Enclosure 10 Trust Board Meeting – 25th March 2010 FINANCE REPORT for the period ending 28th February 2010 (Month 11) EXECUTIVE RESPONSIBILITY Steve Shanahan Finance Director AUTHOR (if different from above) Tony Brown Assistant Director Financial Performance Chris Benham Assistant Director Financial Accounting CORPORATE OBJECTIVE Deliver national and local targets and priorities, including financial balance EXECUTIVE SUMMARY KEY FACTS The table below summarises the Income and Expenditure position for February and the eleven months to 28th February 2010. Plan £'000 The Trust Board approved a budget to deliver a £4.4 million surplus in 2009/10 so that the Trust could fulfil Working Capital and capital loan repayments. February (Month 11) financial performance highlights: •Actual in-month surplus for month 11 of £436k; year to date deficit £859k. •Shortfall against Plan £3.332m. •Best case forecast outturn based on current performance £0.300m surplus. Worst case forecast is a £1.8m deficit. The Trust has one remaining instalment to pay in March 2010 on its Working Capital loan. The Trust has informed the Department of Health that it will not take up the Capital Loan in 2009/10 but will meet the final Working Capital loan repayment. •On plan to achieve revised CRL of £13.988 million •Cumulatively, 66% (63% January) of Non-NHS invoices and 52% (55% January) of NHS invoices paid within 30 days against the Public Sector Payments Policy (PSPP) target of 95%. Finance Report Sheet 1 Actual £'000 Month Variance £'000 Year to Date Variance Plan £'000 Actual £'000 £'000 L Year £'000 L Year £'000 Annual Budget 20,484 (13,860) (5,629) 22,181 (15,028) (5,612) 1,697 (1,168) 17 20,726 (13,609) (5,348) Income Pay Non Pay 232,561 (153,190) (62,541) 238,705 (161,935) (64,894) 6,144 (8,745) (2,353) 225,230 (146,678) (60,599) 254,885 (166,966) (67,879) 995 (1,298) 1,541 (1,105) 546 193 1,769 (1,319) Contribution Finance Costs 16,830 (14,357) 11,876 (12,735) (4,954) 1,622 17,953 (14,567) 20,040 (15,659) (303) 436 739 450 2,473 (859) (3,332) 3,386 4,381 RECOMMENDATIONS Total The Trust Board is asked to NOTE at month 11: 1. An Income and Expenditure deficit of £0.859m year to date month 11 2009/10 and £3.332m shortfall to plan. 2. PSPP performance marginal improvement. 3. Best case forecast for 2009/10 is a surplus £0.300m. 4. Forecasting delivery of CRL. 5. Forecasting planned repayment of final instalment of original loan. The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Section One- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Monthly Direction of Performance Travel Position In month £0.436m surplus Green Year to Date Forecast Red Comment Sheet Ref Red £0.739m surplus to plan 1 Red = Red Red £3.332m adverse to plan 1 £0.300m surplus Amber = Amber Amber £4.081m adverse to plan 3 £15.028m Red Red Red 8.4% above plan for the month and 5.7% over plan YTD 4 WTE Worked 4506 wte Amber = Amber Amber Decrease of 9 wte over Month 10 4 Pay Costs 96 wte Amber = Amber Amber Decrease of 59 wte over Month 10 4 £0.626m £5.612m Amber Amber = = Amber Red Amber Red Decrease of £0.271m over month 10 0.3% below plan for the month and 3.8% over plan YTD 4 11 Division 1 YTD £26.324m surplus Red Red Red £6.512m adverse to plan Division 2 YTD £41.026m surplus Red Red Red £1.567m adverse to plan Division 3 YTD £35.377m deficit Red Red Red £0.206m surplus to plan Corporate YTD £31.114m deficit Green Green Green £4.541m surplus to plan In month £0.553m Red = Red Red £0.509m adverse to plan 6 Year to date £6.079m Red = Red Red £2.775m adverse to plan 6 Full Year Forecast (Oct 09) £7.173m Red = Red Red £3.231m adverse to plan 6 Full Year Forecast (M8 projection) £6.500m Red = Red Red £3.904m adverse to plan 6 Debtors Green = Green Green £1.063m decrease 11 Creditors Red = Red Red 66% Non-NHS invoices and 52% NHS invoices paid within 30 days £0.084m increase Red = Red Red £0.317m balance at Month 11 against plan of £0.243m In month £1.229m Amber = Amber Green 14 Year to date £8.244m Amber = Amber Green 14 Full Year Forecast Liquidity EBITDA Margin % Financial Risk