The Complete Blood Count

The Complete Blood Count
Clinical Pathology
K. Canga, RVT
Reading and Assignments
• Read pp: 32 – 38 (Start at CBC, end before
• You MUST register at
and complete the course titled: “The VetTest
Certificate Course” RACE #106-11660
• This is FREE, and will count as 3 hours of CE to
use after you become licensed.
• The course will take ~ 3 hours and you need to
turn in a certificate of completion prior to using
the IDEXX machines at school.
• Certificates are due by Monday, May 5. PLEASE
print a hard copy. No Engrade or e-mail message
will be accepted. (Yes, this is for points)
Composition of the CBC
Total RBC count
Plasma Protein Concentration
Total WBC count
Blood film evaluation (differential WBC count,
RBC and WBC morphological evaluation, platelet
• Reticulocyte count
• Hb Concentration
• Erythrocyte indices (They’re baaack) 
RBC Count
• Should be in the millions
• Usually done by machine
• Can be done manually with
– Unopette and Hemacytometer
– Is outdated and difficult to obtain diluents
• Packed Cell Volume
• Indicates the percent of packed red cells in a
patient’s blood.
• Done with hematocrit tube that has been
• Takes VERY little time and can be quick
diagnostic tool
• Normal ranges?
Plasma Protein Concentration
• Utilize the already centrifuged PCV tube
• Read using a refractometer
• Helps to determine abnormal amounts of
protein in blood
– Protein present may be from fat, or other sources.
– Normal Ranges?
Total WBC count
• Usually done by machine
• Can be done manually with unopette and
hemacytometer method. (Again, outdated
and difficult to obtain diluents)
• Critical in determining absolute number of
WBCs. This is the number with diagnostic
Blood Film Analysis
• Used to calculate the relative WBC
• Used to evaluate RBC and WBC morphologies
• Used to perform reticulocyte count if patient
is anemic
• Used to Perform platelet estimation.
– REVIEW retic. and platelet calculations. I am not
going to re-teach these.
Calculating the Absolute WBC count
• You must have done a relative percentage
from a blood film. (Written as a %)
• You must have a total WBC count
• You will then take each relative percentage
and multiply each by the total WBC count
from your CBC analyzed blood.
Calculating the Absolute WBC values
• Your relative percentages were as follows:
– Neutrophils: 52%
– Lymphocytes: 38%
– Monocytes: 7%
– Eosinophils: 3%
– Basophils: 0%
• Take each cell’s percentage and multiply by
the total WBC numbers from the machine
readout. Let’s say that your total was 38,000.
Your WBC total was 38,000
38,000 x 52% = 19,760 total neutrophils
38,000 x 38% = 14,440 total lymphocytes
38,000 x 7% = 2,660 total monocytes
38,000 x 3% = 1,140 total eosinophils
38,000 x 0% = 0 total basophils
The % is VERY important in your calculation.
Simply hit the % key after you punch in the
number you are multiplying the total by.
• NOTICE that your numbers add up to 38,000!
Hemoglobin concentration
• Usually done by machine
• Different machines use different techniques to
estimate Hb concentration
– Lysing solutions
– Photometrics
– Are only as accurate as machine is. Calibration is
Erythrocyte Indices
• MCV: Average volume within RBC
• MCHC: Average Hb concentration within RBC
• MCH: Average weight of Hb within RBC
– Review these calculations please!
Performing the CBC and Clinical
Chemistry Tests on the IDEXX Machines
• Blood MUST be drawn in both Lithium-Heparin
micro tube AND large purple top tube. (These
are tubes designed for the IDEXX machines)
• You can use a serum separator tube in place of
the lithium heparin tube.
– DO NOT remove the stopper from the large purple top
– DO NOT fill tube past bottom of label (0.5 – 1.5 cc)
– You WILL need to remove the top from the microtube.
IDEXX CBC and Chemistry
• Centrifuge the microtube or serum separator
tube for ~7 minutes.
• Transfer plasma or serum off and place in
serum cup. (Barbie shot glass)
• Place purple top tube and grey top tube
obtained from Ms. Kenner in CBC machine.
• Bar codes on purple and grey tubes MUST
MATCH in order for your tests to be valid. (If
purple tubes do not have a bar code, this is
OK, as long as they’re the large tubes!)
IDEXX Machines
• To run the chemistry portion of the test, you will
obtain test slides from Ms. Kenner
• On the Monitor of the VetLab Station, use the
stylet to enter the following information:
Click “Analyze Sample”
Enter Client: “VTI”
Enter P. Name: Patient id # is fine
Select next and then select reason: “Routine
– At the bottom of the screen, you will need to tap the
test icons desired. (CBC and Chemistry) and THEN
Running your Tests
• If you haven’t already loaded the large purple top
and grey top tubes in to the CBC machine, do so
now. Then hit RUN
• Look at the LED screen on the body of the Vet
Test Machine.
• Follow prompts on the LED screen.
– This is where you will add the slides ONE AT A TIME.
(DO NOT OPEN the foil until you are ready to load the
slide in to the machine.)
– DO NOT touch the center of the slides. You will need
to handle the slides by the edges and make sure the
bar code is UP
Running your Tests
• Once you have placed all the slides in the
machine, follow the prompts on the LED screen.
• Place pipette tip securely on the pipettor of
• Press “E” on LED keyboard to continue the
• lower pipette into plasma and press button.
Machine will beep 1 time. (Release button)
• 2 beeps: Remove pipette
• 3 beeps: wipe pipette tip and replace in machine
within 20 seconds. You will hear one more beep
after pipette is replaced.
Test is Running
• The machine will automatically pipette the
appropriate amount of plasma on each slide
to run the tests.
• Total run time is ~6 minutes
• When test is complete, press E
• Remove pipette tip, empty used slide drawer
• Machine should start printing results. If not,
press E and wait. If results are still not
printing, try selecting option 2: print results.
• The internal printer on the IDEXX machine is
disabled on our machine.
• We have an external printer connected to
print results.
• PAPER MUST BE LOADED before you start
running tests.