SQ3R Study Method for Healthcare Textbooks

SQ3R Method for Reading Textbooks in the
Healthcare Disciplines & Strategies for Thorough Study
Here is a lean and wiry system containing all the essential
techniques for mastering textbook assignments. This is
definitely a ticket to academic success.
Step 1:
- Look over material critically. Skim through the
chapters and notice all the headings and subheadings. Read the
introduction and then the summary/conclusion at the end of a chapter or
article. Try to anticipate what the author is going to say. Set up the framework of the
chapter in your mind or on paper - this will enable your mind to see where you are going
and help you organize the ideas as you read them later.
Step 2:
Turn each heading into a question. This will give you a
specific PURPOSE for reading the material and thereby increase comprehension. As
an example, in your history book when reading a paragraph heading such as "The
Judicial Branch," change it to read, "What is the Judicial Branch and What does it
do?" These questions will become "hooks" on which to hang the reading material.
WRITE these questions out; look over the questions to see the emphasis and direction;
then attempt to give possible answers before further reading.
Step 3: READ
Read with smoothness and alertness to SEEK ANSWERS to the
questions. This is not a passive plodding along each line, but an active search for
the answers. Monitor your comprehension; when you don’t understand something
seek help.
At this point you may want to WRITE NOTES in the margins, underline details, or
highlight key ideas or information.
Step 4:
Step 5:
Look away from the material and try to recite out loud (or
write), in your own words, ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS formulated in Step 2.
If you can do this, you know and understand the material in your textbook; if you
cannot do this, you should reread the sections that are unclear.
Look at your questions, answers and notes to see how well you
did with your recall. Observe carefully the points stated incorrectly or omitted. Fix
carefully in your mind the logical sequence of the entire idea, concepts, or problems.
Try to identify overall themes and relationships between concepts. Finish your study
session with a MENTAL picture of the WHOLE.