Rating PCT SLA Performance £13.988m 12.6 5.0% 2 £2.7m Green Red Red Red Green = = = = = Green Red Red Red Green Green Red Red Red Green Key Capital Metrics & Cash Expenditure Ratios Balance Sheet Improvement Programme I & E Position £0.859m deficit Full Year Forecast (Revised) Divisional Performance Year to date Agency WTE Agency Costs Non Pay Costs In Month Movement Finance Report Sheet 2 To plan Impact of I & E position on working capital Below plan level of 7.2% Reflects YTD I & E deficit Above plan The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust See Divisional Finance Paper 12/13 5 14 7 7 7 7 Section Two - Forecast Outturn based on Month 11 YTD Performance Actual Mth 8 £m 171.2 F'cast Mth 9 £m F'cast Mth 10 £m F'cast Mth 11 £m F'cast Mth 12 £m (2.4) (1.8) (1.0) (0.4) 21.6 21.9 21.5 21.7 Cum F'cast Mth 12 £m Best Case Opening Surplus/(Deficit) 257.9 Income SHA Support 257.9 Total Income 171.2 21.6 21.9 21.5 21.7 (116.9) (13.9) (14.0) (13.9) (13.8) (47.0) (6.0) (6.0) (5.9) (6.1) (71.0) Non Pay (9.7) (1.1) (1.1) (1.1) (1.1) (14.1) Finance Costs (2.4) 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.7 (2.4) (1.8) (1.0) (0.4) 0.3 Actual Mth 8 £m F'cast Mth 9 £m F'cast Mth 10 £m F'cast Mth 11 £m F'cast Mth 12 £m (2.4) (3.2) (3.7) (4.5) 21.6 21.9 21.6 21.6 171.2 Variance Variance Variance Proj Var Revised To F'cast To F'cast To F'cast To F'cast F'cast Mth 9 Mth 10 Mth 11 Mth 12 Mth 12 £m £m £m £m £m (172.5) Pay 0.3 Surplus/(Deficit) (0.5) 1.6 1.1 0.0 0.7 0.7 1.5 0.7 0.7 1.5 258.9 3.0 261.9 (1.1) (1.0) (1.1) (1.2) (176.9) (0.2) (0.1) 0.2 0.3 (70.8) 0.3 (0.3) (13.8) (0.1) (0.2) 0.6 0.3 Forecast Surplus/(Deficit) Cum F'cast Mth 12 £m Worst Case Variance Variance Proj Var Proj Var Revised To F'cast To F'cast To F'cast To F'cast F'cast Mth 9 Mth 10 Mth 11 Mth 12 Mth 12 £m £m £m £m £m Opening Surplus/(Deficit) 257.9 Income SHA Support 257.9 Total Income 171.2 21.6 21.9 21.6 21.6 (116.9) (15.3) (15.3) (15.3) (15.3) (47.0) (6.0) (6.0) (6.0) (6.0) (71.0) Non Pay (9.7) (1.1) (1.1) (1.1) (1.1) (14.1) Finance Costs (2.4) (0.8) (0.5) (0.8) (0.8) (2.4) (3.2) (3.7) (4.5) (5.3) (178.1) Pay (5.3) Surplus/(Deficit) 0.7 0.7 (0.5) 1.6 1.1 (0.1) 0.7 0.6 (0.1) 0.3 0.3 0.3 (177.2) (0.2) (0.1) 0.3 (71.0) (0.1) 0.3 1.1 257.2 3.0 260.2 (13.8) 1.3 1.2 (0.1) (1.8) The initial planned I&E surplus of £4.4m was revised following SHA discussions around loan requirements at month 6 to £4.3m. It is anticipated that the planned working capital loan repayment will be made in March 2010 The table opposite shows the Best and Worst case forecasts for the year. The columns to the left represent the forecast £300k surplus reported at month 8. The columns to the right show the months 9,10 and 11performance against forecast and the revised forecast £300k incorporating the additional SHA support. Best Case : o Improving Income run rate due to emergency activity and additional SHA support in respect of EWTD rota compliance, Hospital at Night and innovation investment expenditure. o Pay run rate reflects reduced agency reliance, vacancy management and Divisional working arrangement changes but no reduction in Month 12. o No 2009/10 spend on additional A&E Consultants. Earliest start dates 2010/11 o Additional 28 beds at PRH at an additional cost of £300k. Therapies weekend working at an additional cost of £60k. o Non Pay spend reduction due to strict management of requisitions and non accountable stock control measures Worst Case : o Income at c.£21.5m for Month 12 o Pay run rate increases to £15.3m in Month 12 o Non pay run rate does not reduce below £6.0m Both Cases : o Deferral of return of the £1.8m 2007/08 tariff support to SHA. o MEA revaluation of assets giving £1.0million depreciation charge gain 2009/10. o Current Improvement Programme run rates continue, to give £6.5m forecast. KEY RISKS: o Reliance on Divisional expenditure and commitment management. o Management of waiting list cost pressures within income constraints and baselines o Achieving required income levels. Forecast Surplus/(Deficit) Finance Report Sheet 3 