Synthesis Research Report - EDTC670EPORTIFOLIO

Instructor: Dr. T.E.Blesh
Our group selected China for our country case study project. The main focus in
this project is to analyze and synthesize the relationship of major issues/policies
towards the use of technology integration in elementary and secondary schools
from China and United States of America. I will evaluate and synthesize two
scholarly research articles. The first scholarly research looks at (i) the use of wikibased collaborative procedure as a writing pedagogy to facilitate the Chinese
students’ collaborative writing. (ii) The other scholarly research involves:
comparing U.S teachers to Chinese teachers about their knowledge and
confidence in technology integration in the teaching of Elementary
Mathematics. (Li et al., 26-May-2012)
The use of wiki-based collaborative procedure as a writing pedagogy to
facilitate the Chinese students’ collaborative writing.
The use of web 2.0 tools has so many benefits to the users as they interact and
collaborate on a social media dialogue platform in a virtual community. Web
2.0 tools include wikis, blogs, video sharing sites (Skype), chat rooms, web
applications and Wimba conference etc. Witts (2011) gives the benefits of wiki
and these include viewing each other’s ideas, making contributions and
collaborating with other students in the global community. Not many
researchers investigated in Chinese writing because it is the most difficult
language to learn. According to (Cui, 2007; Xia, 2009) Chinese writing is difficult
because of the mechanical symbols and signs which show no or little sense to
the writer’s way of thinking and feeling. Because of that reason, this research
was conducted to address the issue.
The research study on wiki-based collaborative procedure as a writing
pedagogy (WCPWP) was conducted to correct the writing problem. Most
schools in China are still practicing the traditional way of way of guided writing.
The teacher will be in control, giving students models and examples to follow
from textbooks. In United States, educators have researched on collaborative
wiki systems such as;;; to support English
writing.(Works, 2010; Wet paint, 2010; Wikia, 2010; Wiki spaces, 2010) The wiki
projects such as the National Writing Project (NWP) included two hundred
universities across United States to improve the learning and writing of English,
supports Li, et al. (2012)
The research scientists used the social constructivist theory by Vygotsy (1978) to
conduct (WCPWP) in China. With the social constructivist theory, learners need
support and guidance but no will or force is dictated. A conducive climate
prevails through discussions, research collaborations, web resources, information
resources and group collaboration on problem analysis. The participants were
made up of 59 students whose average is ten years from the city of Shenzhen,
China. The research was conducted on 27th of June, 2010. The participants
were put into three groups A, B, and C as shown on Figure 1. Below:
Figure 1. Conceptual model of Wiki- based collaborative procedure as a
writing Pedagogy:
Li, et al. (2012:162) Using a Wiki-based Collaborative Process Writing
Pedagogy TO facilitate collaborative Chinese writing among Primary school
students. Australasian Journal of Education Technology, 28 (1), 159-181.
The three groups worked in the well-equipped school computer lab and the
technology was distributed as follows:
a) Fifty-six brand new computers were in use, well equipped with the digital
subscriber line (ADSL) with internet access.
b) Fifty-six computers share the subscriber line data rates with 4Mb/s
downstream up to 512kb/s upstream. (Li et al., 26-May-2012)
A Chinese language teacher was provided with basic computer skills but never
used a wiki. The school principal and the teacher had signed informed consent
forms as well as the students’ parents. The Human Research Ethics Committee of
the University of Hong Kong approved the research study. (Li, et al, 2012) The
study had some implications that Chinese students were able to use wiki
effectively in a collaborative Chinese writing context regardless how
mechanical the Chinese writing is. The research study was able to give
educators an understanding knowledge of the relationships between
technology, pedagogy and education. (Wikis, Google Docs.)
