

Writer’s Notebooks 2015-16

Number Prompt


Purchase your writer’s notebook and decorate the cover. Collage the front using images, quotes, stickers, drawings, etc, that represent who


you are as a person.

Write about the first week of 7 th grade, but here’s the catch: you must choose one of the following styles of retelling: a fast-paced sports broadcast, a breaking news report, or a Sunday morning infomercial!


Draw an "I" map in your WN. This should look like a "bubble I" and take up the entire page. Fill your I with all sorts of "I am" things... things that represent YOU! They can be pictures, drawings, icons, lyrics, articles, adjectives, facts, etc... get creative!


But first... Let me take a Selfie!

Find an image/picture that feels particularly important to you (or is your favorite). Paste that image into your writer's notebook (make a copy if you can). For this entry of your WN, you will fill the page with the story of that memory. Why is the image important? What does it represent? What comes to mind? What SENSES does the image trigger? Narrate the entire story of this image, in your own words. For some, this might be a well-organized story. For others, it will be a collection of tiny ideas or details. Get creative, get colorful! There is no "wrong" answer... after all, it's your memory! NOTEL find the picture FIRST then tell the story, don’t say “I can’t find a picture of this memory.”


Invent a new species by combining at least two of any creature that you want. Then describe the specific needs of that creature, what it can do, what it likes, etc. Bonus: Draw a picture, model, or find a way to show your new species of animal.



(**This WN was created by Ashley J)


Conviction (noun) – this word is a synonym for the words belief or opinion, but it must be a belief or opinion that is held very strongly.

There are no “weak convictions” out there. Or are there?

For this week's WN, create a character with conviction! Would he/she have weak conviction? If so, what would he/she say or do? What about strong convictions? What would he/she say or do that would show strong convictions?

In order to "present" your character, think like you are creating a snapshot or bird's eye view of a story: focus in on the scene/moment that represents this element of the character.

Here's an extended example: Katniss Everdeen has strong convictions.

There are many scenes in HUNGER GAMES that represent how strong her convictions are. Can you think of any?

All of us have had times when we've done something that we later regretted. Write about a time when you got caught up in a moment, and

Due Date














did something without thinking about the consequences. Write small and show, don’t tell as you describe how you were feeling throughout the action. In what way(s) did you learn from the experience?

Prelesson (in class): showing not telling

Life is a Cookbook- A Personal Recipe for...

Your WN this week is to write a personal recipe for anything life has to offer! The perfect summer day, surviving 7th grade, dealing with your baby brother, making the perfect bedazzled bedroom... anything! Your recipe must include a numbered list of ingredients and a detailed, written paragraph description of instructions! TIP: This is not a real recipe for FOOD, it is a recipe for an abstract idea.

Legends of the HAWK!

This week's writer's notebook challenges you to create your own

Halloween-inspired character and tell the "legend" of his/her tale!

Really focus on the details, most of what makes legends and tales spooky or scary has to do with these key components: setting, description, conflict!

"I was not surprised!" this is the first line of your narrative! Now, write/illustrate the rest of the story as this week's WN!

"Take a walk in my shoes" no, literally!

Take us through a day in your life... from the perspective of your shoes!

Be sure to focus on details and point of view! Don't feel like writing?

Narrate the story and record a video, starring your shoes!

Time warp!

Choose a historical figure, from any era, time, or place (but they may not be fictional.. we must have evidence that they did exist and you must know details of his/her life)

A time machine has transported this person to present day and they are running in the 2016 Presidential race! Write a speech convincing the audience to vote for him/her. Be sure to include why they are an ideal candidate and what issues they would tackle/resolve. Stay true to the tenants of a good persuasive speech: hit on emotion, logic, and ethics.

Your speech should "tug at the audience's heart strings," it should

"make sense," and it "should come from a respectable source."

A Series of Fortunate and Unfortunate Events

As writers, understanding how cause-and-effect works helps us to create interesting and unexpected writing.

Write a 20-sentence story about a fictitious and uneven day in your life.

Use “fortunately” and “unfortunately” to start your sentences.

Example (adapted from Remy Charlip's Fortunately)

Fortunately, Ned was invited to a surprise party for his friend











Unfortunately, the Gregory lived over a thousand miles away.

Fortunately, an acquaintance loaned Ned a small prop engine airplane.

Unfortunately, the motor blew up with the power and intensity of a thousand burning suns.

Fortunately, there was a parachute on board.

Unfortunately, there was a sizeable hole in the parachute…

Pack a PUNCH! Write 10 short stories… wait for it…! Each story should only be two fabulously magnificent detailed and descriptive sentences! Examples:

Snap, whizz, catch! Soaring into the end zone, our hard-fought season ended abruptly.

After so many years living alone in this large house I came to a startling revelation. In this time I had closed far more doors than I had opened.

I woke up to hear knocking on glass. At first, I thought it was the window until I heard it come from the mirror again.

Letter to my Future Self!

In the spirit of the new year, imagine it is 2021. You are staring down at grey and blue polyester. The fir of the silky tassels brushes your fingertips. Nothing but noise all around you- celebrations, high fives, name calling, flashing of pictures…it’s graduation day. You reach in to your pocket and pull out a wrinkled, faded, soft from the touch envelope and unseal it. A letter… Write a letter to yourself dated June

2021. What would you say? What do you hope to accomplish? What advice would you give? What resolutions did you make? Did you triumph? Fail? Go off in a different direction?