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Section Three – Expenditure - Pay Pay Costs £'000 15,750 15,250 14,750 14,250 13,750 13,250 12,750 2009/10 Plan De c Ja n Fe b M ar Ju l Au g Se p O ct No v Ap r M ay Ju n 2009/10 Actual 2008/09 Actual Agency Spend £'000 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 2009/10 Actual Pay expenditure continues to exceed plan. Best case forecast now assumes continuation of February run rate due to expected increase in reliance on agency as a consequence of escalation in early March. Month 11 run rate includes new ward at PRH, costs £75k Waiting list payments in February were £264k (£2,908k YTD) In February agency costs have reduced to £0.6m,an improvement of £0.3m on the month 10 spend. This is equivalent to 96 wte, in January agency was equivalent to 141 wte. The in month agency spend per wte of £6,521 is above the month 10 average of £5,787 – a reflection of the switch in spend to medical staffing. Medical staff agency cover costs have reduced in February to £286k (£362k in January). As previously reported this is due to the need to cover rota gaps to ensure EWTD compliance. The nursing agency spend in February was £176k, a reduction on the January levels and the number of shifts filled by agency was 474 (January 1,052). 2008/09 Actual Finance Report Sheet 4 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Section Four - Cash The following table summaries the cash flow for Month 11. Full details are supplied in Appendix C. Closing cash balance £317,000, this is an increase of £84,000 on the prior month balance and £74,000 higher than plan. EBITDA shortfalls continue to be managed through creditor payments within working capital and capital expenditure. The Trust is working with the SHA to (i) understand the historical working capital loan drawdown and (ii) assisting in accelerating cash allocations from the local PCT’s to improve the BPPC. Plan M11 Actual M11 Plan YTD Actual YTD 1,409 233 441 441 940 1,483 16,052 11,239 0 (333) (4,500) 940 940 1,150 11,552 12,179 (2,110) (1,045) (11,788) (13,346) 0 0 0 1,144 (1,170) 105 (236) (23) Net interest paid 4 1 (70) (100) Provisions spent 0 (22) 0 (109) Loan received 0 0 5,000 0 Loan repayment 0 0 (2,050) (2,050) PDC received 0 0 0 5,000 PDC paid 0 0 (2,842) (2,842) (1,166) 84 (198) (124) 243 317 243 317 Opening cash balance EBITDA Working capital movement Operating cash flow Capital expenditure Proceeds from sale of assets Operating cash flow after net capital expenditure Cash flow for period Closing cash balance Finance Report Sheet 5 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Revised forecasting procedures are in place and will be closely managed to ensure sufficient cash is available towards the latter part of the calendar year, last quarter of 2009/10 and first quarter of 2010/11 – this is due to (i) the completion and timing of large capital projects (including decontamination offsite solution) and (ii) the second tranche of loan and dividend obligations. Section Five - Improvement Programme Improvement Programme Status Report 12000 10000 For the year to month 11 the Trust achieved 69% of its planned Improvement Programme (IP) A more detailed report is presented monthly to the Finance & Performance Committee. £'000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 Months Actual Planned Sept '09 Forecast Savings The September reforecast of the CIP gave a forecast outturn of £7.2m. Taking into consideration YTD CIP run rate the current forecast outturn is £6.5m. Projected 09/10 M11 Risk Analysis by Division £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £000 IP target for 2009/10 was £10.4 million (original FIMs plan submission £10.65 million). £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0 Corporate Finance Report Facilities Estates Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Savings released to date Remaining full year effect of active schemes RAG- Green Remaining full year effect of active schemes RAG- Amber Remaining full year effect of active schemes RAG- Red Schemes in forecast not due to start Unidentified