Comparisons of U.S teachers to Chinese teachers about their knowledge and
confidence in technology integration in the teaching of Elementary
There are so many benefits of using technology in the classroom. By so doing it is
the teacher’s responsibility to prepare lessons and activities facilitating the use of
technology. According to the International Society for Technology in Education
(ISTE, 2012) teachers’ decisions in using technology are often influenced by their
knowledge and confidence. The integration of technology to be successful,
teachers should be well knowledgeable with technology skills such as searching
information on the internet and using technology tools like the Power Point,
creating blogging accounts, making flip charts and use the tools effectively in
their teaching. The teachers’ knowledge and experiences were compared in
the teaching of Mathematics and it is lacking behind when it comes to using
technology in the mathematics’ lessons. The policy makers, parents, educators,
stake holders, researchers etc. were to be aware of the technology use
problems in schools and suggest ways to educate or run staff development
programs for the Chinese teachers. Some of the research questions of the study
were: What are the differences in teachers’ confidence in integrating
technology in Mathematics teaching? How their confidence impacted their
knowledge and teaching experience in using technology?
In this research Zhonghe (2009) explored the levels of technology integration in
Mathematics for elementary teachers in the United States and China and
answered the research questions, finding out that Chinese teachers had a
higher level of confidence and were quite aware of the importance of
technology and its role in math instruction. However, USA teachers need more
help to fully integrate technology in the curriculum especially in math. The
research revealed that students lack behind in Mathematical concepts than
other subjects. Therefore, educators are to use a wide variety of strategies in the
teaching and making use of technology. American teachers are advised to
step up and use critical thinking skills when solving mathematical problems.
Students’ need the constructivism approach in their curriculum because they
will learn better with the hands-on activities and relate the information learned
in the classroom to their lives with technology in full swing. If all teachers in the
U.S. begin to re-examine their instructional approach maybe we can begin to
play catch up with competitive countries such as China. In a constructivist
classroom, students collaborate and learn social skills, support each other’s
learning process, valuing each other’s opinions and inputs.
Both countries use tracking systems and high stakes tests for assessments but
their use and goals are different. China for example, administers tests at the end
of every year to find out the students who qualify to move to next school level. If
they fail, they are given another chance until they get them right. As a result
rewriting the tests several times, some students end up dropping out of the
school system. In U.S. students are grouped according to their abilities and
talents such as average, below average, highly talented etc. In U.S. policies and
regulations are different from one state to another.
Analysis and Evaluation on the policies towards Technology Integration between
China and U.S. Systems:
To synthesize the two scholarly articles, computer users are expected to use
technology in a responsible manner, ethical and polite manner. Access to
computers is done through school districts which entail access to educational
information in schools all over the world including USA and China. The Chinese
educational systems are highly centralized and their school policies are
connected to Ministry of Education. The ministry is in control of the policies which
are linked to the curriculum, the central examination system and teaching
methods for the teachers. (Zhang, 2012) This sounds rigid and teachers are not
flexible to make adjustments to accommodate different abilities of the students.
Parents and guardians have rights to give permission or not to their children to
access the internet at school. China Spring Independent school district for
example allows users to have access to electronic educational global
resources. The Accepted Use Policies for both countries are the same and these
guidelines are available on the District web. Training is provided in schools
emphasizing appropriate behaviors on social networking sites like chat rooms
and cyber bullying awareness. Both countries China and USA have filtering
mechanisms in place to maintain appropriate technology sites. Materials
considered harmful to minors such as obscene language, pornography, sexual
acts, violation of violence, discrimination, drug use, bomb making is filtered or
removed. There are some consequences for those users who break the rules
such as suspension of access to the internet, removal of the computer network
account or other disciplinary actions with the student code of conduct and
such punishments are for both countries.
The technology coordinator for the network is responsible for policies and
accepted user guidelines for the network. They have to supervise, train,
emphasize, monitor, examine network activities, and establish schedules for
students and all users in the educational institutions. In support, Lafayette School
District (2012-2013) says, the users are to inform the District’s system of
Administration in writing providing passwords, keys, security codes, encryption
keys or any security information to permit the District’s access to secured areas.
