example of research proposal

Background of the Study
Human being as one part of three alive-creatures besides animal and plant has
particular ability. It makes him so special, and dominates the others. They have given
thought and mind that they use in their community to socialize with others. Instead of
this, they are able to adapt, to survive and to analyze the universe phenomenon,
which make quality of their life better than before. They have whole ability because
God has granted them brain. Their curiosities are so great that they learn more and
more. Furthermore, something that makes them more special than the others that is
they know the way to express their feeling, thought, and emotion.
People mostly use language in their daily life to express their feeling, thought,
and emotion. There are many definitions of language found by scientists or linguist.
According to Paul (2005:1) states that a language is a complex form of
communication, and that people talk in other to share and request information.
English is an international language, is recently taught in all school started from play
group up to college. In Indonesia, English is a foreign language; it is not easy for
Indonesian people to master English very well. In English language the students
should be know four language skills, namely reading, speaking, listening and writing
also to use the language communicatively.
However, in the real situation reading is still the major concern of the teaching
learning process. By reading, the students knowledge will gradually increase, which
eventually may cause the crease of the other language skills such as listening,
speaking and writing (Fauzah, 1997). According by Streven (1997) (as cited by
Werdiani, 1997:2), who states that reading is regarded as askill of great importance to
the learners because (a) it provides him with success to great quantity of language,
and (b) it gives him a window on the normal means of continuing his personal
education. In reading activity, students are not only read a reading passage given but
also they should be able to comprehend what the passage is about. It can be said that
comprehending a reading passage is the goal of teaching reading.
In reading comprehension, there are some important components that should
be mastered by the students. Those components are (1) the ability to obtain general
and specific information from the written text, (2) the ability to obtain main ideas
stated in a text whether explicitly or implicitly, (3) the ability to guess the meaning of
words, phrases, or sentences based on the context, and (4) the ability to guaess the
meaning of the reference (Depdiknas, 2003)
In the reading class most students still have some difficulties in reading. They
tend to comprehend a reading text by finding the meaning of each word in it rather
than trying to comprehend the whole text based on the context. Students are also not
aware of the benefits they can get from reading and they tend to be passive reader.
Several researchers have offered various solutions in helping the students in
reading comprehension. Klingner and Vaughn (1996) proposed Collaborative
Strategic Reading (CSR) that is a system which improve reading comprehension and
increase conceptual learning. Other researched also offer Survey, Question, Read,
Recite and Review (SQ3R) as a solution in reading comprehension. SQ3R is an
effective technique for teaching in reading class. By this technique, students are
guided to achieve greater and faster memorization, improving overall absorption of
material and empowering them with strategies for quicker retention, recall and
manipulation of information. This strategy consist of five step process there are;
Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review.
Those techniques are very well cited and very popular. But the research about
those techniques is only in the form of action based research design. This
experimental study aims to compare those techniques especially in reading class in
other to know the difference of the student’s comprehension in reading using two
different reading techniques. Those two techniques are CSR and SQ3R.
Statement of Research Question
Dealing with the reading comprehension, it is necessary to identify the
problem. Based on the background of the study, the statement of research question
will be formed as follows:
 Is there any significant difference in the achievement of the eleventh
year students of SMA BUDI UTAMA Badung using CSR and SQ3R
techniques in reading comprehension in the academic year
Objective of the Study
The ability of eleventh grade student of SMA BUDI UTAMA Badung based
on the problems stated above, the objective of this study to find whether there any
significant difference in the achievement of the eleventh year students of SMA BUDI
UTAMA Badung using CSR and SQ3R techniques in reading comprehension in the
academic year 2012/2013
Limitation of the Study
Reading is a subject in study English. It is an active skill based process in
other to construct or to gain the information, knowledge, or news from it is sources.
This study limited in finding the difference of students’ comprehension in reading
using two different techniques in eleventh year students of SMA BUDI UTAMA
Badung in academic year 2012/2013.