Sheet 6 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Section Six - Financial Risk Rating Financial Criteria Weight Achievement of plan 10% EBITDA Achieved (% of Plan) Underlying Performance 25% EBITDA Margin (%) Financial Efficiency 20% Liquidity Metric Rating categories (min thresholds) Previous Month Value 5 4 3 2 100% 85% 70% 50% <50% 70.6% 60.8% 11% 9% 5% 1% <1% 5.0% 4.5% Return on assets excluding dividend (%) 6% 5% 3% -2% <-2% 2.7% 2.0% 20% I&E Surplus Margin net of dividends (%) 3% 2% 1% -2% <-2% -0.4% -0.9% 25% Liquidity Ratio (days) 35 25 15 10 <10 12.6 12.1 2.4 2.0 2 2 Weighted Financial Risk Rating Overall Rating 1 Current Month Value At month 11 the risk rating remains at 2. The in month surplus has improved performance against all criteria when compared to month 10. The cumulative deficit and shortfall to plan continue to adversely affect the financial performance criteria. There has been a slight improvement in the cash balance at Month 11, however the overspend continues to affect cash and other working capital balances. Duty Description Forecast Outturn Break-even To achieve a break-even position on income and expenditure taking one year with another. Surplus of £0.3m The table opposite summarises anticipated performance against our NHS Trust Statutory and Departmental financial duties. Capital Resource Limit (CRL) To keep capital expenditure within a pre-determined limit Expected to achieve Surplus forecast remains at £0.3m External Financing Limit (EFL) A cash limit on external financing from PDC set once the capital expenditure plans have been finalised. Expected to achieve Impact of I & E performance on cash management and consequence ability to meet BPPC targets. Capital Cost Absorption Rate To absorb capital costs in full through a charge (PDC Dividend) calculated at 3.5% of average net relevant assets. Expected to achieve Better Payments Practice Code (BPPC) To pay all invoices within 30 days of receipt of goods or valid invoice (whichever is later) Performance anticipated in the region of 70-75% Finance Report Sheet 7 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Section Seven – Activity and Income The graphs below detail the 2009/10 activity against plan and 2008/09 actual levels for each activity type. Total elective and day case activity is 54 spells/£287k above plan in February. Cumulatively activity is 1,839 spells below plan, the income shortfall is £858k. Activity is above 2008/09 levels. Total In Patients Attend 9,250 9,000 Day case activity was 33 spells above plan in February with a £184k surplus. 8,750 8,500 Day case activity for General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Gastroenterology and Anaesthetics were above plan in the month. 8,250 8,000 7,750 7,500 Apr M ay Jun Jul 2009/10 Plan Aug Se p Oct 2009/10 Actual Finance Report Nov De c Jan Fe b 2008/09 Actual Sheet 8 Non elective activity is 90 spells above plan in the month and cumulatively 717 spells (£3,074k) over plan, which is above previous year’s levels. Maternity activity is below plan 80 spells in month and 267 spells YTD below plan. Planned growth was 7.2% on last years outturn, actual activity is 95.8% of plan The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Section Seven – Activity and Income Total Out Patients Attend 30,000 Outpatient attendances continue above plan for February and the year to date. 29,000 28,000 27,000 In February new outpatients are 1,048 attendances above profile (6,543 YTD). 26,000 25,000 Follow up outpatients are 1,218 attendances above plan in February (4,358 YTD). 24,000 23,000 Outpatient income shows a £1,419k YTD over performance. 22,000 21,000 20,000 19,000 Apr M ay Jun Jul 2009/10 Plan Aug Se p Oct 2009/10 Actual Nov De c Jan Fe b Included within the New Outpatient attendances are Outpatients Procedures which show 230 attendances over performance in February (1,567 YTD) 2008/09 Actual Accident & Emergency 10,000 A & E attendances are 237 below plan in February, (926 above plan YTD). 