Ashland School District Facility and Capacity Assessment Report 2005 Dull Olson Weekes Architects Inc. Project Goals Comprehensive evaluations of district facilities Review capacity based on existing use Lay foundation for future planning Methodology Facility Assessment Kick-off meeting with district staff Site visits and documentation Review and input by district Prioritize recommended upgrades Methodology Capacity Assumptions Kindergarten: 25 students/classroom Grades 1 – 5: 24 students/classroom Middle School: 25 students/classroom High School: 26 students/classroom Core Facilities based on capacity: Cafeteria Gym(s) Theater Media Center Administration Kitchen Report Format Part I: Overview / Introduction Part II: Executive Summary Individual Facility Summary of Costs New Building Costs New Building Acreage Part III: Detailed Summaries of Each Facility Finding and Recommendations Visual Inspection – Exterior Visual Inspection – Interior Code Analysis Appendix Seismic Report Commentary on Code & ADA Limits of Study ADA Demographics Hazardous Materials General Code Problems in Older Schools Life Safety Executive Summary – District Wide Capacity Assessment Sufficient classrooms for current enrollment Core facilities insufficient Site and grounds mostly sufficient Executive Summary – District Wide Facility Assessment Well cared for Wide range in facility ages Life safety, energy, code issues at all facilities Many schools in need of attention Master plan at Ashland High School Acreage at Willow Wind Lincoln’s historic character District Wide Recommendations High Priority Architectural High Priority Mechanical/ Electrical High Priority Seismic Moderate Priority Architectural Low Priority Architectural TOTAL Bellview Elementary $1,127,640 $2,101,432 $1,026,995 $984,940 $1,057,129 $6,298,136 Helman Elementary $3,310,855 $1,721,333 $124,344 $1,476,179 $297,482 $6,930,193 Walker Elementary $1,805,045 $2,219,301 $1,586,776 $1,966,713 $555,109 $8,132,944 Ashland Middle $2,576,383 $5,374,152 $1,768,690 $968,604 $1,690,047 $12,377,876 Ashland High $6,565,454 $7,628,264 $2,851,497 $15,542,466 $2,555,310 $35,142,991 Willow Wind $266,792 $153,986 $100,739 $106,199 $81,849 $709,565 Central Office $182,270 $175,812 $53,422 $822,722 $47,013 $1,281,239 Maintenance $169,638 $436,983 $54,952 $94,827 $0 $756,400 Transportation $141,342 $115,703 $110,401 $0 $0 $367,446 Briscoe Elementary $1,198,642 $1,656,732 $1,810,029 $1,543,476 $382,870 $6,591,749 Lincoln Elementary $1,616,521 $1,551,317 $1,209,956 $1,334,395 $712,762 $6,424,951 TOTAL $18,960,582 $23,135,015 $10,697,801 $24,840,521 $7,379,571 $85,013,490 New School Acreage Recommended School Acreage New Construction: Recommended Acreage New Elementary School for 450 - 600 Students 10 acres 450 - 600 Students on new site. New Middle School for 650 - 800 Students 20 acres 650 - 800 Students on new site. New High School for 1200 - 1600 Students 40 acres 1200 Students on new site. Note: These are recommended acreages. Schools can be built on less acreage, though less acreage may compromise parking, playfields, athletic fields, building footprints, and other such items. New School Costs Construction Costs Total Project Costs New Elementary School for 300 Students $7,750,000 $11,074,000 300 $36,913 New Elementary School for 450 Students $9,000,000 $12,824,000 450 $28,498 New Middle School for 650 Students $18,400,000 $26,208,000 650 $40,320 New Middle School for 800 Students $19,520,000 $27,776,000 800 $34,720 New High School for 1200 Students $35,650,000 $50,190,000 1,200 $41,825 New High School for 1600 Students $42,700,000 $60,060,000 1,600 $37,538 New Construction Capacity Cost/Student New School Costs New Elementary School for 300 Project Costs: Site Development New Construction @ $1,500,000 $ 125.00 Off-Site Improvements - Budget 500,000 Construction Subtotal Fees, Permits, Equipment, Furnishings @ $7,750,000 25% Development Fee Estimate Total Project Cost 1,937,500 200,000 Total Project Cost Add for Inflation to Construction Start @ 6% / yr. 5,750,000 $9,887,500 12% 1,186,500 $11,074,000 District Wide Commentaries Toilet Facilities Most facilities do not meet code for fixture count Lack of ADA facilities Parking Parking is limited at most sites Many facilities do not have paved parking Many facilities are in need of ADA parking and paths District Wide Commentaries ADA Majority of facilities do not have ADA access to the buildings Majority of facilities do not have ADA access of specific areas (such as stages, upper floors, basements) Parking, access and toilets are also a concern Door hardware is not accessible Windows Mostly Single pane and not energy efficient District Wide