Grace Lee

Random facts about me:
I have to have some sort of junk food everyday. Preferably chips or chocolate.
People think I'm a girly girl but I wasn't always like that. Growing up I hated showering and wearing
dresses and I played a lot of sports.
I use to always read when I was younger and now I don't even remember the last book I read front to
I've never had a cigarette and I had my first sip of alcohol on my 21st birthday. I drank at least 10+ shots
of soju and barely got buzzed. Now I wish I experimented more, is it too late? Hahha.
Q: When was the last time you tried something new? What was it and how did you do?
This is so lame but the last time I tried something new was probably in college when I tried sushi. I was
the pickiest eater as a child. My diet pretty much consisted of cheese and carbs. It wasn't until I went to
college when my palette expanded. Lame right?
Q: Who is your inspiration to be a better person?
Other than Christ, I would say my kids. At this age they are sponges. How I react to different situations,
the way I talk to others...basically everything I do will have some effect on them. But thanks be to God
for Christ because God knows I ain't no saint.
Q: What has life taught you so far?
"Let go and let God." There are so many things that I need to let go. One thing is trying not to be perfect
and beating myself up when I fail. Everyday I see how I fall short and I see more and more of my sin and I
have to constantly preach the gospel to myself. I think, wow I'm more sinful than I thought and I'm
reminded of the grandeur of God's grace and love for me.
Q: Standing at the gates of heaven, and God asks you “Why should I let you in?” What do you reply?
Uhh...because you said so in the bible? ..."that whoever believes in him may have eternal life."
Q: When did you cry the last time and why?
I was pulling out a ssang (low korean table) and one of my kids decided to jump onto the table and
basically smashed my middle finger. It hurt. A lot. But I pretended to cry more because my child could
care less that I was hurt. that punk. haha. jk.
Q: If you could ask one person one question (that they would answer honestly), who would it be and
what would you ask? Why?
Adnad Syed- Did you kill Hae Min Lee? Currently listening to the Serial podcasts.
Q: In what area is your Christian life growing right now?
Patience. I get annoyed really easily. Don't worry, its mainly with my family. Funny cause I use to think I
was so patient. Again, I'm reminded of my sinfulness.