Based on background of the study, it is essential to make some assumption.
There are three important points such as:
1. The eleventh grade students of SMA BUDI UTAMA Badung are assumed
to have similar prior learning experiences in Reading due to the lengths of
the study.
2. The eleventh grade students of SMA BUDI UTAMA Badung are assumed
to have different ability in reading based on teaching strategies, but all of
them receive the same material by the same material by the same teacher.
3. The English teachers of eleventh grade student of SMA BUDI UTAMA
Badung are assumed to have the best strategy to teach reading in the class
Significance of the Study
One of the important considerations which should always be taken into
account is the significance of its expected findings.
To the teacher
This study is expected to be able to enrich the teachers’ knowledge in
developing students’ reading comprehension and it will become a
constructive input and positive contribution to English teachers as the
information guides to view their students
2. To the students
It gives students a guidance or new strategy to improve their
comprehension of a text.
Hypothesis is an idea that is suggested as a possible explanation of facts.
Hypothesis also refers to the temporal answer of the problem of the research and must
be proved via the collected data, in some ways the truth of the hypothesis can be
proved, but in some others ways it cannot. A useful hypothesis is a testable statement
which may include a prediction. Hypothesis is often considered as the base
assumption in constructing a scientific writing. In this case the hypothesis that made
before the study done can be right or wrong based on result of research analysis. In
relation discussed in this study, some hypothesis can be drawn such as the following
the eleventh grade students of SMA BUDI UTAMA Badung can be using both of the
strategies SQ3R and CSR technique are effective for teaching reading
comprehension. But using SQ3R technique is better than using CSR technique.
Definition of Key Terms
There are some key terms that are used in this study. They can be defined as
1. Collaborative Strategy Reading
The goals of CSR are improve reading comprehension and increase
conceptual learning in ways that maximize students’ involvement. Developed
to enhance reading comprehension skills for student with learning disabilities
and students at risk for reading difficulties, CSR has also yielded positive
outcomes for average and high average achieving students (Klingner and
Vaughn; 1996). Initially, the teacher presents the strategies to the whole class
using modeling, role playing, and teacher thing aloud.
2. Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review (SQ3R)
According Valeric De France, SQ3R is an effective way of teaching in
reading class. With this technique students are guided to achieve greater and
faster memorization, improving overall absorption of material and
empowering them with strategies for quicker retention, recall and
manipulation of information (Dewi; 2003). Those techniques consist of five
steps there are: Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review.
3. Reading Comprehension
According by Alexander (1988, in Arimbawa 1995) comprehension is an
active process which involves the child’s integration of prior knowledge with
information in the text in order to comprehend that text. Based on the
definition, reading comprehension is defined as the ability of the students to
comprehend some English texts, which is marked as the ability to answer a
number of questions in the text.
Theoretical Frameworks
A scientific writing should have some review of related literature. The
literature is used to compare and show that the theories quoted in this study are
supported by scientists or linguists. There are some theories that mainly used I this
study. Here below are the theories that is classified to be the guideline of the study or
known as the theoretical frameworks:
1. Definition of reading
2. Types of reading
3. Reading Comprehension
4. Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR)
5. Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review (SQ3R)
6. The Advantages of CSR Strategy
7. The Advantages of SQ3R Strategy
Research Methodology
1.10.1 Research Design
In a research using method is very important because it will be able to help a
researcher to get data easily. There are some methods that can be used to do research.