Commentaries Electrical Lighting Upgrades Panelboard Replacements Technology Upgrades Mechanical/Plumbing Pipes need replacement Lack of Energy Efficient Boilers and/or systems Ventilation is poor Seismic Report Reports: 1995, 2005 Some work completed at most facilities in 1997 Detailed notes in appendix Bellview Elementary School Capacity Summary Date of Original Construction: 1910 Enrollment (2004-2005): 250 Capacity: 275 Items for Consideration Improve Entry and Administration Enlarge Library Improve Site Traffic and Circulation Enlarge Kitchen Consider Total Replacement Bellview Elementary School RECOMMENDATIONS High Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Replace Windows ADA Upgrades Add Site Lighting Improve Site Drainage Replace Carpet Replace VCT Add Signage Add Emergency Egress Door Hardware Total Cost $506,749 $131,694 $28,168 $160,964 $216,291 $41,924 $32,193 $9,657 $1,127,640 Moderate Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Resurface Parking Add Separate Bus Loop Expand Kitchen and Replace Equipment Expand Administration Replace Marker boards Total Cost $106,236 $80,482 $544,059 $237,423 $16,740 $984,940 Bellview Elementary School Lower Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Improve Acoustics Repair Low Slope Roofs Replace Ceiling Panels Replace Cabinets Total Cost $60,755 $328,075 $243,018 $425,281 $1,057,129 Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Recommendations Install fire sprinkler system Replace Boilers Replace domestic cold and hot water piping with copper Replace auto flush with infra red sensors Provide ventilation for cafeteria, restrooms and basement Upgrade controls for energy conservation Replace plumbing fixtures Upgrade receptacles and add as needed for technology Replace Intercom system Upgrade lighting throughout Add emergency lighting Upgrade fire alarm system Upgrade electrical service Replace panelboards Total Cost $179,226 $169,012 $288,583 $30,905 $19,316 $182,264 $108,168 $121,509 $121,509 $243,018 $121,509 $121,509 $273,395 $121,509 $2,101,432 Bellview Elementary School Higher Priority Seismic Recommendations Brace chimney Tie walls to roof, ceiling and floors Tie bowstring truss to walls Reinforce/Install shear walls Reinforce roof diaphragm Install slip/expansion joints Total Cost $241,446 $161,000 $32,193 $243,018 $227,830 $121,508 $1,026,995 Helman Elementary School Capacity Summary Date of Original Construction: 1966 Enrollment (2004-2005): 320 Capacity: 350 Items for Consideration Enlarge & Improve Administration Enlarge Kitchen Add Toilet Facilities Enlarge Library Improve Site Security Add New Gym Helman Elementary School RECOMMENDATIONS High Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Replace glazing w/ insulated glass ADA upgrades Add site lighting Improve site drainage Replace breezeways Add new gym Expand kitchen/replace equipment Add signage Total Cost $495,557 $131,135 $56,338 $120,724 $470,096 $1,448,680 $544,060 $44,265 $3,310,855 Moderate Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Resurface parking and bus loop Add security fencing Replace cabinets Expand & remodel administration Replace marker boards Expand & remodel library Total Cost $154,525 $228,570 $392,244 $237,423 $16,470 $446,677 $1,476,179 Helman Elementary School Lower Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Improve acoustics Improve natural light to classrooms Total Cost $56,035 $241,447 $297,482 Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Recommendations Replace the domestic hot and cold water piping Install Fire sprinkler system Replace boiler system including providing code required backflow devise for makeup water Replace cooling tower Upgrade controls for energy conservation Upgrade receptacles and add as needed for technology Upgrade lighting throughout Add emergency lighting Upgrade fire alarm system Upgrade electrical service Replace panelboards Total Cost $266,167 $165,302 $124,748 $72,434 $168,104 $112,070 $224,140 $112,070 $112,070 $252,158 $112,070 $1,721,333 Helman Elementary School Higher Priority Seismic Recommendations Brace top of CMU wall Separate walkway canopies from building Total Cost $68,007 $56,337 $124,344 Walker Elementary School Capacity Summary Date of Original Construction: 1948 Enrollment (2004-2005): 375 Capacity: 400 Items for Consideration Enlarge and Improve Administration Enlarge Kitchen Add Toilet Facilities Enlarge Library Add Staff Room Walker Elementary School RECOMMENDATIONS High Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Replace windows ADA upgrades Add site lighting Replace breezeways Improve courtyard drainage Replace VCT Add signage Replace roof Total Cost $669,291 $298,850 $28,168 $205,069 $120,723 $47,885 $32,193 $402,866 $1,805,045 Moderate Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Replace ceiling tile Resurface parking Replace marker boards Expand and remodel administration Expand and remodel library Expand kitchen/replace equipment Add staff room Total Cost $277,554 $106,236 $16,740 $301,808 $454,725 $544,059 $265,591 $1,966,713 Walker Elementary School Lower Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Improve acoustics Replace cabinets Total Cost $69,389 $485,720 $555,109 Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Recommendations Replace the domestic hot and cold water piping Replace boiler system Install full fire protection system Provide ventilation in basement area Upgrade controls for energy conservation Upgrade receptacles and add as needed for technology Replace intercom system Upgrade lighting throughout Add Emergency lighting Upgrade fire alarm system Upgrade electrical service Replace panelboards Total Cost $329,596 $169,012 $204,696 $24,145 $208,165 $138,777 $138,777 $277,554 $138,777 $138,777 $312,248 $138,777 $2,219,301 Walker Elementary School Higher Priority Seismic Recommendations Reinforce parapets Epoxy inject cracks in chimney Install/reinforce shearwall Tie walls to roof, ceiling and floors Reinforce roof diaphragm Tie chords and plates together Add slip/expansion joints Total Cost $74,527 $40,240 $693,885 $346,943 $260,208 $32,193 $138,780 $1,586,776 Ashland Middle School Capacity Summary Date of Original Construction: 1959 Enrollment (2004-2005): 680 Capacity: 1200+ Items for Consideration Enlarge Kitchen Provide New entry Enlarge Library Add Toilet Facilities Possible to demolish part of the existing school Ashland Middle School RECOMMENDATIONS High Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Replace windows ADA upgrades Add site lighting Replace vertical siding Replace 80% of roof Add emergency egress door hardware Replace VCT Total Cost $1,171,293 $465,630 $28,168 $77,263 $695,367 $16,097 $122,565 $2,576,383 Moderate Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Add a new entry $424,544 Expand kitchen/replace equipment $544,060 Total Cost $968,604 Lower Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Replace cabinets $1,243,370 Expand and remodel library $446,667 Total Cost $1,690,047 Ashland Middle School Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Recommendations Replace the domestic hot and cold water piping Replace existing aging boilers including providing code required backflow devise for makeup water Provide fire sprinklers for original buildings Replace dust collection system Upgrade controls for energy conservation Upgrade receptacles and add as needed for technology Replace intercom system Upgrade lighting throughout Add emergency lighting Upgrade fire alarm system Upgrade electrical service Replace panelboards Total Cost $843,717 $169,102 $523,993 $18,510 $532,873 $355,248 $355,248 $710,497 $355,248 $355,248 $799,310 $355,248 $5,374,152 Higher Priority Seismic Recommendations Install/Reinforce shearwall Reinforce soft story in gym Tie walls to roof, ceiling and floors Reinforce roof diaphragm Tie chords and plates together Add slip/expansion joints Total Cost $88,813 $57,948 $390,773 $1,065,744 $32,193 $133,219 $1,768,690 Ashland High School Capacity Summary Date of Original Construction: 1948 Enrollment (2004-2005): 1180 Capacity: 1300 Items for Consideration Partial Replacement of Facility (Use Master Plan Approach) Add Parking Improve Bus Circulation Ashland High School RECOMMENDATIONS High Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Replace grandstands Replace windows Replace old roofs Replace all breezeways ADA upgrades (including elevators) Add site lighting Add emergency egress hardware Replace carpet in science/math Replace VCT in gym building Add parking Move and enlarge bus area Total Cost $2,156,924 $414,322 $834,440 $858,583 $1,293,434 $56,338 $48,290 $355,281 $108,408 $318,710 $120,724 $6,565,454 Moderate Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Replace ceiling tile Enlarge administration Replace gym building Replace Industrial arts buildings Replace library and move to a central location Total Cost $1,190,287 $1,253,696 $7,726,294 $3,380,253 $1,991,936 $15,542,466 Ashland High School Lower Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Replace english building Replace and add lockers Total Cost $2,253,502 $301,808 $2,555,310 Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Recommendations Replace the domestic hot and cold water piping Install fire sprinkler system Upgrade controls for energy conservation Upgrade Receptacles and add as