9,750 9,500 Cumulatively income is £496k (6.6%) above plan. 9,250 Attend 9,000 Year to date activity analysis shows RSH 50.7% and PRH 49.3%, income shows a near 50/50 split. 8,750 8,500 8,250 8,000 7,750 7,500 Apr M ay Jun Jul 2009/10 Plan Aug Se p Oct 2009/10 Actual Finance Report Nov De c Jan Fe b 2008/09 Actual Sheet 9 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Section Eight- Expenditure – Non-Pay and Finance Costs Non pay shows a £17k under spend in month; £2.3 million over spend Year-to-date (YTD). Non Pay costs £'000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 The key contributing factors YTD are as follows Activity outsourced to private providers to maintain 18 week waiting times Overhead recharges from RJAH in respect of orthotics services. Drugs outside PbR tariff offset by income over recovery Developing Health and Healthcare contribution Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 2009/10 Plan 2009/10 Actual All non-clinical non-pay expenditure requisitions continue to be reviewed and scrutinised for validity and necessity before being approved. This review has highlighted areas where standardisation of non-clinical spend items and restriction of catalogue choice will reduce expenditure levels. These restrictions will be actioned as appropriate. The spend to Month 11 now includes non-recurring gains from goods received reviews and IT capitalisations 2008/09 Actual Finance Costs Finance costs are £193k under spent in February (£1,622k YTD). £'000 1,500 1,400 1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 900 800 This is due to a reduction in the depreciation charge (£1,266k YTD) as a result of the revaluation of assets on a Modern Equivalent Asset (MEA) basis at month 6 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 2009/10 Plan 2009/10 Actual Finance Report 2008/09 Actual Sheet 10 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Section Nine - Debtors All Current + 30 days + 60 days Total £ '000 £ '000 £ '000 £ '000 NHS 877 64 1,995 2,936 Priv ate Patients 116 22 74 212 Other * 541 91 137 769 1,534 177 2,206 3,917 Total Total trade debtors have decreased by £1,063,000 compared to prior month. All categories have decreased with current reducing by £288,000, +30 day category reducing by £320,000 and +60 day category reducing by £455,000 The outcome of the arbitration with Shropshire County PCT is not reflected within the trade debtor positions. * Includes prescriptions, catering recharges, accomodation, telephones, ov erseas v isitors and MES activ ity NHS Current £'000 + 30 days £'000 + 60 days £'000 Total £'000 Shropshire County PCT Telford & Wrekin PCT RJAH Others 129 83 114 551 6 21 3 34 1,672 157 1 165 1,807 261 118 750 Total 877 64 1,995 2,936 Non NHS Debtors > £25k League of Friends RSH £'000 NHS Debtors > £100k £'000 344 Shropshire County PCT 1,807 Danw ood 76 CP Plus 62 Ov erseas Visitor Z 56 BUPA 43 Total 581 Telford & Wrekin PCT Finance Report 261 Shropshire County PCT have settled some elements of current and +30 days, but a small increase of £7,000 has been seen within the +60 days category. The outcome of the arbitration with Shropshire County PCT is not reflected within the trade debtor positions. Telford and Wrekin PCT have settled £519,107 of the September 2009 dated over-activity invoice. The outstanding balance of £49,460 relates to a tariff dispute for planned same day (PSD) elective work. Following the intervention at Finance Director level a further, significant reduction has been seen within the position of RJAH. Danwood debtor relates to the Trust’s printing management contract and will be partially offset by an outstanding creditor. Of the other debtors outstanding £30,000 has been referred to a specialist collection agency with appropriate provisions for write off made based on expected collection success. £56,000 in respect of an overseas visitor with no means to pay is shown in line with DH guidance – this debtor has been provided for in full. 2,068 Sheet 11 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Section Ten – Creditors (Non NHS) Be tte r Payme nt Practice Code - Trade Cre ditors The table and graph summarise the non-NHS creditor payment performance for the month 11, month and year to date position. Percentage 100 95 90 The Better Payment Practice Code stipulates a target of 30 days. 85 80 75 70 Compliance remains as last month with the Trust continuing to try to prioritise non-NHS payments. The current cumulative compliance position is 66% for volume and 64% for value. 