of skeletal muscle.
Identify which of the subsequent letters represents the correct chronological order of these events.
1. power stroke
2. bridge detachment
3. bridge formation
4. “cocking” occurs as ATP is cleaved (split)
A. 2,3,1,4
B. 1,2,3,4
C. 4,3,2,1
D. 3,1,2,4
7. The binding of Ca+2 to __________________ starts the contraction cycle.
A. tropomyosin
C. troponin
D. sarcoplasmic reticulum
8. Excitability refers to the ability of a cell to
A. return to its original length after stretching
B. shorten
C. assume a desired shape regardless of how much it has been stretched
D. respond to a stimulus by producing an electrical signal
9. Elasticity refers to the ability of a muscle fiber to
A. shorten
B. stretch
C. respond to a stimulus
D. recoil
10. Muscles generate heat, stabilize the joint positions and:
A. line organs that open to the outside
B. coordinate homeostatic functions for the body
C. protect the body from invading organisms
D. produce body movements
Exam IV: Review Questions
Muscle: Ch. 10
Blood & Heart: Ch. 19 & 20
Lymphatic & Immune System: Ch. 22
11. A muscle fascicle is surrounded by
A. sarcomysium
B. endomysium
C. Epimysium
D. perimysium
12. The enzyme acetylcholinesterase causes
A. ATP to break down to ADP
B. muscle neurotransmitters to degrade
C. troponin to bind to tropomyosin
D. breakdown of pyruvic acid to lactic acid
13. Muscle contraction is triggered by impulses carried over
A. sensory neurons
B. afferent neurons
C. motor neurons
D. myofibrils
14. isometric contraction
A. larger category of contraction where muscles undergo length change
15. sarcomere
B. smallest contractile unit of muscle
16. t-tubule
C. larger category of contraction where muscles do not change shape
17. isotonic contraction
D. moves an action potential inward into a muscle
18. Why are men usually stronger than women?
A. men have testosterone
B. men have more muscle on their bodies
C. men are better than women D. both a and b
19. Blood makes up _____ of the total body mass
A. less than 10 percent
B. about half
C. 70 percent
D. almost all
20. The primary site of hematopoiesis in adult humans is in the
A. spleen
B. red bone marrow
C. liver
D. thymus
21. Which blood cell type fight bacteria?
A. basophils
B. neutrophils
C. eosinophils
D. monocytes
22. Which of the following is a leukocyte that leaves the blood and becomes a macrophage?
A. monocyte
B. neutrophil
C. eosinophil
D. basophil
23. During clotting, prothrombin is activated to form
A. fibrin
B. fibrinogen
C. prothrombin activator
D. thrombin
24. Which blood type in theory could be considered the universal donor?
A. A
B. B
C. O
25. Most of the heart lies
A. to the left of midline
B. to the right of midline
C. with the base directed to the left
D. with apex pointing to the right
26. The right atrium receives blood directly from 3 vessels. They are the
A. superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, and left internal jugular vein
B. superior vena cava, coronary sinus, and left internal jugular vein
C. superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, and coronary sinus
D. inferior vena cava, right internal jugular vein and left internal jugular vein
Exam IV: Review Questions
Muscle: Ch. 10
Blood & Heart: Ch. 19 & 20
Lymphatic & Immune System: Ch. 22
27. Is the volume of blood pumped from the left ventricle into the aorta each minute.
A. cardiac output
B. stroke volume
C. heart rate
D. cardiac reserve
28. Which of the following represents the correct pathway of blood moving from the superior vena cava
to the lungs?
A. pulmonary semilunar valve, right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle
B. right atrium, pulmonary semilunar valve, right ventricle, tricuspid valve
C. right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary semilunar valve
D. occurs only on myelinated fibers
29. The outer layer of the heart, called the epicardium, is also sometimes termed the
A. visceral layer of the pericardium
B. parietal layer of the pericardium
C. fibrous pericardium
D. muscular wall of the heart
30. Using the figure above, which allows for passage of blood into the aorta?
A. structure A
B. structure B
C. structure C
D. structure D
31. Which does not lead to congestive heart failure in adults?
A. coronary atherosclerosis
B. chronic high blood pressure
C. diabetes
D. Multiple heart attacks
32. In the heart this is the amount that the ventricles are stretched with blood:
A. afterload
B. preload
C. cardiac output
D. systole
33. Internally, the right and left halves of the heart are separated by the
A. pulmonary semilunar valve
B. atrioventricular valve
C. papillary muscles
D. interventricular septa
Exam IV: Review Questions
Muscle: Ch. 10
Blood & Heart: Ch. 19 & 20
Lymphatic & Immune System: Ch. 22
34. Blood flows from the right atrium to the right ventricle through the _____ valve.
A. tricuspid
B. aortic semilunar
C. pulmonary semilunar
D. bicuspid
35. The tissue of which organ is called pulp?
A. thymus
B. spleen
C. lymph nodes
D. tonsils
36. The first stage of inflammation is
A. tissue repair
B. vasodilation and increased permeability of blood vessels
C. phagocyte migration and cytolysis by complement
D. activation of cell mediated immunity
37. B lymphocytes
A. migrate from the thymus to other lymphatic organs
B. are responsible for antibody-mediated immunity
C. secrete lymphokines
D. are phagocytic
38. Which of these is not a sign of inflammation?
A. sweating
B. swelling
C. pain
D. heat
39. Anything that is foreign to the body is automatically termed a _______________.
A. antigen
B. antibody
C. pathogen
D. parasite
40. Complements
A. are good to have
B. mass associations of proteins that circulate the blood
C. help in the formation of macrophages
D. contribute to cell mediated immunity
41. What is the origin of a T lymphocyte?
A. thymus
B. spleen
C. thyroid
D. bone marrow
42. Cells within our immune system contain which kind of MHC protein?
A. class I
B. class II
C. class III
D. none of the above
43. Cytotoxic T cells attack?
A. virus infected cells
B. cells with internal bacteria or parasites
C. cancer cells
D. transplanted organs and tissues
E. all of the above
44. natural killer cells
A. concerned with cell mediated immunity
45. cytokines
B. can act as phagocytes to consume infected cells
46. macrophages
C. serve as co stimulators of other molecules
47. b lymphocytes
D. concerned with humoral immunity
48. t lymphocytes
E. attack our own infected body cells