needed for technology Upgrade lighting throughout. Lamps and Ballast replacement Add Emergency lighting Upgrade fire alarm system Upgrade electrical service. (english building, industrial & wood shops, grandstands, science building, gymnasiums) Replace panelboards Total Cost $1,413,466 $877,836 $892,715 $595,143 $1,190,287 $595,143 $595,143 $873,388 $595,143 $7,628,264 Ashland High School Higher Priority Seismic Recommendations Epoxy inject cracks at walkways and rails (Humanities) Add lateral bracing to lights and drop ceiling (Humanities) Reinforce roof diaphragm (English Building) Install/Reinforce shear walls (English Building) Tie walls to roof, ceilings and floors (English Building) Brace top of brick walls on 1st floor (Science/Math Building) Install/Reinforce shear walls (Science/Math Building) Install braces in floor diaphragms (Science/Math Building) Reinforce around diaphragm openings (Science/Math Building) Repair steel and concrete at stairs (Science/Math Building) Tie roof and walls (Industrial Arts Building) Tie walls to beams (Industrial Arts Building) $56,338 Add chord tie on north side (Industrial Arts Building) Install/Reinforce shear walls (Industrial Arts Building) Repair water decay to structure (Industrial Arts Building) Add steel wall cross bracing (Small Gym) Add roof cross bracing (Small Gym) Tie walls to roof and floors (Gym) Reinforce parapets (Gym) Tie trusses to wall (Gym) Tie music and boiler to gym (Gym) Reinforce gym wall to music room (Gym) Reinforce roof diaphragm (Gym) Brace walls for forces (Administration) Brace wall around opening (Administration) Total Cost $64,789 $24,410 $48,290 $128,772 $64,386 $37,665 $1,009,874 $378,703 $100,988 $16,097 $56,338 $16,097 $241,447 $20,120 $16,097 $17,803 $201,205 $23,823 $26,366 $39,549 $87,886 $65,916 $72,255 $36,553 $2,851,497 Willow Wind Capacity Summary Date of Original Construction: Unknown Enrollment (2004-2005): Unknown Capacity: Unknown Items for Consideration Future School Site? Inadequate information Willow Wind RECOMMENDATIONS High Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations $80,123 $18,317 $100,742 $36,266 $26,711 $4,633 $266,792 Moderate Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Repaint exterior of facility $106,199 Total Cost $106,199 Lower Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Replace cabinets $47,013 Replace carpet $23,910 Add window coverings $10,926 Total Cost $53,622 Replace single pane windows ADA upgrades Pave and paint parking Replace wood shingle roof Add site lighting Replace vinyl floor Total Cost Willow Wind Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Recommendations Replace the domestic hot and cold water piping Provide new AHU’s to provide ventilation Provide fire sprinkler system Upgrade lighting throughout Upgrade fire alarm system Upgrade electrical service Replace panelboards Total Cost $31,902 $18,317 $19,812 $26,865 $13,433 $30,244 $13,433 $153,986 Higher Priority Seismic Recommendations Add foundation and attach to (e) structure Add shear walls to (e) structure Shore supports at walkways Repair and replace deteriorating deck Total Cost $22,896 $67,162 $1,526 $9,155 $100,739 Central Office RECOMMENDATIONS High Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations $90,667 $27,245 $16,026 $23,910 $15,264 $9,158 $182,270 Moderate Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Replace windows ADA upgrades Add site lighting Replace carpet Add signage Add egress exit hardware Total Cost Enlarge and remodel building Total Cost $822,722 $822,722 Lower Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Replace cabinets Total Cost $47,013 $47,013 Central Office Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Recommendations Replace the domestic hot and cold water piping Provide complete fire sprinkler system Replace domestic hot water heater Upgrade receptacles and add as needed for technology Upgrade lighting throughout Add emergency lighting Upgrade fire alarm system Upgrade electrical service Total Cost $31,902 $19,812 $26,711 $13,433 $26,865 $13,433 $13,433 $30,223 $175,812 Higher Priority Seismic Recommendations Repair deteriorating beams Total Cost $53,422 $53,422 Maintenance RECOMMENDATIONS High Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations ADA upgrades Pave and stripe parking Add site lighting Total Cost $42,185 $100,742 $26,711 $169,638 Moderate Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Replace cabinets Total Cost $94,827 $94,827 Maintenance Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Recommendations Replace the domestic hot and cold water piping Provide full fire sprinkler system Provide code approved paint booth