11 Honors Course Syllabus

11 Grade Honors English
Teacher: Sharon Hetrick
11th Grade English revolves around the
idea of language. The purpose of this
course is to equip students with the
knowledge and skills to listen carefully,
to evaluate arguments, to discern tone,
and to analyze and implement rhetorical
strategies in writing.
 All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria
 1984 by George Orwell
 Macbeth by William Shakespeare
 Touchstone Texts / Readings from the course text
40 Model Essays (Jane E. Aaron, ed.)
 Supplementary non-fiction novel
Written and Oral Communication
 Two core assessments: college essay and public
service campaign project
 Writer’s notebook assignments
 Formal and informal essays, narrative pieces,
editorials, etc.
 Small and large group discussions, literature
discussions, dramatic reading, informal debates
 Respect for yourself, teacher, and peers / academic
Report Card Period Grades:
 Participation in all classroom activities
15% Minor Assignments Practice work to understand concepts
including homework and classwork activities
 Writer’s notebook – composition book to be kept in
the classroom
85% Major Assignments Work that “shows what you know”
including tests and quizzes, writing & projects
 Use of teacher website when required
 When students miss a class or an assignment, they
are expected to visit my website calendar and/or
“handouts” list, print out necessary materials, and
then email me or talk to me with any questions
Supplies Needed:
 Spiral notebook that is ONLY used for the writer’s
 Post it notes
 Writer’s notebook
Final English Grade
70% marking period grades
20% two core assessment grades
10% final exam
Academic Integrity: It is the expectation that every
student does his/her own work. All work must accurately
acknowledge and cite sources directly quoted and/or
paraphrased. Failure to comply will result in consequences
outlined in the Central Bucks West Academic Integrity
I have read and shown my parent(s) this syllabus, acquired the necessary materials for class, and familiarized myself with
Mrs. Hetrick’s website.
11 Grade Honors English