3 Word Mash Up

Find an image, any image, preferably an image you take or edit yourself. For this entry, paste the image in your notebook and you must

TELL THE STORY OF THE IMAGE in only 3 words!

Be sure the cite/give credit to any images that are not your own, otherwise you will be given an incomplete for plagiarism.





What's in a Name?

Interview your parents or guardian and find out how they decided on your name! What does it mean? What is the significance? Are you













named after anyone? Were you going to be named something else?

What would your name have been if you were a boy/girl? Next, consider your own perspective on your name. what do you like about your name? How does it "fit" you? What is the meaning behind your name (look it up)? How did you name originate? Are there any other famous people with your name? Who? Are you anything like them?

Why or why not? End with why you like or why you don't like your name.

You're walking through a park and pass a statue. The statue appears to be watching you! Shrugging this off, you continue on... until the statue actually talks!! What does the statue say? Describe the moment by telling a short story about the conversation that the statue strikes up with you.

Love Story. Tell the sappiest, most romantic, sweetest, corniest love story you can think of! Go overboard! Exaggerate! Inflate the details!

Write a detective story about a librarian who finds a mysterious package at her front door... really focus on tone, mood, and details!

Find a news source online or paper version. Scroll through the headlines and choose a story that interests you- read it! After you read the story, write a short opinion piece or letter to the editor about the story. Be sure to include the title, author, and news source of your article WITH your writer's notebook!

Pressing Buttons. Pressing buttons is fun and sometimes irresistible!

Pressing buttons in elevators... hotel rooms... elevators... but this time when you press the button, something strange happens.... Write a short story for this one!

Penny. Tell the story of a penny, from the time it was minted until the time you found it/it was given to you as change. Really imagine you are the penny- the story should be told from the penny's perspective.

Photo Challenge. Find a photo.... any photo.... YES! Find the photo

FIRST! Tape the photo in your writer's notebook. Tell the story of the photo, the story behind the photo, or the story inspired by the photo!

Write an AD to try and sell something in your house! Be sure to describe the product and make it appealing! It can be your bike, clothes, little brother/sister, etc. :) Want some added pizzazz? Make the advertisement!

"Heart Map"

Draw a BIG heart on your paper- it should take up the ENTIRE page!

Fill your heart with things you love: words, phrases, quotes, cut outs, pictures, etc...

The Alphabetical Debacle!

Write a 26 sentence short story.... (I think you know what's coming next!) EACH SENTENCE of your story MUST START with a letter of the alphabet IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER! SO... sentence 1 starts with a word that starts with A! Sentence 2 starts with a word that starts with B! Etc....

Future Collage! The word is COLLAGE not college .



















Make a collage of images, quotes, facts, statistics, pictures, items, etc that represent your future aspirations. The only requirement is to FILL the page!

Student Advocate! You have just been elected as the UMS student advocate for fundamental student rights! Your job for the upcoming school year is to change ONE THING about the school year/day and present your argument to the Board of Education. Think carefully: what is a productive claim that would alter your student experience and why? How? Craft your argument as a powerful, persuasive, moving speech.

Sensory Overload.

Sit somewhere outside. Write down where you are, what time of day it is, and the length of time you spent in that spot. Divide your paper into 4 sections and write these headers: see, smell, hear, touch.

For each section, try to eliminate ALL SENSES except that one... for example, close your eyes. Listen carefully. Write down everything you hear. Move on to touch. Close your eyes, feel the ground around you.

Focus on descriptive details and elements. BONUS : take a picture, include it with your entry! TIP: truck is not something you hear or feel.

WHAT SOUNDS come from a truck?


Your long-lost twin has suddenly appeared at the end of the year, apparently completing 7th grade at Urbana Middle School in a parallel universe! Your twin is your "doppelganger," meaning he/she looks just like you but embodies the opposite characteristics as you.

Think Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. RETELL the story of your 7th grade year (or focus on a brief moment in history) from the perspective of your doppelganger!

You are one of the last humans alive during a devastating apocalypse, describe your environment, your colleagues, and how the world is ending.

(**This WN was created by Hannah B!)

You wake up and suddenly you are FAMOUS! You look outside to see swarms and swarms of paparazzi waiting for you to emerge… what are you famous for? What’s it like to be you? Tell your story!

(**This WN was created by Jake C!)

Million Dollar Dream!

You just won a million dollars!! How did you win the money? What would you do? Where would you go? How would you spend your money? Will you spend it all on yourself or share some for others?

Explain with detail how you would spend your one million dollars.

(**This WN was created by Mara B!)

Writer’s Notebook Reflection:

Write a final reflection on your experience this year. What was your favorite entry? Why? What did you struggle with? How did you work through these struggles? How could you improve? If you could do one over, what would it be? Why? How will you continue your journey next year? Finally, complete this form for Mrs. Long (click here).








*The different between the form and your reflection is that your reflection is about YOUR WRITING, the form is about THE



(A) Take your writer's notebook with you to 8th grade. Carry it with you for part of the year/the whole year. Add to it when you feel inspired. At the end of the year, bring it back to Mrs. Long or another teacher/friend to share! (B) The SUPER PART, put your writer's notebook in an envelope (one of those big mailing envelopes). Write your name and address on it and put a stamp on it. SEAL your writer's notebook and give the envelope to Mrs. Long or your mom/dad. Ask them to hold it for you until 2021, the year you graduate from high school, and then mail it back to you!