The school principal is in charge of any technology use in chat room, bulletin
board, wiki, or any online communication. Chinese parental involvement is
much higher than in U.S. because Chinese parents accept the roles of helping
their children to improve in school work. According to Li et al., (26-May-2012)
parents in the U.S. play a passive role in the education of their children and urge
them to be fully involved in the education of their children by being there for
them and supporting them. (Wikipedia, 2006)
Technology integration in Chinese schools is still growing and transforming the
education systems. According to Custer (January19, 2013) Chinese schools have
better integrated technology and Chinese students use technology more often
than their American counterparts. From the interview responses we got, the
participants were not able to provide concrete answers. I feel more has to be
done to integrate technology in the classroom situations. The ministry of
Education in China should be more flexible in their policies towards the use of
technology in schools. Also, American Education systems have a lot to learn
from the Global Economy. The 2009 Program for International Student
Assessment (PISA) results were released revealing America lacking behind from
countries like China, Korea, European countries, Japan etc. According to my
scholarly articles report, U. S should move away from pure “bookish” knowledge
and to improve relevance and interest in the content of a curriculum and
repetitive and mechanistic rote-learning towards increased student
participation, real-life experience, capacity in communications and teamwork,
and ability to acquire new knowledge and to analyze and solve problems.
(OECD, 2010) American schools should de-emphasize the screening and
selective functions of assessments and instead try emphasizing their formative
and constructive functions.
One of the things that U.S. policymakers can incorporate in their educational
system is positive aspects such as believing in their children’s ability to do well. By
so doing, the students will believe in themselves therefore work hard to succeed
more. Educators, policy makers, teachers and school administrators should
compare schools in U.S. to the schools in other countries like China, India, United
Kingdom, Japan etc. and try to measure up. The case study analyzed two
different scholarly research papers concerning the use of technology in Chinese
and U.S. primary and secondary schools. The two scholarly research papers:
WCPWP and Comparison study of teachers’ knowledge and confidence in
integrating technology were analyzed and synthesized in the education systems
for both U.S. and China.
Cui, L. (2007). On the Chinese language textbook compiling for elementary
schools in China. Nanjing: Jiangsu Education Publishing House.
Custer, C. (January19, 2013) Are Chinese Schools Beating the US in Technology
Integration? Tech. in Asia 35B Mosque Street: Singapore 059513.
Lafayette School District, (2012-2013) Internet Publishing & Acceptable Use
Policy for Students. 3477 School Street, Lafayette: California. Powered by school
Li, X., Chu, S., Ki, W., & Woo, M. (2012). Using a Wiki-Based Collaborative Process
Writing Pedagogy to Facilitate Collaborative Writing among Chinese Primary
School Students. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 28(1), 159-181.
OECD (2010), PISA 2009 Volume I, What Students Know and Can Do: Student
Performance in Reading, Mathematics and Science, OECD Publishing.
sid=4367e8b8-0c48-447c-89c1 3e2d723162d8%40sessionmgr114&hid=110
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological
processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Wikipedia (2006). Education in the United States. Retrieved: December 10, 2006,
Wikipedia (2006). Education in the People's Republic of China. Retrieved
December 10, 2006, from:'s_Republic_of_China
Wikispaces (2010)
Witts, J. (2011). The educational value of Web 2.0 technologies in a social
constructivist and situative learning theory. [Viewed 30 Dec 2011, verified 24 Jan
Zhang J. (2007) A cultural look at information and communication technologies
in Eastern education. Educational Technology Research and Development 55,
Zhonghe, W. (2009). Comparison Study of Teachers' Knowledge and Confidence
in Integrating Technology into Teaching Mathematics in Elementary School in
the U.S. and China. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 2(1), 126-135.
Xia, B. (2009). Enlightment that constructivist learning theory gave to teaching
and learning of Chinese writing in middle school. Journal of Mudanjiang College
of Education, 1, 133-134.