This term's Curriculum Information for Year 1

In order to keep you informed about what your child is learning this term, we have put together this
sheet showing what will be covered. If you have any queries your child’s teacher will be happy to talk
to you. There will be individual parent/teacher consultations later this term.
This term our topic will be ‘A Toy Story.’ Where possible, subjects will incorporate this topic.
Religious Education: Creation, Prayers, Saints and Feasts, Advent
How you can help: Help your child to understand that God created our world, talk about nature, go on
long walks and appreciate our beautiful world. Say prayers in the home, practising the Hail Mary and
Our Father. Look forward to Christmas with your child by preparing, making arrangements and
talking about forgiveness.
Read and write numerals from 1-20
Use knowledge of place value to position numbers from 0-20 on a number line.
Use the vocabulary related to addition and subtraction correctly, e.g. add, more, plus, less,
take away, difference.
 Record addition and subtraction number sentences
 Count on and back in ones, twos, fives and tens.
 Recall all pairs of numbers with a total of ten (number bonds).
 Use everyday language to describe position of objects or direction when moving, e.g. next to,
in front of, underneath, on top of.
 Estimate the length or weight of objects and compare using non-standard units, e.g. How
many block weigh the same as a toy car?
 Sort objects using different ways of grouping and record using tables and/or pictures.
 Read information using pictograms.
 Talk about ways of solving problems involving counting, e.g. I had 5 sweets and I ate two of
them. How many do I have left?
How you can help:
Play Secret Numbers
 Write the numbers 0-20 on a sheet of paper
 Ask your child to secretly choose one of the numbers
 Ask him/her some questions to discover what the secret number is. For e.g.
1. Is it less than 10?
2. Is it between 10 and 20?
3. Is it an odd number?
4. Does it have a 5 in it?
 He/she may only answer yes or no
 Once you have guessed the number, it is your turn to choose a number and encourage your
child to ask similar questions.
 For an easier game, use numbers to 10.
 For a harder game use only 5 questions or larger numbers.
Recognise and use phonic sounds to sound out and build words.
Learn to decode new words from the context of the sentence.
Increase words known by heart and begin to read more complex books with fluency.
Re-tell a story using the main elements in the correct order; talk about the books they read.
Develop good pencil control and posture. Begin to use cursive handwriting to form each letter
of the alphabet correctly and reliably.
 Begin to write and understand simple sentences using full stops and capital letters.
 Use adjectives (wow words).
How you can help:
Reinforce letter sounds and blends at home during reading sessions. Try to read as often as possible
and encourage use of contextual clues and learning of sight words. Discuss your child’s reading book
with them. Continue to read to your child, perhaps using more complex stories.
1. Materials: Discovering that a material is a substance from which something is made.
Materials have different properties so look, feel and behave in different ways.
2. Animal classification: Learning that animals can be groups and sorted according to
observable features and to learn how to explain how and why they have grouped them.
How you can help:
Identify and distinguish between materials in everyday life when talking with your child. Ask them if
they can describe their properties.
Visit a zoo or a safari park and talk about animal classification.
Useful websites:
History: Old Toys
We will be looking at old toys and comparing them to modern toys. We will discover the history of
toys using old photographs to find out how children in Victorian times played. We will learn about the
history of the teddy bear and compare old bears to modern day teddy bears.
How you can help:
Share memories of toys you enjoyed playing with as a child. Share old photographs and invite
grandparents and other family members to do the same. Encourage your child to share this
information with the class.
Geography: Continents and Oceans (Toys around the World)
Children will be learning about the 7 continents and 5 oceans through their learning of toys from
around the world. We will also be looking at the capital cities in the United Kingdom.
How you can help:
Look at maps and globes and discuss how the continents differ. We are proud of our multi-cultural
cohort in Y1; encourage your child to discuss their heritage and that of their family members and
share their experiences and knowledge of other countries with the class.
Design Technology: Designing and making our own toys.
We will learn how spring toys work, how toys with wheels move and we will make our own moving
How you can help:
Talk about the way toys work. Introduce new language such as hinges, axles and batteries. When your
child is playing at home, talk about how that toy is working/moving.
Art: Sculptures (Collage, texture, 3D) and Painting (Colour and Pattern)
Children will be able to look at creative works using the language of art, craft and design. They will
learn about Pop Artists of the 1960’s and understand the history of their development.
How you can help:
Help your child look up the Pop Art movement on the internet and see if they can find out about Andy
Personal, Social and Health Education:
New Beginnings: Discuss feeling safe within the class, knowing how I am similar and different to my
friends. Knowing how to calm myself and solve a problem.
Getting on and falling out: To know that all my relationships are different and that different types of
behaviour are appropriate to different types of relationship.
How you can help:
Talk to your child about different relationships. Encourage honesty and resilience.
Computing: Programmable toys and data handling.
Children will be learning about toys which use computers to make them work. They will follow
instructions to enable them to complete a simple program on a moveable toy called a bee-bot.
Children will also gather information on toys, sort them into different categories and record their
findings in charts and pictograms.
How you can help:
Investigate toys in your home to see if any of them use computers to make them work. Sort toys into
different groups.
PE: Gymnastics – travelling around the room. Dance – choreographing routines to
music. Outdoor Games – throwing and catching.
In gymnastics we will be looking at different ways we can move around the space and which part of
our bodies we can use to move. During our dance sessions we will listen to toy themed music and
create our own routines in time with the beat. Y1 children are taught outdoor games by a specialist
sports teacher and this term will be learning the different ways to pass a ball and the correct way to
catch. They will also be involved in team games.
How you can help:
Make exercise part of your daily routine, making it as much fun as possible. Encourage your child to
be active in whatever ways they enjoy. Play ball games with your child.
Music: Taking off – Exploring Pitch
Music is taught by a specialist music teacher (Mrs. Pollard) on a Monday afternoon. We will be
learning to recognise the changes in pitch in different pieces of music.
How you can help:
Listen to music with your child and discuss changes in pitch.
French – An Introduction
All Y1 children will have a weekly French lesson with Mrs Bardelo. The lessons will provide an
introduction to the language using greetings and basic vocabulary. The children will learn how to
introduce themselves and greet others as well as the names of everyday items.
Thank you for taking the time to read this breakdown of some of our curriculum aims. If you have any
questions, please don’t hesitate to talk to your class teacher.
From Mrs. Hayman, Mrs. Cook and the Y1 Team.