In this case, the approved present study is an experimental study of using SQ3R and
CSR technique in reading comprehension of the eleventh grade students of SMA
BUDI UTAMA Badung in academic year 2012/2013. This research uses ex post
facto research design. Donald (2009:332) mentions that the designation ex post facto,
from Latin for ‘after the fact,’ indicates that ex post facto research is conducted after
the variation in the variable of interest has already been determined in the natural
courses of events. The statement shows the ex post facto research design guides the
researcher to analyze the dependent variable in the study that is caused by the
independent variable. The dependent variable is known as the result of the
independent variable in ex post facto research design. As stated by Donald
(2009:332), this method is called casual comparative because its purpose is to
investigate cause and effect relationships between independent and dependent
The researcher used ex post facto research design in order to measure of
students’ ability by using different teaching technique. The variable of the study were
an experimental study of using SQ3R and CSR technique in reading comprehension
of the eleventh grade students of SMA BUDI UTAMA Badung in academic year
2012/2013. The result of ex post facto study can still provide and contribute some
1.10.2 Population and Sample
Population is all individuals becoming subject of research. Usually the
number of population in the area of research is great. It should be considered the
ability of population, because it will be influence whether the result of research is
good or not. In this experimental study the researcher need two samples, which were
treated as experimental groups. The population in this study is the students of second
grade of SMA Budi Utama Badung and then the students from two of those classes
were taken randomly.
In order to make a brief report of the research, the number of the population
should be decreased. The decrease number of population is then called sample. The
selection of the sample from the subject used random sampling method. Random
sampling method allows researcher to pick the sample randomly. The goal of the
random sampling method is to create an accurate sample, or group that is
representative of the population. The selection of random sampling method is due to
students who will be as populations under study are homogenous. Furthermore, all
individuals in the population get the some chance to be selected become the member
of sample. Meanwhile the sample of this research is 80 students divided for 2 classes
equals 40 students for each class.
1.10.3 Research Instrument
The research instruments are tools, which will be used by the researcher to
collected data required. The research instrument, which is used for present study will
be constructed by researcher himself because there are no ready made valid and
reliable tests which appropriately serve the objective of investigation. An educational
researcher must require into the validity and reliability of the instruments used in a
study and must include this information in the research report. If the researchers’ data
is not obtained with valid and reliable instruments, one would have little faith in the
result obtained or in the conclusions based on result. Validity and reliability is
important in educational research because most of the measurements attempted in this
area are obtained directly.
Before they will be used to collect the require data, they will be try out first to
establish their validity and reliability as well as their item analysis. This is on account
of the fact only valid reliable research instrument can be used to collect valid and
reliable data. The establishment and the discussion concerning the degrees of the
validity and reliability of the research instrument are briefly discussed below. Validity
The research instrument must be valid and reliable. Thomas (2010: 193) states
that validity of measurements indicates the degree to which the score from the test or
instrument measures what it is supposed to measure. Reliability
Reliability is an essential characteristic of any good test it is to be valid at all,
a test must be reliable as measurement (Heaton, 1975). Reliability is the degrees to
which a test consistently measures what ever it measures. The obtained data will be
measured by using Kuder and Richardson formula. This formula is simple to use,
because it can avoid troublesome correlations and it involves only the test mean and
standard deviation, in terms of the number of items in the test. The formula can be
seen as follows:
K-R 21 = k
x (k - x)
In which:
S2 t
S2 t
= number of test item
= the mean score (M)
= the variance for the set of the students total score
1.10.4 Data Collection
The experimental groups are assigning to read reading text each of which is
process by doing the steps of each reading technique. One experimental group is
assigning to read a reading text based on CSR reading technique while the other one
use SQ3R reading technique. The impacts of the treatments then identify by doing
post test. The purpose of the test is to determine whether the experiment difference
across the groups is statistically significant. Two classes are taken from the whole
classes of second year students of SMA Budi Utama Badung through randomization
based on the reading technique that is use in study (SQ3R and CSR). After that both
of readings techniques are apply to the two experimental groups. Comprehension test
has purpose to identify the difference in achievements between the two groups of
students after applying the reading techniques.
1.10.5 Data Analysis
In other to find out the answer of the problems in this study, then the obtained
data will be analyzed and it will be descriptively analyzed. After getting the scores
from the post test given to both experimental groups, they were analyzed by using
descriptive analyze. The types of the data in this study were interval data, which were
represented by scores of the samples. Differentiate between the various levels of
categories on any part of the scale reflect equal differences in the characteristics
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