Provide new heating/cooling and vent unit for office area Provide heating and ventilating unit for the metal shop and wood shop Emergency lighting Upgrade fire alarm system Upgrade electrical service Total Cost $90,086 $55,948 $76,320 $22,896 $30,528 $37,930 $37,930 $85,345 $436,983 Higher Priority Seismic Recommendations Tie lean-to to (e) structure Add sheathing to roof (Tin Shed) Add sheathing to walls (Tin Shed) Strap roof to walls (Tin Shed) Total Cost $15,265 $9,159 $15,265 $15,263 $54,952 Transportation High Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations ADA upgrades. Pave and stripe parking Add site lighting Total Cost $13,889 $100,742 $26,711 $141,342 Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Recommendations Replace the domestic hot and cold water piping Provide ventilation for the office and shop areas Provide fire sprinkler system Emergency lighting Upgrade fire alarm system Upgrade electrical service Total Cost $22,231 $30,528 $13,805 $9,360 $9,360 $21,059 $106,343 Transportation Higher Priority Seismic Recommendations Add ties from walls to roof Strap roof, increase roof diaphragm Brace walls Strap from top plate to top plate Tie wood structure to CMU Total Cost $23,400 $17,550 $53,424 $763 $15,264 $110,401 Briscoe Elementary School Capacity Summary Date of Original Construction: 1948 Enrollment (2004-2005): 0 Capacity: 275 Items for Consideration Improve Entry and Administration Enlarge Library Add Parking? Enlarge Kitchen Enlarge Media Center Briscoe Elementary School RECOMMENDATIONS High Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations $489,042 $324,981 $28,168 $318,709 $37,742 $1,198,642 Moderate Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Replace windows ADA upgrades Add site lighting Add parking Replace VCT Total Cost Expand kitchen/replace equipment Expand and remodel administration Replace marker board Replace ceiling tile at stage Repair roof Expand and remodel library Total Cost $544,059 $237,423 $16,740 $3,220 $295,357 $446,677 $1,543,476 Lower Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Replace cabinets Total Cost $382,870 $382,870 Briscoe Elementary School Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Recommendations Replace the domestic hot and cold water piping Replace boilers including backflow devise for make-up water Install Fire Sprinkler System Upgrade controls to DDC for energy conservation Upgrade receptacles and add as needed for technology Upgrade lighting throughout Add emergency lighting Upgrade fire alarm system Upgrade electrical service Replace panelboards Total Cost $259,803 $169,012 $161,354 $164,088 $109,390 $218,784 $109,390 $109,390 $246,131 $109,390 $1,656,732 Higher Priority Seismic Recommendations Reinforce parapets Reinforce CMU walls Tie walls to roof, ceilings and floors Reinforce roof diaphragm Tie chords and plates together Attach Brick Veneer Total Cost $80,096 $563,375 $529,453 $321,610 $160,964 $154,531 $1,810,029 Lincoln Elementary School Capacity Summary Date of Original Construction: 1926 Enrollment (2004-2005): 0 Capacity: 350 Items for Consideration Enlarge & Improve Administration Enlarge Kitchen Enlarge Library Add Toilet Facilities Lincoln Elementary School RECOMMENDATIONS High Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Add toilet facilities Replace windows ADA upgrades Add site lighting Add emergency egress door hardware Replace sunscreens Improve site drainage Add signage Replace Carpet Replace VCT Total Cost $241,446 $619,571 $362,979 $28,168 $16,096 $14,486 $40,240 $32,193 $218,907 $42,435 $1,616,521 Moderate Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Expand and remodel library Expand kitchen/replace equipment Expand and remodel administration Resurface parking Total Cost $446,677 $544,059 $237,423 $106,236 $1,334,395 Lincoln Elementary School Lower Priority Architectural and Code-Related Recommendations Replace cabinets Add meeting spaces Replace marker boards Total Cost $430,431 $265,591 $16,470 $712,762 Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Recommendations Replace the domestic hot and cold water piping Provide fire sprinkler system Replace boiler system Provide Ventilating units for interior areas Upgrade lighting throughout Add Emergency lighting Upgrade fire alarm system Replace panelboards Total Cost $292,078 $181,395 $124,748 $184,470 $245,961 $122,980 $276,705 $122,980 $1,551,317 Lincoln Elementary School Higher Priority Seismic Recommendations Reinforce parapets Install/reinforce shear walls Tie walls to roof, ceilings and floors Reinforce roof diaphragm Tie chords and plates together Total Cost $316,899 $322,822 $307,450 $230,588 $32,197 $1,209,956