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 Month % Invoices Paid In 30 Days NON NHS M1 M2 M3 % Value of Invoices Paid In 30 Days M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 By Volume Total Volume BPPC compliant volume BPPC compliant % 4017 8387 5610 7948 4929 4056 9523 7422 6175 6126 9341 2593 5588 3959 5604 3338 1139 3011 6448 4965 4098 7543 65% 67% 71% 71% 68% 28% 32% 87% 80% 67% 81% By Value Total value (£000) 6781 9115 5266 6702 4257 4225 7033 6548 5815 6217 7611 BPPC compliant value (£000) 5292 5080 3434 4640 2576 1803 2446 5657 4233 3916 5738 BPPC compliant % 78% 56% 65% 69% 61% 43% 35% 86% 73% 63% 75% Finance Report Sheet 12 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Section Ten – Creditors (NHS) The table and graph summarise the NHS creditor payment performance for month 11, and the year to date position. Better Payment Practice Code - NHS Creditors Percentage The Better Payment Practice Code stipulates a target of 30 days. 100 90 80 Compliance remains as last month and whilst the Trust continues to try to prioritise non-NHS payments significant pressure is being felt by certain NHS bodies (NHSLA and NHS Supply Chain). The current cumulative compliance position is 52% for volume and 35% for value. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 Month % Invoices Paid In 30 Days NHS Spend By Volume Total Volume BPPC compliant volume BPPC compliant % % Value of Invoices Paid In 30 Days M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 185 153 83% 187 49 26% 184 147 80% 73 46 63% 289 88 30% 210 104 50% 227 109 48% 88 87 99% 205 121 59% 28 17 61% 307 109 36% 2122 1636 77% 1452 179 12% 1415 774 55% 868 482 56% 2800 355 13% 821 121 15% 3466 849 849 849 24% 100% 1655 391 24% 1714 529 31% 1770 426 24% By Value Total value (£000) BPPC compliant value (£000) BPPC compliant % Finance Report Sheet 13 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Section Eleven - Capital Total Expenditure/ Forecast % of CRL Expenditure Committed Committed Outturn approved 2009/10 M11 YTD M11 YTD M11 YTD 2009/10 sum spent/ £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 committed B/Fwd 2008/09 projects 2009/10 projects Aspetic unit Paediatric OPD/ 28 Bedded Ward Decontamination Project Redevelopment of Women and Childrens Zone Privacy and Dignity Others 318 236 71 307 315 96.5% 2,736 2,411 2,600 100 2,157 2,038 170 28 406 171 1,991 8 2,563 2,209 2,161 36 2,636 2,319 2,276 36 93.7% 91.6% 83.1% 36.0% 700 4,343 12,890 596 1,717 6,706 90 1,966 4,632 686 3,683 11,338 686 4,936 12,889 98.0% 84.8% 88.0% 2009/10 contingency funds 1,649 1,302 130 1,432 1,653 86.8% 2009/10 unallocated funds -869 -869 0.0% 13,988 93.5% Total 2009/10 13,988 Revised CRL consists of: Depreciation Decontamination- DoH Funding Total 2009/10 8,988 5,000 13,988 8,244 Finance Report 4,833 13,077 Sheet 14 Revised CRL remains at £13.988 million. In month spend of £1,229,000 brings year to date spend to £8,244,000. £869,000 has been under spent across the capital schemes. This has been re-allocated to other capital schemes to achieve our CRL. Pharmacy Aseptic unit build handover took place on 22 January 2010. A 3-4 month commissioning and validation process is required before a phased transfer of services can start. Paediatric outpatient department, new 28 bedded ward at PRH and MAU move – completed as planned. Decontamination offsite solution to be completed by end of August 2010, with operational services planned to commence January 2011. The Maternity Project Board are reviewing the scope of the project of the redevelopment of Women and Children’s Zone. Privacy and dignity screens and windows completed.. The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust